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Pregnancy after Endometrial Ablation

I am looking for more info on pregnancy after an endometrial ablation.  I had an ablation in May 2002.  January 2003 I was not feeling well and went to the family doctor.  She thought it may be an ectopic pregnancy since I was told I was sterile.  I had an ultrasound to discover it was an interuterine pregnancy and I was about 9 weeks.  I am now 17 weeks and for the past month trying to decide to terminate or continue.  I am having a very hard time finding any info on any one with this happening to them and the risks to me or my unborn child.  I have seen several doctors and none of them have ever heard of this happening and 2 have suggested termination.  I have an appointment with a high risk specialist on Thursday (02/27/03).  Please tell me where I can find more info or who to contact.  Thanks.
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I just wanted to let you I am now 29 1/2 weeks pregnant and I had my ablation in 2005.  I understand the pain.  I have been on bed rest for over a month.  I have been doing better now on bed rest.  But before the bestrest, I could not sit for to long or stand to long without a lot of pain then came the spotting and discharge.  But since bedrest and really staying in bed except for the have to get up things, I have not had any bleeding.  I am thinking the pain is from the growing of the uterus with all the scare tissue in there.  I know now that I have days that I am very sore and I think those are the days my uterus is growing more then others.  But I give it a few days and the pain and soreness are gone and back it a lot of kicking and moving.  I live in Indianapolis, Indiana and I was admitted to IU/Riley hospital on Nov. 13th for special watch.  Because my OB is not a high risk OB and was getting worried that she may be missing something.  But after lots of testing by the specialist, they can only tell me that the contraction that I am having are to producing any results or changes in the cervix and that he baby is growing heatlhy.  So I have to make sure that the contractions to not get worse and just be completely aware of my body and what it is trying to tell me.  The specialist was also saying that yes there is possibilities of your uterus being tore during delivery and causing delivery; however, since all my docotrs are aware of the situation we are looking at just doing a c-section if any sign of trouble starts.  That way we can bypass all problems.  My OB is getting excited since I am almost 32 weeks and then we have a great chance the baby will make it with no problems.  But I am looking forward to a full term pregnancy.  I hope some of this information will help someone.  If you have any questions I will try to answer them.  I have learned a lot of things with going to the OB and specialist so much, but just forget about a lot of it until I am asked.  Pregnancy memory I guess..LOL  I miss everyone the best of luck.
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My situation has paraellels some of yours. I am 39 yrs/o, with 4 children 13 to 9 yrs. The father of my children had a vasectomy before our youngest was born & he was deemed sterile. It worked for almost 4 yrs but I got pregnant after his vasectomy in 2002! Due to stress I miscarried at 12 weeks & we got divorced in 2003. I had a laser endometrial ablation in 2002 & I just found out I am pregnant. I have been to a dr., had an ultra sound done & to my added astonishment the tec said the linning of my uterus measured completely normal. They wre unable to see the baby or where it has attatched because we figured I am under 2 weeks pregnant. I explained to the nurses that I had very light flow only spotiing for a couple of days since the procedure. Obviously I was done having children & I have very mixed feelings. Eventhough I am prochoice I beleive only God can give or take life so I am unwilling to terminate (evidenced by my pregnancy history). Luckily I am in a relationship with a very supportive & loving man who has 2 children 14 & 6. He will support me in whatever decisions I may need to make. I am also scared of the possible outcomes so I would like to see if anyone who knows about succesful prenancies and birth after endometrial ablation can give me information or insightfulness.
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I was very happy to find this site.  I had an ablation in August 2005 and now I am 6 1/2 months pregnant.  I went into preterm labor but with medication it has stopped.  I am on medication every 4 hours to keep things under control.  I am very worried about delivery and what could happen, but I have a healthy baby girl developing normal.  Since 2005 I did not think I could have children any more.  I have a great 13 year old, but still did not want to give up that chance of another baby.  But the doctor said I need the surgery, ablation, so I went along with it.  Since then I had not used any form of birth control because I was told that I could not get pregnant.  I resently got married and went to the doctor (New OB) to check my odds of pregnancy just in case we wanted to try.  They did an ultrasound and sound that with all of my lining gone except one little spot that pregnancy was less then .05% change.  So I did not think we could have a baby.  Well now things are a little different.  I have to stay in bed all day and just hope I do not loss my job.  I have noticed that if I stay stress free and relaxed I do not have any contractions and the day goes by fine.  But the minute I start worrying about things and thinking about everything that is not getting done I will have a contraction.  But 27 weeks this Friday and just counting each day as a blessing.  I hope this will help others and I hope others have information for me.  I am scared of what is to come, but feeling her grow inside of me is wonderful and is a miracle.  Pregnancy in itself is a gift from god.  I am just trying to take one day at a time.  
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While my situation did have a happy ending, I was not intending to encourage anyone to put themselves at risk. I now know I was not properly informed about the procedure or risks.  
While I had 4 children (aged 11-17) my 2nd  husband (aged 42) had no children. I would not have chosen to get pregnant but it was not unwelcomed. An ultrasound, at 8 weeks, showed no reason that the pregnancy was not viable. Doctors here (Brisbane, Australia) had little idea what to expect, so I was given more frequent tests and ultrasounds at my local hospital. My pregnancy was entirely normal until I went into premature labour. I may have had increased risks of complications, but I was also older (39) and under huge stress from my ex-husband were also factors.
My advice, to anyone in this situation, would be to get the best medical advice and testing available, from qualified specialists, before making a decision.
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I am an OB nurse, so all I can give you is a reasonable reassurance that if you still had enough endometrium to support a pregnancy past the first trimester, you should be ok.

Now, given that your endometrium is most definately not normal, I am sure they will follow you very closely for signs that the pregnancy is developing normally.  The growth of the fetus, in particular, will be closely followed and you will be watched carefully for signs of preterm labor and/or placental abruption or abnormal placental implantation.

It is a wonderful thing that you are seeing a high risk obstetrician.  I am sure you will be given a detailed ultrasound to check for any fetal abnormalities.  This is usually done at the 16-17 week mark anyway.
Do not, however, expect that the OB will have a lot of knowledge of what happens with pregnancies after endometrial ablation.  I am sure it is quite rare.  It all comes down to whether things look good now, that you are followed extremely closely for complications, and that you are thoroughly taught the signs/symptoms of preterm labor.

Please post again to let me know what happens.  If you would like my email address, post a reply and i will be glad to give it to you.

good luck
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Did anyone have a successful pregnancy after a balloon ablation?I took a test and it is positive but I have a clotting g disorder and have to take lovenox injections if I become pregnant,any help is greatly appreciated.
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Can I get pregnant after having microabilation done 5 years ago and the essure procedure also done 5 years ago.
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I had the Novasure ablation done at 24. I have absolutely no regrets about it. I also had a tubal-ligation done as well (both tubes fully removed and the tips left burned). If a woman has any uncertainty regarding having children then she should definitely rethink her decision. I have been trying to get my tubes tied since the age of 17. It was such a relief to wake up and have it finally done. Well wishes to you as well  
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Not true at all. I just turned 24 in May of 2015 and had an endometrial ablation, tubal-ligation, D&C and polyp removal on June 18th 2015. Best decision I have ever made! It's been almost 8 months post op and no bleeding, little pain, minimal flare ups. I have 1 child who is 20 months today, I knew i didn't want anymore (never been married and im single) hope all is well with you today
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My story is the exact same as yours. I've been looking all over for someone who will be a good doctor and tell me the truth. Good luck in your journey!!

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I had a tubal and ablation 2 years ago. Things were not really great in my relationship with my husband and my son has some behavioral issues that I felt overwhelmed with my one child. It was the right decision at the time.

Things have now changed and I feel I should be completing my family which I felt was complete 2 years ago. My heart is  being torn out of my chest because I really regret with every ounce of my being my decision to have these proceedures done. I really am just grabbing at straws right now for a way to reverse what has been done.

I see women who are successful at conceiving post ablation and women who have found specialists to help regrow the lining of their uterus. I would love more info, I have no idea of any specialist in my area, I would drive at this point to find help. I would love names of specific dr's that would be willing to help me. I'd also love to hear how much the procedures to try to reverse and conceive costs.

I have an appointment to get something for this deep depression I have setting in and probably will have my hormone levels checked so I am going to bring up things that I've seen on here to my dr..

I feel like the dumbest person on the planet right now because of having this procedure done!
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13876227 tn?1431923887
Whew..I finally read through ALL of the posts on this thread. It took me over a week to do it, but I'm so glad that I did. Such inspiring stories, and also such heartache. I'm truly grateful for each of you taking the time to share your personal experience.

My husband and I currently have 5 children. In Oct. 2011, when my youngest was 6 months old, I had the NovaSure ablation due to horrendous periods that started postpartum. I really wish I'd researched other non-invasive options before having it, BUT when you're miserable, you get desperate and want that quick-fix. :-/  
In order to have the ablation, I had to agree to a Tubal Ligation or my husband to a Vas. I chose the tubal, so he wouldn't need to have any surgery. Anyhow, after the procedures, my period returned right on time the following month. It was MUCH better than it had been the previous 6 months. It basically was back to how it had been before my 5th child. (2 heavy/med days then 3 med/light days)
Fast forward to now.. I really want to have the Ligation reversed, due to some PTLS (post tubal ligation syndrome) symptoms, and of course to keep the possibility of more children open.
However, I'm only considering it because my endometrium may still be sufficient enough to sustain a baby.
I have an appt with my new OB/GYN on May 20th to discuss having a saline sono or a hysteroscopy to get a better look at my endometrium.
According to my vaginal sono last June, it was measuring 12mm on cycle day 21, which seems normal and healthy. BUT as we all know, after an ablation, you can have healthy "patches", which are misleading on a traditional or vaginal sono.
I really want to make sure my lining is in good shape before moving forward with the reversal. Meanwhile, I DID find a reversal Dr. who approved me for the surgery, even though I've had an ablation. So if I can get the go ahead from an OB/GYN, we are going to have it reversed. :)

Sorry this ended up being a journal..lol..if you stuck with it this long, bless you ;)

Looking foward to getting to know you all. God Bless!
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Dear blessedintexas.   You posted this back in 2015. I am in your same situation now. 2017. I am wondering if you were ever able to locate a specialist, get a reversal and have another child or not. Can you please share your experience with me as I would also like to have an Oblasion reversed in order to possibly conceive again. Thank you so much for any advice.
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Did you by chance have them clipped? For I to have had a tubal and ablation my cycle just appeared this year after being gone for two years and I want to have another child. I'm currently praying something like that happen to me. But I've read on varies websites that there have been successful out comes and yes some bad out comes. But I'll be glad to help you. Crazzya
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I would really like to speak one on one with any of you that's had successful pregnancies after the ablation. I had a tubal now 8 years ago and the ablation done 3 years ago and now I'm pregnant and in pain all the time. My tubes are no longer tied and seemed to have naturally grown back together. Anyway if anyone is available to talk let me know and I can give you my email address. Thanks ladies.
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Hello all,
I just came across the is forum while researching ablations. I am a 23 yr old who was diagnosed with PCOS at age 16 and told at that point there was a very slim chance I would ever get pregnant without medical help. I had no periods for years due to my body refusing to cycle and hormone imbalance. Now the doctors have jump started my body, but my periods are awful! Pain and fatigue, nausea and insomnia, bloating, breakouts, heavy cramping and clotting; the whole nine yards. Symptoms last most of 3 weeks out of the month cause me to miss school, work, and life in general. As an added bonus, I am allergic to birth control and hormones in general.

Now I've been told there is nothing else that can be done for me except an EA and tubal ligation. I know I am young. I know it is a big decision. I guess my question is, do you ladies think that EA is a viable option? I've been told my only other option would be a hysterectomy, which I really would not want at my age.  
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So, how did the sono go?
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You are really a kid at the age of 24. Don't give up your ability to have children. Honestly, you may feel that you know, but honestly, take it from a 54 year old, you really don't know. This is too big of a deal to loose your chance unless the pain and bleeding is just too much. If things become too difficult, I would say, have it because you don't have a choice. You would be able to adopt if you decide to have children.
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I want to get pregnant had burned tubes and hot water balloon ablation. Who do I contact to see if I can reverse or see if uterus can carry a baby?
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I found this thread whilst looking for advice regarding thermal ablation and pregnancy risk. I am finding things very frustrating here in the UK. I had a thermal ablation for heavy periods in 2012. I was advised to use contraception to avoid pregnancy and was and still am certain I do not want any more children.  I know there are risks regarding pregnancy and also as I am now 43 I know my eggs are past their sell-by date so to speak. I know, for me, it would be disastrous to get pregnant.  My question really is, has anybody had much experience of basal temperature charting in regards to discovering the most fertile days in the menstrual cycle??? I started using a thermometer a few weeks ago in the hope that I can AVOID pregnancy by knowing my most fertile days and avoiding them! It's funny because everything you read about this is directed toward those women desperate to have a baby and finding it difficult. It is difficult for me to know the first day of my cycle because I don't really have normal periods any more, I sometimes get a little bit of bleeding but not much at all, just panty liner amounts for two days... and dreadful pain. I have fibroids and Adenomyosis. I know my chances of pregnancy are probably slim, but the last time I had sex, I got myself in such a state because I thought I might be pregnant, as my cap had moved during sex. I took the morning after pill which gave me a period from HELL!! AND mucked up my cycle, too....Now I'm worried about the cap being unreliable. I am single and actually scared of being in a relationship due to this recent experience. My last partner had a low sex drive which dropped to practically zero after my ablation, probably because he knew the risks to me, should I fall pregnant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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I had no bleeding at all for a good two or three months once I had healed after my thermal ablation at age 41. If you are still ovulating, then everything should still be the same, just without the heavy bleeds. You may notice Pre-menstrual symptoms as before; you may notice cramps and some light bleeding with time? Have you considered getting a basal temperature thermometer to discover your cycle and when you are ovulating? When the tubes are tied or clamped, the egg cannot be fertilised because it needs to be released by the tube to meet with the sperm. You need to find out if you are still ovulating and if your ovaries are working normally i.e. still releasing an egg. I am surprised your doctor did not explain this to you when you had your most recent surgery, but I am sure if you ask they will help you. All the best and Happy New Year!
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Hi there,
I am surprised how many women are given the impression you CANNOT get pregnant after thermal ablation.  You must not try to get pregnant and AVOID getting pregnant is what they should advise.  It is possible to fall pregnant after an ablation. It is not a method of contraception. It is to help stop the heavy bleeding and sometimes the womb lining grows back, especially if you are in your 20's or 30's. You would need to use another method of contraception. I presume, reading previous posts, that is why so many women have had their tubes tied and then ablation or is this a co-incidence? I had thermal ablation in the UK two years ago at age 41 and was told to be careful to NOT get pregnant because it carries so many risks to the mother and baby. At 43, I am terrified of becoming pregnant. I am currently single but it is affecting my ability to have a new relationship.  Getting my tubes tied in the UK on the NHS is practically impossible and I have no money to have it done privately.  I was offered a hysterectomy to help with Adenomyosis, which was brought on following Thermal Ablation - but I'd rather suffer the pain without the bleeding too, thank you very much, so I don't regret the thermal ablation. Menorrhagia is terrible and definitely 'the curse'!!!
I was asked repeatedly if I had finished my family. I have a 21 year old and a 9 year old (younger son has autistic tendencies) My experience in the UK the doctors are very reluctant to perform thermal ablation, you need to be really suffering with abnormal periods. Probably because of further complications and the possibility that women change their minds. Do lots of research before you do anything! Good luck x
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11528075 tn?1419039150
So it is possible to become pregnant after having an ablation done? I'm just asking because not only did I have the ablation, I also had clamps on my tubes but then was having problems so had to have the sections of my tubes with the clamps cut out. Haven't had my cycle since the ablation which was done a couple months ago. I guess my question is if it really is possible to become pregnant after an ablation?
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11241321 tn?1416489763
I need help . I am 31 and a mother of 4 kids (14,11,8 and 5) I had the novasure done in 2011 and had no bleeding at all. And now I think I'm pregnant. I took a EPT and it says negative but it did so with 2 out of 4 of my other pregnancys... I feel weird. I'm going to my OB on Dec.19th and I'm very scarde. Has anyone else have had a pregnancy test come out negative but still be pregnant?
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Sono and appt was cancelled due to weather. Ugh. Now it's another waiting game.... Looking for input on those of you with multiples!!
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