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174267 tn?1220405228

Anyone in the 2WW - LJ, Audrey, Deb, and gals........

Girls, the site did the same thing again.  Hope you find this one!!! Where are you all??
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174267 tn?1220405228
OH LJ, I'm so sorry you are going through all this.  I hope you hear good news about the levels today.  Did you see those posts I told you about?  I went back and re-read and it made me feel more confident.  You are PUPO and I'll keep praying that the "po - proven otherwise" part doesn't happen.

Oth- you are supposed to have a temperature spike when you ovulate but your saying it happens a week later.  That's when you are in / leaving the luteal phase.  I'm not sure why that is happening to you.  It never happened to me so I can't really comment.

Deb- I'd be doing the same thing for my Furbaby.  I know what you mean.  I hope everything goes ok.  Good thing your parents house and this is happening now and on in 2 months when you need you rest.  Don't worry, the summer FLY'S by so July will be here so soon.  Just think it's only like 2 more AF's!!!!

Audrey- new house.  yeah aren't they great! Till you get the bills : )  And furniture shopping is fun but equally painful.  I know they have certain financing plans with IVF.  Don't know if you know that but it's something to consider. (DH and I were going to do that if try 3 didn't work).  Some of them offer money back if you don't get PG.  Unfortunately, I don't have a link because I only just search around the web but I'm sure you can find too.

Amy- thanks for your kind words.  It's hard not to drive yourself crazy during this hole PG time!!  Believe me, I'm not hoping for morning sickness or anything but I do feel better knowing you got it around week 10.  I hope I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't get it!

Toni- Those are cute names!! And I'm so glad to hear the boys are doing well and growing healthy and strong!  That's great.

I had some cramping yesterday which made me a little nervous but nothing today.  So it may have been something I ate.  I'm just hoping and praying that everything keeps going well.  On Friday, I'll be 7 weeks and on Monday, I'll get to hear the hb's.  It's so hard to enjoy this time.  I don't know what person said "enjoy it" b/c I feel like a nervous wreck all the time.  Especially with hearing what you LJ and you Nikki have gone/ are going through.  BUT- Possitive thoughts, possitive thoughts!!!!  I apologize again for the painfully long post.
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So sorry for what is happening to you, Words will never be enough I have suffered so many losses before getting PG this time with the twins. I hope that things start looking better for you soon.

Quick update on me I went into the Doctors yesterday and I have not gained any weight in 2 weeks so thats good 15lb total I will be 24 weeks on Friday and I had a Ultrasound baby A weighs 1lb and 6 oz and baby B weighs 1lb and 7oz they are finally above the average they were smaller in the start. And they are both still Boys thinking about naming them Riley and Ramsey.
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26 days. I'm jealous. I have more than that...for sure. We're not out until the end of JUne...then we start with a new group a week later in July.

LJ, I have been reading your posts and holding my breath waiting for some resolution for you. I know this must be so difficult for you and your DH. It's one 2ww after another harder 2ww after another. I am so sorry you are goign through this.

Nicki- I know the worrying never stops. I am so excited they saw 2 for you. I didn't have any morning sickness...a little queasy when my stomach got empty but not as early as you are, closer to 10 weeks. All you can do  is focus on the positive until you know different. Easier said than done...

Deb- I am really hoping things work out for your doggie. SO tough. Sounds liek you are dealing with way too much. Maybe by July/ August things wills ettle down.

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Don't worry sweetie, I know many women who did not have any morning sickness and had completely normal pregnancies.  You are just one of the lucky ones!

So good to hear from ya again!  How are you doing?  Have you and DH decided what your next move will be?  

So sad about your baby, but I think you are doing the right thing...I wouldn't be able to say goodbye either.  And Deb, July/August will be here in no time!

Only 26 school days til Summer vacation!
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I am so sorry that you and DH have yet another wait.  Please let us know the results of your bt tomorrow.  I am praying so hard for you...and you're right  PUPO!!  Hugs
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Hi guys. Thanks for all your prayers. I am still hanging in there. I am trying to get a cancellation appt with my family doc, in the meantime I called the clinic and my doctor there called me back with three options 1-wait, 2-take meds to cause miscarriage or 3-D & C. I said obviously I am waiting. I demanded a HCG test as the baby is still growing and the size is too small to confirm or deny heartbeat. So I went on my lunch break for the BT and hopefully will have some results tomorrow. Still pregnant until proven otherwise.

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Hi all,

Oh LJ I am so sorry.  I would be so frustrated to have such little good information.  They sure didn't have a very exact way of telling you and are they still really sure?  Let us know what the hcg shows.  That really stinks - I feel just terrible.  You are in my prayers.  I hope your son is doing ok.

Nicki - glad all looked ok with the u/s.  I'm sure it is too early to hear the heartbeats yet but you will soon.  Relax and don't worry.  Things will be fine and unfortunately its nothing you have control over.  Can't wait to find out if they are boys or girls!

Audrey - so glad the adoption meeting went well.  That is really cool about the older couple - that makes me feel better!  Do they have a web site or any other information?  Also thanks for the pics - you and your DH look like models!  The kids are great too.  I'm glad mother's day was good.  I also think you should consider IVF again even if you pursue adoption.

Toni - glad your surgery can wait until after the delivery.  That is a relief.  Delivery will be here before you know it!

Nikki - glad you are doing well.  Soon you will be ready to try again.

Sweedy - June is so close - don't worry.  It will be here before you know it.

Oth2007 - I used donor eggs so I did not have to use any meds except for the estrogen and progesterone before transfer, so I can't help you - sorry.

Thanks for the wishes for my puppy.  We found out he is in liver failure so are getting a bunch of tests done to see if we can find the cause.  Poor thing, at 16 I hate putting him thru them but am not ready to lose him yet.  Between that and working with the contractors on my parents' house in CA it has been insane.  I went to the RE on Friday and my lining is too thick again, even tho I have been on the pill.  So she wants to do a mock cycle for sure, with another biopsy.  So that puts me into the July/August timeframe.  By the time this happens I am going to be in a wheelchair!  Take care and am praying for the best for everyone!
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Always easier said than done, but try not to worry.  They kept telling me that pregnancy is different for everyone.  Not everyone will have morning sickness.  
Besides, its still early for you.  When it comes, embrace it.  I hear it can show up at anytime up to 14 wks....and you're having two...LOL!!!!  You'll be fine.

Oth2007- Sorry, I have no ideas about the fevers.  I've done one IVF (no other injectables), and I haven't had any fevers. I would ask the RE about this.

LJ- How are you holding up?  Peace be with you and DH.

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yeh nicki my transfer was on 27th of april , there were 2 day 6 blasts, one of them was doing very well but my blood test came out to be negative on the 7th. anyway got my period on the 13th it was tooo painful. my doctors started another protocol for this cycle , im sooo exhausted with all this so wanted to go with IUI instead of IVF this month, just to have a little break. but then me and my husband thought that the medicines are the same its just the dosage difference so lets stick with IVF only. lets hope this time it works out , it has become really tense for me, my husband and our family members. this time they will be doing day 3 transfer instead of day 5 as they did in the first cycle and day 6 as they in the frozen embryo cycle.
Also nicki i want to ask u and any of the members here who knows anything about this, that exactly after one week of ovulation injection ( and this has become a pattern in every cycle whether its IUI or IVF except for the frozen cycle in which there was no ovulation) i get fever with chills for one day. it makes me sooo weak and now it has become a pattern in each cycle so whenever i get fever i get this indication that im not pregnant in this cycle also, which is about a week before my date for blood test. its very confusing as my doctors have no clue as to why i get this fever. they say anything above 101 is considered fever, i get around 100 but it kills me. please answer me if you know why this happens. i'll keep posting here as often as i could as it gets difficult bcuz of my work.
keep me in ur prayers also.
thanks to all ...
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174267 tn?1220405228
Holy **** LJ... I'm so sorry.  This is the worst news. I don't even know what to say.  I'm just baffeled and I don't understand how something like this happens.  When are you going in for your beta?  When you have a chance, check out the main board topics.  I meant to write this last night for you but there is a topic called "Help!!! No Heartbeat at 7 Weeks any positive stories?" from 5/14. One girl said the the heartbeat didn't show until week 10.  But that everything worked out and is still PG.  I'm so sorry LJ.  I can't believe this.  I'm praying for extra hope and a positive outcome for you and DH.

I am scared as heck right now.  Nikki, I don't have any morning sickness either.  Only sore bbs and very tired.  They said they should be able to see hb next week so I guess once again, I'm going to be a petrified, nervous crazy person until then!
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I am so sorry.  This is definitely not something we wanted to hear.

I can totally relate to how you feel.  I really had no symptom either other than my breasts not being as sore.  I never had morning sickness or anything.  And to think we even had a good 8 wk u/s.  They say sometimes the body doesn't realize that the pregnancy is no longer viable.  I'm so sorry.  I know how much you and DH wanted this baby.  

I really don't understand your clinic though.  They should at least give you some options as to how to procede.  Since its still early, they may let your body process this naturally.  Please take care.

My prayers are with you.

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Went to the drop in clinic at my family doc this afternoon, didn't see my doc but saw the report. States minimal growth, no heartbeat - probably not a viable pregnancy. Doc says that I will probably miscarry one of these days, to see my own doc in a week. IVF clinic called DH and said sorry that they aren't pursuing this any further. DH is devastated, I don't know what to think. Still feel pregnant and no negative signs...
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Hi Nicki,
We are waiting til 08 to try IVF again because of insurance AND because we just bought a new home that is being built and are all tapped out right now. We still have to buy new furniture for the house!  S$%#s!! I am praying for patience right now!
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174267 tn?1220405228
LJ - Whoa.  I can't believe they are making you worry week after week.  Can't you demand some time with the doc. since all these u/s wackos are clearly not giving you any answers?  I'm glad your getting another beta.  I'm sure everything is fine but this place just doesn't seem right.

Audrey - I'm so glad you have that "special" relationship with your step daughters and that's great their mom is cool with it.  That makes the relationship even more rewarding with them. And that's just more unconditional love for them!  I'm glad you are thinking about IVF too.  Good girl!  It's a lot to think about and DH sounds GREAT and super supportive so whatever (or both if) you choose is going to be great.  Are you waiting til 2008 for insurance purposes?  Or is it to clear your mind etc?  
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I'm so very happy for you Momma!! How incredibly exciting!! You are truly blessed!! Your beta scores are incredible...Wow! Can't wait to hear about your next us.

And you are soo right, I really only had 1 fresh cycle.  I really have a lot of thinking to do.  DH suggested maybe doing IVF and adoption...we'll see.  Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day yesterday.  My daughters spent the day with us, and made it so special for me.  I got Mother's day cards and gifts, and I am so blessed that they consider me their Mom and call me Mom, and the best part, their biological Mom is totally o.k. with it!

A young girl from church also spent the day with us yesterday.  She is 16, 4 months pregnant, no family contact or support, father of baby is out of picture, she is not in school, not working, and is here illegaly without papers from El Salvador...AND she is planning on keeping her baby!  Whoa...blows my mind!

How incredibly frustrating!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you can get that beta test soon, and please let us know.  You are in my thoughts and prayers!! Stay positive!!  Hugs
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Hey guys. Appt didn't go well. The tech didn't even show me the screen or give me any details this time. Just told me to get dressed and she'd be back. So when she came back I said what is up, you didn't show me the screen or give me any info. She said she could confirm or deny a heartbeat and it's up to the docs what to do. No other info. I will probably go get my hcg checked as the next step. So very frustrated right now.
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174267 tn?1220405228
Audrey- hey!  I'm so glad the adoption meeting went well.  You do have a lot of time to think. Now you are well informed.  Hey, you have to think about all different scenarios.  Remember with me, I had 2 fresh cycles with NONE left to freeze and they didn't work.  You really only had 1 fresh cycle.  The embies from the FET were obviously from that same cycle.  It could have been so many reasons but with a new try with IVF, they could change your med protocol, you can try to do things differently.  So you never know.  I know you have a lot to think about but since it took me 3 times, I guess I would be leary about giving the advice not to try IVF again after 1 fresh cycle.  Ya know what I mean?? Hope I'm not being to pushy with the IVF.  I'm happy for you either way you decide.  I guess just hearing that it takes an average is 3 IVF tries to get a successful PG held true for me so that's probably why I feel that way.

Nikki- Hey stranger.  Hope all is well with you.  Glad you had a weekend of nice weather down in GA.  It was quite beautiful up in NJ too!

LJ- how did you appointment go?  I hope we hear from you soon.  Thinking of you!!

As for me, I was panicked and worried the last few days, but feel better (as I usually do) after my appointment.  It is confirmed that there are 2.  And while I thought I'd be able to see the HB the tech laughed and said... "the doc told you you'd be able to see the heartbeat this appointment".  Laughed again and said "Honey you should know to ask me and not the doc.  what does he know anyway" (she was jk).  But she said, "it's too early and we don't have the ultra sensitive equipment like some other offices have, so you're not going to see or hear anything until at least next week".  So, while I was a little disappointed I was happy when she called me and said my beta levels are now 24,091 which is great.  The new pics also shows sacs that are like 5 x's the size from last week so happy about that too!

Sorry for the long post.  Gotta get back to work now :)
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Happy Mothers Day, Mothers to be Day and Future Mothers to be Day!!!

Hope all is well with everyone. Looking forward to tomorrow, hoping that all this confusion will be behind us. Looking forward to hearing about Nicki's u/s too - 2 or 3!!!

Take care everyone and I will post as soon as I get home from work...
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Happy Mommies Day to all....(including future mommies)!

How is everyone?

LJ- Praying that all is well with you and your little one.

Nicki- So exciting...can't wait to hear about the U/S...it's so exciting to think of the possibility of twins.

Sweedy- Everyone is right.  June is really just a blink away.

Audrey- Glad you got alot of information about adoption.  I'm glad to hear there wasn't an age limit to be eligible to adopt infants.  Is it both international and national?

Deb- How's the furbaby doing?

I am going to go pass out in the bed.  I just finished four 12 hour night shifts in a row, but I've been keeping up with everyone.  DH and I are doing well.  It's a beautiful sunny day here in GA.

Enjoy your Mother's Day,

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Glad to hear that your son is feeling better. I will be going to church tonight and will say extra prayers for you...but, honestly, I'm feeling pretty positive that everything will be fine.

June is gonna be here in no time, girl! Five week countdown.

You are soo lucky girl that you do not have any morning sickness.  Can't wait to find out how your us goes on Monday.

DH and I got a lot of info on Thursday's meeting and I think we are leaning more towards adoption.  I just feel that it is more of a sure thing and I don't know if I can take that IVF gamble again.  I guess I have a lot of time to think about it since I will not be able to do anything till 2008. : (  

Oh Deb, they had a couple and their adopted infant come to speak to us...she was 52 and he was 47.  Cool, huh?

LJ, Nicki, & Amy,
Happy Mommy to be day tomorrow! Nicki and Amy this is your first, how exciting!!

Deb, Sweedy & NiKki,
It will our turn to join the Mommies club soon!!  Enjoy your weekend!

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174267 tn?1220405228
LJ, I'm sorry you are not getting the confirmation you need.  I'm sure things will be ok.  Glad your son is feeling better.

Audrey, can't wait to hear about the adoption session.  Did it make you more clear on which you might want to pursue?? IVF or this?  I know it's only the next day but an anxious to hear from you.

Hey to the rest of you gals!
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Hi guys. My son is doing better today. I am doing okay also. I saw the family doctor this morning and she read the report to me, there is a fetus measuring 3mm - heartbeat not confirmed. Possibly a viable pregnancy measuring small, but cannot confirm - re-scan in 1-2 weeks. She said it could go either way on monday. Just trying to be positive until proven otherwise. Hope everyone is doing well. Nicki your scan will be fine on Monday, maybe they even see three... Audrey how did your appt go yesterday?
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174267 tn?1220405228
The boards been so quiet! Hope everyone is doing well.

LJ- thinking of you. How are you holding up with everything?  I go to RE Monday too.  Saying prayers for both of us.
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LJ - keep positive.  It is the only thing in your control which can have a direct impact on the baby.  My prayers are with you.

Girls - my doc said coz of my trip i missed my chance of a FEt in May.  And startign next week, he is travellign for a month. So i can only start my next FET in mid june.  So i am feeling a bit low but at least i will go ahead wit it in June.  Its really only 5 weeks away..

I also wanted to ask you girls if anyone of you has done IVf due to endometriosis?  As this is my condition and i would love to share some experience if any of you have the same.

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