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174267 tn?1220405228

2 Week Wait Pal - Audrey, LJ, Deb, Nikki, Toni, Amy NEW POST

Girls we have to, yet again start a new thread.
851 Responses
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501096 tn?1320874932
Hey!  I don't know about everyone else, but we're doing great!  Ben is 5m now and weighs just over 16lbs.  He is such a little cutie and flirts with every woman he meets!  I think he's teething, but no little white tooth buds yet.  He's a very happy baby and we all just love him to death!  DD2 just started kindergarten this year, so it's just the 2 of us at home now.  Of course, I say "at home" but I am rarely home.  Last week we had 6 appts between the kids and me.  This week (a 4-day week too) we had 7 appts and that doesn't include church services and DS's track meet.  I am SO WORN OUT!  I hope I can stay home some next week.

Do you have pix of your boys on your profile?  If so, I'll have to check them out.  I'll bet they're just adorable.  Are they sitting up now?
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501045 tn?1331083136
Hello All. How is everyone doing? It's been a while since the last post.

My twins are almost 6mths old now and growing so fast. I'm still home with them and learning everyday. It's very difficult but also very joyful.

Anything new here?
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Congratulations to you both! I am glad you are all home safe and sound. We found out we're having another girl. Very excited for Sierra to have a sister. Now I am 5 1/2 months and waiting for September. I am not in any hurry to have two running around. So this little one can take her time. I have no idea how those of you with twins do it!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Thanks for posting your story. I'm glad all is going well for Benjamin. I had my two as planned on 3/31. Jordan came 1st and weighed 5lbs 3oz and 17 1/2 inches long. Jadon was 2nd weighing 6lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. So far they are doing wonderful and getting bigger everyday. I'm still recovering from my c-section and so far it's ok. My incision has reopened a bit and has been bleeding a bit all day. Other than that I  feel wonderful and I am loving being a mommy. Pick are posted so check them out when you have a chance.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Hey, Ladies, I'm a little late posting this, but it's been crazy to say the least!

On Monday, 3/23, I went to see my peri. and my BP was up to 158/??, so he sent me to the hospital for 24 hours' observation and urine collection (to check for protein).  Once I got hooked up to all the monitors, they discovered Ben's heart rate was over 200 which caused a lot of concern.  Both my BP and Ben's heart rate settled down after an hour or so.  My OB came in that evening, did my GBS test that had been scheduled for the next day, & checked my cervix (1cm, 25%, & -2 station).  I ended up staying for 30 hours, but was finally dismissed to go home on partial bedrest.  I also was told I'd have to see BOTH my OB & the peri. every week until I delivered.  My BP was fine when I went back to the OB on Wed (3/25) & again on the following Tues. (3/31), but we went ahead & scheduled a tentative induction date of 4/17.

On Friday, 4/3 at 10am I went back to the peri. and my BP was higher than ever.  He told me I was going to the hospital to have the baby right away.  Well, DH & I were in separate cars & had to make "kid arrangements" for the other 3, so it was around 1pm before we made it to the birthing ctr (I was starving & refused to go w/o eating 1st as well).  My OB came in & broke my water at 2:30 and apologized that he would not be able to stay for the delivery since he had family commitments.  At 4pm they started the evil pitocin & the dr on call arrived (a wonderful lady).  At 4:45 they increased the pitocin and I really started feeling the contractions at that point.  At 6:30 I was 8cm & "stretchy" as the dr put it, so she let me start pushing.  One push and I was at 9cm and at 6:45 Benjamin was born all in one push.

He was a tiny 6lbs 9oz. (my other kids were 7-15 up to 8-11) and 19.75" long.  He came out crying, but has hardly cried since.  He doesn't like his bath and sometimes objects to diaper changes, but other than that he's a very peaceful, happy baby.  He's been a little jaundiced, but he seems to be improving.

We took him to the cardiologist today and he got a clean bill of health there.  He had lost down to 6-1 at 3 days old, but has now gained up to 6-13.

Hope everyone is doing well.  I haven't seen any updates from anyone in a while....
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501096 tn?1320874932
Yay!!!!  I can't wait to see some pictures.  I see my perinatologist on Monday and my OB on Tuesday for a biophysical profile.  Technically I'm due a month from today, but I suspect Baby B will be born earlier (whether by his choice or the drs).
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501045 tn?1331083136
Hi Everyone!!!! Just want to give you an update. Twins are doing great and I am scheduled for a c-section on March 31st. I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to meet them!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Happy Birthday! I hope yiu enjoy yourself despite you sniffles.

I'm on bedrest so getting around isn't really an issue although every trip to the bathroom is a heavy one. Glad you are doing well. I go back to see my Peri on Monday. I hope my two have gained a good amount of weight.
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501096 tn?1320874932
You're doing great to make it to 34w with twins!  I look forward to hearing about a big birthday in the coming weeks.  I'm 33w and BabyB weighed 4lbs. 10oz. at the peri's office on Monday, so your twins aren't far behind--which is fantastic.  Of course, I'm sure you're having a hard time getting around by now (I know I am!).

I'm doing all right except that DH & 2 of my kids have passed their cold on to me.  With my SUA, I'm really afraid to take Sudafed for fear it might constrict the blood vessels in the umbilical cord and placenta.  Thankfully, my nasal symptoms aren't too severe, but my throat sure hurts!  Of all the weekends too--DH is taking us out of town for my birthday weekend,  It's not fair to be sick on my birthday or on a trip!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Hi Everyone. I'm just checking in. I'm 34 weeks along and the twins are doing great.  I have 4 more weeks to go and hope to make it all the way!  At the 32wk mark both twins weighed about 4lbs. I'll find out on Monday how much progress they have made.

How's everyone else doing?
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Hi all,

It's a little late but happy new year to everyone!  Amy congrats to you!!  Glenda and Hopeful I hope all will be well with your little ones.  Hope everyone else is doing well.  Hard to believe it is 2009.  Soon all the little ones will be big!!  Time for new pics girls when you have a chance - we need to see the holiday ones.  Take care everyone!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Congrats!!! Try to be relaxed and try not to lift. I think that is very important. I pray that all goes well and you have a happy and healthy nine months. Stay positive!
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501096 tn?1320874932
Congrats!  My 4yo still wants me to carry her occasionally and I just have to tell her that she's too heavy.  Yours is just too young to understand that, I know.  Best wishes.
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Happy New Year Girls!

Glenda- so sorry to hear about what you and your little one are going through.
Hopeful- I hope your GD test goes well.

I just finished my two week wait after my FET and we got a positive test result (after I did a HPT and got a negative because I tested early---just couldn't wait) . We are very excited but worried because I know a lot can happen between now and 9 months from now. I am not supposed to be lifting more than 10 lbs. but finding it very difficult because my one year old has to be almost 30. I am just trying not to lift her from the floor but it is near impossible. We have our first ultrasound on the 19th..and hope all is growing the way it should.

Again Happy New year!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Sorry to hear about what ahs been going on with your pregnancy. I hope you little one will be ok. I'm glad the amnio showed that all is well. Please keep me posted.

I went to see my Peri today and he expressed slight concern about me having excessive amniotic fluid. He is concerned because it can cause preterm labor and is a sign of GD. I will be tested for it afer the holidays.

Enjoy your Christmas and New Years too.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Well, our visit with the perinatologist was both bad and good.  The specialist confirmed that we only have 2 blood vessels in the umbilical cord.  He said the nuchal fold thickness looked normal to him; however, he said it was too close to the "useful" cutoff date to be accurate.  He also discovered that the baby has 2 additional holes in his heart.  Between my age and the heart defect, he seemed convinced the baby had Trisomy 13 or 18 which are both usually fatal.  Given that info we consented to an amnio and discovered that our baby boy is chromosomally healthy (no Downs or anything).  We'll probably have to see a pediatric cardiologist before the baby is born, but God may decide to heal the baby's heart in the meantime.  Time will tell.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.
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501045 tn?1331083136
How is everyone doing? Any updates to report? Hope everyone has a great Holiday and a Happy New Year!
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501045 tn?1331083136
Congrats! A boy is wonderful. You must be so excited. I see a Perinatologist too. It's great. They have the best equipment.

My two have active and quiet days. I'm 21 weeks now and we have picked names but are keeping them secret for now.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Hey, Ladies, where is everyone?

I had my big u/s yesterday and we're having a boy (yay!).  Most everything looked good except for 2 things: the nuchal fold thickness and the umbilical cord.  The nuchal fold was 6.1mm and the cutoff is 6.0, but since there didn't seem to be any other indicators of Down's, I think it's okay.  As for the umbilical cord, I have Single Umbilical Artery (SUA) which means there are only 2 blood vessels instead of 3 there.  I have an appt with the perinatologist on 12/9.
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501096 tn?1320874932
I'm improving...slowly.  I broke down and took a small dose of anti-nausea med this morning because I had to take DD2 to Mom's Day Out.  If I'd had the time, I could have made it w/o it, but trying to rush around and get somewhere by 9:30 a.m. was just too much for me.  We have our "big" u/s on 12/1 and I'm very excited.  I'm just afraid that if it's another girl, DS will be VERY disappointed (he's a very sensitive boy, sometimes).

Are your babies really active?  This one has busy days and quiet days so far, but it's still a little early (I'm 17w5d).  Have you picked out names yet?  We're still waiting to find out about the gender....
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501045 tn?1331083136
Hello All. Just dropping by with an update. I will be 19wks on Thursday and so far everything is still going really well. We found that we are having a boy and a girl! That's exactly what I wanted. DH is very happy too. We just ordered the cribs and other furniture for their room. Things are moving so quickly. I am amazed. I'm really popping out now and there is no hiding that I am pregnant.

Glenda: How are you doing?
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I went ahead with the hysteroscopy yesterday and I am glad I did. They found some scar tissue and were able to remove it. Now we are set for December 19th transfer date for our frozen embryos. I am just hoping they thaw ok.

It's very strange to be doing this again, doctors appointments, calendars, my drugs get delivered tomorrow.

I hope you girls are going well.
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174267 tn?1220405228
Nikki- that stinks that you're still having digestion issues.  It definately sounds like an allergy.  Especially if the Alimentum didn't work.  I've heard some good things about Good Start formula.  But you are probably doing the right thing going to the gastro specialist.  You should get some answers after that.  Chase's colic lasted from 6 weeks to about 13 weeks.  Doesn't seem like long but when you're living in the day to day... it's an eternity.  So I have so much sympathy for you right now.  Hang in there.  It will get better.  I know it's hard to see them so miserable right?!?  I used to put a sound machine right by his head and put the waterfall sound on (sounds like a vacuum).  That machine was my saving grace.

Amy- I don't know about doing that test again.  That's the one where the put saline in the uterous?? I forget.  But why mess with anything?  You did carry Sierra alright so I don't know.  Maybe it's better to be safe than sorry so I can only say my opinion if I were in your shoes.... and I'd probably say no.  Good luck with the FET.  Can you believe i'm missing my infants and thinking about # 3!!!  Not seriously at all, just thinking : )

LJ, Audrey, Deb, Sweedy and everyone else, hope you are doing well.  Can you believe Christmas is almost upon us already!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so not ready.  I still have to get the boys first b-day out of the way which will be chaos in itself!  Ugh.... I'm gonna need some good wine to get me through the next 2 months!  Hugs all
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as for my appt today. The doctor said I have 1 8 cell grade A, 3 8 cell grade Bs and A 6 cell grade B and a 6 cell grade C. Audrey, I hadn't thought about them going backwards, like a 6 cell changing to a 4 cell. I might start the process at the beginning of my next cycle..seems too soon. I don't know. I still have 10lbs to lose and I ahve been drinking caffeine. I want my body is great shape befoer I put it through all this.

The doc recommended a hysteroscopy, 900$ to make sure my uterus is a "happy place"...his words. I had one before the last time and it was fine. Now I know I did carry Sierra and everything since that exam, but should I do another one to make sure there is nothign in there? TMI sorry
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