405855 tn?1217100767

2WW Buddies will get Lucky!! (#3)

Hello Ladies,

This is a continuation of our “2WW Buddies Will Get Lucky” thread series. In our last two threads we had 2 BFPs and we hope for many more in this one. The posts on this thread series have been so very supportive and encouraging...and I would like to thank you all for it.

If you wish to join the thread just post your details with your DPO/DPIUI/DPET/etc and I will be happy to add you in our waiting list below. This thread will be updated daily in the evening EST.
SSBD to all.

Girls in our waiting list:
baby4ru - 21 DPIUI (Did you test yet? Please share your results)
win123666 - 16 DPIUI (BFN on HPT...but I will keep u here until BL -ve or AF)
shandris - 15 DPIUI
natashalo8 - 15 DPO (Beta 4, faint line in HPT - fingers crossed)
G_S – 14 DPIUI (Spotting started, looks like AF is on her way :( )
Kimmy68 - 14 DPO
Coppell40 - 13 DPT (BT on 4/10)
laka - 13 DPIUI
Stacey1718 - 12 DPIUI (BT on 4/14)
Heather5 - 11 DPO
alikat1205 - 7 DPO
natemomma27 - 7 DPO
luvkayln - 5 DPIUI
alaskacouple - 4 DPET/8DPO
mommyin08 - 3 DPO
maybebaby29 - 2 DPIUI  
253 Responses
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441462 tn?1207951214
10 dpo here,,will find out on may 6th.....goodluck everyone,,,hope we all see BFP'S !!!!!
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405855 tn?1217100767
OK girls, as always we are nearing 250 posts on this thread and it's time to create a new one. I will see yall on thread #4.
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Sarah ~ I tested FMU with a ennsy weensy pink line ~ waiting for tomorrow (probably nuts too!!) ~

Welcome Cheesecake~~!!!!~:-)
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282955 tn?1394730951
don't worry if she thinks you are nuts then we all are nuts here.  LOL  Good luck  and I hope you see a darker line tomorrow
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422823 tn?1229736847
I am 6 DPO today, and incredibly anxious as I know that you all are. I would love to join you guys.  I took my first round of 100 mg clomid this month and had three follicles, I just know this is going to be it!  Good luck to all of you we are all getting so close!
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425331 tn?1210954038
we need a new thread*******

just a update.  well its 10dpiui and 11days past trigger. got a neg test 8days after trigger to see if it was out. im starting to get faint positives mid day today (not FMU) not really sure if it is still to early though dont want to give my hopes up. but i do think thats weird. hope everyone else is doing ok. I think i will call my RN in the morning and tell her shell probably just think im nuts.
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487597 tn?1217684988
Maybebaby & Isabelle:  Congratulations!  That's great news and very hopeful for the rest of us.  

JA - hope you get a BFP on your next test - I'm sure it's just too early.  Take your advice and Relax.

Dnikki - I've my fingers crossed that you have two beautiful eggs too!  Good luck.
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467707 tn?1270928640
well, I just posted on another thread but wanted to update you guys here too! I'm walking on cloud 9!

I talked to my gyn and he won't do a HCg even though I've had a previous ectopic... he had said that he would when he gave me the Clomid but apparently, he says that unless I have some kind of bleeding, I should assume that it is a normal pregnancy. I am scheduled for an US on May 8th which is 10 days away... I will go crazy until then.

I also called my accupuncturist lady and she was genuinly thrilled when I told her the news. It made me feel great to know that she really was rooting for me. I told her that she was partially responsible for this pregnancy. I believe she is.

My due date is January 1st 2009. A new year baby! I'm still in shock and I'm expecting  something to go wrong (I keep checking toilet paper everytime I wipe, expecting blood I guess). Ironic . You spend all of your days and nights thinking and dreaming about something and when you get it, you don't know how to react. Weird

My thoughts are with you all. I am reading the posts to see your outcomes.. I'm always happy when I see another BFP story! So I guess I won't be posting on here as much... until May 8th and I will give you an update.

God bless you all. Thank you for being there with me through this. Have hope! At 37, after an ectopic, one blocked tube, 2 years of BFNs, 1 failed IVF, Clomid and lots of praying (and accupuncture, Primerose Oil, korean ginseng, aspirin, B6, prenatal vitamin and Omega3 daily supplements) it happened. That's all it took.

Keep hoping!
Baby dust to all you ladies!!!
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126762 tn?1325261805
Congrats to the new BFP's!!!!
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398038 tn?1247857003
maybebaby29 & Isabelle Canada - Congratulations on your BFP's!!!  That is so exciting!!  I hope your numbers keep increasing and you both have a very happy & healthy journey ahead!

G_S - So sorry to hear about your follie troubles.  I hope that at least one of them matures by the time your husband gets back.  Take care and keep us posted.
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478429 tn?1265244387
Just an update ladies:

I'm on cycle day 9 (I believe) and took Clomid 50mg days 3-7. Have an u/s scheduled for Thursday morning to see how many/what my follies are like. Hopefully I have two "beautiful eggs" as my RE likes to say. Anyway will probably have IUI done sometime around this weekend.

maybebaby29: Sounds like a BFP, I hope your numbers keep skyrocketing, have a happy and healthy 9 months... :) Congrats!

Isabellecanada: Congrats on your HPT BFP, I hope things turn out well for you. let us know about your beta, have a happy and healthy 9 months... :)
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I'm CD24 & 11/12DPIUI ~ my RE told me not to test until Thursday ~ I cheated and did last night ~ of course way too early ~ BFN ~ tested again this morning hoping ~ got a really dark line and I think I had another line beside it but I couldn't really make it out ~ tried to take a stupid picture and it wouldn't turn out so I just said what will be will be ~ have too many other things going on ~ need to relax ~ my BBS are way to painful and the pangs I'm getting on both sides of my uterus happen too often not to mean something ~ never had these in the time I've been TTC ~ have the veins and all ~ just need to let things roll off instead of reacting from here on in ~ yesterday was a hard day for me ~ alot of stress ~ glad DH is back to work and daughter is back to school today so I can have a quiet day at home ~ ... ~ having her be an only child for 11yrs has made her a bit demanding at times, but I guess who can blame her ~ it was her Spring break and "we didn't go on vacation or anything ~ everyone at school went to Hawaii".....can't do everything.....
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443102 tn?1222125946
Congratulations!!  I am sooooo happy for you!!

Jackson Angel-  Thanks for the advice...I am praying it worked this time!

Well, off to CA again...yuck.  Won't be back until Wed. night, late.  See you all then!


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223956 tn?1208737570
i got my iui done on thursday so im in the tww now please add me to the thread good luck this cycle everyone
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282955 tn?1394730951
I have to congratulate you again here!  we will wait for your beta!
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yes imean with implantation embryo transfer,as i told u hyperstimulation is the 1 who forced me to IVF,ihad 3 embies transfered,in the pick up was many,only 3 transfered was ones made it in exact right time&still there r some at lab waiting them to grow&freeze as if need another transfer if this round fails(hoping not)
wish u ovulate this month,it is realy strange as u always ovulated early on femera but don't worry our human body isn't a machine&have to give variables everymonth,wish this b your month&mine to,good luck&baby dust.
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405855 tn?1217100767
OMG!! Congrats!! do let us know the beta results!! :)
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467707 tn?1270928640
I GOT A POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! Even splurged on the digital test just to enjoy seeing the word PREGNANT... will go tomorrow for a beta HCG quantitative blood test to confirm it is not ectopic (I have a history)

I love Clomid

GOOD Luck to all other ladies in the waiting list!

good luck y'all
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405855 tn?1217100767
Congrats ....I love to see BFP on this thread. wish u a happy and heathly pregnancy
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Sorry I haven't been posting.

My faint line is a positive. Went in that day and they said my HCG was a 40, two days later, 121. I get my final bloodwork on Tues. Here's hoping for a high number again.

Good luck to everyone. Even a BFN can be a BFP in a few days.
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405855 tn?1217100767
Well as for me...as I mentioned lots going on in my life. I moved this weekend and have been extremely busy. Was also supposed to have my IUI this weekend if all went well, but I guess this cycle has been rather unusual....am thinking it is almost bummed.
I have had 3 US - CD10, CD11, CD13...5 follicles ...the big ones at 18 and 20. But they were going down instead of increaing in size. The lining on CD10 was 6 and CD11 it was 3 and on CD13 it was close to 6 again. Estrogen was 23 on CD11 and 44 on CD13.  Progesterone was 1.18 which means I have not ovulated yet...but the estrogen so low might mean that none of the follis are mature yet even though they look big.
Anyways...my RE has asked me to go in for US and Blook work on CD17 to see where I stand. According to him I am having a  delayed ovulation this cycle unlike the last 3 Femara cycleswhere I had one XXL folli on CD12. Anyways my dh is travelling for the next 3 days, so am hopoing I ovulate only after he comes back on CD17, ie if at all I ovulate this cycle. But this cycle I had suck high hopes as I saw so many follis for the first time and now it seems like they were just big baloons with nothing but air in them.
Lets see...

Anyways the thread has grown too long....I will create a new one in a day or 2. SSBD to yall
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405855 tn?1217100767
vergovana- Wow...IVF without having gotten the time to prepare.....well maybe there is a reasons for it...meybe God wants it this was and maybe this will help you get pregnant afterall. I have put you as 3 days post embryo transfer, coz i think that's what u meant by implantation. BTW how many embroyos did they retrieve and how many did they transfer? Wish you great luck. I am praying this is your cycle and end of your long trial period

Alikat- I know what u are going through...it was really a bad joke fate played on you. But keep trying and u will surely make it some day soon.
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405855 tn?1217100767
Hello Ladies,

Hope yall are doing good. Too much going on my life at the momemnt and thus have not been able to update the thread daily. But here it is for today. Good luck everyone

Jackpot Winners:
mature momma - 10 DPET - BFP ...WOHOOO!! :))

Girls in our waiting list:
natemomma27 - 22 DPO (Anyone heard from her?)
maybebaby29 - 17 DPIUI (Faint positive :) )
4Angie - 16 DPIUI
IsabelleCanada - 15 DPO
Jackson_Angel - 11 DPIUI (Welcome...you had great follis and progesterone. Good luck)
pickles2 - 13 DPET  
tea_berries - 13 DPO  
babyhope1 - 11 DPIUI  
sarah9010 - 9 DPIUI (Progesterone 18.9)
SamLB - 9 DPIUI  
Melandyb - 9 DPIUI
wannababe - 5 DPO  
jen023 - 4 DPO
mommyof3andhopefully4 - 3 DPO
vergovana - 3 DPET

Sorry for the ones who got a BFN/AF
G_S – 15 DPIUI - A/F showed up :"((
Stacey1718 - 14 DPIUI - BFN - :(
win123666 - 18 DPIUI - AF arrived :(
natashalo8 - 19 DPO - AF arrived. Sorry girl, I was hoping otherwise because of you beta was 4 initially.
shandris - 19 DPIUI - AF :(
dnikki0928 - 17 DPIUI - BFN on Beta
Heather5 - 15 DPO - AF came :((
laka - 18 DPIUI - BFN
Dee6011 - 11 DPIUI - AF :(
evie23 - 16 DPO - AF arrived
jess553 - 19 DPIUI  - AF Showed up :(
luvkayln - 16 DPIUI  - AF :( So sorry
mommyin08 - 14 DPO  - AF :(
alaskacouple - 8 DPET / 11 DPO - Beta bropped :((
candie429 - 15 DPO - AF arrived :( So sorry Candie!!
mim181 - 11 DPIUI - BFN :( '
alikat1205 - 11 DPO - BFN after getting a postive :"(
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~Mommy~ "Sperm can live in a woman's body for up to six days — possibly seven. That's why most pregnancies result from fertilization by sperm that have been waiting in a woman's reproductive tract days before the release of her egg — ovulation — takes place." ~ Think ou have a GREAT chance..!!..~

We BD'd the four consecutive days before the day before my first IUI (not under pressure ~ just relaxing since we finally put my Sister and Parents' ashes to rest ~VERY STRESSFUL YEAR THIS PAST YEAR~) ~ SO....if I got pregnant from that it would be a real hoot ~ weird ~ but definitely think it worked ~ or ~ SOMETHING DID!!.....(HOPING!!)
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