299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.

Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 37 weeks!!! It's a boy!!! =)
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!  
ArmyPrincess - 30 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 24 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 19 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 8 weeks!!! (u/s 5/26!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF!
Naf:  Consultation 5/26!

Guesito:  Started Estrace, progesterone tomorrow, FET 5/22!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Mareski:  CD4 (consultation tomorrow)
dnikki:  CD4
Candie: CD9
jmh2005:  CD14
Mrspace:  CD17
Lina:  CD29

Rachjas: 9dpo!
Hannah:  10dpo! (+opk!?)

Okay, so now I'm completely excited to move forward with IVF.  I spoke to my RE's office today & here's the plan.  I'll go in on CD3 for bloodwork & I'll start my bcp's then.  We'll submit our application for the program which allows 3 fresh/3frozen transfers that day & will know if we're accepted within a couple of days.  There's a chance they won't accept me because of my small uterus, thinking it's more of a gamble for them, but my RE has written a letter also explaining why I'm a good candidate ;)  If I'm not accepted, then we still move forward, but we'd just be paying for each IVF cycle, rather than the plan that combines 6 transfers. The only reason we wouldn't move forward with IVF this next cycle is if my blood test results aren't good, meaning my egg reserve is too low.  So, at this point, it looks like we're moving forward & although I still haven't gotten a +opk yet, we're not going to try this cycle.  I still worry about my thin lining & possibly having another m/c because of it, so we'll just wait til CD3 and move forward ;)  I'm excited!

Luvkayln:  I hope you had a great time at the wedding!  I'm sure you did ;)  Yes, I'm glad dh went with me, too, because even when I left our appt, I wasn't sold on IVF.  I was more bummed out that "my plan" wasn't going forward!  Haha!  And also, taking in all the info we were given.  So, when we left our appt, it was good to hear dh's good reasoning & then digest all the info we were given & yes, this is our best option, so we're happy about it.  

Hannah:  I commented on the question you posted, but a +opk at 10dpo could be a BFP...  unless you're O'ing much later than you thought...  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!  Update us asap & Happy Belated b-day.  I hope you had a great time! :)

dnikki:  How was your u/s yesterday?
113 Responses
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494640 tn?1262737989
Luluvksyln i am cd4 today lol just fort i would let u no:)
and wed is our adoption interveiw were we will meet a social worker who will grill us they sed we should pass with flying colours
i carnt do ivf at the moment as they have found all this stuff out my lining is thick and have cycts so we are having a break but monitoring our cycles for my specialist (not going on bc though) were going to focus on the adoption while going through all my tests and when they finally get me to my specialist may start treatment but they will try simple things 1st like metaformin clodim etc(even though i dont no what they would do for me as i o regular)
so wednesday we will be filling in forms and chatting i am so exited
in 2 weeks i have a smear (for cancer) nothing suspicious just routine i hope.
3 weeks nasty blood tests 2 of them 3 weeks write the letter to the specialist and next week sometime a scan to check my lining and cysts i am a very busy lady lol
so with me and dan both being laid of i am having interveiws he has a job but its nights so he will do it for now but has to get a day job as he is a boxer and he trains 4 nights a weeks and fighting season is soon plus i literally will not see him all week :( and that isnt possible all the time we have been together we have spent 1 night apart actually since the night we met it was 2 nights apart :(
im hearing of a job i really want tomoro so wish me luck:)
how exited though am i for you tomoro=your scan your baby will be so clear now i couldnt be more happy for you hun ur dream is actually happning again :)
and kayln i reckon will have a sister just a hunch :)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- Oh, very addicting, I know! :) Try to hold off at least for a few more days and try testing then! I say though that if you're already feeling symptoms, and they are true pregnancy symptoms, then it should show up pretty quickly! :) I just don't want you to test, and get a false negative and it get you bummed out! It's depressing seeing those -'s, as we all know, so try to hold off as long as you can so you can get your + and be happy! :) We're all rootin' for you!!! :)
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574521 tn?1313495146
No Trigger shot.... And yes I was a good girl and I didn't POAS today. I'm so scared! Told hubby I would test anytime.. He was ok with it...We will see how long I will hold of....Wow Its funny how addicting those Preg Tests are =)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Arlotheslug:  We are all hoping & praying for you & dh!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 38 weeks & It's a boy!!! =) C-section 5/28!
Jessie: BFP - 32 weeks!  (appt Tuesday)
ArmyPrincess - 31 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 25 weeks! (u/s Today!)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 20 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 9 weeks!!! (u/s tomorrow!)

Keyan:  lap 6/3
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF! (7dpo!)
Naf:  Consultation tomorrow!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Hannah:  CD3
Rachjas:  CD7 (starting Lupron 6/2!)
Lina:  CD11
dnikki:  CD12
jmh2005:  CD22
Mrspace:  CD25

Guesito:  3dpt!
Candie:  5dpo!

Mommyin10- Hope you don't mind my updating our list today! I figured you're having a really, really busy day or a super relaxing one! :) Talk to ya soon!!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- Wow, those are all great symptoms!! You didn't take a hcg trigger shot, did you? Try to hold off on testing, but if you do test and it's + then you know it's for sure +!! :) Do you think you'll test before your scheduled beta? I'm excited that you're having all these symptoms! You know what, I started feeling some things, not nauseated at all until I was 6 weeks, but definately tired, peeing more, tender bbs... I hope, I hope, I hope this is it for you!!! :)

Stacey- How'd your u/s go today? I'm ready to see more pics of Jake! :) Do you think you'll do a 3-D u/s? I think those are so neat!!

Mommyin10- Where are you today? :) I realized I skipped your question about when we think we'll find out the sex of the baby. Tomorrow is my last u/s at my RE's office, and then my first appt. with my OB is June 9th, only 2 more weeks, :) so I'll find out more info then. But their equiqment is so great, and I think I'll go there every 2 weeks, so hopefully I'll find out in the beginning of July, but either way, it'll be sometime in July, which is awesome! :) Hope you enjoyed your day! I assumed you had the day off, I ended up leaving work early, only 30 min. though. I'm excited for tomorrow! I hope everything is still OK!

Hannah- What will happen at your appt. on Wed? Are you still going through IVF, and also trying to adopt? Did you ever have that meeting to see if you guys qualified? Sorry if you've already explained all this, I've been so tired lately and out of the loop! :)

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574521 tn?1313495146
There's no telling however you should get an accurate answer past day 9 after  transfer. A buddy of mine here tested 4dpt and got a BFP. Im only 3dpt I don't get it!!! Im starving, Nauseous,Tired and bbs starting to feel tender... =)
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745101 tn?1293038814
How early can you test after IVF transfer?  That's how I felt at 10 dpo and caved in and tested!  Good luck to you!!
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574521 tn?1313495146
Good Morning everyone!!!

Woke up super Nauseous!!! So tempted to test but I know its pretty early. I just feel so nauseous, peeing a lot, and Cream discharge.. TMI sorry :)

Im just s afraid its my mind playing games or the PIO Shots...

Happy Memorial day!!!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- I can't remember how many dpiui I was before I first starting noticing that, but it definately happened sometime early in my 2ww. Also, it was like I was peeing WAY more often too, and that was when I was still on vacation so it started happening before 6 dpo, b/c I returned home on 6 dpo and I had been doing that for a few days. Good luck!! :)

Joyce- Wow, how terrible about your ex! I don't even know what to say, but it sounds like you definately made the right choice by not being with him!! We're all thinking about you, and praying for a safe surgery and recovery! I can't wait to see pics! :)

Stacey- Your new belly pics are absolutely adorable!! It makes me think of my belly when I was pregnant with Kayln! Hope you had fun doing more shopping this weekend!! :)

Mommyin10- I finally got some cleaning in yesterday! :) Poor Autumn still needs to be patient though! I didn't get to her yesterday, but her cage isn't that bad! Plus, now that its warm out, we can just take her cage out and spray it off with the hose instead of trying to do it in the kitchen sink. Her cage is huge! :) So I'm so excited for my u/s tomorrow! I can't wait to see how much the baby  has grown, and I'm anxious to see if it'll look like a baby! Haha!! I was looking at Kayln's 10 week u/s pics, and she was adorable, so I'm excited to see how this baby will look! :) How was your weekend? Are you off today? I'm not, :(.... But I only have a half day tomorrow, and yay, the whole weekend next weekend! :) Ok, it's only Mon, and I'm already ready for the weekend again!? lol ;)

Candie- Hope you had a great Anniversary weekend/Memorial Day weekend with dh! :)

Well, better eat some breakfast and then get ready for work! I have a feeling that it's going to be a very slow day, but who knows! :) It's already raining, and it actually started pouring down rain yesterday while Sean was doing the brakes on the car! Thankfully  he was almost done when it started! :) I'll check in later, everyone enjoy their Memorial Day! :)

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465737 tn?1315754922
guesito - Well, it was worth a shot! How are you feeling? When is your beta?

mommyin10- Your fine. I don't know how you keep up with us all anyway. I am not really worried about my CD anymore. More anxious about June 2. And, you got that up there! You're right, it's right around the corner.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Oops!  Looks like I skipped over you & rachjas.  I will adjust it tomorrow.  Good luck with your appt on Wednesday!!! =)
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494640 tn?1262737989
mommyin10 i am cd 3:) and have my apt wed i am so exited :)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Arlotheslug:  We are all hoping & praying for you & dh!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 38 weeks & It's a boy!!! =) C-section 5/28!
Jessie: BFP - 32 weeks!  (appt Tuesday)
ArmyPrincess - 31 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 25 weeks! (u/s Tomorrow!)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 20 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 9 weeks!!! (u/s Tuesday!)

Keyan:  lap 6/3
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF! (6dpo!)
Naf:  Consultation Tuesday!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Hannah:  CD2
Rachjas:  CD6 (starting Lupron 6/2!)
Lina:  CD10
dnikki:  CD11
jmh2005:  CD21
Mrspace:  CD24

Guesito:  2dpt!
Candie:  4dpo!
Guesito:  That's funny that he hid it!!!  I'm gonna mention the airhorn idea to my dh & see what he says...  I bet I'll get a big "yeah, right!" Haha =)

Rachjas:  That's great that your clinic will organize everything for you!  I'm like that, too, needing to be organized & I'm sure that will help a lot.  June 2 is not too far away :)
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574521 tn?1313495146
That's because he knows you will drive him crazy... My DH already hid it from me lol.
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514585 tn?1328740013
kaylee... thank you for the vote of confidence.. i know i will be fine, as i have raised my other children pretty much on my own. and i just seem to do better for myself and my children when i am alone versus when i am with someone.. but i really thought that bf was IT.. and once again i was sorely wrong.  i think what really upset me the most was when he made the instance that he got mad at my daughter and threw a cup at her, which bounced off her chest and cut her lip (it had looked like she had a cleft lip, it cut her so bad) into a accident and i believed him... and then the day he left he told her that she got everything that she deserved... which clearly tells me that he had WANTED to hurt her... scares me about the choices i make, and makes me wonder how to see through people who are fake. he came on this website (MIRob) and was stalking me for awhile... leaving comments, and sending messages and notes trying to accuse me of being a "baby stealer"... and because i didnt contact him to let him know that the baby is a boy... well last i had known he wanted to sign off rights and HE left ME... so i dont really think that i have a obligation to inform him of anything.. i dont know where he is and with all of the abuse and stuff, dont really want to know. also when we first got together, i had found some "adult movies" on his computer (he networked our systems) that completely shocked me, but he explained it away that he didnt know they were there that he had let a friend use his system... but these movies consisted of pedifile activities and completely shocked me... they still to this day give me nightmares. especially when it has to do with minors from 3-13... it was sick.  and i truly am thinking now that he KNEW they were there and was upset when i found them... i think he moved them but didnt completely remove them.... how could i have possibly put my children in a situation like that... thank god my kids KNOW that if anyone were to try anything like that to tell me immediately.  

anyhow... thanks all for the support and i will post update and pics of baby as soon as i get home on the 31st.... hugs, luv and ssbd to you all
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465737 tn?1315754922
mommyin10- Yes, it's great to have the meds. already here. I am going to call my clinic and see if they can get me in.  I have never done injects. before, so at my IVF meeting they said that I could call and come in for a little more practice. They also said if I bring everything in with me that they would put it all in baggies for me! I love to be organized! I got my schedule in the the mail yesterday. I no longer have to go in on CD 21. Since I am on BCP, I will not O. I will just automactically start Lupron. If you want you can update me starting Lurpon on 6/2!

guesito- So, I told DH about your air horn... I don't think he's going to go for that one.... hmm
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342988 tn?1299782356
kaylee and mommy- thank you.  im not doing it or have anyone in mind.  it was just something i was thinking of and i feel that it very well could be the hormones almost leaving my body.  i just would love to have the strength to do it and helo someone.  i know that even the thought of it makes me a great person.  

kaylee- i try to be the bets mom possible.  I love my little guy to death.  he is the best thing ever.  you will love your lil one just as much. dont worry about the weight gain.  thats not alot at all.  it starts to slow down in the end anyways.  and you will probably take alot of it off right after having the baby and then the weeks after alot comes off when you are running around caring for the little one all day.
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574521 tn?1313495146
Having twinges and little bit of pain after I pee.... Any inputs... Im 1 dpt
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299260 tn?1304216105
Haha!!!  I love that =)
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574521 tn?1313495146
Ok get this.... DH got me an air horn just in case I needed water, bathroom or anything and every time I make it go off everybody is running to my room just cracking up..
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: You have our continuing support & prayers!!!

Arlotheslug:  We are all hoping & praying for you & dh!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 38 weeks & It's a boy!!! =) C-section 5/28!
Jessie: BFP - 32 weeks!  (appt Tuesday)
ArmyPrincess - 31 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 25 weeks! (u/s Monday!)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 20 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 9 weeks!!! (u/s Tuesday!)

Keyan:  lap 6/3
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Moving forward with IVF! (5dpo!)
Naf:  Consultation Tuesday!

pyar:  Awaiting AF...

Hannah:  CD2
Rachjas:  CD6 (come on, cd21!)
Lina:  CD9
dnikki:  CD10
jmh2005:  CD20
Mrspace:  CD23

Guesito:  1dpt!!!
Candie:  3dpo!

Guesito:  Thanks for all the info! =)  It's good to know how long I should be off work afterwards.  I sit all day, so that part isn't a problem! haha!  I'll ask more questions of you & Stacey as they come.  I'm glad you're resting comfortably!

leighanne:  I agree with Kaylee.  It is a noble & wonderful idea, but would take A LOT of thinking about first.  I honestly don't think I could do it, but applaud you for considering it.

Kaylee:  Thank you! =)  I am excited, too & yes, I will most definitely post often! =)  Your post cracked me up about your doctor & your weight!  Hang in there!!!  It's all for the good of your little one =)

Joyce:  Wow, so close!!!  Happy 38 weeks & take it easy! =)
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745101 tn?1293038814
I'm no expert, but I really think you should give it some more time.  Who knows what the hormone waves you are experiencing are doing to your emotions.  

My personal opinion is that being a surrogate, while a very noble act to do, is something that would be very difficult.  I really think it takes a special kind of person to personally experience pregnancy and then give the baby away.  One thing is clear: it sounds like you are *loving* being a mother.  And I'm sure you're fabulous at it by how you describe your son!

Weigh carefully if you are missing feeling the baby move inside you and bonding with this new life growing in your belly, or if you really want to care for a child for a time, for another couple.

We know already of one woman on this board who has had the adoptive mother have a change of heart.  It causes a lot of pain.  I don't want you to go through this if you are not the kind of person who can cleanly detach...

Arlo: I don't say any of this to minimize your pain.  I think what you are going through is awful and unfair!  I hate it.  It's just that now actually going through a pregnancy on my own, it is unbelievable the amount of love, gratitude and responsibility I feel towards this person I have never met.  I am saying that I can understand that this situation happens...

Leighanne - all the best to you no matter what you decide.  Pinch the chubby cheeks of your "chunky monkey" :) :)
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745101 tn?1293038814
I cannot believe the amount of life changes on this board.  The women of strength are surely being tested.  Grrr :(

Arlothslug: I hope you are doing OK.  I can't imagine what you are going through, and your posts are so brief as if to shield us and you from emotion.  Do what you need to, but I hope you pop in from time to time to let us know how you are doing.  Good luck on the secondary opinion.  My boss's parents adopted when they couldn't conceive for 5 years and then found themselves pregnant before the proceedings were done.  :)  I hope you have a lot of fun (and maybe get a little hammered this weekend? ;)

Joyce: I feel for you.  My father left my mother while she was pregnant with me.  He stayed involved in my life, but my mom describes the time as petrifying.  She had no idea how to do it on her own.  Then, when I came, she says she just knew she was going to be fine and going to love every minute of having her daughter.  It could just be mom-speak, but I like to think it's true...  You are going to be a great, strong, independent mother!

mommyin09: I am SO excited for your IVF journey.  I can't wait to hear all about how it goes.  My manager's manager did IVF after 2 years of TTC and 9 months later they have Olivia!  She's gorgeous!  I know you'll post often.  :)

luvkayln: how are you feeling?  You are hitting the point where I was sick, sick, sick.  It's much better now, but the fatigue never went away.

I officially hate the scale and I kicked it the other day.  I've gained 15 lbs in 20 weeks.  My doctor is very happy - he describes the weight gain as "going up beautifully."  I just glared at him and he looked away and started tapping notes.  The hubby chuckled.

NOT funny.
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342988 tn?1299782356
ladies i think i am having a breakdown.  im not sure if its because i am already missing being pregnant or just feel like its something that i want to do but all i have been thinking about is being a surrogate.  i was lucky enough to be able to carry a baby to full term.  i never had trouble getting pregnant, just staying pregnant and i feel that now my body has done it and knows what to do.  i know that i dont want another of my own right now or next year or maybe even at all but i feel that if i have the ability i should think about helping someone else.  Do you think i could be having the last of my baby blues?  tell me what you think?
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