299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.
A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 37 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt Tomorrow!
Help4baby:  31 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 26 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! (leaving for Costa Rica 3/6-20)
ad_06: BFP!!! 20 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound March 22! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break

BabyMadd: CD5
nino7: CD17
jmh2005:  CD19

rachjas:  9DPIUI! :) beta Thursday!
Keyan:  14DPO! :)
So, our babies experienced their first earthquake this morning!  Ricky woke up just before it hit, so we were wide awake at 4:00 a.m.  Ava wasn't phased :)  It was just a 4.4, so not a big deal, but it is a baby first :)  Tomorrow is their first appt with their pediatrician.  We'll look through their clothes and try to dress them in something green for St. Patrick's day :)  It'll be their first outing since coming home :)

ad_06:  I know it's tough to have GD and bedrest thrown at you, but you'll get through it.  Stay positive and hopefully it'll only be a week of bedrest :)  When is your next appt?  Hang in there!!!

rachjas:  Your beta is coming up soon!  How are you feeling?  I'll be thinking of you!!! :)

Keyan:  14 dpo...  any sign of AF?  Sending positive thoughts your way!!!

38 Responses
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299260 tn?1304216105
Helpful - 0
255732 tn?1318517822
I can deal with the bedrest and GD....It's just the thought of something happening to this baby. I go back to see my OB next Tuesday. She told me that if I start having contractions or if the pressure is worse to get to the hospital immediately! What do contractions feel like? I will know when I get them right?  I have to call my OB today to get me results to see if I have a UTI....can that cause some shortening too? Well I will check in later. I'm glad the earthquake wasn't bad!
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102073 tn?1309549099
Ad_06: I am sorry, I know it must be a scary thought, but try to follow all the instructions as they come, I am sure doing so will help you have the happy ending Mommyin10 had, a healthy baby!

Mommyin10: a 4.4 for you is not a bid deal, I remember just last year I felt my first, and my GOD I got really scared when I notice what was going on, of course nothing happend it was 4. something, but it was my first! LOL....Good luck today at the appt and getting out for the first time!!  I am sure a lot of good news and advise will come by your pediatrician. On my end, everything is good, I am expecting AF today.

Rachjas: good luck on your beta tomorrow!!

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299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 37 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt Tomorrow!
Help4baby:  31 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 26 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! (leaving for Costa Rica 3/6-20)
ad_06: BFP!!! 20 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound March 22! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break

BabyMadd: CD6
nino7: CD18
jmh2005:  CD20

rachjas:  10DPIUI! :) beta Tomorrow!!!
Keyan:  15DPO! :)

ad_06:  I know, I wasn't intending to make light of your situation by saying you'll survive on bedrest...  I totally understand your situation & your concerns.  I've been there & sbumblebeeo is there now.  The best advice I can give you is to take bedrest very seriously & when you're not on bedrest, stay off your feet as much as possible.  Standing, walking, bending, etc. puts more pressure on your cervix.  Also, dehydration and a full bladder can cause contractions.  So, drink a lot of water & empty your bladder often.  My cervix got as short as 1.7 I think.  I can't remember the exact number, but I was hospitalized twice & they did give me steroid injections to help the babies' lungs in case they were born that early.  I don't know if there's a connection between a uti and shortened cervix??  As far as contractions, that one drove me crazy!  I was always told I'd know if they were real, but with Braxton Hicks contractions, I was constantly wondering if it was "something".  Braxton Hicks contractions felt like an all-over belly tightening.  It was very uncomfortable & for me, they'd last longer than a few minutes.  My doc said it was also my uterus stretching to accommodate the babies.  I was told if the contractions happen (from the start of one to the start of another) more than 4 times in an hour, to call my doc.  I'll tell you, when my water broke & I was actually in labor, I finally understood what contractions felt like!  OMG, you definitely will know! ;)  If you have a contraction, you pretty much stop everything & wait it out.  You can't carry on a conversation, walk, do anything.  If you have any questions at all, please ask.  I was in your shoes with a shortened cervix, bedrest, GD.  I'm here to help if you need me ;)  Hang in there!!!

Keyan:  I'm holding out hope that she won't show! ;)  Hopefully your x ray will be put on hold.  You just felt your first earthquake ever?  Yes, a 4.something is really nothing, but it was centered close to home, so it was felt stronger.  (not enough to get up out of bed!)  heehee  I'm just getting ready for our appt with the pediatrician.  Had to find something green for the babies to wear since it's St. Patrick's Day! :)  Oh, I forgot to tell you that Carmelo is doing so well with the babies!  He's so protective.  He usually barks at my MIL, but when she came into the bedroom, he was very good...  once in the other room, he growled at her!  heehee  If we're in the other room & one of them cries, he runs in to make sure they're okay.  He constantly goes from one crib to another, looking in on them.  It's so cute :)
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255732 tn?1318517822
mommyin10 - I know you weren't trying to make light of my situation. I was just meaning that bedrest and GD is nothing compared to having my baby make it. She said I was allowed up to eat and to use the bathroom. But DH has been really good about getting my food. I just have to get my lunch. So I only make 1 trip to the kitchen each day. I don't know how short my cervix is.....well I will follow her orders to the T and we'll see next week what she says. Thanks for all the advice. If I have any questions I'll ask you.

keyan - thanks...it is just really scary.
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291233 tn?1347297526
Appointment went like last weeks.... she is still breech and staying put.  He didn't check me again to see if I am dilated but he says next week he is going to check for sure and if I am then they are going to take her on Thursday.  Sooooo.... we could have Shelby next Thursday the 25th or the 1st time will tell.  I kind of feel bad now though b/c everyone has planned vacation around the 1st.  Oh well what can you do right?

mommyin10-  I hope you are doing well.  I do have a question.... since you had a c section did they cath you?  Did they take it out before you went to recovery while you still had the epidural going or the next day?  I am not excited about that at all.  :(  In fact I am starting to get scared of everything.  Too much time to think I guess.  I wish my water would just break on it's own and we could go about this whole thing like you did.  
Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
ad_06: how are you feeling, how is bedrest treating you?

Sbumblebleeo: wow, next week? I guess you got what you wanted, a little earlier. I am really happy that shelby was able to get healthier inside your tummy in this last weeks!! I can wait to hear your birth story and see her pics!

Mommyin10: still no AF for me. you probably won't remember, but the earthquake was like a year ago...I asked you for recomendations for safety. I remember it was a shock for me, although it was like 4.6 or something, it was long for about 50 or 60 seconds, which felt like 10 minutes!! lol...I am glad Carmelo already knows there are two new little ones that belong to his family now and wants to protect them!

Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
I am thinking of you today, hoping for sticky BFP!!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 38 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt 3/25!
Help4baby:  31 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 27 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! (leaving for Costa Rica 3/6-20)
ad_06: BFP!!! 21 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound March 22! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break

BabyMadd: CD7
nino7: CD19
jmh2005:  CD21

rachjas:  11DPIUI! :) beta TODAY!!!
Keyan:  16DPO! :)
Keyan:  I am remembering your earthquake now.  Was it at night while you were sleeping?  Yes, Carmelo is doing great!  He's so funny the way he checks on them :)  dh says he'll let him lick/kiss the babies one day... while I'm not home!  I think I'd be too nervous to see it for the first time.  I like that he's so sweet with them, but I still worry...  That's great no AF yet!  I'm thinking positive thoughts.  Hopefully she stays away!

Rachjas:  Best wishes for your beta today!!!

sbumblebeeo:  You're right.  I was kind of thrown into my labor without planning (thinking I'd  be enjoying my first day off bedrest instead!)  haha  Before my C section, they did all kinds of checking to make sure I was actually in labor.  They checked my amniotic fluid, sent bloodwork to their lab, did the IV & yes, a cath!  It's funny because I'm like you.  I think of stuff like that and I worry, but trust me, you wont care at that point.  It didn't hurt or anything & they're already poking & prodding, so it's just another "something" they're doing ;)  The cath actually stays in til 24 hours later.  Trust me, after your c section (well, in my case anyway), I was in no position to get up and use the restroom.  I was thankful for the cath actually.  SInce me c section was around midnight, a nurse woke me up around the same time the next night to remove that & my IV & walk me in the hallway.  Actually using the restroom after surgery wasn't easy even when doing it on my own.  It seemed like nothing quite worked right, but again, it is major surgery, so takes time to heal.  How exciting that you could be meeting Shelby next week!!! =)  I can'[t believe you're 38 weeks!

ad_06:  Happy 21 Weeks!  How are you feeling today?  That sounds like a good plan.  With dh's help, you & your baby will be in great hands.  I know I can't thank my dh enough for everything he did for me! :)
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299260 tn?1304216105
I almost forgot to update re: the babies' appt with their pediatrician yesterday.  Everything went really well.  They are both perfectly healthy, which is still such a miracle to me.  I'm so grateful! :)  The doc will keep an eye on Ricky's two hemangiomas, but isn't overly concerned.  He'll also try to get him off the formula he's on & switch it to something else.  It's one with extra calories for preemie babies, to help them gain weight.  Ava will stay on it for a little longer.  She also has three very small hemangiomas that the doc will keep his eye on.  They're tiny, like the size of a pin *****.  Ricky is now 5 lbs, 12 ounces!  At birth he was 4 lbs, 5 ounces.  Ava is a whopping 5 lbs, 1 ounce!  We're so happy she's reached 5 lbs!  She was only 3 lbs, 14 ounces at birth.  They'll go back to see their doc next Thursday.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Okay, my last post for a while!  haha.  The other thing the doc will watch with Ava is her hips.  Apparently, when a baby is breech (sbumblebeeo), there is a risk for hip displacement.  She appeared perfectly fine when he examined her, but he'll keep an eye on it.  I thought that was interesting ;)
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291233 tn?1347297526
mommyin10-  WOW!  They are both doing so great.  It's just amazing!  Over 5 pounds is a great milestone  but still soooo tiny in my mind.  It's hard to imagine for me.  I wish I could just come visit you and hold them tight.  Awww soo cute.  I didn't know about the hip thing with c section babies.  I'll have to ask Shelby's ped about that.

Have A wonderful night!
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465737 tn?1315754922
It was negative! Waiting on AF. I think that DH and I have decided to do our SET. We will talk to our nurse on CD 1.
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102073 tn?1309549099
rachjas: I am so sorry ;o(  agrrrr

mommyin10: yes you are right, the earthquake was during the night. since I've follow your adivise keeping water in our night stand tables. is good the babies are doing so good! Hopefully Ava won't have any issues with her hip and they both cotinue to be healthy as they have been!

Soooo, FF says I am 18dpo, medhelp 17dpo and I've started to get frustrated....I took a test yesterday afternoon, an OPK it was positive (the smiley ones) so we bought an HPT and it said "not pregnant" ...I did another OPK and it was negative....my temps are not the best, but they are still above the coverline but I've had AF start with a high temp before so it is not of any help, and I've had long cycles before but because I O'ed later on around Cd18 or CD17 and I am sure, that for this cycle I O'ed on or before cd15 soooo I am late...I usually don't go past 14 or 15dpo soooooo in conclusion...have no clue what is going on! maybe something did happend but it didn't stick or Pcos is actually doing a grand debut (because I am never late) or is just a crazy cycle. I plan to wait until Monday to do anything (if needed) I've had AF type of signs, not as strong as they usually are, but they are present, so she could show any moment. I am not sad, mad or happy...just plain frustrated, I wanted to have our X-ray done tomorrow, but now I don't know.
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291233 tn?1347297526
Keyan-  I remember those days far too well.  I am sorry you are so frustrated but stick with it and you get there.  As I sit here in front of this computer I am still in amazment that I may actually have a baby.  I feel her move and I see my huge belly but it just doesn't seem real.  It's been such a long fight.  I feel for you, I really do.  When I finally got a BFP with this baby I didn't have any emotions at all. I guess you just get to that point.  Well chin up, it's Friday!   :)
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255732 tn?1318517822
Thanks ladies for thinking about me......bedrest hasn't been that bad. It's just more of the wondering if you are doing everything right. But I know that I am doing all that I can....I can't wait til I go back to the doctor Tuesday.....I thought the time would go pretty slow, but it actually hasn't...I can't believe that it's Friday :) I hope you ladies have a great weekend!!

Rachjas - I am sorry hun!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 38 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt 3/25!
Help4baby:  31 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 27 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! (leaving for Costa Rica 3/6-20)
ad_06: BFP!!! 21 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound Monday!!! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break
rachjas:  waiting for CD1

BabyMadd: CD8
nino7: CD20
jmh2005:  CD22

Keyan:  17DPO! :)
So, today is the date of my scheduled C Section!  It's so funny to think that the babies are 1 month old & today would have actually been their b-day :)

ad_06:  It's funny you mentioned the week flying by because when I was on bedrest, it really did go by fast.  Stay positive & keep your mind occupied and it will continue to fly by :)  You most definitely are doing everything you can for your precious little one :)

Rachjas:  I'm so sorry!  I like the plan for the single embryo transfer though!  That's what we did & look what happened ;)  Best wishes to you & hopefully CD1 will be here soon.

Keyan:  Have you only tried the digital test?  When I got my BFP, it didn't show PREGNANT on the digital til a few days after I got a +hpt (the two lines test).  I don't know, maybe the HCG has to be much higher for the digital?  Well, skip the x ray for now & just wait and see :)  Thinking of you!

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291233 tn?1347297526
mommyin10- Happy Birthday Babies!
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102073 tn?1309549099
an update...AF has shown in full force...now I get to do the X-ray tomorrow and just hopefully, crossing my fingers, before next friday we will submit our application!! which just thinking about it makes me smile!!

Happy Friday!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 38 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt Thursday!
Help4baby:  32 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 27 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! (leaving for Costa Rica 3/6-20)
ad_06: BFP!!! 21 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound Monday!!! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break
rachjas:  waiting for CD1

Keyan:  CD2
BabyMadd: CD9
nino7: CD21
jmh2005:  CD23
Yesteray was the first time since being placed on bedrest on December 8, 2009, that I actually drove my car and went somewhere by myself!  It was so awkward!  haha :)  I only went to the grocery store, but it was a milestone, nonetheless :)  The babies are doing great!  Having dh do the 2 a.m. feeding really helps me , because I get to sleep from 12:00 or 12:30 til their 5:00 feeding, which could come as early as 4:30, depending on my little screamer ;)  He's so funny because he starts making noises about an hour before he wakes up & he will scream intermittently, but he's still asleep!  I told dh he's just keeping us on our toes.  He'll scream & we'll think, oh, boy!  He's early.  Then we look, and he's sound asleep.  It's pretty funny.  One thing I never expected is all the noises babies make.  They're both sleeping in their cribs and it's never silent. It's so cute because it sounds like horses whinnying (is that a word?)  Anyway, it keeps me entertained!

Keyan:  Well, if AF had to show, I'm glad she did yesterday so you could get your X ray done today!  That's good timing & I know how excited you two are to get your application sent off!  I'm so excited for you =)

sbumblebeeo:  Thanks! =)  It's so hard to believe they're a month old already!!!  Pretty soon I'll be planning their first b-day party like Leighanne ;)
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478429 tn?1265244387
sbumblebeeo: You are sooo close to having Shelby!!! How are you feeling these days (besides uncomfortable!!)?

Keyan: Sorry AF showed her ugly face...but at least you didn't have to wait and wait so now you can get your x-ray done. How long does the actual adoption process take down there? That's so exciting it so close to being done!! Well, our weather here I think has finally broke for spring (I know I just jinxed us!!!) - It's been in the 50's and 60's for a week now! DS is loving it outside, and I took Peyton for a walk yesterday afternoon in the chest carrier thingy.

Mommyin10: Glad to hear those little babies are doing so well!! My, they are getting big!! Isn't nice to be able to sleep just a couple of solid hours lol?!!

Rachjas: I'm sorry about your bfn....((HUGS)) - I'm not sure what SET is though....

Ad: I think I need to go to the other post and read what's going on. I just saw that you are on bedrest and have GD? Did I get that right? I hope you are doing well and know that it's all happening to keep your little one safe and sound :-) If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send a note (I get an e-mail notification so I can check that quicker...).

AFM: Just busy!! Peyton is staying awake more during the day now and sometimes it's hard to keep her entertained lol! We are all doing great! The weather here has been perfect and that has made DS one happy little boy to be able to run outside and play in the dirt ;-) I think I'm going to end up calling the pediatrician tomorrow though. Peyton has what looks like bad exzema (sp?) on her face. It's so red and inflammed. It will get better for a couple of hours and then flare up again. I feel bad for her, but there's not much that I can do...I just washed all her laundry in dreft today in case she developed a sensitivity to our regular detergent....So I guess we'll see what the ped says. Well, I've gotta go, duty calls lol!!! Hope everyone is doing well and I'll check back in asap!!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I went to the ER with my bestfriend last night. She's about 6-7 weeks pregnant, and started having like a pulling/straining feeling down low. It got to the point where she couldn't even walk, so I left Addy with her daddy and we were at the ER for like 6 hours! Basicly, they couldn't see anything on the u/s! No sac, no baby, nothing! So of course we were bawling! They drew her levels, and ironicly, they are perfect! They've been rising like normal, and are at 4,000 something?! They were fearful it was a tubal until they got those results back, and are now just stumped! I guess there's only a 10% chance that it's tubal with her levels being so good, but they didn't see anything in her uterus so it sounds like it could be?? They're holding out hope and we have an u/s tomorrow morning to see if anything has progressed, and I'm praying that we see something!! I know miracles happen! They said the baby could be hiding and we just can't see it?? Is that possible? Mommyin10- I know it took a few days after seeing your first baby to see your second, so anything's possible! Please pray for her ladies! I'll update with hopefully good news! :) Addy's starting to cry, she's definately turning into a mommy's girl! She wants me ALL the time, which makes me feel GREAT! ;) I love it when someone else is holding her and she starts to fuss, then they hand her to me and it only takes a few seconds and she's better! There's not a better feeling in the world that you can send that instant comfort to your child! :) I'll check in later ladies, just wanted to give a quick update!
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465737 tn?1315754922
Thanks for all of your thoughts!

dnikki- SET = single emybro transfer... I have one embryo left... it's a grade 2.0 on a 1-4 scale (1 being the best)... it's already hatched also.

keyan- I am so sorry about AF. Can you tell me more about your adoption process?

AFM- AF started today. I will start BCP tmw (need to go pick them up) and I hope to get more info. about my ET schedule tmw also.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!!
Check out her beautiful pics!
Dnikkki: Welcome Peyton Therese!!! Born 2/2/10 at 9:47 p.m. 6 pounds, 6 ounces & 19 inches long!
Mommyin10: Richard Clay, III & Ava Kathleen were born 2/18/10! He was 4 lbs, 5oz, born at 12:15 a.m. She weighed 3lbs, 14oz, born at 12:16 a.m.

sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 38 Weeks with Shelby Rachel! Scheduled C Section 4/1! Appt Thursday!
Help4baby:  32 Weeks with Twins!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 27 weeks with a healthy BOY!!!
ad_06: BFP!!! 21 weeks!!!  
Michelleinhawaii: BFP!!! 1st ultrasound TODAY!!! Send prayers & positive thoughts :)

Waiting for an update:

Guesito: Tubal Reversal soon
Lina: Taking a break
Sammy_J: Taking a break
mrspace: Taking a break

Rachjas:  CD2 (starting bcps)
Keyan:  CD3
BabyMadd: CD10
nino7: CD22
jmh2005:  CD24

Michelle:  Thinking of you today!!!  Please update asap!  I can't wait for great news from you =)

rachjas:  That's great you're moving forward so quickly!  I hope you get all the info you need re: your SET today.  It sounds like your embie is really good quality, too =)

luvkayln:  That is the sweetest that your little girl prefers her mommy!  It's gotta make you feel good :)  Please let us know how your best friend's appt goes today!  I'll be thinking of her & hoping her little one is hiding out like my Ava did.  Best wishes!!!

dnikki:  Poor Peyton ;(  It could be the detergent??  All we use for the babies is Dreft, so that could be a start.  Also, Ava looks like her face is pealing, after being in the sun... The pediatrician told us not to use lotion because she's supposed to shed that layer of skin.  I don't know if Peyton's is the same thing?  Anyway, I hope it gets better soon! :)  Yes, it is definitely good to get a solid hour sleep here or there! :)  Last night I got a total of 6!  That's awesome =)

Keyan:  How'd the x ray go on Sat.?  Did you get your application in the mail?  I'm so so excited for you guys!!!  Will you see your doc re this cycle or just relax & see what happens?  I know you're concentrating more on the adoption at this point, which is awesome! :)

kmcarino:  Welcome back!  Hope you had a wonderful time =)  How's your baby boy & when is your next appt?

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