299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: (Offer support & prayers!!!)
naf38: (Home in Australia)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

vortex: BFP - 33 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 27 weeks (doc appt March 11)
Jessie: BFP - 22 weeks (appt tomorrow)
Stacey: BFP!!! 14 weeks! (u/s tomorrow)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 9 weeks
rachjas:  BFP!!!! (u/s 3/13)
kmcarino:  BFP!!! (u/s 3/16)

jmh2005:  Waiting for AF
Shysana: Waiting for AF (HSG 3/10)
Guesito: Waiting for AF, getting ready for FET
Keyan:  Started Lupron, waiting for next lap

Candie:  CD10
Lina:  CD13
mommyin09:  CD13
pyar:  CD15
CD15 (1dpo?)
Arlotheslug:  CD15
dnikki:  CD16
wishandaprayer:  CD17
Mrspace: CD35

ad_06:  9-10dpo
luvkayln: 11dpo

83 Responses
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449498 tn?1338772039
Mommyin09- Thanks for the new thread! :) Yeah, definately don't worry about your lining only being 4.5 mm. If you get your +OPK tonight, then you would ovulate 24-48 hours later, so your lining will be right where your RE wants it! :) Your poor dh..! I feel so bad for him! And then to forget about daylight savings time today and had to rush out of the house to make it to work in time! Poor guy! :( I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your + tonight, and I'll keep everything crossed that dh is up to bd'ing!!! ;) I'm feeling ok, just ready for this 2ww to be over with! I've been cramping since 7 dpo, and they actually feel like AF cramps so I'm expecting her any time now! It's weird b/c I never cramp before AF, usually just the day of, but I'm thinking those cysts really messed my body up and it's just confused! :) I'm ready to move on to my 2nd round of injections! And we'll talk to my RE about doing IVF after 3 more follistim/IUI cycles. I was thinking that we'd only have 6 months to save up, but since this cycle with the cysts is darn near 2 months long, it looks like we'll have more like 9 months to save up which is awesome!! :) I'm looking forward to IVF, but secretly hoping we won't get that far and get our BFP soon instead! :) Oops, sorry this was so long! ;) Good luck to you this cycle! Come on +OPK!! ;)

Hannah- Welcome back, and congrats on saving up for IVF! We're moving on to that in about 9 months or so! :)

Candie- Hope you are getting ready for your +OPK! Sending SO much SSBD to you this cycle! :)

dnikki- Hope the BC is treating you a little better these days! :) Have you asked your doc about getting an u/s to see if your cysts are gone yet? Hope AF gets here soon so you can move on to your injections/IUI cycle! ;)

Stacey- Have fun seein' your little one again tomorrow! ;) Thanks for all the info on IVF, you're the best!!! :)

Arlotheslug- How was your weekend? Keeping my fingers crossed that you get your +OPK soon! :)

mrspace- How are you feeling? Hopefully AF doesn't keep you waiting for too long!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Hey Everyone - Just got back from seeing my Dad/Stepmom and my Stepbrother. My stepbrother is home from Iraq for a few days and yesterday was the only chance I had to see him before he leaves again. It was fun though.

mommyin09: Thanks for starting another thread!! Will you be able to do IUI this cycle?

rachjas and kmcarino: How are you guys feeling - besides cloud nine lol?!

Well, I started my period on Thursday which really su cks because I have to wear white scrub pants to work (and I'm in the middle of my bcp pack!)!! I'm still bleeding, but it's not red anymore (sorry tmi) and it's not as heavy. Hopefully it will stop soon otherwise I guess I'll need to call my RE and see what the heck is going on. Work is kicking my butt lol - It's not so bad after my short days, but after working my long days I am EXHAUSTED lol! I think I need to look for a new sitter for Trav. The one we have now, I don't think he's getting enough stimulation there. She only says the kids play - never says oh yeah we colored or painted or flashcards or something. I don't know. I'll have to talk to DH when he gets home tonight. I'm just not feeling comfortable with her...And when it comes to my son, I will trust my gut :-) Well, I hope everyone is good and I'll catch up tomorrow!!
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495055 tn?1259700950
Hi everyone!

Mommyin09:  Thanks for starting another thread.  I am sorry about the work and DH, but am sending strong karma for your follie.  You are definitely a better woman than I with the spinning.

Luvkayln:  Thank you.  Still no +opk - so going in for bloodwork tomorrow.  I have to be honest, it has been a really hard weekend.  DH and I have decided that this is it . . . not going to do this anymore - the whole TTC thing is really bringing both of us down and, well, it is not good for either of us.  If I am off this cycle and don;t have any follies - I am out.  So, wish me luck tomorrow and well, I am getting to be ok with it.  I am excited for you and glad you have time to save up for the IVF . . . that is awesome and will be worth it - I hope you get your BFP before.  You are an amazing woman.  

Lina:  Thank you for your kind wishes.  I am happy you have found a new job.

Dnikki:  I am glad you were able to see your stepbrother.  You definitely have to trust your gut - I agree.

Happy Sunday!!!
Helpful - 0
494640 tn?1262737989
hey luvkayln i  have found some clinics in england that do free ivf if you share half your eggs they get
because of my age they only put 1 ferlaised egg in me
i wanted twins haha
so tomoro im going to apply for this sceme hope i get in x
good luck x
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Arlotheslug:  I definitely know how you're feeling & I wish you my very best tomorrow.  Keep us posted!!!  

dnikki:  I'm glad you got to see your step-brother & I pray that he'll remain safe.  That does su ck about AF.  I hope it eases up & you get through your bcp cycle quickly!

Hannah:  Good luck with your application tomorrow :)

luvkayln:  If you don't normally have cramps like this, it could be a good sign??  I know you wouldn't want to get your hopes up, so we'll just wait it out :)  Thanks for the info re: my lining.  That makes me feel better.  So, here's my update:  I got my +opk this evening & then got a call from dh that he'll be at work til at least 11:30 p.m.!  He went in at 5 a.m.  This is what happens when you work at an oil refinery & there is a problem getting a piece of equipment working.  It's a big deal.  Anyway, he said it's gonna be a busy week, so I'm not holding my breath about ttc.  If it happens, it happens.  If not, we'll have next month :)  Then I'll be one month into my exercise routine & he'll be in his new position at work & much more relaxed!  I refuse to stress about it.  Whatever's meant to be will be.
Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
hey! Good morning!

An update on my lupron shot....well silly me thinking there was no need to call my doc's office to confirm if I could come in or not (I didn't have an appt, I had to wait for AF), I didn't call....so when I got there, I found out he wasn't there, sooooo I couldn't get my shot, I will try today.

Mommyin09: congrats once again on your follie and the +opk. Hope dh wasn't too tired to bd! You have a great attitude, keeping yourself away from stress, keep it up!!

Candie: hope you had an amazing weekend!

Luvkayln: I agree with Mommyin09, I know is hard getting our hopes up only to be let down, so I will be quietly (sp?) hoping and praying that those AF type of cramps are actually a good sign of a BFP!!!

Arlotheslug: I will praying really hard you to have good news to share with us soon, regarding a +opk and the agency. Have you talked to the birth mom?  hope you enjoy the good weather.

Kcmarino : Congrats on the number!! I too hope you do keep them all! when do you find out how many there are?

Hannah: Welcome back. good luck with IVF

Dnikki: Hope AF leaves you soon, I agree, trust your gut!

Jessie: hope the bleeding stops soon and you are ok.

ALL: Have a great weekend!!
Helpful - 0
398038 tn?1247857003
mommyin09 - Poor DH.  I hate "leaping forward" with the clocks!  It is so dark in the morning, I don't want to get out of bed.  That's great that you got your +OPK!  How terrible that DH has to work such a long day.  I can't imagine how exhausting that would be.  You're right, it will happen if it's supposed to happen.  There were so many months, especially when I was on the meds, that I would freak out if things didn't go exactly as planned, but I've learned to try to accept that there are things you can't control.  The life of the little sperm and egg are not exactly calculated, so even if you had to wait to BD until tomorrow or the next day, you may still be just fine.  I wish you all the best, no matter what.  

luvkayln - Well, if it is AF, then I hope she gets here quickly so you can move on with things!  We'll all still hold out hope for you though that maybe the cramping is a good sign.  Thanks so much for the good wishes!  I should O later in the week.

Arlotheslug - I'm so sorry hon, I know that this has all taken it's toll on you. I just wish it would be easier for you.  I think it's good that you and DH have a lot of honest talks about it and what you both are comfortable with.  If it's too much, then it's definitely time to take care of yourselves.  You still have a life to live, and who knows what wonderful things God has in store for you!  :)  Good luck with your bloodwork.  I pray that you get the results you are hoping for.  ((hugs)) to you my friend.

Keyan - Oh dear, I thought you had gotten your shot already!  Hope it works out today.

Stacey - Hope you're doing OK.  Good luck at your u/s!  I can't wait to hear how it goes.

dnikki - Sorry you're not feeling so good.  AF does su ck!  :)  That was nice you got to see your stepbrother.  We have a cousin and a very dear friend in the military, both of which have been to Iraq, so we know how hard that can all be.  I pray he stays safe.  Good luck with yoru son's sitter. If you're not feeling comfortable, then it's time to find a new one.

Hannah - Good to hear from you.  Good luck with the IVF plan!  I hope it all works out for you.
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: (Offer support & prayers!!!)
naf38: (Home in Australia)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

vortex: BFP - 33 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 27 weeks (doc appt March 11)
Jessie: BFP - 22 weeks (appt today)
Stacey: BFP!!! 14 weeks! (u/s today!)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 9 weeks
rachjas:  BFP!!!! (u/s 3/13)
kmcarino:  BFP!!! (u/s 3/16)

jmh2005:  Waiting for AF
Shysana: Waiting for AF (HSG tomorrow)
Guesito: Waiting for AF, getting ready for FET
Keyan:  Starting Lupron today, waiting for next lap

Candie:  CD11
Lina:  CD14
mommyin09:  CD14 +opk!
pyar:  CD16
Hannah CD15 (2dpo?)
Arlotheslug:  CD16 (appt today!)
dnikki:  CD17
wishandaprayer:  CD18
Mrspace: CD36

ad_06:  10-11dpo
luvkayln: 12dpo

Arlotheslug:  Returning good karma for your bloodwork today! Keep your chin up, my friend :)

Stacey:  Best wishes for your u/s today!!!  I hope all's well & you can take yourself off bedrest!  How exciting to see your little one again today :)

Jessie:  Good luck today.  I hope the bleeding has stopped.

keyan:  Thanks for the congrats :)  Good luck today!  I hope your doctor is in & you get your shot!

Candie:  I know exactly what you mean.  I've been there, done that!  I just got to a point where I decided that I can't "plan" everything & I'd rather it happen under positive circumstances than remember ttc & finding out I'm pregnant under a stressful environment.  So, I choose to be relaxed & just hope for the best.  Yes, after this week, dh will have a much better work schedule & we'll have more time for baby making ;-)

Have a great day, ladies!!!
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514585 tn?1328740013
hello all, i know i havent been on very often but i do linger and check up on all of you. things are going well so far, 27 weeks and counting... go in for glucose tolerance test on wednesday and then they are starting appts every 2 weeks. am really excited about it. this lil girl is moving constantly and at times it is very uncomfortable at times... but i just try to rest when i get uncomfortable and hope that she calms down just a little... but i wouldnt trade it for the world.

for those who are in the tww i am praying to see some BFP's this month.
for those that af has shown her ugly face too.... i am so sorry, i know it is hard, but hopefully it will be the beginning of a new cycle that ends with a BFP
for those who are doing IUI or IVF .... GOOD LUCK... you are in my thoughts and prayers

hope all have a wonderful day and that everything works out the way you want it to.

i notice that those of us who are expecting are not real far apart... only 6-9 weeks apart... not much at all. if anyone has questions i am sure we can do something to help. has anyone heard anything from vortex? how are things progressing?

also i have a friend who is having a issue... i believe it is something to do with reproductive health... every month for several months(16) on the last day of af (only has a 3 day cycle) she has severe back pain on one side and abdomenal pain... it hurts sooo badly that it makes her violently ill(vomiting) and then the throwing up causes her to have the shakes, hot flashes/chills, headache, ect... could that be cysts rupturing each month? or endometriosis??? i told her to go to doc on the day that it usually occurs and have her doc do a ultrasound so he can take a look at the ovaries and such. cause it is always on the same side that hurts.... always the same day of the month(last day of af) and always at night... hopefully she does as i suggest and goes to see her ob/gyn.  thanks all
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342988 tn?1299782356
mommyin09- are you on progesterone to thicken your lining?  thats what the RE put me on.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Leighanne: Yes, I'm on progesterone from O -AF, so I'll probably start tomorrow. I think I'll be O'ing today :) My lining was 4. something on Sat morning, so it should be around 7 by tomorrow even before the progesterone.
Helpful - 0
473246 tn?1293833673
Hi my friends,

I had my u/s this morning but I won't actually get my results about the blood clot until probably tomorrow.  I'm hoping it is good news and has started to shrink!  I am still having really light spotting so it is not completely gone yet...."sigh!".  But today's u/s was great in terms of seeing my little person.  The u/s tech was a student and she was having fun showing me everything and she printed off some great pictures of the profile where I can see the little nose, mouth and chin. I'm trying to determine if it looks masculine or feminine. You can let me know. I will scan in and post this week!

Mommyin09 - It sounds like dh is soo so busy and stressed.  I think you are taking the right approach.  He is starting his new job really soon and that will take a lot of the stress away so if you have to wait another month so be it.  If it happens, great.  But you sound like you are doing well and taking care of yourself and being stress free which I think is so important.  You have your little Carmelo and excercise which is probably doing wonders for you in so many ways.  

Luvkayln - Hopefully the cramping is a good sign.  Remember I didn't even bother buying an hpt because I was so sure af was on her way!  Keep us posted.  But if it doesn't happen that is ok too because you have so many options coming your way.  I'm really excited for you!  Hope all of the IVF stuff made sense.  To be honest, I really didn't "get it" until I went through it because there are so many instructions and different drugs.  But hopefully you won't need to even bother with it because you get your BFP before that.

Candie - I totally agree with what you said to Mommyin09.  There were months where everything with my body seemed to be working right, but the circumstances were so stressful that even if we bd'd on time, it was not going to work.  Between dh travelling and both of us busy at work, there were very few months where we were able to chill and have fun with it.  I honestly think that was a big part of our problem.   Anyway, I hope you get your +OPK soon and that you can have a little fun and relaxing time with dh! ;)

Arlotheslug - I hope and pray you get some good results today.  I really do!  This is obviously taking a toll on you but I am so glad that you and dh are so together on this.  This may or may not be the right time for you guys but either way, you definitely have a lot of life to live.  There was a time where dh and I seriously had to consider the possibility that this would not happen for us.  And as difficult as that thought was, it did help me to talk to dh and come up with other things in our life that we were really excited about.  Stay strong my friend.

Joyce - Congrats on 27 weeks!  Regarding your friend, I really don't know but she should definitely talk to her doctor and/or OBGYN.  

Keyan - Good luck today!  Hopefully you can get your shot!

Well, back to bed for me.  I'll update once I hear any news on my u/s.

Take care and SSBD!
Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Hi everyone!  I'm sorry I've been so MIA the last few days. I have been checking up on people but I've been really stressed with everything.  Still no O and still no AF for me.  I thought it was going to start on Saturday because in the afternoon I had a little tinge of blood.  But then it was done. So basically one spot and then nothing.  I've been feeling a little sick the last few days.  Just kind of nauseas.  And my bbs have been sore.  But that's okay.  The weather's been kind of crazy so that's probably why I don't feel very good.  DH was getting frustrated because I just haven't been "in the mood" lately.  Oh well. I've just been busy.

So, good news!  WE GOT THE HOUSE!  We found out this morning that the loan has been approved with contingencies.  Basically we have to provide proof of rent stability because we don't have a long credit history.  So we got our rent receipts from the last 18 months basically and we'll send those in today.  But it's officially been approved!  I'm so excited.  It's great.  Hopefully we'll finish and close on the house in the next two weeks.  I'll keep everyone updated and informed.

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745101 tn?1293038814
mommyin09 - just an update.  I had a scary bleed that lasted 5 days last week and then stopped yesterday.  But, we saw the baby again in the ER, so we're happy that everything sounds like it's going to be OK.  I hope I hope I hope :)  

It's cool to see I'm no longer the newbie on the BFPs  :)  Watch out for the BFPs -- they're contagious!! :)

Next u/s is April 2nd @ 13 weeks.  I bought maternity jeans already; my other jeans were hurting my belly.  I now have a teensy weensy bump.
Helpful - 0
473246 tn?1293833673
Mrspace - Congrats on the house!!  That is great news.

Kaylee - Sorry about he bleed.  I know how scary it can be!  I have had bleeding on and off for 3.5 weeks now.  The baby is fine but I have had to be on bed rest until it stops.  Just take it easy for a little while.
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mrspace: Congrats on the house!!! That's great news!! Sorry you're feeling cra ppy though....I hope you feel better soon.

Candie: I see you are close to testing...? How are you feeling?

Mommyin09: Congrats on the + OPK!!! Will you be able to do the IUI?

Arlo: How did the appt go today?

Stacey: I hope your u/s shows the clot has shrunk! That's great you little jelly is doing good!!!

The bleeding has slowed way down, so I'm hoping I'll get a few days of no af before she shows again lol! I'm on my last wk of pills (YAY!).
Thank you everyone for keeping my brother in your prayers...I just wish all this stuff would end *sighs*
Work is still going fairly good - tomorrow is my long day so I'm sure I'll be exhausted when I get home. I hope all my patients are ON TIME tomorrow and don't walk in 2 hours late (yeah, I kid you not...it happened twice last week). So we'll see how tomorrow goes. I might be able to check in on my lunch.
Our office needs swept SOOOO bad! The belt in the sweeper is broke and the one lady told our boss about it on Friday. I hope he gets one...you would think he would want the office a little cleaner lol - Oh well he seems fairly arrogant...lol

I hope everyone has a good night!!!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Kaylee:  I'm so sorry you had such a scare, but it's good to hear you & baby are doing well :)  Take it easy!

mrspace:  Congrats on the house!  That's so exciting :)  I'm sorry you're not feeling well.  Hope you feel better soon.

Stacey:  Thanks!  I agree.  We'll see what happens this cycle, but I'm really not holding my breath.  Come next week, dh & I will have a normal family life & more time to ttc :)  I'm so happy to hear you got to see your little one & spend so much time checking him/her out!  That's awesome!  Best wishes for a shrunken clot & no more bed rest!

dnikki:  No, we're not doing iui due to dh's hectic work schedule.  We'll try on our own & see what happens ;)  That's great you're getting so much work, but I'm sure it is tiring!  Hang in there & it's good to hear the bleeding has slowed down.

Arlotheslug:  I'm thinking of you & hoping you're doing okay :)
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655897 tn?1328018445
I will find out how many there are a week from now when they do an ultrasound.  I just really hope there are multiples to give me the best chance of having a healthy baby.  Thanks for thinking of me.

mommyin09-- Good luck this cycle!

Luvkaylin-  I hope it is not af coming, but if so hopefully it will work your next cycle:)
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745101 tn?1293038814
Hey, thanks Stacey & mommy.  I was on bed rest for the 5 days.  It was kind of nice (besides the stress), because I just slept all the time (finally!), but it wasn't so long to make me stir crazy.

Today is my first day back to work and I already miss the naps :)
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Avatar universal
good morning well according to ff i am 3 dpo this cycle has been quite bizarre my temps have not moved around hardly at all so who knows whats going on to be honest i'm sick of second guessing everything and am just going with the flow

hannah nice to see you back me too af is due on the 26th if on time i should be starting my meds for ivf on the 27th

stacey i'm glad you are feeling better times flying by won't be long before you are holding your bundle of joy

dnikki how are you doing any closer to starting your ivf journey

mrspace great news about the house i bet you are super excited

mommyin09 please could you update my status great job on the thread thank you
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449498 tn?1338772039
Mrspace- a BIG congrats on the house!! :)

Mommyin09- I hope you and dh were able to get some bd'ing done last night! ;) I love that you're just going with the flow, and not stressing over anything! That is what we all need to do, and watch, it'll happen!!! :) I have't been taking my temps at all this looonng cycle, but I took my temp this morning to see if it was high or low, and it was 98.1 which is high for me. Usually before O it't around 97.2, so I'll see if it drops tomorrow. It's hard to say if I "feel" like AF is coming, b/c I've been cramping for a week! Good luck this cycle! :)

Stacey- Thanks! Yeah, I'll probably not really "get it" until I actually go through it, but that's ok! :) I'm glad to hear the spotting has somehwat stopped! Hopefully your blood work shows that it's shrinking! I'm keeping everything crossed for that, but the good news is that your little one is doing great! :) Can't wait to see the new pics!

kmcarino- Thanks! :) I hope if she's on her way, that she doesn't keep me waiting too long! Can't wait to hear your update next monday! :)

Pyar- Sorry your temps are being so confusing, but that's great you're in the 2ww! Good for you for just going with the flow! Keep that attitude up, and it will surely help! :) Good luck!!

dnikki- That's great the bleeding has slowed down! Hopefully it gives you a break before another AF shows! Just think, a week or so from now you'll be starting your injections! Are you getting excited??? ;)

Arlotheslug- We all want this so bad for you! I was thinking about you all day yesterday, and I kept checking in to see your update! Hopefully today you'll share the good news!! :)

Gotta get ready for work! I hope everyone has a great day! :)
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398038 tn?1247857003
Stacey - I am so happy to hear that everything looked good!  Let's pray that the clot keeps shrinking.  That is so awesome that you got so many nice pictures.  I can't wait to see them!  Keep taking it easy and I'm sure everything will be OK.  Are you still not able to go to work?  Hopefully they're being understanding.  

luvkayln - Hope you're able to figure out your cycle soon.  I know you're not too hopeful, but I would be so excited to hear good news from you!  :)

Arlotheslug - Thinking of you and praying that you are OK.  We're all so anxious to hear your update!

mommyin09 - That's so great that DH is starting his new job next week already.  I bet you both are getting so excited to have a normal life with normal work hours.  That may be just the thing you need to help get you on the way to your BFP.  Now maybe he'll have more time to work on projects around the house too!  

mrspace - Congratulations on the house!  That is great news.  I hope the closing process goes smoothly for you.

Kaylee - I am so sorry that you had to go through that scare with the bleeding.  Thankfully you got to see the little one and everything is OK.  Be sure to keep resting as much as you can.  Congrats on your first purchase of maternity clothes!  How exciting!  :)  You're right, we have seen a lot of BFP's lately.  I hope they are contagious!  

pyar - I know how it feels when your body won't cooperate and it's so confusing!  Relaxing and going with the flow sounds great.  Maybe that will help and we'll be hearing good news from you soon!  

kmcarino & rachjas - How are you both doing?  Good luck at your upcoming u/s!  

dnikki - Hope you have a better day at work today!  That would be so frustrating to have people showing up so late.  I'm doing OK, probably will start testing today.
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688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone!  I'm cd37 this morning.  Still absolutely no sign of AF. Although now I'm bouncing back and forth between having watery cm and EWCM.  So maybe O will be coming.  We'll just have to see. I'm not really feeling sick, just not feeling myself.  Honestly I kind of feel pg but we all know how that can be.  It's probably nothing.  Probably just my body trying to fight of the flu or a cold.   Either way, I feel great today.  We basically have the house and I couldn't be happier.  

Thank you all for the congrats on the house.  We are very excited.  Now we just have to get the house packed.  Ugh. The worst part of moving.  Ha ha.  But that's okay.  And the news just got better yesterday.  My mom has been looking for a rental house to move into.  The one they live in (they fixed it up REALLY nice) and their stupid landlord is now kicking them out (before their lease is up) because they have made it look so nice.  So they've been looking and yesterday they found a place!  Huge 4 bed, 2 bath, modular home sitting on 1.5 acres.  It's beautiful.  And the kicker, is that it's 350 dollars cheaper per month!  So they will be moving almost the same weekend that we will.  Ha ha. Well, we're going to have a joint garage sale when we move.  It'll be fun.

mommyin09- Congrats on that +opk.   I am drawing a huge blank right now.  Are you doing IUI this month?  Well whatever happens, I'm wishing all the best for you!  Thanks for always doing such a great job on here. You're an amazing woman.

luvkayln- Hey girl!  Long time no real talk.  Ha ha.   Any day now and you'll be getting that BFP.  I can just feel it.  My fingers are crossed for you, sweetie!  I hope that you and Sean are both doing just great.

dnikki- How is the new job going?  I'm sorry that you'll have AF for basically another 2 weeks.  That really *****. How is everything else going?

stacey- Hey girl!  How are you and the little one doing?  I'm glad that everything seems to be going well.  I can't believe that you are 14weeks already!  That is amazing.  You're getting close to finding out the gender (if you choose to) and you're almost halfway there!  I'm so excited for you.

kmcarino, rachjas, kaylee-  I hope that you all are doing great with your BFPs.  Grow babies grow!!

Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
Hey! I did get my shot yesterday, now I want AF to go away!!!

MrSpace: Congrats on the house. I was reading your earlier post, if I were you I would try doing an HPT just in case you need to be extra careful during your move to the new house!

Luvkayln: Hope AF doesn't show for you, but for the right reason! ;o)

Mommyin09: I saw your mood! Congrats on 1dpo!! Welcome to the 2ww!!

Stacey and Arlotheslug: hope to hear good news from you blood work soon!!

Kmcarino: WOW a week from now, how exciting!!
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