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cold sensation in throat when breathing

For about a week and a half I have been having a weird sensation in my throat when I inhale and exhale. It's somewhat like when you breathe in really cold air when outside. It doesn't hurt, it's mostly just an annoying feeling. Any ideas?
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I have had this same sensation for about 3 weeks.  I breathed in a strong synthetic fragrance and notice it around this time.  However I also made some changes to my home at the same time like non-toxic cleaning products, non-toxic soaps/shampoos, new toothpaste, etc.  I went to my GP and told him about accidentally breathing in a fragrance (i cleaned an old bottle and thought the smell was gone) and he said it's more than likely a slight chemical burn.  He listened to my lungs and I did a breathing test and passed with great numbers, so he said I have not caused any permanent damage and to give it a few weeks to heal.  Well it's already been around 3 and nothing has improved.  It doesn't hurt when I breathe, but it's extremely annoying to feel this constant cold air sensation in my chest/throat/nasal areas

I have read on some other forums that this sensation is associated with heartburn/GERD but I don't have symptoms for those ailments so I don't see how I could be suffering from that.

Has your condition improved?
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Hello i was just wondering if you got sick from breathing this in? Because I inhaled body spray also on accident and my throat feels cold whenever I breath. But I also started getting a soar throat , running nose , coughing. Do you think those symptoms have to do with me inhaling the body spray
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I have this cold sensation in my throay everytime i breathe and it sucks. Im really just concern coz im thinking that maybe this has something to do with lung failure. Im a heavy smoker but ive never experience this before. Btw the sensation in my throat comes with dizziness and confusion sometimes. Also it makes me pause my breathing unconciously. Im wondering if this is just anxiety or a much worse.
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Im 13 and have a cool sensation in my throat when i breathe in. Im very scared about this. I dont think its acid relfux or gerd but im scared. Please help
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Again this is old, but I've been using halls creamy strawberry cough drops. I know this sounds crazy because If anything youd think it would make it worse. But it doesn' t, it doesnt help completely but I rather use these than have a tube down my throat.
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Tube down your throat is not that bad ...had it done a couple of times.
I"m glad you say it isn't bad!  Sounds bad!!
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I've had acid reflux for over 6 months now ...finally had a camera put down my throat.  Dr said I have a hiatus hernia plus he removed a couple of polyps.  Said he would contact me in two weeks.  In the meantime, my family dr put me on pantoprazole as the omeprazole didn't seem to be working. I have to say it has helped me.  Between not eating at night and watching my diet, life is better.  I still eat what I shouldn't sometimes but always makes sure I don't eat after 7.
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I understand this is an old post but I have had the same thing for about a year and it does not seem to get any better, I am on Lansaprozole for about 7 weeks now but the sensation is still here, its driving me bonkers! Did anyone get any relief from this annoying condition?
This is an old post of mine but my acid reflux is back.  Ice helps .....so does eating only certain foods and NOT eating after 7 pm.   I was consuming too many tangerines and also lemonade ...realize now that I can't eat those foods.
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I recently had the same and that's what the dr told me that it was ..acid reflux. He put the tube up my nose and down my throat. I was concerned it was cancer but he said no. My diet consisted mostly of mashed potatoes and frozen green vegtables (mostly broccoli) because I could eat very little of anything else. I don't eat after 7 pm either ....and I'm still on the pills the dr gave me. I have to say I'm improving. What I think caused my acid reflux were the bp pills I was taking.....adalat xl and I was consuming lots of orange juice and water with lemon. Thank God its gotten better.
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have had everything you have ....its GERD ....or silent acid reflux.  Voice is still hoarse now 3 months, symptoms are getting a little better but still there.  I went on a low acid diet and don't eat after 7 pm ....3 weeks now and I'm finally starting to feel better.  When I ate toast in the morning, it went down fine but it felt like there was a lump in my throat. It was horrible.  I was taking pills for acid reflux but it wasn't until I started the diet do I now feel abit better.  Message me if you want to ask any questions.
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I had the same thing and tried EVERYTHING. Trust me I couldn't figure it out. I found out that it has to do with acid reflex and it has to do with PROBIOTICS. I literally went down to the health store GNC and got the most common pro biotic bills a month supply and two hours later the feeling has been gone. Also I took double the recommended dose but honestly it does have to do with health and eating. Make sure to drink lots of fluid and nothing spicy and don't eat 3 hours before bed. Try to eat bland foods and small amounts a lot of times rather then a lot only a few times. Good luck to you all. I hope this helps! And also stay away from ant acids and anti inflammatorys. They will make it worse.
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Well when i was a kid (and still trying it as an adult) just exhale breath, hot air, into pillow or bed when laying down or into your hand if out side on the go then inhale hot air, keep doing it for awile it kinda helped me but other suggestions wouls be nice.
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I had  the same sensation a few days ago. If felt as if I just ate mint candy. I would like to share what work for me. I works in less than a minute. There is something called Air-Vita spray to stay Healthy. You sprayed on the back of your throat 4 times and swallow it. It is very strong. Once you swallowed  it, the cold sensation will go away right away. I hope it works for everybody. I got my from ebay. Copy and paste the link below on the address bar of your browser to see the spray.

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I've had a similar sensation to the one you're describing for about 6 weeks.
It started as a throat clearing cough which developed into a full blown one.  Slightly swollen throat and I couldn't sleep for the coughing.
I had a swab taken at the GP and she listened to my chest  All clear, and she also suggested it could be acid reflux together with PND (post nasal drip).
Told to take Heartburn tablets.  Well, this didn't improve things so I went to an ENT chap who stuck a camera up my nose. Saw nothing sinister and agreed with the GP.  Two large bottles of Gaviscon and a nasal spray later, my cough has all but gone (at my second visit he's put me on steroid tablets).
However, I now have this really unpleasant cold air sensation and a slightly sore throat!  Occasionally I feel a bit short of breath, but not in any way to stop me exercising, but my voice has gone hoarse and sometimes almost disappears altogether!! I'm at my wits end!!!
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I've been dealing with the same exact thing for years now with no sign of relief. Dr's are like I don't know...surely I'm not the only one. I am sitting here wheezing. I can't take it anymore
Please give me updates about your conditions.. I am feel similar.. Since last 7 days.. Dry throat, feeling tickling only when breathing, like a cold burn on the back of my throat. And having chest tightness when breathing deep (like a sigh). Normal breathings are just fine..  
Anika55, with covid-19 going around, I think I'd check in with your doctor especially if trouble breathing.  Let us know!
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I have the same feeling...for about 2.5 weeks now. One side of my windpipe like a 'cold burning' feeling ..mostly when I exhale. No problems with breathing. I do have congestion in sinuses and when I awake in the morning, sneeze alot...blow my nose alot. Late in the day it seems to subside to the point I think it's gone..then the next morning it starts all over again.
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Im no doctor but i have the same thing and mine is caused by acid reflux ive been suffering with it for the past 2 and a half months although its very slowly getting better.

Try putting something under the mattress so you sleep in an elevated position so the acid doesint get to your throat and make sure you dont eat three hours before going to bed.

For the day avoid acidy/fatty foods, have a bland diet etc until you get better.
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I currently am experiencing the same thing you describe.  Worse when I lay down and uncomfortable.  Having trouble sleeping now too.  Anyone get a final diagnosis?
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I'm having the same cold sensation when I breath , Any answers about this condition. Please help
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Actually the feeling I've had in my throat for three weeks that I described in my thread is pretty much like what you're describing: it's a cold sensation when breathing, like I would feel if out walking or running in cold weather. Kind of a cold 'burn'. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. My other symptoms are: feeling of pulse in throat (this could be anxiety), nasal congestion, clearing throat, etc.
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How long before your condition improved?
I have the same cold sensation in the back of my throat. It's been there for 5 days and is nothing painful, just strange. I'm seeing these complaints all over the internet but no follow up on if and when it went away. Or what it was.

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