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thumping in right ear... comes and goes

For a while now I've had this weird thump, comes and goes. It's happening when I'm on the phone (read cellphone), listening with my right ear... each hard consonant sound I hear results in a thump I both hear and (sort of) feel, almost as if it's coming from the center of my skull.  Pretty sure that means it's an inner ear thing.  I can switch to the left ear, thump is gone... back to the right, thump is back.  I can hear just fine in left and right, mostly the thump is distracting and a little worrisome. Can anybody help me make sense of this?
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I know this is 11 years from the original post, but no one seems to have an answer. My left ear thumps to the sound of lower pitched voices, so unfortunately the sound of my husbands voice thumps along to every syllable he says. I however did go see an ENT who had me get a CT. The results came back and he said that there is extreme thinning of the bone near the balance organ of the ear. I am being referred to a different specialist now to see if a surgery is something they may need to do. I hope this helps some of you who are still left with no answer.  
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The specialist that I was referred to doesn't think that the thinning is causing this weird symptom. So I too am back to square one.
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Had this same thing for as long as I can remember (I'm 29). I eat relatively healthy and have normal cholesterol levels, drink 2 cups of coffee a day, get regular sleep, drink alcohol maybe once a week.

I've always thought it was some sort of damage from loud music/sounds over time, causing some sort of inner ear pressure issue. I was in band (concert and marching) and was always blaring my radio (and subwoofers). It seems to come and go, and be triggered by the louder accented syllables from the phone and radio.

I've never had a doctor look into it, mainly because I don't really expect there to be a cure, nor do I have any interest in the litany of tests they'd probably run. I did have an MRI a few years back (a MRI tech student friend of mine needed a test patient) and that was fine as well, save for a couple sinus nodes on my right frontal sinus.

It is kind of curious to hear that this happens mostly in people's left ear from stimulus in the right ear. I'm right handed... I wonder if there's any noticeable correlation.

I think finding a pattern among us is the best bet for figuring out what this is from - glad to see im not the only one with this odd issue!
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I also have sinus problems for years, and the same ear problem, it could be sinus related as the sinuses are not draining properly, dehydration could be a factor, as well as irritants, such as smoking, alcohol, which both make my sinuses worse. As I type this I got a burning pain behind my right ear, and a thumping in my ear.

I also have a hangover, so I am thinking the drink is a trigger for this problem. Either mild alcohol withdrawal, dehydration, or a depletion of vitamins or minerals. I remember someone saying a isotonic sports drink can help, but I haven't tried that yet. Maybe it's just tension or stress, I don't really know.

What I do know is that when I get this beating and pain in ear, it feels like my head is going to pop. It's scary. One night it was so bad I could feel my inner ear popping so fast it was like a machine gun going off for about 10 minutes.

My advice is just take better care of yourselves, I usually get these problems when I am run down due to either drinking to much alcohol, smoking or to much stress and anxiety.
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I get very bad pain in my ears after drinking alcohol, even days later I can get a attack of pain in my ears, sometimes it's behind the ears, sometimes it's just one ear. Someone said try vitamin c in water, I'll give it a shot. But I got to stop drinking, it does not agree with me anymore at all.

Another thing that could be making it worse is I smoke... time to give up these bad habits, I know when I didn't smoke or drink for three months I felt 20 years younger and slept like a baby, now I got nothing but stress and bad health.

I know for a fact alcohol is a big trigger for my ear pain and thumping in ear, so if you drink cut it out for a few weeks and see if that helps. And also take at least 1000mg vitamin c in a glass of water a day for a few days and a multi vitamin. I read it could be a vitamin deficiency.
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What do we all have in common? Do we all drink lots of coffee, have high stress. It would be interesting to see our commonalities.
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I have thumping at different times when someone is talking or the TV is on, only in my left ear. I'm almost positive it's thyroid related so heading to get it tested. I also noticed a small hard lump on my thyroid a little while ago. Will update as I go...
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I have had the same problem or similar problem. My right ear was making a loud thumping noise and would wake me up in the morning. It was loud and irregular. The sound it made was like if you put your finger on the piece of skin just forward of the ear canal and push in and release. It makes a thumping sound. That is what I was hearing.
I finally figured out how to fix it today.
I was thinking it was caused by muscles around the ear and have tried acupressure on the muscles forward and below the ear. They were very tight but I got no relief. Today I tried inside the ear just aft of the ear canal.
There was a very tight muscle that felt as hard as a bone but with constant pressure for about 2 minutes it started to relax. And gone was the annoying thumping.

Hope this helps.
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I am a Bluegrass musician, and i do hear lots of loud sounds, but about 3 days ago, i was in the studio and everytime i heard music my right ear would thump like a bass along with the beat, nearly driving me insane. I had to block the right ear off in order to finish my recording, this is annoying, very annoying, any suggestions on that???
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I am a Bluegrass musician, and i do hear lots of loud sounds, but about 3 days ago, i was in the studio and everytime i heard music my right ear would thump like a bass along with the beat, nearly driving me insane. I had to block the right ear off in order to finish my recording, this is annoying, very annoying, any suggestions on that???
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This thread has been going on since 2009. Wow. I get the thumping in my right ear, too. It is always only in my right ear, and is intermittent. I've been experiencing this since I was in my twenties (I'm 47 now). I had my ears checked like so many here and of course all normal. Bad thing is, it seems to be getting worse with age. I notice that lack of sleep triggers it the most. If I don't feel rested, then it thumps with certain consonant sounds. It is the worst in the morning, and the TV is the most irritating, or sitting in meetings when other people talk. I've been all over the Internet trying to find an answer. What I've come up with is that, one, doctors don't know anything, and two, sinus problems seem to trigger it for most people. My sinuses drain a lot, so it makes sense that this is the main trigger for me, and my ear thumps when I'm not my usual perky self.

If you want to attach spirituality to a hearing problem, go ahead. But to me this is purely physiological. A healthy lifestyle (which includes inner peace and stress management) might help keep the thumping at bay, but praying or meditating won't do crap unless it helps you get a good night's sleep.  
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5973459 tn?1377636751
I dont know where you get that the  beating sounds is a spiritual thing. Our Guides and Protectors comunicate fine with us without making anoying sounds or ataking us. They Protect us. If our ears rings or beat, whatever we just need to see a Doctor or live with it. So.... you are not going to crack any code. For Any negativeness our guides are going to take care of it and any health problem the Doctor will work on it.
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Well I am not sure what your definition of spirit is but I sure agree your body is trying to tell you something.

I get the thumping 3x TE heartbeat rate in my right ear after I drink alcohol. I have been drinking moderately heavily for decades and if I drink more than half a bottle of wine the thumping starts. If I drink less then nothing.

Maybe my body is telling me to stop drinking so much. I have no excuse except to listen ..... Thump thump thump.
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Just wanted to tell you that, even though i do not know you, i am proud of you and your accomplishment with your situation. Keep it up and stay strong :)
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Thanks Enovious, this makes more sense, to me anyway. I am 33, and had never experienced this thumping in my ear until recently. Granted i have been under a lot of stress, it is not like i have not experienced this or a higher amount of stress in the past. I have had this thumping in my left ear since the beginning of this year 2013. it is not permanent, it comes and goes. i have great hearing, so it is not a hearing loss, i am generally healthy.

I am a spiritual person, and just as i was reading how everyone says their doctor has no answer for this thumping in the ear, I started wondering about a spiritual reason, and got to your comment. i have a lot of questions about my future - i suppose everyone out there does - however, i do not think i am doing anything in the same way as i have before which may have caused me grief or problems; however, it may be my spiritual guide trying to direct me to the right path. Thanks! i will devote some of my time to meditation in an effort to see what this is all about...

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I am a 59 female. My left ear thumping started about 10 days ago. It is much faster then my heartbeat, and does not sound/feel like a heartbeat. I also can compare it with the sense if there is some rappid muscle spasm going on. It is extremely annoying and distracting.  As a child I have had way to many inner ear infections which my mother always tried to ignore until I would spike fevers around 104 F. (LOL lovely huh?)

I don't have much faith in medical doctors if it is something out of the norm. I also suffer from Hemiplegic Migrains, which was finally diagnosed by a very good thourough and patient neurologist.

Most MD's think I am a hypocondriac and fake many of my symptoms. My older sister was treated like that also, untill 8 years after her complains started she finally received her diagnoses of MS. Just recently I had another sibbling diagnosed with MS..... Most doctors go by results what they see on MRI's, scans and/or blood tests. They KNOW that even when you test negative that it does not always MEAN that it is Negative. *UGH* Doctors make me mad.

I hope some day the medicus will find a reason for this painless but extremely annoying ear thumping. Until then they will all tell us, or at least think 'It is all in your head'. LOL Well... duh.......

PS. btw I am a hospice nurse.
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LOL "Not The land of Deep Thinkers" Yes, here it seems a circus 24/7 But where else could you get such a diverse bunch of people gathered together?!!

I  have pulsating sound in left ear and metal crickets in background chiming away...All diverse thoughts welcomed by me...For I had thought I might be in process of retuning energies for another part of my life to begin.

So thank you for all your observations and comments. I am going to enter scarey modern medicine with MRA/MRI tests to see if it can show anything...

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Thank you Mr. Enovious.  I have experienced this ear thumping (left ear) twice in the last week or so.  I really appreciate your insight and immediately recognized its application to my situation.  This past January I was able to break nineteen years of over-consumption of alcohol.  I went from five or six glasses of wine per evening to two cocktails.  During the past two weeks my alcohol consumption has been on the rise.  For the last three nights I've either had anxiety dreams or have awakened with anxiety.  Just this morning I made a vow to put the drinking in check...immediately.  
For the past nine months I've been reading "Conversations with God", "The Art of Happiness" (Dalai Lama), "Still Here" (Ram Dass), "How God Changes Your Brain",etc. I've also been meditating for the first time in my life (59 years).  So, you can see why I can appreciate your wisdom.  
I've never before responded to any online discussions.  I don't have Facebook or Twitter and have no desire for either.  But I just had to reach out to you after I read a couple dumb and cruel responses to what you shared.  I'm sure you're aware that our country is not the land of deep thinkers.  It's difficult to expose yourself to people who would rather discover the next reality show than their higher selves.  You have my personal gratitude.  Namaste.
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Hi, yes, as with original poster, I get an uncomfortable thumping/pulsing in time to the loudest parts of the persons speech. It happens when I'm on a mobile phone and on my wireless landline phone. It's really odd and off-putting and uncomfortable enough to want to stop the conversation. You can't help but wonder if it's completely safe to have these EMF radiating electronic objects so close to our heads so regularly. Our brains have their own electro magnetic field don't they so is it that it's being disrupted in some way, affected negatively or even potentially damaged?
Only time will tell I suppose. Until then , we shall remain human guinea pigs!
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I have a similar problem to the OP. When on the mobile / cell phone and listening with my right ear only. When the other person talks on the phone I get a throb / noise in my left ear corresponding to each word that I hear in my right ear. It feels like its just inside my left ear, like a gland or a muscle is pulsating. I've had this for a few years and I'm now 34 years old. I have good hearing normally, but I really can't use my right ear to listen to phone calls as the noise it creates in my left ear is too distracting. After reading all your posts I am going to see a doctor. I would like to give a syringe a go, or maybe pop some pills. Or maybe its just my spirit being harmed by the evil cell phone?!?!?
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A few months ago, whenever I lay down to sleep... there's a constant thumping beat in my left ear.  It doesn't hurt, but it's hard to fall asleep to.  I'm healthy 30 year old female, maybe there's some fluids in my ear that needs to be flushed out by a doctor.  
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I have been feeling a pulsating sensation in my left ear for about a month now.  I really only happens at my desk at work which is weird.  It happens only about once or twice a day, each time for about 10 seconds.  It feels like a blockage (where I really can't hear out of the left ear) and I hear the thumping.  I am on anti anxiety medication (Celexa).  I was wondering maybe if this was a side effect?  I've been on it for about 5 months now.  I've recently had a ton of bloodwork & everything is normal (no high blood pressure, etc).  I feel really bad for those of you on here that experience it constantly.  The ENT department as Mass General Hospital in Boston is phenomenal if you can get there to see someone.  Good luck to all & if you have a similar experience to mine and have a suggestion, please share.  Thanks so much!
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I too for the past couple of months have been expierencing a pulsating throb with each heart beat behind my left ear.  Finally went to my family doctor and he seen what appeared to be fluid behind my ear drum.  He perscribed an antibiotic and rescheduled a follow-up appointment.  I returned for my follow-up and nothing had improved.  Lucky for me an ENT was in the office.  He looked in my ear and seen the same thing but thinks its a vascular issue.  I have a CAT scan scheduled then follow-up with the ENT Dr the following day.  I hope the throbbing is identified.  He did say what he saw was rare but nothing to lose sleep over.  Easier said than done!  Mentioned the Carotid Artery could be pressing against the underside of the ear drum which can be corrected by surgery.  He didn't think it was tumorous or malignancy.  I'll be glad to get the CAT scan results and go back to this ENT who hopefully will identify this throbbing!
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I have to join in on this because I have been having a similar issue that just started a few days ago but I'm not sure I would describe mine as "thumping" as much as, well...the best way I can describe it is when you swallow how you can feel like a pressure, that doesn't hurt, in your ears or when you yawn to clear your ears?  Like that...it's very random, nothing brings it on, it's almost like a muscle spasm in my ear and like it's trying to clear my ears from pressure.  It's annoying because there is nothing I can do to make it stop and nothing to bring it on!!!  
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I have had this thumping for over a year now, and my TMJ specialist said it could be very well related to jaw/neck/joint disorders.  I've been on meds to try and cure my TMJ, but the beating persists and IT'S SOOOO ANNOYING!!! Sometimes taking a muscle relaxer, sleep aid, and/or wine helps me fall asleep if it's still there before going to bed.  Otherwise, it sometimes lasts up to 15 hours at a time with short interludes of a few mins in between.  Trust me, I relate to you all!!!
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