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excessive thick mucus in vocal chords

I have tried everything it seems for several years to get rid of this thick mucus that comes and goes in my vocal chords. I went to an ENT again and they went down my throat with a camera and were able to show me on film the thick stringy mucus in my vocal chords. Both ENT's said they thought it was acid reflux and so I have been on Prilosec for 3 weeks now(also called omeprazole-20 mg) and yet no change yet(I have had  hardly any symptoms of acid reflux, but just recently have had little burps of gas come up from time to time but very infrequent).
    Is there anything you can take just to get the thick mucus in your vocal chords  dissolved so you can speak.  I am a professional actor and am desperate. Anybody have any luck with solving the basic problem of the mucus in the vocal chords or have any idea once it is in the vocal chords how to get immediate relief from it.  It is so discouraging that I cannot to date find a doctor who can help this problem. It seems someone should have an answer. Thanks for any help you can give me. PS  I cannot sing anymore with this problem which is devastating to me and of course has hindered my acting career(musical theatre).
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I am a singer and suffer the same fate as you with the constant thick mucus on my vocal chords.  I am a first soprano, so it is very hard for me to hit my notes at times.  I also, went from doctor to doctor and was very discouraged.  One day I was lying in bed and God gave me the answer.  I used Mucinex DM and Corricidan tablets for two weeks. They are both expectorants. This thinned the mucus and clear my throat, chest and lungs. At first I felt like a train had hit me, because my body was so used to the mucus and bacteria being there. However, I could tell that it was working because the mucus was thick and dark yellow that was coming up. (Sorry to be so graphic) Moreover, I was able to take deep breathes and hold my notes. After the two weeks, I then would alternate the use of both medicines until I was totally clear.  Once, I was clear I started taking one or the other as needed.  Recently, I found Mucinex liquid and started using that the night before I had to sing. This has also given me great results. Hope this helps. Disclaimer: You may want to check with your doctor before trying this radical method of dosing.  
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i have similar symptoms...constant phlegm from nose , throat and exact same substance in stools  !
  i'm leaning toward parasitic infection as the buggars can be seen if you look closely. thats right...they are in your system ( roundworms)  and when they migrate is when my worst symptoms appear.
was eating pumpkin seeds that apparently aggravate them.
the same thick mucus from all three 'orifices'.
easily visible ' worms' of green/brownish color.
i have every animal listed as carriers so it makes sense in my case.  plus...you can SEE them in the mucus!
hope this helps someone
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I am experiencing, what sounds like, the same problem. I have extremely thick sticky mucus in my airways.  When I'm able to expell some from very hard coughing I get immediate relief for about a minute until more mucus comes to take it's place. I live with a constant feeling that something is stuck in my throat. I have had 4 different ENTs, all associated with Loma Linda medical center, looking in my nose.  They all say the same thing, that they have never seen this before.  I have had the full battery of allergy testing with no findings.  They now are sending me to pulmanary to see if they can find the cause. I really don't expect the answer to be there because I can actually feel the mucus coming down from my nose.
I have had 1 nasal passage scrap, which cleaned one sinus cavity that was severly blocked and one that was partially blocked. I have had another, within 45 days, where they went and scrapped my air passages in my throat and recleaned the nasal cavity.  After these cleanings the conditions seems to get better and I felt "normal" for about a month but within 15 - 30 days after stopping the antibiotics and ending the steriod treatment the condition returns. Previous to the surgerys,  I have been given steriods and antibiotics, various types and they do seem to help while I'm taking them but the condition returns shortly after I stop the antibiotics.  I'm a real estate broker and the ability to speak is a tool I can't do without.
My question to yu have you found anything that helps?
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Have you considered sinus surgery  of your maxillary sinuses and do you have a deviated septum
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Hi there;

So sorry to hear of your problems.

I used to have a similar problem where the mucus would be overtaking my life. I would cough and cough and it still wouldn't go away. It kept me awake at night and it was embarrassing. I'm going to give you a bit of advice that SERIOUSLY helped me with my problem. STOP DRINKING MILK!

I didn't realize how much phlegm and mucus build up is caused by Milk. I have no problems eating cheese, but I stopped cold turkey having milk by itself. No more cereal (which was hard for me because I've always loved cereal). After stopping the milk, within 3 weeks my mucus had all but vanished. As long as I don't drink milk, the problem no longer exists.

Good luck to you!
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I have the same problem with phlegm getting in the way of my speaking and singing voice, and cutting out milk has certainly helped, but not entirely.  It is reassuring to read that others share the same problem.  As a choral singer I find that I cannot rely on the clarity of my voice from one day to the next and this is frustrating beyond belief.  Thanks for the helpful comments in this thread
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I too suffer from this problem, have done since childhood.
Now in my sixties I still suffer from the problem,that is if I FORGET!
You will say 'Forget what?'
The answer is ; forget to NOT cough, ( clearing ones throat)
It is a self perpetuating problem, for example when we are a little bit  nervous, (say we are about to make a public speech) we tend to utter the sound "eehmmm", to clear our throat, if still, the "frog-in-the throat" persists we do it again, and again, but by doing this "eehmmm" we are irritating the vocal chords more and more ,so they produce more and more mucus,which can go on and on indefinitely.
Try to AVOID BEING NERVOUS , have one or two drinks (no more)30 minutes before a speech,AVOID COUGHING.
When the mucus is fresh (the first of a new bout of the problem) , the  "eehmmm" works fine, the frog comes up, but straight away the vocal chords start producing a stronger batch.....and so on..
Try to "live with the Frog in your throat, that is the only it way it will go away naturally, always drink plenty of water anyway.
And "eehmmm" (dam,Ive done it again) "eehmmm"  good luck
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I had this terrible problem too, that is until I Discovered the magic of simply blowing my nose! yes, that's it. Blow your nose one nostril at a time and the mucus from your cords will come right up thru your nostrils and out into the ozone! believe me this works. Sometimes i may have to "tickle" up into my nostrils with tissue paper and force myself to sneeze but when i do..out comes a glob of mucus! i just keep repeating til i can feel that my throat is clear. give it a try.
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