405855 tn?1217100767

2WW Buddies (Thread # 5)

Hi Girls,

As I take over this thread from jessbob, my heartiest congratulations to the BFPs in the last thread (kindergal, gigi8, jenandjon, jessbob) . Do keep dropping in to be with us while we wait.

For those of us waiting to see the magical 2 lines, lets keep trying till we get it...Remember there is nothing you can't get if you want it bad enough. Keep me posted on your developments.

Anyone in the 2WW period is always welcome to join. Just let me know where you are at in the 2WW and I'd be happy to include you in the thread.

I will update this thread once daily sometime in the evening EST.

SSBD to all on this thread :)

Waiting List:
Jen7900 - 13 DPIUI
jbrooks39 -10 DPAI  
G_S - 10 DPIUI
jen023 - 9 DPO
natashalo8 - 9 DPO
dippys - 5 DPIUI
alikat1205 - 5 DPO
nevaeh222 - 3 DPIUI

274 Responses
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282955 tn?1394730951
Yay new thread! the other one was getting long.  I am not in the TWW wait yet.  hope it's okay for me to join the thread again ...
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405855 tn?1217100767
of course...like I said everyone is always welcome to this thread. let me know when you enter 2WW and I'll add you to the waiting list. :) In the mean time, do keep dropping us a line.
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as u know iam not anymore ww but sending all my regards&wishing good luck for all on thread, wait me to join u,coming soon again.
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365429 tn?1390253309
hi can i join please? im sam, 10dpo.
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Hi.  I am currently on day 6 after my iui (with Gonal F injections and HCG trigger shot).  I get to test myself (again) on March 18th.  I'm already going crazy!  I am feeling "symptoms" all day!  I don't think i can make it...
Last month (iui with clomid), I tested myself 5 days after the IUI and it was positive.  A FALSE positive.  I guess it was still reading the hcg in my system.  
This time, i didnt buy and tests yet.  I am waiting for the actual day!  
I think i can.  I think i can.  I think i can.
Please add me to the thread!  Thanks and good luck to all.
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298462 tn?1259457975
hello!  i'm 8DPIUI  thank you!
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223956 tn?1208737570
HI I havent been on for a long time i just havent felt like talking much but i have been reading all your posts. Im on my seventh month of clomid and im 9 days past IUI. I have been ovulataing with clomid  but we just arent getting prego :(. I wonder if my eggs are bad quality or something. But i have three beautiful children the youngest is 8 so its been a while since ive had a babie. My children were all suprizes and I was really young when I had them I wasnt ready back then but i handled it and i love them dearly. Now im ready for children and I cant get pregnant. It sucks but Im trying to keep my hopes up. Has anyone been on clomid longer than me and gotten a BFP? I would love to join your thread. Good luck everyone.
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394503 tn?1315009083
i have been taking the pills instead of the tonic. iwas hoping it would work as i heard the tonic was very nasty. however if i don't get my bfp this month i'm buying the tonic. i think i can endure a little nasty if there's a possibility it could aid in bringing me a baby. lol. they say "there's a baby in every bottle." for those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, i was referring to Geritol complete. it's a vitamin supplement that many women claim have helped them conceive.

thanks everyone for being so kind and welcoming!

congrats to the ladies who received their BFP this week!how exciting!

and a big thanks to G_S for continuing this thread!!
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Hi.  On my first round of clomid and think I got  a LH surge on Saturday, which would make me 3dpo.  (Is it right to assume that when you say past ovulation you really mean the LH surge??).  Then I started seconding guessing myself - thinking was the second line actually darker than the reference line?  And especially as most people say taking Clomid makes you ovulate later.  So, I am still doing my OPK till about CD18 (just to be on the safe side).  Nevertheless, would love to 'wait it out' to see what happens.  Let's hope the next 2ww flys by......fingers crossed for us all!!
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I'm out too... see you back here once we're back in tww!
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126762 tn?1325261805
Thanks for starting the new thread! And welcome to everyone who has just joined!! This week is taking forever!! I had really sore bbs all day yesterday... seem to be fine today. But as always, I'm putting too much hope in that - could just be that AF is on her way - but I'm hoping for the alternative!!
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jen023 - I see you are 9 dpo - fingers crossed for you! I also had (or was convinced I had) pg symptoms - right up until 2 days ago when AF arrived - you can imagine how distraught I was...so I hope you don't have the same disappointment...keep us posted!

sansan34 - my last iui was exactly 2w ago, and precisely because of that problem, I was told to wait until 15 whole days after the IUI before testing, otherwise it is the load of hcg still going roud from your trigger shot.. really annoying, I know, because you get to 9 or 10 dp IUI and you just can't stand the wait any longer! I only had 2 days left to wait before testing when AF turned up... so now back to injecting Gonal and going for monitoring. Good luck!
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404345 tn?1317643584
Yay, new thread.  SSBD to everyone!

jen023 - I just wanted to say to you that I used preseed this month too and I totally thought I was BFN.  Slightly sore bbs at 9 DPO which was not unusual and that was it!  I told DH I wasn't pg, I was having dreams I was getting my AF, and I was all down and sad.  The only reason I took at test was to prove to myself that I was BFN so I would stop thinking about it.  I could absolutely not believe I was BFP.  I still kinda can't believe it and I have AF type cramps so I'm constantly thinking she's on her way.  I have no spotting or anything though and still have sore bbs!

Good luck to you!
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126762 tn?1325261805
SamLB - yes I can imagine - I've been there so many times... you think, wow - I have pg symptoms... and even when you try to tell yourself not to get your hopes up, you do anyway - and it's such a letdown! I had that last month - was awful!! I really hope this one is different. I'm actually 10DPO now... getting so, so impatient - but I am absolutely refusing to test until at least Saturday. Since I've started Clomid, my cycles tend to be a little longer - and naturally, I think AF isn't going to show - and then, there she is... so I'm going to TRY and wait :)

jessbob - thank you! you have no idea how happy I was to read your post! I realize I could be disapointed, but I'm still holding onto hope. I started to get sore bbs again today - more on the side this time... but it could be dreaded AF on the way.  Anyway, I'm so happy that you got your BFP!! Thanks for the luck - and I hope you have a very happy, healthy next 9 months!
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282955 tn?1394730951
well we used pre-seed last night.  DH said it's a bit too much.  I know I can't re-use the remaining in the dispenser.  I am CD16 and still no rise in temp.  I am getting a bit disappointed but I am still waiting.  I might O late because I am a 31day cycle.  I heard late O's happen till like CD19 and hoping I am one of them.   Wish me luck :)  Anyone with the same 30 to 34 day cycle? any experiences you can please share with me? :)
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419990 tn?1228259126
teaberries-I usually have a 30-33 day cycle and I usually O ranging from Day16-day 18 so it still could happen.

I am about 4dpiui now and came down with a bad cold/flu and fever. My dad was sick and now he's given it to me. Great fun. I'm hoping this doesn't hurt my chances of having a BFP. I also leave on Friday for California so flying with a cold won't be fun either.
Good luck to all you ladies in the 2ww.
Unfortunately I will be in California when I find out if AF is going to arrive...hopefully she doesn't go on vacation with me and I get my BFP!
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i'll also be away, in new orleans (home), when af is due to arrive.  i am hoping she won't show b/c i don't want to be so upset on vacation with family.
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282955 tn?1394730951
good luck to both of you on your vacation. :) I hope you have good news for us when you guys come back ! !

nevaeh: thanks for the info.  I feel alot better :) I should OPK.  just close my eyes and buy a box of six.  Darn expensive though. :(
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419990 tn?1228259126
teaberries-yup, it's expensive..especially the digital ones. that's what I use. That way there's not mistaking a positive.
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126762 tn?1325261805
enjoy your vacations ladies!!

(sigh) - so I joined this exercise program at work and today was our third weigh in. The first week, I lost nothing - this week, I GAINED four pounds!!! I know I ate a lot this weekend, since I was visiting my sister, but FOUR POUNDS!! Yikes!! That kinda ruined my day... oh well... If I get a BFP on Saturday, I won't care what I weigh... :)
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I am glad to see a new thread and the last one was great. I am not in the 2WW just yet, but soon I will be. Good luck to everyone
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381606 tn?1242090749
Ugh...I'm out. Got a BFN over the weekend and going to the RE to discuss the plan on Thursday. Thanks for the support. Good luck to you all!! SSBD...
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405855 tn?1217100767
tea_berries, vergovana, SamLB,  branjay: waiting eagerly to join us in the 2ww soooooon

sam75, Sansan34, iluvdasies, shandris, kazah: welcome to the thread

I will now update the thread.
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405855 tn?1217100767
Good Evening Ladies,
As promised here are the updates for today. SSBD to everyone on this thread. Lets start getting those BFPs.

Girls in our waiting list:
jbrooks39 - 11 DPAI  
G_S - 11 DPIUI
sam75 - 11 DPO
jen023 - 10 DPO
natashalo8 - 10 DPO
shandris - 10 DPIUI
iluvdasies - 9 DPIUI
Sansan34 - 7 DPIUI
dippys - 6 DPIUI
alikat1205 - 6 DPO
nevaeh222 - 4 DPIUI
kazah - 3 DPO

Sorry for the girls who got a BFN. Good Luck for the next cycle. Never give up hope!!
Jen7900 - 14 DPIUI - BFN :(
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