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brown eyes, blue ring

my dad and his side all have blue eyes, while my mom's side all dark brown eyes with the possibility her father's father having blue or green eyes (not sure yet). i have five brothers and sisters (six of us). we all have brown eyes, varying in darkness. my younger sister has the lightest brown eyes while i myself have the darkest (when i was little, they almost looked black) i am 20 years old and a couple years back i was examining my eyes when i noticed that there was a light bluish almost gray ring around my eyes. the same color as my dad's. its not very prominent, you have to look close to see it.

at first i thought something was wrong so i checked out my brothers' and sisters' eyes to see if they had the same thing. they all had a light blue ring around they're brown eyes too. then i checked my mom's eyes to see if this was something all brown eyed people have, but she had a dark greenish/brown ring around her dark brown eyes! i've checked on the internet for what this could possibly be. i dont think its a cataract or some eye problem (i am near sighted so i go to a eye doctor who reports that other than my sight, i have nothing wrong with my eyes) and whenever i am at the doctor, i get no report of cholestral problem or anything like that. besides i am relatively healthy, i am young, and all my siblings who are all younger than me have this too. in my opinion, i think it may be a sort of mixing of my parent's eye colors or something. i didn't notice the blue ring when i was little, but then again i never really looked so i don't know. also i've noticed that my eyes have gotten a bit lighter, a little bit, they don't look as blackish as before. i've read stuff on the internet about people with brown eyes suddenly developing blue eyes or green eyes or hazel eyes (without injury).

has anyone had this and then their eyes changed colors?

This discussion is related to Eyes changing color (Blue rim around dark brown eyes).
36 Responses
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I do not have an answer to drown eyes with a blue gray ring around the eye. However my father had very rare light gray eyes my mother dark brown eyes, my eyes are medium brown with a gray ring around them. It is curious, and I would like to know if it is something that is typical? I am 65 years old .
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At 65 the cause of the ring is 99% of the time cornea arcus which is an aging change like hair graying.
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I am a Black 55 year old male. I didnt even know the ring was there until someone recently said what is that pretty ring around your iris? Only then did I look in the mirror and saw it. Mine is actually purple around my light brown eyes. Really strange but people say its pretty. Go figure.
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At 55 the cause of the ring is 99% of the time cornea arcus which is an aging change like hair graying.
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I am a Black 55 year old male. I didnt even know the ring was there until someone recently said what is that pretty ring around your iris? Only then did I look in the mirror and saw it. Mine is actually purple around my light brown eyes. Really strange but people say its pretty. Go figure.
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People come up with all kinds of answers but at the end of the day whether arcus juvenalis or arcus senilis, these are just terms no one really knows the cause. if high cholestrol levels were solely responsible for this then it would be evident everywhere and perhaps all blue eyes might be the result of elevated cholasterol levels. However I think it is just down to genetic changes. If it was a medical condition I doubt that both eyes will change colour at the same time and in a perfect arc, it is more likely a trigger in a person's dna that causes eye colour to change at any given point. Likelihood is that it is common among people with mixed ancestry in varying degrees.
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A meaningless tautology.
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People come up with all kinds of answers but at the end of the day whether arcus juvenalis or arcus senilis, these are just terms no one really knows the cause. if high cholestrol levels were solely responsible for this then it would be evident everywhere and perhaps all blue eyes might be the result of elevated cholasterol levels. However I think it is just down to genetic changes. If it was a medical condition I doubt that both eyes will change colour at the same time and in a perfect arc, it is more likely a trigger in a person's dna that causes eye colour to change at any given point. Likelihood is that it is common among people with mixed ancestry in varying degrees.
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I have a really pretty blue / purple ring around my cornea I had my cholesterol checked and I'm not diabetic and my cholesterol is fine just cool looking eyes. I'm 63 years old and I
ve had this since my late teens early twenties. I had dark brown eyes when I was a little girl. When I was in my twenties my eye doctor told me to have my cholesterol checked cuz that is the most common reason he said. It sounds like we are all special!
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I don't know you well enough to know if you are special but if you have had it since youth and your cholesterol is normal you have what is known as "arcus juvenalis" if you want you can google it and read more about it.
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Your dad may have high cholesterol
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grey ring edge of cornea is usually arcus. Normal after 65 younger than 65 can be associated with elevated blood fats (lipids=cholesterol or triglycerides) and should be checked for
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I am African-American and i have this kind of eye to but i see perfectly fine but Google said it is like cheltoral.(im ten i cant spell that great)
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I have no idea what you are trying to spell. Rings around the cornea do not normally affect the vision.
177275 tn?1511755244


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I just recently asked about my grey blue ring around my eyes while at a Doctor visit. Yes at times its associated with High  cholesterol it's  not always. It's also a family trait! Mine is a family trait. Mine began to appear in my early 40s maybe even before but went unnoticed.  
Yes it can be like families where hair grays in the 30's or early 40's
177275 tn?1511755244
From Wikipedia.com

Arcus senilis (or arcus senilis corneae) is a white, grey, or blue opaque ring in the corneal margin (peripheral corneal opacity), or white ring in front of the periphery of the iris. It is present at birth, but then fades; however, it is quite commonly present in the elderly.
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I too have a blue ring around my iris and the whites of my eyes are sometimes bluish. My eyes are dark brown. (hemotogenic) I have had this all my life. My mother never had this as she constantly commented on how blue the whites of my eyes were and have even shown up in a photo as blue. I am a 40yr old olive skinned woman. However through research women with olive complexion or darker skin and darker hair etc... have thicker blood than Caucasian types and apparently this blue ring is related to the blood and our deep ancestry roots. I have 4 children and only my first born has this too.
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15193345 tn?1439040537
I'm of Puerto Rican and Spaniard ancestry. My eyes were hazel but turned light brown when i was 8 years old. I've had the blue circle my whole life as i have gotten older the blue circle it's more noticeable. I recently had a physical and do not have high cholesterol.
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I am a 54 year Africa American women, I have just started to notice this blue ring around my eyes also. My husband pointed it out a couple of weeks ago. I had notice this in my fathers eyes also, whom is of Indian descent.
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Me too :) - thought it was just something that occurred in my family but my mother's eyes went from dark brown, to medium brown with a blue grey ring and now in her 60s I have no idea what color they are.  There's distinct blue and grey with flecks of brown.  Really pretty but the start of it was the development of the blue grey ring in her 40s.  I've been developing the same ring late 30s, now I'm 40 and the ring is getting a bit wider and my eyes went from dark brown to medium brown.  I have no health issues nor problems with my eye sight.  I assumed it was due to my grandfather who had green all his life then slate grey during his 70s.  Very weird.  I've been asked only once what color my eyes were which was the catalyst for my noticing the ring.  I'm guessing it's maybe due to a loss of pigmentation with the aging process.  I'm black, west-indies descendent of the "slave trade" too.  Interesting to hear about other people with these rings with no health issues.
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Most people who replied to this thread are black, but I'm Korean. I do have blue-grey ring around my red-brown eyes. This thread makes me happy to know there are people like me. People always is telling me I have very sharp eyes and beautiful at the same time, scaring. I also have big, open eyes for an Asian. I knew I've had a dark ring around my eyes but oh well, not given any importance until few days ago.
I was taking off my make up and found out something was bizarre. My dark limbal ring has changed in to blue-grey and thick.
I think I'm having changing iris color in to grey-blue.
I'm an Asian, Korean, no one has got this eye color.
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My eyes are the same as yours, but the blue hue around the brown fairly obvious. I never noticed this until around three years ago and I am 40. Like yourself, I didn't really pay much attention to my eyes. I do remember as a child people always commented on how beautiful my eyes were. I heard this a lot too as an adult but assumed they were talking about the shape of my eyes, not the color. When I first moved to America as a teenager, random strangers would ask if my eyes were fake. I was taken aback by this question and thought the people here were strange. I seriously thought people had fake eyes. Then I learned later about contacts. It took a love interest to clarify what the fuss was about. We were walking and he literally stopped me to stare at my eyes. I thought there was something wrong. He told me my eyes were beautiful and he never met anyone with two eye colors before. I asked what he was talking about and he told me I had blue hue around the brown area and depending on th lighting my eyes looked grey. I will assume this is the result of recessive genes because I am black and from the West Indies. It has been about 3 years since I was made aware unique eye color. The only issue I have now is people asking if I had cataracts or some other issue or if I am sensitive to light and if my eyes are real.
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It could be a sign of strokes?
High CHOLESTROL /It could be a sign of strokes?
HI There,
I remember when I was a teenager , my moms mother has a  blue ring around her iris of her dark brown eyes.  I use to compliment my grandma for having such pretty eyes. At that time, in 1991, my grandma would go to see her doctor for regular check ups. So. One day, her family doctor told her that she HAS HIGH CHOLESTROL WHICH HAS DAMAGED HER IRIS.   SO THIS IS EXPLAINED WHY BROWN EYED PEOPLE WHO HAS A BLUE RING  AROUND THERE IRIS ...
First of all its it cornea not the iris that is involved in the "ring around the cornea" not the iris. Second a blood cholesterol should always be done on anyone that develops a cornea arcus ring younger than 70. Sometimes its associated with elevated cholesterol but 99% of the time its an aging change of the cornea like hair graying.
Brown eyes are naturally blue underneath the protective film which is brown. Therefore everyone with brown are actually blue! Fact check that
12355929 tn?1424827690
I am in my 40's and a very healthy bi-racial male; Black/Korean.  My Black father had very dark brown eyes until one day I had commented that they looked blue.  That was while he was in his early 50's.  Low and behold, he checked in the mirror and they were a permanent cobalt blue with no variation in color no matter what the conditions (clothing, weather, daylight, nighttime, etc.)  A few years ago, I was taking out an eyelash that had fallen onto the surface of my eyeball and bugging the dickens out of me, I had noticed a thin grey-hazel ring and asked my daughter to verify to ensure I wasn't seeing things.  Since then, the ring has grown.  I get a yearly health and welfare check-up that includes blood-work to check cholesterol levels.  As usual, my HDL was well above 50 mg/dl, my LDL was always well below 100 mg/dl, and this always amounted to my TC/HDL ratio to be well below 4.0, which was explained to me that it was very good.  I've never had health issues and I eat as clean as I can (organic, natural, raw, non-processed, GMO and pesticide free foods and drinks).  I exercise nearly every day in the gym or in the park.  After diligent research, I am leaning towards my situation as being genetic.  I can't think of any factors that would aid in the alteration of the color of my eyes.  If anyone has scientific evidence otherwise, I would like to examine it and see if it applies to me.  Maybe there's nothing to worry about, maybe there is.
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I too have a blue gray ring around my iris too! I read on the internet somewhere that as your body becomes more alkaline brown eyes turn blue. So, it's some chemical reaction that black people may have become exposed to causing the eye color changes. Perhaps our food in some way is being manipulated causing these changes in our DNA. GMO's are suspect. If what their doing with our food affects the Black population by what type of food, drink we consume, we better find out what is changing  our eye color.
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I am a black woman of 56 and I have noticed that there is a ring of light grey around the top of my iris although people say they can see a ring of blue around my eyes.  My natural colour is a medium brown.  My pupils are also dark blue.

I had my cholesterol and glucose checked last month and they are all normal, though I am very light sensitive.

I was wondering if this was hereditary as I have quite a mixed background.
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Why do you keep posting your ad for your clinic?  You've offered nothing to the conversation, other than your ad.  Do you believe you should be paid for whatever information you may have?  Well, that's not how this works.  In short, unless you have nothing to add to the conversation; your ad helps virtually no one.
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I am a black woman 48 years old from Trinidad West Indies and I noticed that I have dark blue ring around my iris.  I checked with other family members and found that my twin sister, brother and mother and grandmother had the same ring.  Now my mother who is 76 years old has almost completely blue eyes which once where brown.  My daughter was born with blue/gray eyes but her eyes changed within four days to a nice dark brown.  I suspect her eyes will also develop the blue ring when she reaches her forties like me.

Amazingly enough a bit of research into this and I'm finding this trait to be very common among those descendants of the slave trade who came to the Americas (North, South and Central) on ships.
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I am a black woman 48 years old from Trinidad West Indies and I noticed that I have dark blue ring around my iris.  I checked with other family members and found that my twin sister, brother and mother and grandmother had the same ring.  Now my mother who is 76 years old has almost completely blue eyes which once where brown.  My daughter was born with blue/gray eyes but her eyes changed within four days to a nice dark brown.  I suspect her eyes will also develop the blue ring when she reaches her forties like me.

Amazingly enough a bit of research into this and I'm finding this trait to be very common among those descendants of the slave trade who came to the Americas (North, South and Central) on ships.
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I am 51 black woman and my ring appeared about 8 years ago. I do not have hogh cholestrol but I do have high blood pressure and a little anemic, other than that I do not have any other medical problems and I get my blood work done twice a year. I have always been told I have nice eyes but now people think I wear contacts with this blue/gray ring that seems to be getting thicker. My father eyes changed from brown to baby blue when he was in his 60's. I have good eyesight, with a little nearsighted at night , can't read signs until I get close to them but that is expected with age.
my eye doctor said it is nothing to worryabout and that everyone is born with blue eyes and then they change. (I did not believe him), so I am still searching for an answer before I wake up one day and my eyes are blue like my dads, really freaky looking because we expect blue eyes to be on white folks only.
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I to have the blue ring going around the iris of my brown eyes that seems to change with my emotions.

[email protected]

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