507875 tn?1423160261

AGP - The Queens of Comedy

Happy Thursday Ladies!!!
98 Responses
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439903 tn?1380137882
Good Mornin!!! yes its almost Friday THANK goodness!!!!
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186627 tn?1257877774
I cannot wait for the weekend...
I've been soooo bored at home alone!!!
How are you all doing??
I'm getting humongous bruises from the PIO but hopefully it will be worth it!!!
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270512 tn?1333177636
GOOD MORNING! Well, afternoon to most of you by now...... only 8:30am here....

Had a great anniversary - almost. Poor dh has acid reflux and last night was a BAD night for him, poor thing. I can tell when he is going to get sick because he burps in his sleep. I usually know about 5 seconds before he does. Funny.... how his burps wake me up.... So he was up at 2:30am and then on..... he will spend the next couple of hours trying to 'cough' it out of his lungs and throught.

This morning he was better, just tired with a soar throught and chest.

Well, back to work.

Is it the weekend yet?!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Sam, sorry about DH.. hope he's feelin better today.

Miky.. I hope you haven't gone completely crazy so far.  Go rent "Lust, Caution".. its an awesome movie!!!

Just came back from my RE follow-up visit.  And of course I learned nothing new.  Don't know why I'm not pregnant, esp. with retrieving 11 eggs and a 90% natural fertilization rate.  Just that whole "wrong embies" thing.. blah blah blah.  No change in protocol for next IVF (and I agree), but we wil be Tx 4 embabies!! Wow, its alot, but he things my eggies are getting old (unexplained=old I guess), so we're gonna try and start a soccer team in my uterus.  Which is fine by me.  I want nothing more to be a giant walking incubator.  I had so much blood drawn, that they had to use BOTH arms for blood today, so I had every auto-immune test known to man done.  I'll know the results in 3 weeks.
Thats it for now.. smell y'all l8tr.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi girles,

Dang, Sam, that is awful what your DH goes through.  Hope he is feeling better.

Sas, YIPPEE!!!  You are getting closer...not much time before you are a human incubator.  Can't wait to celebrate.  Let's see...baby will be born around July '09?!?

Miky, How are you feeling?  Any spots left on your butt that isn't bruised?
I am in the middle of ordering my meds...yuck.

Last, but not least, THANKS FOR THE SALMON SAM!!!  Can't wait to dig into it!  You rock, Alaskan Queen-Bee!

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270512 tn?1333177636
Tijuana and Krista - you are welcome on the salmon!!  Enjoy!

Amberlee - did you get yours yet?

Tijuana - remodeling the kitchen huh? Nothing will tests patience and marriage like a remodel.... been there..... had no kitchen for a month. Our fridge was in the living room and the stove on the back porch (I have a screened in back porch)....needless to say we did alot of 'nuking' of meals and eating out/ordering in that month..... try ripping up all the carpet/flooring and repainting the walls and ceilings.... that's enough to drive any man nuts!! hee hee!!!

Sas- I think you need to find AF for me and whoop her! Wasn't she last seen with you?  I think both Krista and I are looking for her!!!!!

Krista - who is AF gonna visit first? If she stops here, I will make sure to send her your way also!

Guess what girls.... tomorrow is August!  HERE IS TO AUGUST!!!!
BFP.... BFP.... BFP.... BFP.... BFP.... BFP.... BFP.... BFP.....

RAH.... RAH... RAH.....
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458090 tn?1256321162
Sam.. I sent that Ho packing like a week ago.  I gave her a map and directions to both you and Krista's house.  She's always drunk and grouchy.. not my fault she can't find her way.  I'll call her cell later and tell her to get her a=ss out of the bars and get going!
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413852 tn?1317308712

First of all Tijuana...Love "QUEENS of COMEDY"! te-he.

Secondly...sent ya a pm...no reply...want to make sure you are receiving my pm's. I also tried to send you a mess fr. "our" spot...don't know if I got thru to ya. ;o( Hope no probs w/ that or pm's. Kitchen remodel...How fun...hope it's coming along well, but I'm ready to get ALL excited about Aug 8th! Yea!! ;o)

Sam/Krista: I see we will have to break out that can OF for Aunt Flo...she must think we are playing. No problems, because the Queens will straighten her head right out. ;o)

Miky: Hang in babes...I hate that part too. I started to feel imprisoned 4-REALS. I got bunches of movies though. My fav...can watch over & over...Pride & Prejudice w/ Kierra Knightley & Sense & Sensibility. I am a MOVIE machine, so these are only a couple of  the mussy ones I enjoy. ;o) At least you are almost at the end of the couch days. ;o)

Sal: Not sure if you got the mess fr. our spot either. At any rate...BACON!! ;o) Yes...thinking a BLT w/ red onions will hit the spot today...feeling a lil' bluesey. So glad that your follow-up appt. is done & looking forward to sharing in the GREAT news of BFP. Four sounds good to me...I told my RE if I have 6...I want ALL six in!!! ;o) Yes...he thought I had cracked my skull in the auto accident that I WASN'T in. ;o)

Sam: Hey Chicky baby...sorry dh is all in the raw w/that acid reflux not feeling so hot thingy. Hope he feels better REAL soon. I do still have this sledge hammer over here for AF...you need to step to her & let her know WHO is in charge. Well...I guess she might be until she shows up hun? Yeah...that is when you get smart with her & tell her (this is after she shows up)...Yeah...that's what I thought! (HA)

Krista: Hey gf...yes...hate ordering those ole' nasty things too, but maybe we should think of them as CANDY. Why you ask...well, WHEN we get our sweet lil' babies, they'd have been sumin' like candy. ;o) Alright...yes, I'm reaching, but hope it was worth the try if it made you smile. ;o)

Hey Amberlee: Happy Soon to be here FRiDAY to ya. ;o)

Me: Date change...Surg changed fr. 15th to 14th. Going in on 8th w/ list of questions for gynie doing my surg & taking dh to grill him. Afterwards...we will see. Right now...still hoping that heffa AF doesn't come round my way...I do not want her to be my friend for the next 9 mos. or so. (Ha)


SSBD to ALL my GurrrrrrrlZ & BLD (Baby Luv Dust) to ALL my GurrrrrrrrlZ that are full of baby & BABIES! ;o)


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413852 tn?1317308712
Sas...Gurl you are too funny...even gave the heffa a MAP...she pitiful! ;o)

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507875 tn?1423160261
Hey ladies!
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501096 tn?1320874932
Hey, ladies,

Sasparilla--I know what you mean about b/w.  After my 2nd m/c they took 13 or 14 vials of blood and STILL missed one test.  Had to go back later and have my TSH checked.  Good thing the lab tech was really good and got it all in one stick.

alaskacouple--My 2 am was less pleasant.  DD (4 yr) woke up with stomach virus (aka throwing up).  Didn't sleep much at all the rest of the night waiting for her to get sick again, but she didn't.  (Fever today and now "the runs" tonight.)

Hope AF takes a nice long vacation from all of us who don't care to see her for a while.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Candy?!?  Too funny!!!

Ho bag AF showed last Saturday, which means she is on her low-down-dirty way to you!!!  Sas sent her to me, and I am sending her to you.  Kiss her a*s*s seabass!!!

nighty night my peeps,

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439903 tn?1380137882
nope not yet Sam. was thinking, will it be ok sitting in over 100 degree heatfor a few hours?

Thanks Savhana, cant wait for the weekend to get some well needed rest and sleep!! ive been sleeping like CRAZY lately, as im sure you all have noticed, ive been a little more mia lately! baby is taking me for all ive got, cant keep my eyes open once i get home afterwork. yet cant sleep through the night since i have gone from once to twice, peeing at night.

well, just woke up, gonna go TRY to take my prenatals and head back off to bed, it has been the hardest the last few nights!! every night i stand in the kitchen trying so hard not to toss them up!! i get that stomach feeling like its rolling and that gagging feeling in my throat! (wanted to leave that feeling with yall)  =)   anyway, i will talk with you all tomorrow, night night
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270512 tn?1333177636
Hey Amberlee,

the fish should be okay.... it is processed and canned....

ask your dr. about switching to flintstone chewables... my gf had BAD m/s thru her pregnancy and could barely swallow food let alone a big vitamin... they told her to take flintstones instead....

off to bed... catch y'all later....
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398459 tn?1262186144
AGP as of August 1... (please add or change if I missed anyone or anything!!!)

Drum roll, please.....

Miky- transferred 4 embies July 28-in TWW (stick little embies, STICK!)
Rgh-transfer in October?
Magda-currently on vacation (we miss you Magda!)
Jen-on Lupron, began stims on 7/31, retrieval ~8/10
Savanah-Natural cycle, AF due Aug 8th
Sally-Natural cycle, day 18, no sign of O (dang!)
Glenda- started OPK's on 7/28 (O’d early this month?)
Latice- started OPK's 7/30
Sam-Natural cycle (giddy up!)
Krista- monitoring for O, bw and us on wed. aug 6 (meds begin 10 days after O)
Juana- FET scheduled August 8th(YAY!)

And of course, our success stories… YEAH!
Helen-preggo (15+ weeks)
Heather-preggo with Henry and Cadence (27 weeks)
Amberlee-12w pg, IVF success!
Kari-preggo with triplets (~10 weeks I think)
Kele-~9w pg, IVF success!

Who's going to be next on the success story list?  MIKY?!!!!  I think so!!!

Happy August ladies.  May this be a great month for all of us!

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458090 tn?1256321162
Thanks for catchin us up, Krista.  You order your meds today?

Miky.. Thinking BFP thoughts for you!!!!

Savahna.. No one is getting your emails.. and I'm only getting some of them, not all.  What's up w/your email?

Amberlee.. Flinstone chewables are awesome!

Sam..I don't think I ever saw an email for spicy salmon  :(

Juana.. You are just days away, grirl!  Woo hooooooo!

Savahna.. Your posts always crack me up!  Hope this cycle was a home run for ya!

kele.. Where r u?  Havent seen you post in a couple days.

Jen.. How are the stims??

Everyone else.. Have a great weekend.

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186627 tn?1257877774
Hey Ladies!!!
Today is 4 days after transfer so I decided I can be more that 5 min in front of the comp.

Everything here is normal in the sense that nothing important is happening.
FET is a little weird because not being on all the meds and not having to go through retrieval you fell totally OK ...My AWESOME RE stayed with me 20 min on the phone on Tuesday to make me laugh since she says that there is a study that patient who laughed after transfer had a better success rate soooo...try to rent funny movies for your after transfer days!!

Krista:I'm excited for you! forget about the poor prognosis..the reality is that they do not have any idea what they are doing with this ART thing..its only chance and somebody from above..

Sally:you got the exact follow up visit that I got..bottom line:keep trying is going to happen..It sound easy to them but its so frustrating!!!!

Juana:You are almost there!!!

Savannah:good luck with the surgery!are you going to go home the same day?

Sam:Happy belated  anniversary!

Amberlee:Hope you are feeling better and the Flinstones are kicking in!

Helen:saw your picture on your profile you look AWESOME!How are you doing?

I think thats all,
I'm going back to the couch or my DH is going to kill me!!!
have a great weekend,
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398459 tn?1262186144
XOXOXO Miky!!!

:-) Krista
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507875 tn?1423160261
Good morning ladies.

Just got back from BW and U/S...good news. My uterine lining was "perfect for holding on to embryos"!! So I am excited. Start medrol and doxycycline (sp?) tomorrow as well as PIO and Progestrone inserts (yuck)!!! My transfer is scheduled for Thursday, August 7th!!! I can't wait!!!

Okay, so last night me and DH had a spat. He seems to think that I spend too much time on the computer. I told him that I am stressed out because of everything going on (issues with my mom, fertility, work, etc) and when I am online line talking to you gals or playing word games (my fav) it relaxes me...I think he just wants me to pay more attention to him, but God forbid I interrupt him while he is playing chess or watching sports!! I was so upset last night. He told me this morning that he feels like I don't understand that he is stressed out too and that this is affecting him..I told him I understand that,but he will never fully understand what I am going through...I am taking the meds, getting shot in my butt, stomach sore, gunk dripping out of places I don't want it to drip from, sick from medicine side effects..emotional to no end...he will never understand that, so please let me do what I need to do to relax and take my mind off of things...I ended up crying my self to sleep last night...sometimes I feel like I am going to self destruct!!

Okay...I feel better now...thanks for hearing me out!!

Love to you all!!
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270512 tn?1333177636
Morning ladies!

Sal - I pm everyone, even at our 'place' and titled it 'Last Call', if you want some spicy salmon I will send you some. We have plenty :-)

Tijuana - men just don't understand the 'emotions' we go through.... and they are so enhanced right now because of all the meds.... ask your dh if you can poke him in the @$$ with a 2 inch needle for weeks on end and see how he feels just from the poke..... men do get tired and frustrated too, but it's a whole different kind.....
So exciting....only 6 more days!!!!!  Sending frost now!!!

Savanha - I found the item I was looking for!  I need your address chica!

Milky - S-T-I-C-K!  go m's go!!!!!  

As for me.... I took Sal's advice - wore linen capri pants to work today....lets see if AF shows....  I have a feeling she will today - I have a screaming headache and 'bowel issues' sorry for the TMI!

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392430 tn?1382904781
Hey everyone...the vomiting has hit...ugh. I am a pale quaking thing right now and all I want to do is sleep. All I can say is I better have the cutest and most well behaved baby in the history of babies.

Juana-Hubbies can feel left out too...I know mine does but I do wish they understood the physical challange that we undergo to try and make them daddies.

Miky-Get back to bed/couch before I help your DH put you there!

Sam-I can't wait for my salmon! I will eat it in the morning to give it time to digest before my afternoon/evening purging. My DH has acid reflux as well, he takes Omeprazole and it works like a charm.

Sally-Yippee! Grow that soccer team! Hopefully they wait till they are out to try out there cleats!

Savanah-You crack me up.

And to everyone else have a great friday, I am off to work and will attempt to be chery and happy.
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501096 tn?1320874932
I had horrible morning sickness for the first 14 weeks of my 1st pg (lost 16 lbs.+/-) and my DD was the best baby you could ever have asked for.  Went to sleep when we did, woke and nursed when my DH got ready for work and snuggled up beside me to sleep for 3 more hours.  Slept through the night at 2 or 6 wk. (DS was the other).  Didn't cry much at all, no colic--an angel baby really.  My other DD is a different story.  Good as a baby, but keeps me up more now at 4 yrs than she did as an infant.
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270512 tn?1333177636

THANK YOU Krista and Sal!

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507875 tn?1423160261
Sam - That's awesome!!!
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