381606 tn?1242090749

Transfer 2 or 3 Embryos on first IVF

Hi All,

I am going thru my first round of IVF and trying to maximize my chances any way I can. I had the egg retrieval yesterday - retrieved 10 eggs; 7 of the 10 were fertilized and are looking good!  The embies will be going thru PGD (even though I'm only 29 - DH is paranoid) this week and transfer is on Saturday. Here's my question, we are debating whether to transfer 2 or 3 embies. DH is pushing for 3 cuz he/we would love multiples; RE doesn't want to put in more than 2. I've had one miscarriage in the past (no fertility rx).

How many of you put in 2 or 3 and what was the outcome? Is there any data or research to help decide?
LvnEmbryos? What do you think?

Thanks ladies!
11 Responses
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I have just had my e/c today, only four follicles but managed to collect six eggs..
Only 29yo so hoping for the best but to be honest am very disapointed.
Will find out tomorrow if they have become embis.
Good luck to all of you going through this difficult time xx
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How did your cycle go? I too am on 2nd cycle - had transfer today this time 2 embies. I have never heard of using a hot water bottle but i'd think not as my dr has told me to have luke warm showers only during the 2 week wait to as not to overheat the embryo? Hope all is going well for you
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my wife and i have just had 2 embryos transferred a week gone friday this is our first cycle 2nd attempt as our first attempt with 1 embryo failed in dec we had 15 eggs collected and 8 fertilized,we are so nervous,we were told off a friend to use a hot water bottle after transfer can any1 confirm this is wise to do or not,good luck to you all x
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381606 tn?1242090749
Thank you SO much for all your responses. We have so much to consider and think about in the next few days. All while waiting to see how the embies do over the next few days and what the results of PGD is on Sat. At this point I would just be happy to have a choice at the end of the 3 days!

I will definitely keep you posted!
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353148 tn?1293061164
I had 2 embies transfered for both my IVF cycles.  I got PG and then had a MC at 7 weeks the first time.I had 10 eggs to start with and only 2 made it to the 5 day blast stage. The second time I got a BFN. I had 12 eggs and 5 made it to teh blast stage. We figured the 2nd cycle were the strongest. SO I don't know if it realy makes that big of a difference.
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370736 tn?1247242917
I would transfer 2. I had IVF and they transfered 2 5-day blasts. One split so I was actually pregnant with triplets initially. I was totally freaked out. Carrying one baby is a lot of stress on your body. In my case only one embryo developed a heartbeat so I was not forced to make other decisions or worry about the babies health or my own. Good luck!
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161938 tn?1212169149
if you have OGD I don;t think you'll change RE;s mind

I am a big fan of trying three and four - but not with PGD
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458090 tn?1256321162
Hey Jen.. I posted this on our other thread, but thought I would double dip here also.  I am having 3 embryos transferred, but I am sooo old and they think my eggs are also as ancient.  Heck, I'd be ok with 4.  As for multiples, I would love 2, but honestly would really have to think long and very hard about 3.  DH and I have been discussing it and we're on the same page.  I'm 5'8", and pretty solidly built (like a Mack truck really), so I could handle 2 with no problems.. probably even 3.
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294043 tn?1354207946
a third one at day 5 only increases your chances of multiples, not probability of success.  I already gave you my opinion but with blasts you are safer with 2 especially since you had a m/c in the past.  Also, you are young, have high quality embryos and obviously capable of getting pregnant.  What if all 3 stick??  You have to discuss that possibility.

Good luck!!!  Let us know what you decide to do in the end.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi Jen,
My RE recommended on a day 5 transfer that 2 embryos are put in, as they are pretty strong and healthy to have made it to day 5.

I see lots of triplets in my line of work.  Although I love love love multiples, the risk is so high for the mom and babies. It is a tough decision.  

Soooo happy for you that your eggs fertilized!  I can't wait to hear a big fat BFP from you!  

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492936 tn?1244651570
This doens't answer your question, I had 6 retreived only 5 made it and only 1 could be transfered.  I didn't get pregnant, I was hoping to put in 2 because my dh didn't want multiples, but we weren't lucky enough to have 2 embies so could only put 1 in.  I would personally do 2, but if you want 3 then put in 3.  The chances aren't really much higher only like 6% but its still higher.

Good luck! Let us know what you decided!
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