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My Daddy is seeing grid patterns and honeycomb patterns

My Daddy has glaucoma which has been managed for 50 + years. He has had surgeries for cataracts, glaucoma, etc.
He is 83 years old.

He is now seeing grids when he looks at things. They go from grids to honeycombs shape. He has talked to his opthamologist, family doctor, neurologist, no ones has ever heard of this problem. They tell him they will do some research but they have no answer.
PLEASE has anyone ever had these symptons? PLEASE!!!

Thank you very much.       Joanne
38 Responses
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I think the dot/honeycomb pattern I see sometimes is related to my extensive computer use, the pattern looks like pixels from a computer screen, and they go away. My overall vision is very clear.
Can overuse of a computer cause something like this?
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would a person that has macular degeneration see a dotted pattern in both eyes.
Not a blind spot just a dotted pattern. My central vision is clear.
Please disregard the emails, I have my answer. Do not answer these two.
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Look beyond a physical/medical reason for this and realize that your father is seeing one of the geometric organizers of the Universe.  Yay for him and all others seeing this.  I see it also as do some of my friends on occasion.  We're all good!  Have a great day!
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The crowd will not understand, as they are lost. They perceive the awakened as crazy
I know this post is a little old but I have been seeing these grids for 3 years ever since I went tot he 5th dimension and came back through innocence to the 3rd.  One grid specific kept coming and for the longest time I didn’t understand what it was until one day the answer was shown to me it was a flat open 2d image of the icosahedron.  I see green, red blue, yellow and orange grids upon waking for a moment.  Recently I seen one and it was black it felt off and wrong and a little scary.   The last one I seen wasabi week I’ve never seen this pattern before but it was neon orange or burning orange it covered my entire ceiling and it was loops exactly like the oven the metal elements.  The only way I can describe what these grids look like is a spiders web floating between two trees but with colour and are more grid like.  What does it mean ?
You people are Nutters!  This woman's father has a real medical condition called Charles Bonnet Syndrome.  She is asking for help and you are vomiting out metaphysical garbage!  Bad karma is yours.
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My 80 yr mother has the exact same thing! She was commenting on seeing
grid patterns  and chicken wire like patterns (honeycomb) on surfaces.  She has low-tension glaucoma and macular degeneration and has a condition called Charles Bonnet Syndrome. You need to ask you father's ophthalmologist about it for diagnosis. They need to run tests to rule out other causes such as Alzheimer's.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome occurs when there has been rapid loss of sight. The hallucinations are the brain compensating for a lack of information from the eyes. There isn't any cure yet but there are ways to cope with the hallucinations caused by it. I was very relieved to find out this is NOT dementia nor mental illness.  
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I just had this visual experience for 3 days. Just before waking up, I see on white surfaces this beautiful honeycomb pattern in gold yellow. With a slight darker area in the middle of them like little nucleases of the cell.
After a couple of seconds it goes away. This is a new symptom but I suffer from oculair migraines and migraines. I have a lot of floaters in my left eye and went twice in two years to an eye surgeon/doctor. There I got some drops in my eye to make my pupil bigger and they couldn’t find anything wrong, only some floaters. These floaters are still not gone.
I had a MRI for my migraines and they couldn’t see anything wrong.

It is really difficult to find anything about this on the internet and these conversations where the only more “defined” information I could find.

In the responses read above from 2012 onward I can see a pattern in symptoms and no diseases/diagnosis  at all, but also some responses where attached to retina detachment. I know that if you see a lot of floaters all of a sudden it can be a retina detachment. If the eye doctor can’t see any detachment, what is this honeycomb visual symptom coming from?
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I have HPPD, Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder. I see grids manifesting everywhere I look as a part of pattern recognition. For example if I look at a window screen, which the mesh designs are usually little squares symmetrical to each other. I see constantly shifting beautiful diamond patterns starting to overlap my vision. Now, when I look at it diagonally, I start to see squares overlap my vision instad of diamonds. Somewhat proving it is mathematically persistent. Any photo of nature I look at, I immediately recognize grid patterns that ARE there, my brain just had to pick them out. Is your dad taking any SSRI's? That has caused HPPD symptoms in users who have smoked marijuana in conjunction.
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I have experienced these hexagons , it was mid day shift at a store I used to work at I went down stairs to get more Tshirts for the racks and as I got to the bottom of the stairs it was like I had bug vision like a fly I was seeing the world through hexagons and my vision seemed rounded like a flys to this lasted 3-4 minutes on my way back up the stairs my vision returned to normal , I went to an optometrist for a check up and I was diagnosed with early stage glaucoma , I wonder if it has to do with elevation dose your dad report it when he first gets up out of bed or when he’s on a ladder or stairs?
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I had these during recovery from RD surgery. Grids and honeycombs in front of my eye. They occurred at about week 9 following surgery and gradually faded away from then on, to the point that I now no longer see them. Everyone seeing me at the time seemed mystified, but I wasn't being seen by a neuro-opthalmologist and I had read that these kinds of symptoms were likely to be neurological. Very scary. I had wondered if it could possibly be caused by steroid withdrawal, or withdrawal from some of the other drugs that might have been affecting my nervous system. Do you happen to know, Dr. Hagan, why one might get temporary "optic neuritis" / MS-type symptoms of this sort following RD surgery? It certainly wouldn't have been worth me going to the lengths of getting a spinal tap given how short-lived it all was (or perhaps even seeing a neuro-ophthalmologist at all), but it was very disturbing when the doctors and opticians seeing me said either that they had never heard of this symptom, or that it wasn't particularly important.
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First the most common form of optic neuritis (its actually several different diseases with different causes) is temporary and resolves in most cases within 6-8 weeks often with no damage to the eye. Then the retina is operated on whether  slceral buckle, frozen (cryotherapy) lasered it can produce light and image projection usually 180 degrees away from the treated retina.
Thanks. It sounds as if my instinct not to worry too much about this (and that of the doctors too) was probably right!
Mellowing out always a good plan
Excellent idea!
I don't know how long ago these were posted but I also see grids only mine are in the peripheral vision sometimes one or the other I or both at the same time now they are starting to go into I don't know if it's the honeycomb just a weird look on the sides of my eyes my peripheral vision the grids are perfectly White I have cancer of the brain metastatic from lung cancer I also have been diagnosed with glaucoma years ago but not treated for it so I don't believe I have it these grids I see are not very often I thought it was low potassium I'm not sure about that now
metastases of cancer to to brain would in itself be a cause of "seeing things"
I too have suffered with this same curious phenomenon which first began 10yrs or so (starting aged 30).

The patterns and shapes are always different, but always include a mix of hexagons, circles and triangles, with the patterns usually being composed of clusters of shapes.
Sometimes the infinite pattern is of a cluster with only bilateral symmetry, which throws any theories I have out of the window.

I have not been diagoned with any form of cancer or eye pathology, and underwent an MRI on my brain servers years ago for undiagnosed labrynthitis, which showed nothing unusual that would point to a cause.

All research & leads have drawn a dead end and I haven’t chased answers for this unusual phenomenon any further, purely due to its negligible impact on my quality of life.
The vivid dreams I have immediately prior are far more disturbing, but have had those since I was 4.
I am under fairly high levels of stress in my waking life so try to compartmentalise the phenomenon as a byproduct of stress.

I had written the problem off as an ocular migraine, but realised this was a misdiagnosis after seeing illustrations of the zigzag patterns associated with that problem.

I too would love to know more if anyone can shed light on this strange series of interlocking patterns.

Many thanks.
177275 tn?1511755244
Well if all of them have examined your father (ophthalmologist, family MD, neurologist) and no one has come up with an explanation then it might be followed as if it is a new problem often over a period of time new symptoms develop that make the diagnosis much more obvious and simpler. Know that some forms of dementia especially Lewy Body Dementia can begin by seeing strange forms and visual hallucinations.

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Dr. Hagan, I have been seeing a honeycomb texture on everything for the past 5 days. It is in both eyes. I saw an ophthalmologist yesterday and his best guess was optic migraine but said it was unusual in lasting more than an hour.  There has been no improvement with migraine prescription. I'm am an otherwise healthy 53 year old woman. Any guidance or suggestions would be much appreciated.  Thank you. Annette
I would suggest first seeing a retina Eye MD ophthalmologist for tests including macular OCT and if they don't turn up anything a neuro-ophthalmologist.
177275 tn?1511755244
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I see the same thing as your dad. Just got back from an ophthalmologist who said that it is not a problem with my eyes but with how my brain is interpreting the pictures my eyes are taking.I just read an article on the Internet saying that research has shown that anastesia can cause visual hallucinations in the form of grid patterns. Google try googling: neurology and grid patterns. I started seeing the yellow, honeycomb grids after having a hysterectomy.
I have just started seeing the honeycomb patterns on the ceilings and walls when I first wake up, they are perfect in shape and quite amazing really.  But my very first images were like green lazer beams in a perfect grid pattern. I've also had a hysterectomy, but that was two years ago.  I would love to know what is causing this.
There are several things considered on this discussion and elsewhere. If major pathology of the eye especially the macula it should be there all or most of the time. An eye MD exam with macular OCT should detect this problem. If just when awake (long thread on this) and goes away quickly its usually just the eye shifting from dark adaptation to light adaptation. If comes in spells lasting 5-30+minutes and can be seen with eye shut its often eye (ophthalmic migraine) or TIA (transient ischemic attack)
For completeness sake in rare instances it would be atypical seizure disorder like temporal lobe focus
177275 tn?1511755244
Too many causes to give you a specific reason. Could be due to eye problem, glasses problem or just the stress of driving. JCH MD
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Dr. Hagan I have a lot of confidence in your opinion, so I would like to ask you another question.
My eyes tire easily when I am driving, what can cause this?
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177275 tn?1511755244
As a generalization I would say that is correct. If something new, different and concerning develops then a repeat exam would be required. JCH MD
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I have had an eye exam just a few months ago and the doctor said everything was fine, no macular degeneration or glacoma or anything like that, just an astigmatism change.
So as long as the after image goes away I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Correct?
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177275 tn?1511755244
It's not "normal" but its something some people experience without it being a sign of any disease. You do need to have an eye exam by an Eye MD ophthalmologist or optometrist.

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So as long as the after images fade away after being on the computer for hours, this is normal. Correct?
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177275 tn?1511755244
Most after images fade within sixty seconds or less.  JCH MD
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Can this computer after image last for a long time?
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177275 tn?1511755244
You are probably aware of the computer after-image. Use Wikipedia and read about visual after-images. Think about having a flash picture taken of you then close your eyes and being able to see the image of the flash.  Computers do not damage the eye (they can tire them or make them uncomfortable). You can try looking away from your screen about every 10 minutes focus on something far away and blink 5-6 times. This also makes the eye more comfortable (like stretching at a ballgame)

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I am on the computer almost all day everyday, and now I noticed that I see a honeycomb pattern when I look at a plain space or solid surface, it's faint and not very bright, its there all the time and is stationary, but my eye exams have all been fine.
Can looking at a computer screen almost constantly cause you to see a honeycomb pattern?
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177275 tn?1511755244
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I have menieres and congenital hypothyroidism and I get this if I take a sedative (benadryl or Dramamine) before bed, read on a lot screen before bed and am slightly sleep deprived.  Personally, for me it's a spyrograph type pattern (like you used to play with as a kid), it's black always and it moves.  Since sedatives cause dizziness, and the over abundance of fluid in my ears (menieres), I think that my brain can't make sense of where I am in the heavy sedative induced sleep and wakes me up to.  Just my theory, with the over abundance  of fluid in my ears, if the eyes aren't open I get dizzy and my brain can't make sense of it without vision, and the sedatives cause dizziness which makes that worse.  So I think that's when my brain wakes me up (from a dead sleep, and only if I'm laying on my back).  It's dumb, but is he laying on his back when he sees it?  Does he take any meds that cause dizziness? Lots do.  Does he look at a screen for a while in the dark before bed?  These are all triggers for me with this.  It lasts for 5 minutes and goes away, the only nuisance is being woken from a dead sleep.  I usually fall back with no problems though.
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177275 tn?1511755244
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This is the closest thing i have seen to what i have.
When i close my eyes i can see what appears to be a honeycomb shape and it's moving from top left to bottom right.
It's always there and i can notice it most with eyes closed but it  gives a discomfort when looking at things as it's present as like an overlay to what i am seeing.

I had something like this when i was 19 and did eye tests to show eyes were fine and it either went away or my brain got used to it, it was always there but i found out not long ago i needed glasses so my vision was blurred but since then i had asthma return so the Doctor gave me Prednisolone which brought back these symptoms which i experienced when i was 19, i am 28 now.
I went back to the opticians who say my eyes were fine but i needed glasses as mentioned but i've got that vision effect  and it's uncomfortable.

It's like what i am seeing has something moving on top of it and when i close my eyes it's like a honeycomb grip moving as i said, but it's moving on top of what i am seeing.
When I was 19 I did have an insurmountable amount of stress which could be why i had it as it just appeared when i woke up one morning, and i don't know if my brain got used to it or if it dimmed down but i was able to see minus the blur but now i can see perfect with glasses but that effect is there.
I am scared to be honest and will go to the Doctors tomorrow but last time the Doctor just said it was one of them things.
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177275 tn?1511755244
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