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1294995 tn?1330662736

Our Turn Soon...

Welcome ladies! I hope we can all continue to support, inspire, and hope together. Some of us have already been through multiple rounds together, facing this roller-coaster with fearless optimism, and I have been so uplifted by the ladies' kindness, knowledge, and understanding. We invite you to join in....

We are here because we know it will be our turn soon!
3364 Responses
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1690503 tn?1325683109
I was following this thread bk in 2012, though i had not contributed much to the thread. Rmmoye was always in my prayers. Hope she is all good. Infact i logged bk to medhelp aftr all these years to check if God finally blessed her.
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1942586 tn?1361024046
You ladies should not allow this forum disappear, please. Where is rrmoye? She's been an inspiration. Please do come back and I pray God bless you with every of your heart desires. Amen!
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342693 tn?1425621476
Hey Ladies,
Just checking in! Lauren is now 15 months and into everything! I will be doing a beta test in a week...fingers crossed! I see some new faces here...praying we all get our dreams! KEEP THE FAITH! READ MY STORY! I will continue to check in a pray as this site was such a support to me!
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5837857 tn?1411577085
Many congratulations! :)
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1559703 tn?1346952376
Sherry congrats on your baby girl.

I am still trying my first round of clomid did not work. They switch to femera I am in my tww.

Hope every one is doing good.  
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Hey!!!!  Well had my baby girl on sunday sept 29th at 1:29pm.  8lbs 12oz.   So in love and tired lol .  Paige loves it and chase is having a hard time adjusting I think.  But its all new
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Just stopping to check in on everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you ladies... please post your updates!!
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Just wanted to stop in and check on everyone. I have returned to work 3 days a week teaching at a private special ed school. I love it and can take my oldest with me. My 3 yr old dd is starting preschool 2 mornings a week tomorrow.. cannot believe it! My mom gets to spend the rest of the time with her:) I found a sitter for the twins and they are doing great!

I miss all you ladies and pray for you all the time.

Carrie: Please keep us posted! I love to see good news on here when I check in:)
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1559703 tn?1346952376
try that would be so scary. I am glad that she is ok.

I went back to the re and I start back on clomid on Monday and have a ultrasound to check size of egg on july 22nd

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1294482 tn?1354489288
Just checking in on everyone...

Sherry: Awe, another girl :) How sweet. Exciting about the house congrats and it's going fast!

Carrie: Yeah!!! Keep us posted :)

All: I have been busy with this amazing group. Babies are doing great! We had a horrible scare 2 wks ago. My 3 yr old went under water while we were in the pool and had a near drowning. Happened right behind me and didn't see her get back in. She had been done and was out eating cheese and crackers and I was in the middle of pool watching my son dive for rings and she slipped under water. I was able to get her out and give her CPR thank GOD I knew what to do. Paramedics came and took her to the Children's hospital for evaluation and she is great. I feel horrible about this still and cannot believe I let it happen. They can be taken away so fast... these angels are really just ours to borrow from God so love your babies!!! It was very eye opening and it really does happen fast. I thank GOD every day she is still here!
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1559703 tn?1346952376
My test came back good no more cancer. them meds worked . so I go back to the re on the 16th to find out our next step.
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Hi all!  Things are great.  25 weeks already.  Its a girl.  We sold our home and bought.  We move aug 8 :)  looking forward to being home with the kids
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1559703 tn?1346952376
I am doing good can't wait till june 23rd is over and I get the test results back. so I know what are next step is.

I can't belive that the twins are 6 months already. they grow so fast. glad ever thing is going good for you.
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1294482 tn?1354489288
I am just checking in on everyone! The twins are now 6 months and scooting around on the floor everywhere. They are doing great! My other two are getting ready for their birthdays... dd will be 3 in a week and ds will be 6 next month. We just got home from their dance recitals... adorable!!!

I just want to see how everyone is doing so please update me Sherry, Carrie, Watch, Brfrom....
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342693 tn?1425621476
Hey ladies just checking in...Lauren is doing great! We are at "full stride " with walking...22 lbs now and 29 inches long...where did my 6lb baby go? o-O...Our plans are still in place to try again this summer..

Trying: sorry the babies got ill glad things are better

Sherry: anxiously waiting and praying for you...I say team blue since its being difficult lol..

watch me...any news?

Still praying for everyone daily
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Well I did end up telling my boss.  All is well.  Had my us but they couldnt get all the measurements.   Even tried an internal.  Baby not cooperating so no gender reveal either.  I was told to come back next Friday.  
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Sherry: I would do it before the 1 yr review... I think it will make the 1 yr review better cause they know you were honest and came forward before hand.

Carrie: Lots of prayers, waiting to hear from you on all this. Rmm is probably taking a much needed break from all this. She had a lot of trouble and had to get away from everything and hope she is feeling better. I sure do miss her though!

All is good here. Babies are doing great! They will be 5 months in just a few days... I cannot believe it. I am still home trying to watch a couple kids but not going so well so may return to work part time next year. I am busy busy with my own children and homeschooling my son now so it is hard to make time for other ones :0
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1559703 tn?1346952376
sherry I glad you are doing good. I would just tell your boos now.

watch how did things go at your doctors

has any one herd for ramm she was on here all the time and now I never any post from her hope ever thing is ok with her
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Wow carrie.  Lots of prayers

As for me im doing well.  15 weeks already.  Hb at dr appt yesterday so still happy :)  u/s is on april 28  cant wait to see iff its blue or pink!

Im debating when I wanna tell my boss cause my 1 yr review is april 24 lol  some say do it before just in case but some say  wait tl after   what do you girls think
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1559703 tn?1346952376
I got my test results back. I am still in the last stage before cancer. They did not find cancer this time like they did first time. So there are going to start me on some medicine to try to stop the cell from turning back in to cancer. I will be on the medicine for 3 month and then go back to see it the cancer doctor for a biopsy to see if the cancer stays a away. It about 50% chance that it will stay away. If it does then we can try to have another baby. If it does not stay away I will have to have hysterectomy. and no more babies for us. I will keep every one posted  

trying hope the twins are feeling better.

sherry hope you are doing good.
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Just checking in ladies...

Carrie: Lots of prayers!

Watch: In home daycare is a tough job!!

Sherry: Glad things are going so well!!

All: I am staying busy. The twins ended up with RSV and we had to visit ER 2 nights in a row for treatment but never had to stay luckily. One of the kiddos I was watching kept coming sick and mom insisted it was allergies and nothing she could do. We decided it was best to keep him away til they are older. Now I am just watching a couple part time which is nice but not great financially. Not sure what I will do next year. I pulled my son from school, had some issues and am going to home school him for now then will decide later. We are busy now with karate, tball, soccer and dance :)
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1546550 tn?1386772551
trying.... wow you are one busy momma, Norah is now in dance and she loves it. I run a home daycare so I know how busy little ones are. Can't wait for retirement in 8-10 yrs

bfromthed... wow 8 mths already time sure does fly when your having fun.

carrie.... sorry to hear, wish you all the best

sherry... nice strong heart beat, sounds like a girl to me ;)

All... Nothing to report... Drs this Monday coming.. Hope they have some answers.
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1559703 tn?1346952376
I am happy for you sherry glad every thing is going good for you .
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Everything went great.  Heartbeat was 165 but couldnt get a pic cause baby was moving too much :)  next dr appt on mar 31.  Cant wait til end of april when I can find ou the gender.

So sorry to hear that carrie!  Im praying for you.
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