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excessive thick mucus in vocal chords

I have tried everything it seems for several years to get rid of this thick mucus that comes and goes in my vocal chords. I went to an ENT again and they went down my throat with a camera and were able to show me on film the thick stringy mucus in my vocal chords. Both ENT's said they thought it was acid reflux and so I have been on Prilosec for 3 weeks now(also called omeprazole-20 mg) and yet no change yet(I have had  hardly any symptoms of acid reflux, but just recently have had little burps of gas come up from time to time but very infrequent).
    Is there anything you can take just to get the thick mucus in your vocal chords  dissolved so you can speak.  I am a professional actor and am desperate. Anybody have any luck with solving the basic problem of the mucus in the vocal chords or have any idea once it is in the vocal chords how to get immediate relief from it.  It is so discouraging that I cannot to date find a doctor who can help this problem. It seems someone should have an answer. Thanks for any help you can give me. PS  I cannot sing anymore with this problem which is devastating to me and of course has hindered my acting career(musical theatre).
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Hi, i have same problem with thick mucus blocking my vocal cord always and makes very difficult to talk clearly. I cough alves to clear the mucus from throat before i talk and this has become an habit and i been experiencing this nearly an year now if i am correct :(

Though i consulted couple of ENTs, the first doctor suggested for tonsillitis treatment and the second doctor said it's coz of allergy and prescribed some allergy medicine.

I reduced intake of dairy products and tried some natural ways (lemon, honey) but din't help much.

After going thru this forum and your suggestions above, i feel some hope to come out from this problem. Can you please suggest the mucinex dosage that i need take (any particular quantity i.e., mg?, how many tablets in a day and for how long) or any other anti-inflamatory tablets which can cure this without any side effects.

It's really great we have this forum, where people can share their problems and solutions.

Thanks all and hope to find some permanent solution...
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Though this is years after you originally posted, perhaps this can help someone else.  What you are suffering from is most likely a chronic sinus infection, especially if you can feel that there's always a little mucus coming from your throat.  ENT's can only see so much themselves without the use of a CT scan of your sinuses, so I feel they commonly misdiagnose or just think it's an 'allergic reaction' or a bacterial infection.  So they'll prescribe you some antibiotics, which won't do anything as the infection is most likely viral or fungal if it's a chronic infection.  And they'll give you allergy medication which won't do anything because it's not an allergic reaction.  They may also give you asthma or, like you said, acid reflux, medication which also doesn't do squat.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory condition, so you need to take anti-inflammatory medication.  Luckily, the 3rd ENT I saw after I had the same symptoms as you knew how to treat it, and after my CT scan, gave me 70mg of a shot of Kenalog-40.  This shot was simply miraculous.  After so much crap I had tried and medications I had taken, this shot (an anti-inflammatory shot) allowed my sinuses to drain properly and allowed me to finally talk without hoarseness as the mucus was no longer sliding down my throat, getting caught on my vocal chords.

If you want to go the natural route (which I had looked up before getting cured by my 3rd ENT), take fatty acid pills, filled with Omega 3's & 6's oils, and a Bromelain supplement.  Both have natural anti-inflammatory properties.  For Omega fatty acids, take 2-7 grams (2000-7000mg) a day during meals.  For Bromelain, take 500 mg 3/day in between meals (absorbs better if not consumed w/ food).  Try to cut out eating meat and dairy for awhile as they can cause inflammation.

I've also heard from people that have had chronic sinusitis, that the Neti Pot/Squeeze bottle works.  But, instead of the using the packets that they come with (which are just salt and baking soda), you should use Xlear as that contains xylitol in addition to the salt and baking soda.  What xylitol does is help kill off fungi, viruses, and bacteria in your nose.

You can also take some homeopathy medication.  The ones that might apply to this situation are Antimonium Tartaricum (a master of coughs and stubborn mucus, can help when the sinuses, or any part of the respiratory system, are full), Hyrastis (best known for yellow ropy mucus following colds that clog sinuses and when draining, can get stuck in the throat passage), or Kali Bichromicum (applies when thick, yellow-green, stringy mucus clogs the sinuses, blocks nasal passages, lines the throat and lungs, and may fill the ears as well).

I've learned a lot from the guy in this video:

The lecture is long but he goes on to explain all sorts of other treatments of sinusitis that are helpful for different people.  Hope this helps someone!
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Awesome advice....Thank you... I'm going to try your solution. I've been dealing with this for 3 months...and I tried all of the other remedies, natural and non...and none of them will take it away..
Thanks again. ;)
Awesome advice....Thank you... I'm going to try your solution. I've been dealing with this for 3 months...and I tried all of the other remedies, natural and non...and none of them will take it away..
Thanks again. ;)
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There  is a different kind of acid reflex known as airway reflux and there’s only one doctor that I know of in the world that can help you with this problem. Her name is Dr Jamie Koufman in New York. She has also written a book called the cough enigma. When I went to visit her the lead singer from Coldplay was there she is a laryngologist  and will help all of your singing issues. If you can’t go get an appointment with her then I would suggest reading her book and doing everything it says to do. Good luck!
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Boil Hot tea, clove of garlic, add honey!
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I have managed this problem for years. It is essential to hydrate especially with warm water. Sipping pineapple juice is very effective. I also went to a speech therapist to be retrained in the corrrct art of speaking. The correct breathing is paramount in producing clear voice and reducing damage to the vocal chords. Complete voice rest for 3 days when your voice is rough also very effective. Warming up the vocal chords every morning keeps them in good nick as well.
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Just a thought, for what it's worth -
I see nasal congestion blamed in most discussions of this issue.  My experience leads me to believe that the cause for me is bronchial (from the chest) rather than than from post-nasal drip.  My symptoms continue even through periods when my sinuses seem not to be draining at all.  

It may be well worth the effort track symptoms with other possible causes in mind.

Its my current thinking that there may be four or more distinct sources for these issues, occurring  alone or in combination:
* Sinus inflammation
* Pulmonary inflammation
* Mechanical irritation - self sustained by excess throat-clearing and/or coughing  

My thanks to those who have shared the things that worked for them!
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I suffer from the same problem which started about three months ago.. i havent been able to shift it..i used to suffer colds and flues but the voice would never be affected that way...this is the first time and its scary to say the least, as Im not sure what to do...i have put off by attending ENTs after reading people's experiences above..but i do follow mom's advice of drinking/sipping water, drinking freshly squeezed lemon juice with a pinch of salt and eating a raw garlic clove, the best natural antibiotic remedy in the world! i am also going to care more for my voice and not abuse by raising it to more than is needed...good luck all..
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Ok, I have been dealing with this issue for the past two years, and I have gone to ENT, ENT, ENT until I got sick of giving my money.  Test after test trying to resolve this vocal and drainage issue.  Ok, our vocal doesn't like mucus, but it's having the time of its life clogging my vocal chords.  I haven't been able to carry a note since this happened and all the ENT's I've seen, it's nothing we can do...you suffer with sinuses all year round, yes since 1968.

Well, good news thanks to a beautiful lady I know, she's no medical person, strictly banking...she says, ask your doc if he can give you a solution to rinse your nose like you would gargle your throat (saline rinse, harmless). I said, make sense.  Also, purchase a nasal spray to clear your sinuses and sleep upright for two weeks to prevent drainage in my throat...ill be damn, it worked!  

I still do this today, now I can hit a note.

I hope it works for u.
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take care of your throat as you would take care of your loved ones.

I'm still using netipot every morning. You can find it in any Watsons or Guardian pharmacies. If you run out of sachets, use table salt together with baking soda as a saline solution.
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I'm suffering from the same problem. For me, Aircon is the villain. If i sleep with the aircon, mucus will dry up on my throat that i have to make extra effort to be able to speak. So i consulted an Respiratory specialist, she gave me a nasal spray and a netipot. This soothes and flush out the mucus to a great extend.

A month later, i consulted an ENT specialist, she did an endoscopy scanning and found, that my throat was quite dry. She asked me to keep the aircon at 25 degrees, drink lots of water and avoid spicy food, dried food, milk and sugar; anything that triggers mucus.

Its been 2 months, i still have the problem. But if i go through a mucus free diet and an aircon free life, my throat feels much better!!!

But if i break the lifestyle, the problem comes back.

Keep drinking plenty of water, don't let the throat dry out, pineapple juice is a good alternative, it will lube your throat, a lot of musicians drink pineapple juice to lube the throat, it gives them a clear horase free voice.

Also keep your living space hygienic and dust free. Always wash your hands.

I hope someone finds these tips helpful,
I wish you all the best with your recovery.
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Gargle with very salty water, as warm as you can handle, 3-4 times deeply. It will help with immediate relief, and clean out the vocal cords for a day or so. I had a vocal cord infection (and a 100-102 degree fever) for over 2 weeks before the doctor had to give me a 10 day steroid dose, all at once, to prevent the infection from spreading down my lungs. I did this method a lot, I was desperate to keep my speaking voice in tack, and hopeful for my singing. I have some slight damage and reoccourance, but nothing major. Honey, lemon, whiskey (as bad as that sounds), and peppermint tea help as well, but I know the struggle of trying more natural methods. I hope this helped!
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I have suffered from Chronic PND since 2010. It started slow, first affecting me only after I ate. Then increased to hacking, snorting, coughing all the time. Working with people around was difficult. I tried to suppress it for periods of time by using cough drops, nose sprays, and medications. I finally went to a doctor who sent me to an ENT. I was tested for allergies, scoped, given sprays, medications, saline to flush. Tried new experimental medication flushes. Nothing worked. Finally the doctor recommended surgery. I was desperate and had Tradition sinus surgery. This was about 65 percent effective. It helped me have some control by reducing the amount of phlegm that was being produced. I was able to not hack and snort as much. But still it affects me.  When I lay down it seems to subside, when I wake it takes a while to clear my throat and sinuses.  It seems to always increase with stress. No Answers yet still looking.

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You had mentioned not drinking milk as it was an issue but missed it with cereal.  I eat cereal using vanilla soy milk and it tasted great.  Maybe you could try it also.  Good luck.  :-)
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I'm an actor who's "suffered" from the same problem. The phlegm became a nuisance and also undermined my speaking confidence, thereby creating an additional challenge. I "suffered" for years. Here's what helped immensely, some of which is stated in above threads.
1) CUT THE COFFEE, AND THE MILK THAT GOES WITH IT. I substituted with green tea, which has caffeine, but not the same kind as coffee. I add 1/4 teaspoon of organic honey.
2) Speaking of milk, try cutting as much dairy, and the foods that go with them, as possible. I've been drinking almond milk instead, especially with cereal.
3) Speaking of cereal, try gluten free. I'm not allergic to gluten but buying g-free cereal, bread, pasta and snacks has, I think, had a benefit.
4) Eliminate chocolate, thereby getting rid of the "bad" kind of caffeine and milk products.
5) I've read bananas (which I love) and other starchy veggies and foods create mucus.
6) General diet no-no's: Soda; pizza; greasy burgers and fries, fast-foods, junk foods, Mexican or Italian or anything with too much cheese and grease.
7) Use Olive Oil when cooking.
8) Hydrate with water.
9) THIS IS ANOTHER HARD ONE: Stop clearing your throat when you feel the phlegm. Drink sips of warm water instead. The nervous system is a delicate things. After all these years of clearing my throat constantly, I not only damaged my chords, but TRAINED my larynx to regard constant throat clearing as a normal function. We have to retrain our nervous system to NOT clear.
10) Other helpful items: unfiltered organic apples cider (really tart, add a tablespoon with half-glass warm water; sip)  air purifier; foods and vitamins with omega fatty acids like FRESH fish .  
11) I cleanse my nasal cavity only when I have mucus buildup with Arm & Hammer Saline Nasal Spray which you can get OTC.
12) Find a vocal coach (speaking or singing) who understands the problem and take some more lessons. And remember not to clear your throat from phlegm and to sip water instead. This is the part that takes the most time.
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Do you drink soya milk by any chance? I've switched back to dairy from soya and my voice seems to have improved although it's early days.  Saying this I've read that other people find soya better than dairy.
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974371 tn?1424653129
I have probably posted here in the past but ended up here again doing a Google search, yet again, because I am miserable!  I am having such a pribkem with chronic dry mouth and throat, hacking up, or trying to hack up, thick mucus.  I am very hoarse and some days can barely talk.  Cannot sing at all, which is very depressing. Cannot count the number of doctors I have seen, even one at Stanford.  I was told my vocal cords are inflammed and could possibky try laser surgery.  I do take meds, Gabapentin being one, actually for GI issues. I have seen that it can cause hoarseness. Mentioned it to the GI doctor at Stanford but she said she had never heard of that and kind of dismissed it.  This is not a med I can just stop taking.  This is horrible and I can't get any answers.  I have been tested for Sjorgens and had two biopsies that were negative.  Unfortunately, I am a smoker but this is beyond the effects from smoking.
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I have had a sinus infection going on 3 weeks after being exposed to a good dose of moldy clothes.  I have just finished round number 2 of very strong antibiotics due to the severity of the sinus infection. One of the sinus cavities was completely occluded.   I've had the same mucus on vocal cords you all are talking about.  It started out green along with my sinus drainage being green (before antibiotics) but is now just clear to white.  It is thick and sticky.  I clear my throat continually.  I finished my last antibiotic and prednisone steroid just yesterday.  Today, i have a sinus headache and sore neck.  I am afraid that my sinus infection isn't gone. I suspect that it is fungal and that is why the mucus is continually on my vocal cords.  Antibiotics don't kill fungus but doctors said most  people with normal immunities shouldn't have any problems with this.  I had this happen years ago but not to this severity.  It took months (almost up to a year) for the feeling of something in my throat and constantly getting mucus up from my vocal cords to eventually clear up.  But I had to get air purifiers with hepa filters for a clean environment to help keep irritation down on my vocal cords.   Has any of your ENT's said you could possibly have a fungal infection in your sinuses? It does seem like an ongoing sinus probelm.  you really need a CT scan of sinuses to see the infection.  and to verify it, they have to get a sample of it.  mine is in a spot they cannot reach without surgery.  so, I will see how I do for the next few days and go from there.    I have my air purifiers running, which does help.  But I am dismayed that I still have the feeling of something in my throat all the time.  I love to sing at church also, but I cannot sing now as it is.  I hope you all are healed of this horrible condition.  I will try the robitussin and the vitamins. If I continue to feel badly, I guess I will go to an ENT.  If anything helps, I will update this post.  thanks!
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oh, (to add to my comment above) and  I've been using the neti pot daily but it doesn't relieve the mucus on the vocal cords.  but it does help with the mucus in my sinuses.  
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Wow. You sound like me. I'm a singer...have been singing all my life. I'm a church worship director. I accompany myself on piano. The combination of the two has been my life. For the past three or four years..my voice has gone down the tubes. I came back to the south..where there's lots of humidity etc. and I feel like it's maybe allergies. But. The way you described it is so simlar to my problem. I'll try to place a note, vocally...like maybe an interval such as a 6th...and it sounds awful. Strange vibrating...like I'm singing through liquid...and can't match the pitch!! I've sung all my life!! I've made a living singing and playing. I also feel the congestion in my head...all the time. It's in my ears and between my ears. I sing while I'm leading others...and that's not as bad..because I'm not by myself. But. Singing solos has become a NIGHTMARE for me. I need to sing something tomorrow morning. A song that needs to be in the service..and I have no one else to do it. I'm stewing and worrying about whether I should try to open my mouth and attempt it. I'm going to pray...There are times when I say, "wow...I kind of sound like I used to" ....but I never know when those times are going to come. UGGGHHH.
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Hey guys is the mucus any of you are coughing out green or yellow-ish? Because I have been struggling with a condition that started of as a typical sickness and completely ruined my voice. When I say completely I mean COMPLETELY. My singing voice is all covered up in a polyphonic layer of early morning-type of vocal fry that prevents me of singing anything. It improves a bit when I cough some phlegm out, but that doesn't happen everyday. I've been checked by multiple ENTs some say my folds are swollen, but they see nothing organically wrong. I've also had gastroscopy and have no reflux , and i had bronchoscopy there's nothing wrong with my lungs. they say there's nothing wrong with my nose as well. Help please. Here's a video they did on my chords in Paris 2 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tvP2DaKXyg

Thank you!
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Oh gosh, me too - exactly! Started with sickness, went completely hoarse and never completely recovered. I'm concerned that I have vocal cord paralysis. Cords in my "comfy zone" - where I sing to please myself - just won't vibrate properly and they feel sore when I try to force it. Just get vocal fry. Doctor saw slight swelling, said nothing was wrong, go to a vocal therapist. I was really annoyed with his lack of interest in what my problem really was, so I never went. Anyone else try the therapy?
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I have been having a problem with my throat for quite a few years but never looked into it till now. I realised this problem started when I hit my twenties. The problem became worse now in my thirties. I love to sing and sing in the church. Lately this problem became worse when I get nervous before singing. Usually it happens when I do warm ups – when my voice is not “woken up” or when I have had a full day of talking and start to sing. It always happens when I start to sing and it happens when I sing middle notes. I am a soprano and when I warm up at certain middle range to slightly high notes using my throat, modal or chest voice, I will have this issue. But when I use my head voice, I can overcome this problem. The problem is either a mucus or phlegm related issue and it feels like a tiny phlegm stuck between your vocal cords. When you sing, the “phlegm” vibrates with your voice making it sound like a bad vibrato. You can just hear that strange vibration sound in my voice. It is truly embarrassing and I always cover up with an AHEM clearing of my throat. After a few more times of warm up, it usually goes away. HOWEVER in recent times, I realise this problem becomes really bad and worse when I am nervous before a performance. It often happens when I use my modal voice or chest voice or whatever voice that is not my head voice, usually when I sing contemporary style. This problem started becoming worse when I discovered singing with my head voice and I started singing in a more classical style in church. Now it seems when I go contemporary, I often encounter this problem and it escalates when I am very nervous as I have always been before any performance (making me quite redundant as a solo performer). I read about acid reflux but this doesn’t sound like it. I have never seen a doctor and don’t really want to have any probing equipment into my throat or nose. Does anyone have this problem? Is this psychologically caused? What advice do you have? I don’t smoke and I eat quite alright. I may not drink enough water which I have begun to do. On a side note, I know this sounds weird but when I have something oily, it tends to “open” up my vocal chords quite well for singing (and sometimes it doesn't cause that strange vibrating phlegm problem). Many will disagree with me on this one but it has worked for me during choir practices. Oily not like deep fried but more like stir fried (like fried noodles) or with some Asian type chilli called "Sambal".
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You guys are living the exact same nightmare I'm living. Had very bad laryngitis which I caught last year March 2016 from work (today is 11/18/17). No thanks to whoever that sick co-worker was. Tried just about everything from EENT to 2 Otolaryngologists, to family doctor, to voice therapist, to Mucinex, to antihistamine, to acid reflux meds, to hydrating, to post nasal drip homeotherapy, to voice rest for 6 weeks, to prescribed nasal steroids, to prescribed antibiotics, to neck and tongue and breathing exercises, to green tea/apple cider/lemon/honey mixes, nasal flush, aromatherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. Some gave partial relief, but no permanent fix. After the laryngitis, it took me 8 months to be able to sing low notes again... 13 months to sing shaky midrange notes, and 18 months to sing in no-volume head voice notes. The worst situation I have today is in my midrange notes. It's raspy/airy/shaky... hard to control/hit/sustain a note, vibrato is either non-existent or stressful.  I can't sing soft notes anymore because I need to push more air just to get past the mucus. My voice is totally unreliable from day to day. I play the guitar and piano so I can sing. But now I hardly play the instruments because I can hardly sing. So frustrating. With the mucusy feeling in my vocal cords, my throat muscles automatically compensate so badly that my upper throat feels extra tight when I start singing the higher notes. If I totally switch to head voice or even falcetto, then the throat relaxes a bit. But that's not what I want or how it used to be. Everything seems to tell me that I'm stuck with this condition forever, but I have always been a fighter. I know there's a solution out there somewhere. I'm 55yo now and have been singing since I was in first grade. My learned singing techniques through the years have gone out the window because my singing effort just goes into hitting and sustaining notes. A terrible feeling!  I end up forgetting some lyrics while singing because of the mucus/throat distraction. Try my solutions above as suggestions. They may have not worked for me, but it might for others.  At least it can give you new ideas to try. I'll keep looking, asking, trying.  Good luck to us.
I don't know how often I'd be in a forum like this, but email me if you want to exchange ideas... at ***@****.  Cheers!
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Chelsae; thank you so much.

I'm dealing with much of the same conditions you mention. My doctor is at a loss to explain what's going on. My lungs are clear; I feel I am one good lugee away from wellness. Sneezing helped tremendously; (experienced that just yesterday). I will try the anti-inflammatories. Thanks again.
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I have had the same struggles for the past 2 years.  I don't have a perfect answer, but I have found during a recent 21-day fast with nothing but protein drinks (containing milk protein, but not milk), that it went away completely during that time!  So, I conclude that it must be food related.  As I add foods back in, I will monitor when the problem re-occurs.
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Did it come back when you started to introduce more foods again?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
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have been suffering with the same issue for over 5 years.  I have gone to an allergist and had 13 months of allergy shots.   Had surgery to correct a deviated septum, had sinuplasty and turbine surgery.   Took several courses of meds for acid reflux and nothing has helped.  
I also tried all types of allergy meds and it still continues.   ENT had me using a neti-pot for a year - no help.
I do not know what to do next.  
My issue is not a huge amount of mucus just a little bit.  I have to cough continuously just to break it loose, when I do I am good for a minutIe until it irritates me again.   We even tried a cough pill to help numb the throat to stop the cough cycle.
Very annoying problem and very frustrating that I cannot get any help.
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I landed here as a result of my search for these symptoms. I found that by not taking a medication prescribed for me, my symptoms / problem with excessive mucus around my vocal cords and feeling like I have to clear my throat and upper right chest. The medication is Fenofibrate and if you check those symptoms are listed as a possible side effects of course if you are not taking this medication this probably does not apply to you, it never hurts to consider meds you may be taking however. Of course I am NOT a medical professional and the standard disclaimer of checking with your Dr before stopping any meds etc apply blah, blah, blah http://www.drugs.com/sfx/fenofibrate-side-effects.html
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