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961574 tn?1520648103

Due anytime Summer 2012

Hi ladies.  I know it's kind of early for me, being only 7wks 5days along, to start this, but I wanted to start sharing this journey with others due around the same time as me.

I know many of us (me included) are afraid to put ourselves out there this early, afraid that something might go wrong, but I have known so many of you for you long, that I just couldn't wait any longer to start sharing experiences with you.  I have never been this far along in a pregnancy, and am so sure I am going to have tons of questions.

I am expecting twins, and am still in shock! :)  We have a due date of Aug 9th, but It will probably be more like July 26th, due to it being twins
I feel pretty good most of the time,  but if I don't eat every 2-3 hrs, the babies let me know it!

Just wondering how everyone else is feeling, and wondering if anyone else has questions we can help each other with....

2024 Responses
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961574 tn?1520648103
Just wondering if anyone still gets notices from this feed anymore?  Boy, it seems like a lifetime ago I started this!  
Would love to hear from anyone, everyone on here!
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1656646 tn?1325587402
Merry Christmas everyone.  I wish you all a very happy and safe festive season  with your loved ones. Xoxo
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961574 tn?1520648103
My twins are going through kind of the same.  They hate to sit on the same lap, and push each other out of the way.  Drake will pull Cameron's hair although she is one tough cookie and doesnt cry.  I don't know if it's because they never have time alone???  The other one is always there?? It drives me crazy!   When they are pushing each other and I tell them to stop, Drake will lean over and try to give Cameron a kiss....she wants nothing to do with that!!!!  Lol
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1656646 tn?1325587402
Hi ladies I hope you and ur babies are keeping well. I have a bit of a problem. My babies fight all the time. But in particular yazan pulls yaras hair alllll day long and yara screams like no tomorrow because it does hurt. The word NO has become so funny to him and no matter how much talking I do with him, it makes no difference. I cant leave them alone for a second.  On the other hand yara scraches his face all the time especially when they are in the pram together. Its so hard parenting and disciplining two 14 month ols twins,  in fact I read somewhere that parenting a baby that age is like thr hardest most straneous gym exercise. Looolll. Any advise would be great or if you could share things your little ones are doing would be great. Xoxox
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thanks a million for your advice.

my baby stopped taking formular at 3 months and neither does he use cow milk. he simply refuses had to give it all away. i tried different formulars i could pass for a distrubutor of formulas. he simply refuses. no cereals nothing he accepts except for adult food that has been pureed. he takes that for breakfast lunch and dinner. he only takes water as a drink of choice.

he is 12.5 months and weigh 23.14lbs he has been that weight for 4months now and it drives me up the wall to think that he is not adding any weight now.

how are your babies doing are they walking yet. kiss them for me.

i cna only imagine the many sleepless anxious days of TTC. and the many tears we shed. we all ditched the jinxed forum. who would have known we would be blessed with our own babies who we bore. who would have known we would be happy and fullfilled mothers to lovely babies, who would have known we would hold them hug them so tight almost crushing their little delicate bodies kissing their little faces and tickling them so much that laugh so loudly.who would have known our houses will be turned upside down the ever tidy house will have little handprints of pasted food stuff, cushions thrown all over and yet the dis organisation they bring in our lives just bring more happiness, who would have known...........................................
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1656646 tn?1325587402
they don't eat *enough* solids I meant
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1656646 tn?1325587402
congratulations!! you must be so excited. wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy!!

As for my twins, they still don't eat even solids, it all ends up on the floor. I do try to feed them 3 meals a day, but they still drink a lot of formula also. I have just this week started them on cows milk which they don't seam to mind.

take care xo
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1654570 tn?1364392283
Congratulations, girl!!!!
I am so happy for you :-)

About eating schedule: Jacob is the opposite - he eats every 2-3 hours but still drinks lots of formula (at 13.5 months). Not much of a weight gain, either. He's very picky and moody and I am lucky if he eats 2 solid meals a day...
But I love him soooooooooo much!!!
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hi there could you give me  your feeding shedule as my baby seems to want to eat only 2 meals a day. he is not adding weight at all n this drives me to the wall.
have tried him on multi vitamins nothing works. any advice will appreciate.

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hi there my baby is one year now and am happy to announce that am PREGNANT again.

he is an active baby very happy young man. i love him to bits.

i wish you all the best with the little ones and keep checking in.
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1954665 tn?1350579593
Hi ladies!!!

Glad to see that our babies are growing healthy and everybody is doing ok. I've been MIA for too long, and yes, time has flied by. Life is very hectic between work, keeping up with Christian and my new fitness venture and barely have for me. Can't believe that Christian will be one year old in just two weeks.
He has grown so much and is such an active baby, he took his first steps on July 4 and ever since he's been unstoppable, he is now running around the house all the time and me running after him lol!! I'm so afraid of him falling and hitting his head or having accidents.
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1656646 tn?1325587402
Hi everyone!!!  How are you all and your beautiful babies?

Well it was my babies first birthday yesterday july 25 and it was an emotional day. It was a VERY difficult yet a a very rewarding year. We will be having the babies birthday party in a week.

Happy birthday to all our beautiful babies who have turned one!!

Love you all xoxo
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1654570 tn?1364392283
Hi, girls :-)
I am still in Poland and we come back home on August 9th, just on time to celebrate Jacob's birthday... Yes, I know how it sounds - they grow up to quickly.
My lil one also started crawling about 2 weeks ago ( when already thought that he would skip that phase) and he practices pulling himself up on everything. I love watching how excited he gets when he does something new :-) - he likes to be praised a lot."
He still drinks his formula, eats every stage of baby food and healthy "adult" food, but it seems that he doesn't gain any weight - he's moving a lot and looses all of those calories... I will talk to his doctor when we come back.
He also discovered somehow that his amber necklace is not a part of his body and started pulling it - I don't know if I can risk putting it around Jacob's neck...

Anyway, big hugs to everyone!!!!
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334926 tn?1436811523
I know how you feel! I hate that my boys are turning 1...so sad that they wont ever be this small and babyish for much longer! I do love watching them grow and seeing everything they do.

They are both belly crawling through the house. We baby proofed the house the other day. Everyday of their life I have taken pics and videos. I think i pretty much caught every moment of their lives so far. I just looked the other day I have over 8,000 pics of them lol.. anyway its been hard getting on here from my phone. I am always on facebook cause its just so much quicker. If anyone wants to be fb friends and keep in touch there you can find me under Ljiljana lily Dragisic
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961574 tn?1520648103
Ladies, can you believe our babies have turned or are getting close to turning a year old??  Where in the world has time gone??  So many if us never dreamed we would see little ones crawling through our housing or hear their giggles or feel their hugs....yet, here we are!!!!  Amazing isn't it?!?!

I figured out I am procrasting on making birthday party plans cause I am not ready for the twins to turn 1.  It makes me sad.  I love watching them grow and change, but, I am sad for the baby days.  

Thanks for checking  in  Haley :). This board has been quiet for way too long!!  My twins are crawling everywhere too!!  This is when I am glad we have a small house :).  They grow bigger and stronger everyday!  

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1656646 tn?1325587402
Hi all how is everyone? Hope everyone is doing well and babies are growing beautifully. My babies and I r well. Yazan and yara are growing and crawling and becoming difficult to keep them in one spot.  They are crawling all over the house which can be very tiring for me sometimes. Chasing after them all day. But never a dull moment. I have uploaded a photo for yara and yazan. I couldn't upload more as my phone was playing up.  Hope to hear from you all soon. Xo
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961574 tn?1520648103
My kids are pretty much eating everything...lol. They love crackers and all stages of baby food, and slowly introducing our food in as well.  I cannot believe they are 9 1/2 months old already.   I don't give them fried foods, or sweets or meats (except baby food kind).

Now that the weather is getting warm, we go for stroller walks almost evertyday. Sometimes 2 times a day.  

The only strict thing we do everyday, is nap in the afternoon which starts anywhere from 1 to 3pm.  Sometimes we go to the park, so that makes nap time a little later.  Other then that, we may play on the deck, or sit in the front yard in the grass...lol.  They seem to love being outside :).  

I still cannot believe this is my life :-). It is sooo awesome!!!
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Oh wao it has been a while since last time I was here with everyone. I am sure everyone had their babies by now... I seen some pics in some profiles and seen many beautiful babies from most of the ladies that were expecting along with me. I hoping everyone is doing fine .. my baby Beni is already 8 months.. hes so big and makes me laugh so much. Hes very spoiled by his daddy and me ofcourse, he hasnt started crawling yet I think he's behind but I will be taking my time this weekend to teach him, Send much love to everyone! and many blessings
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1656646 tn?1325587402
Thats a great routine. My babies don't have a strict routine as such. But I am giving them 2 solid meals a day. Yara goes through phases of not wanting to drink her milk and then now not wanting solids for some reason. Shes very difficult by nature and not as easy going as Yazan. I have to be very careful of how I speak with her and not try to force her to eat or drink because boy or boy does she understand?? shes very cleaver and will always have her way. So the past 2 days shes completely refused eating from a spoon so I have been hand feeding her like a bird LOL. Yazan eats well but has a very sweet tooth, loves fruits and custards more than vegetables. A lot of food goes to waste, If I cook them something or open a bought jar and if they don't like it, that just goes to waste. I try to give it to them the next day, but they will wont eat it. So its their way or the highway. Cheeky monkeys but I love them to bits. :)

Yara at the moment is ALMOST crawling, she shuffles all around the house and belly crawls while yazan rolls and rolls and rolls all around the house. They are too quick for me. Its amazing watching them grow each day.

we are planning on going overseas to Jordan in August and im dreading the flight journey. We will have to fly 11 hours straight to Dubai. I cant bare the thought of yara and yazan screaming for 11 hours. I already feel sorry for the people who will sit next to us. If anyone has any advice about traveling by plane and bottle feeding, that would be great.

Hope everyone is well and all babies are having and thriving :) xoxo
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1654570 tn?1364392283
Thanks a lot!!! It's a lot of info. I will try oatmeal cereal with fruit because Jacob seems to hate the rice one.
I try to give him variety of baby food - stage one and two, but so far he only likes squash, tolerates apples, prunes, carrots, apricots, bananas and I think he's a little allergic to pears - will have to re-check it.

Yeah, Jacob fights with me really hard when I try to force him to do tummy time. He actually fights me when I try to force him to do anything.

He still doesn't like to be on his tummy. He prefers back and sides, especially left side. He's starting to sit without help more and more and seems to really enjoy it. He also tries to stand next to his toy train, but his legs are still shaky ;-)

I think he may skip crawling. I just remember one nurse's words that babies who don't crawl don't develop special wiring in their brain that helps them later on when they are more advanced. I know that I didn't crawl (my mom told me) and I developed normally, so maybe it's a lot of fuss about nothing...
Sending hugs to you and your boys!!!
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334926 tn?1436811523
I can tell you my boys were eating 4-5oz every 4-5hrs for what seemed like forever. Then one day they started drinking 6oz every 5-6hrs (weird it's like every oz filled them for an hour) then for the past month they eat 6oz every 4hrs. We feed them single grain oatmeal. It's easier to digest then rice cereal. They get it in every bottle due to the reflux they had. They still have it but not as much. I'm trying to slowly cut down on the cereal in the bottle cause its really thick and they don't know how to drink normal liquid. I give them watered down juice in a sippy cup but have to pace them cause they will choke , they are not used to thin liquid. My big concern is when they go to regular milk it won't be thick they won't know how to drink it. But here is our schedule:

Wake up at 7am, have a 6oz bottle then back to bed till 9am.
9am- get dressed and go in the jumperoos
10am- bowl of oatmeal with fruit in it and sippy cup of juice. Then in the summer infant seats for playtime.
11am- 6oz bottle , then in the walker and walk around the house.
12p- play on the floor or the jumperoo. Then snack of the gerber puffs cereal snacks.
1p or 2p- nap
3p or 4p wake and have 6oz bottle
4-5p- in the walker
6p- stage 2 veggie or meat dinner. (They won't eat stage 3 they don't like the texture and just gag on it)
6p till 8 or 9p- play on the floor, then 6oz bottle then bed.

My boys won't eat table food. I try to give them a taste of whatever we eat and they will take a few bites then after that they will gag with anymore I give them. They are just not ready. I think Jacob will definetly let you know when he's ready for different kinds of food. We don't worry to much about the baby food, there are some days we don't even get to give them a veggie jar food for dinner and that's ok since formula is more important and them eating baby food or table food is practice for when they are done with formula. They do always get oatmeal with fruit in the morning. They actually get excited for it. My boys don't do strictly tummy time. I just let them play. They will roll all over the house. And I think by just letting them be they enjoy being on their tummies and when they get sick of it they roll and play with their feet then they will roll back to tummy and play then on their backs again and it's constant back and forth. Maybe just let him roll around and he will spend time on his tummy. I think at this age if you make him be strictly on his tummy he will fight you. Our babies are smart they purposely drive us crazy lol. I've become really laid back about their developement. Every baby developed at their own pace. Before I worried about so much but then realized after they've reached milestones I was so worried about that I really didn't need to worry. They will figure it out when they are ready. And don't worry about the crawling half of babies skip crawling. My boys don't crawl. They pull themselves around on their tummies and if something is out of reach they have figured out that if they roll around a little they will get closer to the toy lol so no need to actually get up and crawl lol
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1654570 tn?1364392283
Wow! Your schedule is just perfect!
I think that either I am not well organized or Jacob really is a rare example of almost 8-month old wanting to drink his milk every 2.5 hours...
He's still not into baby food that much - he usually eats 1/2 of the 2 oz jar twice a day or 1/4 of 4 oz jar but I have to force him to finish his portions.
I was kind of hoping that he will start eating solids pretty well before we go to Poland in May... I already shipped lots of formula over there ( I am staying almost 3 months) but my parents grow fruits and veggies and I thought that Jacob would enjoy that organic and delicious food ( I certainly will :-))
Oh, I tried to feed Jacob rice cereal today but he hated it... I will try to mix it with fruit tomorrow.
Do your lil ones started liking tummy time? My Jacob still doesn't like it - I don't know why, because I try to really entertain him while he's on his belly.
Well, I have no other choice but watch him closely for 5 minutes 3 times a day and force him (he's really strong and stubborn) to turn back to his belly when he tries to roll over.
I start suspecting that he's just a lazy baby lol He likes to lie on his back or side a lot and to be carried around the house. He tries to stand up, though, when supported, so I guess (I know it's probably bad) he will skip the crawling stage.

What a great idea with swimming lessons! My Jacob loves water so he would enjoy it too, I think.
And the vacation - I think you will do great with both of them - they are getting used to it right now, so they should be pretty content and comfy during hiking. Just don't forget sunglasses and hats for your munchkins :-)
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961574 tn?1520648103
The twins are getting so big, and changing so much :). We have them enrolled in a swim class, they have been in it for 6 wks, and they LOVE it :).  They have 6 wks left.  It is 1 day a week.  They learn to kick, kick, kick, and splash, splash, splash, and chase their rubber duckies through the pool (us holding them of course, lol).  It wears them out!!!!  It is so fun to watch them grow :)

We are taking them on their first real vacation at the end of May.  We are going to go to Gatlinburg with my in laws for 3 days and 4 nights. . We have been starting to carry them in backpacks to get them used being in the, some can hike some.   I have also started taking them for an at least 1 hour walk a day in their stroller, to get them used to that also.

I plan on starting to give them their afternoon naps in their pack and plays so they get used to sleeping in them.  

Does anyone have ANY suggestions to help make our trip the easiest and most enjoyable??  I am sooo open to any suggestions :)
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961574 tn?1520648103
My babies both let me know when they are hungry for formula, and I feed them.  I don't think at this age we can "over feed" them, as they stop when they are full.  I don't think you should worry about that,  my babies are quite chunky too, but their babies...shouldn't they be? Lol.

I feed them oatmeal or rice cereal in the a.m. After they 6oz bottles, with fruit in it.  I feed them from a spoon. I then give them lunch of a couple crackers or cookies (baby food). And a stage 3 food jar or a stage 2 container of food, split between the 2 of them.  They then drink about 4 oz of formula.   Dinner is about the same, and then 6 oz before bed.  They don't always finish their bottles, they stop,when they are full.  I think Jacob will too.

They will start losing weight when they become more mobile.  They cannot help when they are hungry.   The twins used to nap about 3 hrs after waking, for 30 min, then a 2 hr nap in the afternoon then another 30 min nap in the evening, but in the past couple weeks those 2 30min naps have disappeared, and they are down to a 2-2 1/2 hr afternoon nap.

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