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Bad sinus pressure after Septoplasty & turbinate reduction

  I just had a Septoplasty & turbinate reduction surgery on 02/11/08, I’m still in some pain and sleeping has been hell, except for last night I did get some sleep. I got my stints pulled out yesterday and I am able to breath good thru one nostril in & out but the other one I can only breath in not out. My doctor said I could blow my nose just not hard. So their is the problem I cant clear out my left nostril except for sniffing and I am getting a lot of sinus pressure (is that normal and will it go away) which makes sleeping very hard.  I can handle a stuffy nose as long as there is no sinus pressure and I don’t want to take pseudo ephedrine at night cause it will keep me up. Any suggestions on my situation would be appreciated. My doctor is not in on the weekend that is why I didn’t ask him. Thanks
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I just had my sinoplasty and turbinate reduction done three weeks ago.  How long did your blurry eyesight last?  Between that and the pressure behind my eyes, I'm doing fine, but it is rather annoying.  Not sure if I should be concerned about it.  Thanks for any insight!
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I just had my sinoplasty and turbinate reduction done three weeks ago.  How long did your blurry eyesight last?  Between that and the pressure behind my eyes, I'm doing fine, but it is rather annoying.  Not sure if I should be concerned about it.  Thanks for any insight!
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thank you for your comments, I am also having a septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction.  it's nice seeing a success story, i'm getting more and more nervous since my surgery is getting closer.  i am having lots of nasal drainage and cannot breathe out of one nostril.  it's impacting my right ear as well, feeling full at times and having some tinnitus.  my ENT says the surgery will relieve the narrowing on my right nostril.  
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I was wondering what became of your issues? I am currently a month and a half post op and very miserable. constant swelling and I am on my 4th round of antibiotics. Anytime i get off of them (and prednisone) I get cold like symptoms. I now am 99% sure I have a sinus infection which is pretty miserable considering I am not fully recovered from surgery and things are very sensitive. I do not have a draining problem but do need to blow my nose often, sneezing all the time, and the pressure is insane in my head. I have had to sleep sitting up since surgery. I am concerned this surgery may have led to more problems
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I just had a seplasty/turbinate reduction done exactly 6 days ago, along with an open reduction nasal fracture. Easiest surgery recovery I have ever had. The sinus pressure is a little bad, and the sore throat in the mornings kind of blows. But I do a saline rinse, spritz some saline in my nose, then I take a q-tip in hydrogen peroxide, clean the area close to the opening. Grab another q-tip in antibiotic ointment and swab the inside close to the opening. Then I drink a full glass of ice water and some warm breakfast tea, altenating. Within 20 min, my sore throat is gone, and my nose is clear, and the dryness has gone in my nose. While I am drinking the water and tea, I also ice my nose, it helps with any pain and eye swelling, I haven't had to take any pain meds since the second day. The ice helps even more now that I have had my splint removed.
The key is to keep it moist, which means not blowing hard, and doing multiple saline rinses throught out the day, I do 2-4 depending on how bad my congestion/bleeding is. My surgeon said I could do up to five. The antibiotic ointment I swab in about 4 times a day too, and OMG does it feel amazing. Dryness is gone instantly. If you are in an arid climate, you NEED a humidifer, try to sleep as close to the humidifier as possible. DO NOT TAKE MUCINEX as someone suggested. Mucinex works by drying up mucous, and expelling the extra water used in mucous production. That is why the instructions tell you to take it with atleast a full glass of water. This will only make your bleeding, irritation and crustiness worse. If the blood in your airway dries too fast and easily, it will create a hardened scab on the inside. This scab will get ripped when you blow, causing pain, bleeding, and longer healing time. You want the blood to clot and stop bleeding, so don't do like 7 rinses a day, but you just don't want the blood to dry up. DON'T let it dry out! Your turbinates are what makess the air you breathe in through your nose moist and warm. Right after a reduction or recession surgery they are not going to work the best... they are trying to heal, and are likely MUCH smaller. This means you have to be responsible and pick up the slack for them. Keep your airway moistened! Also, sleep sitting up. It will minimize the bleeding, the inflamtion, and the sinus pressure. Use afrin for a couple of days. Afrin works by constricting the blood vessels. This is great to minimize bleeding and mucous in an area that you are rinsing and moistening. (Think about it, if you get a cut on your leg, and never let it air out or dry, you never apply pressure to the wound, and keep rinsing it, it will keep bleeding). Well you can't let your nose "dry" and you cannot put anything in it to apply pressure. Thats where the afrin comes in. It slows the bleeding greatly. Just be sure NOT to use it for more than 3 days. It can cause "rebound congestion" if you do. Do not take any blood thinners or anti-imflammatories, like aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen.

Like I said, this is the easiest surgery I have ever had. It might because I take care of my airway, and I listened to and trusted my surgeon. But I would like to think it is just because I am a beast. but, I read every post-op treatment and procedure papers/pamphlets my doctor gave me. If he didn't give you any, then ask him for some info. If he has no info to offer...... Run.

Just do what he tells to, watch for signs of complications, and you will be fine!
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Hi Every one
Reading this is making me think twice if I have to go for surgery because of deviated nose and sinus issues, more that the sines the nasal dri is the worse and there is alwys yuccy stuff in my throat and the mucas is so thick and chunky in my throat and I feel that htere is something there, which can go fron the throat to the uer chest area and when the throat thing starts getting bad the back of myt  neck start to hurt too, It strated in Set 11, to date been to two ent, the first one was in ha hurry to get the oerateion done, I had a lum in front of the arch asked the ENT what is it he said due to the nose dri, but the lum was on R side befor e the arch, he said I have a deviated nose scan shouws olys or cysts, too, dids and endoscoy everything normal but said to go on zorton as it could be silet reflux guess what the zorton made me bur and then I wanted to bur and cant bur it was like colic may be it was a effect of the meds, so I stoed it, went to and fro to the doctors as I culd not breath at one time through my nose and was on clac, for 4 weeks, and another cule of antibiotics, but the roblem ws still there
Throat issuedid any of you have this roble with the sinus that you have I was ut on antifistamine for long eriods of times, anyway I had the mucas clear turned to chunks and back on antibiotics took the mucas issue out which left me with a dry cough , I think the coughing too must be irritating the throat and making meel like there is something stuck there, have asthma does not hel on accuhaler , ventolin, I strated to brew ginger and take with hot water  and honey to hel cut the mucas a bit that did hel a little bit broght a nasl flow when I had the breathing roblem felt the water coming out of the years as if I was a swimmer, so gave that u .  Doctor did a normal allergy test  my score was1666 normally shyuld be between zero to two hundren the 2nd ent saw this got me to d o anther few more allergy to break it down dander, ollen dust  grass, sure it will be these definitely as I sneeze ofr them this ENT said the lum in throat was my tonsil and not to worry as there is no ain, but sometimes I get a ricky feeling and worder if there is still a tonsil stone behind it,
ut me on prednisone , and demazine tablets, want to know if any of you had to take this rednasloan 25 mg 1 in the morning for 7 days then half for sebven days then half every alternate day for the next thirty days.
But I do get the tickly dry cough, on and off sneeze and dri, I havent stillstarted on this going to do it tomorrow any ideas or suggestion and have any of youll been on it for that long. lese let me know. I willhave to get the bone straghtend dont have sinus ain on and off dri but that tickly drives me nuts and the heavyness in the throat onand off,  hoe the meds will subsidies it.
I am really worried if I have to go for the oeration
lease kee me osted if you have taken these meds and for how long as it will hel me calm my nervs and have any of you have had such a high allergy testing, I am taking the carets off and utting floating floors hoing to sto it a little in the tracks
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I had repair for a deviated septum from a broken nose over a year ago. I have lost my sense of smell, still have crusting in my right nostril. I also feel like at times i cant get enough oxygen at night and wake up gasping for air. I still have pain and am always runny or stuffy. New problem is my right ear always feels like it is full of fluid. my ent doesnt seemed concerned, says the surgery was sucessful but i feel like i am worse off now. anyone else having these problems still?
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Sounds your doctor was a rotten apple. See another e n t.
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Actually my operation did affect my eyes, or more precisely, my vision...

I had constant blurred vision and dizziness and nausea till some 4-5 days after  the surgery... and although I called the hospital everyday for those 5 days, they kept telling me "don't worry, it's the anaesthesia symptoms.

I was later diagnosed with a stroke, that did not affect anything except my vision.

No loss of movement on limbs or muscle disfunction (somewhat typical of a stroke) but had loss my (left eye) peripheral vision as the result of the stroke.

And I have had the stroke (at the age of 40) while I was knocked out, having the surgery done at the hospital!
(No diabetes or blood clot or anything unusual that could have triggered the stroke!)

I regret now having had the surgery, as I didn't want it done in first place!

As a result, I cannot work (my usual job) or drive!
(or scuba diving, or cycle, or run or anything I used to do that was fun).

I just wanted you to know the possible side effects, although rare, but still...
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I just got my splints removd and my left nostril is completely blocked. I cannot breathe out of it at all and my right nostril is perfect and I can breathe easily. Will my left side eventually open up. I hope I didn't waste my time having this surgery.
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I had surgery this past Friday.  It's the second time I've had this surgery because the first time "didn't work."  I guess that's a medical term.  Apparently in the healing process, the septum rounded again blocking the same nostril that was already blocked (due to multiple nose breaks from a sport I probably should give up on...rugby).  Regardless, it's just as painful as the first time.  I DO NOT recommend this surgery to anyone that sees it as "optional." I.e. if life is pretty good, and sleep is pretty good, stick with the nose you have because it might not work the first time, and you REALLY don't want to do it again.

Regardless, I did it again because post the first fix, breathing was worse and I couldn't sleep.  It's been 4 days since the surgery and I still have a ton of pressure below and between my eyes, a splitting headache in the front (forehead area), and burning in my nose.  I can't "blow" my nose yet though I did do gentle outward breathing and a q-tip caught a lot of amazing carnage (think what a black bloody slug might look like crawling out your nose...it's actually a very rewarding find).  There's plenty of dissolvable sutures in my nostrils/septum....some of which have already come out with my twice daily hydrogen peroxide q-tip cleanse (BURNS) followed by a q-tip of bacetracin (slight relief from hperox).  I take antibiotics to fight infections (which I had the first go around- more pain than I can remember in my life, and I've been hospitalized for worse injuries) and he had me on Percocet but it upset my stomach and was throwing up (felt like I was on my deathbed after no sleep) this past Monday.  I went off the painkillers and am now trying to just take tylenol when really needed - I don't recommend this as I'm in daily pain/pressure but the painkillers were destroying my stomach/system so this is best for me.

I think I'm on the upswing though...have my follow up on Friday (one week from the surgery) when he'll take out the splints holding the septum in place.  My packing was removed as soon as I woke up (not all that unpleasant because you're still groggy and painfree but expect blood to pour out and wear a silly gauze moustache for a while.

I have my fingers crossed that this time worked - I definitely can't go through this a third time but I LOVE my doctor and trust him immensely.  I'm just one of those unlucky souls.

Best to all,
Almost 30
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11-02-11, Wednesday: had septoplasty and bi-lateral turbinate reduction.  Felt okay until the hospital meds/numbing wore off.  Used the pain killer prescribed (hydrocodone) which made me very tired yet did nothing to help with the pain.  Can't breathe and sleep is just not an option. It feels like I've been punched in the face.  My front teeth hurt.
11-03-11, Thursday: In pain and miserable at 2:00a.m.; can't wait for post-op appt. later this morning. Arrived at doctor's office an hour early and they were so nice - took me early!!  Pulled out the packing (so gross!) The stints are still in and stabbing me inside my nose.  Can't breathe but at least some of the pressure from the packing is relieved.  Severe congestion.  I'm using the saline spray to keep nose clean.  I hate trying to sleep - so horrible to wake up with a dry sticky mouth. I'm brushing my teeth several times during the night.  
11-04-11, Friday: up for good at 2:30 - I give up on sleep. Trying ibuprofen for pain/swelling. Can't wait to get stints out on Monday.

When will pain subside?
When will I be able to breathe at night?
Will things improve after strint removal?
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i had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction 7 days ago. First 2 days/nites were terrible, and ever since it has been bad, but not nearly as bad at those first two days/nites. my nose is still completely packed with gel that dissolves after 7-10 and i can visually see the stuff coming out. i didnt have the sutures that most of you guys had put in ur nose after the surgery..i was shot up the nostrils with gel, like i said dissvolves on its own after 7-10 days. i have an appt with the surgeon one week from now and i seriously cannot wait to get some info from him, as this is verrry uncomfrotable..i will come back to let u all know any updates
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HI i had septoplasty surgery for blocked sinius and ent doctor said my bone in my septum was blarger on 1 side this was what was causing the pressure ive .i got op  done on may 18 2011 and im still getiing sinius problems wish i never got it .ITS driving me up the wall i take sudfed hayver tabs inhale mentyol crystal with no relief im going back to my gp and my nose is still tender as well .its  a waste of time
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I just had my surgery yesterday July 6th it was the worst feeling throwing up blood couldnt wake up from the anesthesia couldnt eat a thing, today day two i'm eating, its a little uncomfortable and i'm doing saline 4x's a day the most annoying is the pressure from the splints in my nose although I know all will work out in the end i wish i hadnt done this but thats just me i have lo tolerance for pain, weird since i had three babies. Good luck to all!!!! Any suggestions for the pressure feeling?
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What kind of surgery did you have?
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Your mom should be holding her chin as close to her chest as she comfortably can while she's using the sinus rinse. Also keep her mouth open as I've experience some runaway rinse trying to go down my throat as well. Keeping your mouth open will allow it to escape through there. It's totally normal to keep bleeding for a few days as long as it's not constant, flowing blood for more than 15 minutes at a time. After 4 hours on day 3 I was still peeling a blood soaked bandage off my face. It is now day 6 for me and I no longer bleed. My doctor recommended saline spray only (no sinus rinse) and that has helped get all the gunk to flow out of my nose. I hope your mom feels better. The first few days are not pleasant but it gets better at a rapid pace. :-)
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hello everyone!  my mother just had the sepotoplasty done yesterday (july 1) i am currently staying with her to basically do whatever she needs me to. this morning she had her shower and the tried to do the nasal rinse but she couldnt get the rinse to come out of her nose it went  straight down her throat. is there something she didnt do right or is this normal? shes not bleeding now but can tell shes still full of blood. any suggestions im worried about her!
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hello everyone!  my mother just had the sepotoplasty done yesterday (july 1) i am currently staying with her to basically do whatever she needs me to. this morning she had her shower and the tried to do the nasal rinse but she couldnt get the rinse to come out of her nose it went  straight down her throat. is there something she didnt do right or is this normal? shes not bleeding now but can tell shes still full of blood. any suggestions im worried about her!
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The doctor told me that I had disolvable stitches.I blew them out a week after surgery is this bad?Could I have jepordized the entire operation by blowing my nose to much?
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hey there,
well you are not the only one with the problems you are having..I am feeling and having the same problems as you...infact a lot more if you forgot to  put all your symptoms down...i have undergone 3 reconstuctive surgeries in the past amost 5 years now..and finally saw a fourth doctor...feb 18th 2011..i also have the nerve problem..always thought the problem was because of the severe headaches...and the pressure like my eyes are going to pop out of my head..lol...fatige...cant sleep!! had a sleep study done for that.might need another...because i didnt sleep very long at the study..by the time i slept they wake you up...dizzyness at times, fell a bunch of times and hurt other body parts..i thought i was a rearity..the lastest is they want to use cadaver which i think im against to rebuld the cartlege because of the cartledge colaspe i suffer from..i cant breath through my nose at all..kinda like wearing a scuba mask 24/7..and trying to breath through a snorkel. the pressue *****...lol...after 5 years of this you start to become a little mental..some doctors are helpful and others are not..they say you should not have headaches or pressure..but the fact is i do..so that can be a little annoying..where are you located ?and do you have an email address?we can kinda chat more and i can tell you about the doctors who will understand and help you the most..looking forward to talking with you...because its nice having someone to relate to with the same problems ...talk soon..***@****
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Hi, I had a septoplasty early 2010 as had a deviated septum, I however have found my pain is now worse I feel pressure and pain 24/7 and feel as though my nasal passage is more blocked than before, im guessing this isnt normal as its now feb 2011! Ive had to give up work as the enviroment made pain so severe id be bed ridden for days after a shift, I have been seeing doctors since who havent been much help, ive now been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (nerve problem which effects face) my eye is achey, sore and tired all the time which could have been triggered from the operation no way to know( is ten times worse than pain i had from broke septum) so its unclear whether all of my pain is from the trigeminal neuralgia  or if some is in result of the operation! Has anyone else had these or similar problems, if so please help me understand what may be the problem, thanks A
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I'm 5 days post-op on my septoplasty and turbinate reduction, and I've developed a sinus infection and congestion in my chest.  I'm on Cephelexin for infections, but things seem to be getting worse.  The ENT said it was ok for me to go back onto my C-Pap machine the day the stents were removed, but that was a BAD idea.  I woke up with such a pain in my sinuses and head I thought I was having an aneurism.  I've since adjusted my C-Pap pressure down 30% and that's helped tremendously.

I've been doing saline daily, but my nose still has pressure.  Discharge is clear to slightly bloody, but it's productive.  The sinus pressure actually started on day 3 just prior to having my stents removed.  Should I give it some time and see if the swelling and discharge goes away?
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I just had Septoplasty, Turbinate reduction and corrected a deviated septum surgery on Dec 1st, 2010. After surgery, i followed ENT's orders and took my vicadin. I had no pain. Just had minor discomfort. I was very stuffy for a few days. Being stuffy was the worst part, not the surgery or discomfort. I called ENT and they brought me in (1 week after surgery). The ENT numbed my sinus' with a spray and then sucked the crap out of my sinus cavity's. That hurt more than anything but ended most of my stuffiness. It was heaven being able to breathe again. It's now been 2 weeks after surgery. I developed a sinus infection (of course on the weekend) even though I was on penn. Another ENT prescribed a stronger antibiotic. It seems to be working. I still have slight stuffiness but only on the side where ENT did major work. I still need to see my ENT for a couple more "cleanings" over a month. I assume after that, I will be breathing much better. Bottom line, breathing out of the left side is fantatsic and my right side some minor stuffiness but again, my ENT told me I will see a drastic improvement in a couple of months. For now, I'd say it's improved my breathing but not to the point where I expected to be. I've always had breathing issues all my life so it's no big deal to give it another month or two to see if it worked.  I sure hope my sense of smell gets better too. I'm sure that's from the surgery as well.
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I had the deviated septum and reduced turbinate surgery 3 days ago. Today is the 4th day, but I still can not breath totally with my nose. It opens only about 50%. I had to sleep opened-mouth all these days, terrible. It looks like no recovery at all .......I am scared go to bed.
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I just had Septoplasty and corrected deviated septum surgery on Friday, Dec. 3, 2010.  My ENT removed all the polyps and I'm telling you I have had NO congestion whatsoever! No swelling, nothing!  She did a wonderful job!  I was able to breathe out of both nostrils immediately after surgery.  I'm also able to blow my nose(not very hard, but steady) with no bleeding or pain.  The only discomfort I've had is the stinging in the site where the stitches are(deviated septum correction) and sinus pressure.  The cold air and rinses cause the sinus pain but my Hydrocodone helps with that. the pain isn't severe.  The rinses are really helping to loosing the crusting and gel packing.  I'm using a whole packet and full bottle on each nostril once in the morning and once at night.

My ENT's name is Blanca Durand and she practices in Stockbridge, Ga.
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