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My story... one blocked tube...

Ok girls, here's my story... I've never posted on this site, but have been stalking it for quite sometime.  I'm VERY sad and just wanted to share.  None of my close friends seem to understand, because they've all conceived successfully within a few months.  I feel I have NO ONE to talk to about this, besides my husband. --- I'm 31 and my husband (who's 33) and I have been TTC for going on 15 months.  After a year of continual disappointment, I finally had an HSG done on the 10th of January, only to be even more disappointed.  I have a blocked fallopian tube (left side).  My OBGYN suggests that we just keep trying for at least another 6-8 months.  He says my chances of conceiving with only one tube within 2 years is 90%.  Has anyone else ever been told this?  He did suggest we get a second opinion and I do have an appt with a specialist next Wednesday.  My husband only wants to wait about 3 more months (b/c of the increased fertility after HSG) and if it hasn't happened by then, he wants to go the IUI route.  I don't know much about the IUI's, but what I do know, is that my insurance doesn't cover infertility!  We're already out $1700 for the HSG!  I've been very depressed and need someone to give me a little ray of hope/advice.  Currently on CD 8.  I ovulate fine.  Progesterone is fine.  Husband's little guys are fine.  Only problem that I know of - my one tube.  This sux.  You guys seem to do a pretty good job of keeping each other sane.  It's been great reading everyone's stories, so I just wanted to share.  
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Hi I know you posted a few years ago but what you described is exactly what's wrong with me. I'm 32 have one blocked fallopian tube the right one everything else is OK and my husbands swimmers are also good. The doctor recommend that we go straight for ivf as we will have a better chance of getting pregnant . it costs a lot of money so I'm really hoping it will work first time around. Just wondering what your outcome was and did you go on to get pregnant??
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Hi all , my name is mishy , I did a total abdomen on December 2014 , the doctor said I had an infection which I still don't know what was it then , this is frustrating me as I only have 1 child and still want another child , my question is how can I be able to carry a child of my own again on my womb , is there something that can be done , I am based in cape town please guys help am stressing here for crying out loud , please help
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try something called felopio it helps to unblock tubes. google it. i hope it works for you.......and CONGRATS IN ADVANCE.
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Hello, read your story. I also had a blocked tube. My dr. At the time said to keep trying , it just will take longer. I was also on clomid. I was in alot of pain. Tried two years to get pregnant. Got very frustrated. Took results of hsg test to a fertility specialist. Within ten minutes of seeing results, I was told my blocked tube was the reason for my infertility.  It was causing a chemical reaction that made it impossible for a egg to attach in my uterus. I had the block tube removed and three weeks after my surgery I became pregnant. I was on clomid also. I hope this helps.
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Hello, read your story. I also had a blocked tube. My dr. At the time said to keep trying , it just will take longer. I was also on clomid. I was in alot of pain. Tried two years to get pregnant. Got very frustrated. Took results of hsg test to a fertility specialist. Within ten minutes of seeing results, I was told my blocked tube was the reason for my infertility.  It was causing a chemical reaction that made it impossible for a egg to attach in my uterus. I had the block tube removed and three weeks after my surgery I became pregnant. I was on clomid also. I hope this helps.
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Your story is almost identical to mine and if nothing else know that there is someone out there going through the same exact thing and feeling depressed and hopeless at times.  My two best friends are pregnant and we all started trying at the same time and now I find it hard to be in a room with both of them at the same time.  My insurance doesn't cover anything either...no fertility benefits.  My right tube is blocked.  And we are looking to start iui in August.  My doctor also was not to anxious to try to undo the blockage but he said  he would if I really wanted to but iui when I'm ovulating for the correct side seemed to be the better option.  Hang in there...everyone has a story....and most of them have happy endings.
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1534430 tn?1342191643
You should go visit your Dr, they can prescribe you a drug called clomid that will help regulate your cycle and ovulate. They can do more test to see if all your hormone levels are where they should be. Look into polycystic ovarian syndrome, that's a condition where you rarely ovulate if not at all. Have you tried taking your basal body temperature? Then you can check to see if your temp rises which indicates ovulation. Good luck, I hope all is well!
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I know this is a very old post...  But I'm needing some help also... I have a blocked left tube myself... I've been trying to conceive since 2008-2009... An I've had no success at all... I had  a small procedure done an not only they saw a blocked tube... But also a pool of blood sitting off somewhere an a hole an none got closed sewed ect... But last year I also had a cyst on my left ovary it busted... I need help I've tried to get my cycle back regular but even being off BC for a week it's no telling when the next time I'll see out again... I don't ovulate and it's making me so depressed... Plz help me someone...
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I'm a 29 year old woman from South Africa who recently got married a month ago, on monday 19 March 2012 I was very sick n my husband tuck me to c a doctor who told me my tubes are block and he gave me medication to help them open up. Since that day I'm not a peace, my husband who's very supportive doesn't like me taking that medication he kept on saying I should trust Jesus and everyone else says the same thng thy said God closed thm for a reason whn the it my time to hv babies then he will open my tubes. So to everyone let's Trust to the lord who's our creator he created the doctors too! He's the biggest doctor he will make a way fo all of us let's continue to pray fo each other and remember ladys what's impossible to man is possible to God I love you all may God answers your prayers
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hello !! first time here on the site. but just may 24 found out good news ,turn into bad news really fast at 6 weeks found out i made a baby soo soo happy but being that i had a tubal reversal 2 mo ago. loving the fact that a baby will be coming 9 mo happy so happy found out ectopic in right tube going to doc every other day blood , shots, ultersound and cleaning of wounds never have i ever been so sad and upset . no right tube now thay remove it only have left tube now pray long on what to do next scared to start again was think about 6 mo asking will this keep happen to us are will i be hurt ever time because i would love a new little joy in the family. i dont no what to do are which way to go listen to you and everyone is great give me hope and make me somewhat ok because i have someone like me what the same things going on .i will try to keep my head up .  
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Well last year I had my tubes UN block n it wuz both of them block Aug will make a year and I haven't go pregnant yet n I'm PRaying one day it happen wit tha help of God...if there any one that been threw it n gotta pregnant can u please let me kno thanks
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my belovd sistas,u ar a childrn of GOD nd wit GOD al things ar posible.dere s notin GOD can nt do:u jus need to tel our father in heaven nd wil wil open ur womb bk 4 u.i had d dye test don on 20th april dis yr nd i refus to tak wht d doc told me dat my right tube is block,sinc den til nw i kepin prayin to GOD nd i hd faith dat it wil be open bk so i decide 2 hv d test bk which i did yestady bein 12th of oct;sistas low n behold d doc said my tubes ar fine and doin great.is GOD nt 1dafu,pry n believ GOD he wil see you tru.

Good luck
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That was beautiful!!!! I liked that and I believe as well God has closed my womb as well :(
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Correction- Elkanah was Hannah and Pinninah's husband.... Samuel was Hannah's son...
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Hey all.. I'm reading these post And realizing that sharing my story is a therapeutic gesture. So here it goes.. After I got married in 07, I became pregnant 4 months later... Found out it was ectopic and opted to take methothrexate b/c I was not sold on removing my tube at 27... So the next year I found out I was pregnant again maybe a month to date of my last preg and had a miscarriage after 5 weeks... The following year 2009, I found out that I was preg again about 10 days apart from d first time and this time in the
same tube and the tube (rt tube)exploded.. Had c section surgery to remove tube and was seriously devasted... I went through a phase of hating the whole idea of having children And wondering y God was punishing me.. It's coming around that time again and I'm a little nervous... I'm now wondering will I get pregnant again... I realized I will but I have to get me right mentally and physically... I am pretty opposed to IVF, sarrogate and all of that b/c if I can't have it naturally i'll do without... I haven't went to get a HSG as yet bcz I'm not mentally ready... I'll try accupuncture etc and let it all b a natural hollistic experience... I have one tube married and hopeful... God blesses us when we are ready to receive our blessing... If u are spiritually guided be reminded of d story of Hannah in d book
of 1Samuel... God closed her womb and allowed Pinninah, Samuels other wife to conceive as she may... Hannah was deeply grieved and begged and prayed for a son... According to d teaching God was trying to create a desire for
more than just a child but for a blessing; a king; a prodigy of sorts.... I believe we will be the mothers of children like Samuel if we trust God and dedicate our lives and children to his teachings.... Wow this was heavy for me
bcuz I have never as much as tried to
post anything on any blog EVER... God bless
and I can't wait to read ur success story....
                Truly Blessed..
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Hi I ve never posted on here either but just wanted to say you should get your ovarian reserve tests done. I have one blocked tube too the right side and was told pretty much the same as you and although everyone is different and you will probably have fab ovaries , i have slightly demiiished capacity which basicly means that i have fewer eggs left of mixed quality so that coupled with a blocked tube makes it harder still, I would get  this hormone test done fsh levels and ovarian reserve not sure what hormone tesat that one is just to make sure, if its just the blocked tube i think you can get pregnant naturally I had to go the ivf way and wasted a year and a half trying naturally because they didn´t do my hormone tests.
best of luck to you lotsof baby dust xx
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Firstly i am so pleased that i have found this site, i have been struggling myself with my emotions the last 6 months, and have found it comfort to read through these forums.

I am 24 had an eptopic pregancy 7 months ago and had a very rough time with it, with complications after my laprascope, they saved my tube, but have recently found out after having tiny sensations in my abdomin that my tube has expanded to 10cm and engulfed my ovary, my operation to remove my tube and most probably my ovary next month, my dr was not very hopeful for my fertility.  So i have done a lot of research. so i hope i can answer some questions.

1.  You can definately get pregnant with one tube

2.   it is possible to get pregnant with no tubes, or with a tube and an ovary on the opposite side (obviously tjis doesnt mean it will def happen if this is your circumstance but it has been known)

3. if you have a blocked tube google FELOPIO www.felopio.com i havent used it but i have been told that it can unblock fallopian tubes.

4.  I know that here in the UK you are entitled to atleast one round depending on your NHS trust of IVF, so if you are in the UK and you didnt know get yourself on the list. The waiting lists are arranged by yoyur eligibilty, eg smoking, age, wieght (your BMI needs to be below 30) etc.

5. To the lady with the hydrasphlinx, ii had this, and i was offered another laprascope to "flush it out", so it might be worth asking your dr.

Everyone who has had an ectopic probably know that the chances of having another one is increased. After i had my op i was still "pregnant", some of the embryo wa left inside, they gave me methotrexate, i was against this because, your arent allowed to ttc again for sometime after. if i could go back i would have had methotraxte over the op because then atleast i might still have two tubes, and wouldnt be preparing for another op. So f you have the choice if it ever happens to you again, I would take the methetraxate and use the tiem after to relax before trying again

It is difficult to know exact stats, because everyone is different.

Personally i cant imagine my future without children in it, i wanted 5 kids, but now i feel it wll be a miracle if i get 1. to read your success stories really fills me with hope and to those wh have had less success pleasse dont give up, as soon as i have the go ahead after me op i will be try try trying.   Good luck xxxxx

PS sorry for the long rambling message!!
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1245057 tn?1278008449
i have a blocked tube and im 23 oh 25 hes fine been tryin nearly 2 yr just want some advice please
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Sorry your tubes are blocked but I think given your age you can possibly do a laproscopy.  You can google it to get more info. Best wishes
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iam 25 years old...me and my partner have been tryin for a baby for about 3 years... had a HSG a few weeks ago and been told that both my tubes are blocked...my RT is blocked at the utrus and the LT at the end. i have an appt with my Gynaecologist next month...is there any hope when both fallopian tubes are blocked or will it just be IVF.
thanks and good luck to you all x
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This is my first time on here and I would appreciate any one who can offer me some advice.
I'm 29 with two children, 4 years and 22 months.
12 weeks ago I had my left tube removed due to ruptured ecptopic and
I was told that my right tube has a small blockage.
My doctor says I need to try naturally concieving for 12 months before I will be reffered to a specialist for ivf
I am currantly trying with my partner for another child but wanted to hear from anybody else in similar situation as I want to know is it possible to get pregnant with only one tube remaining that has small hydrosalphinx
my thoughts are with everyone else on here who are going through fertility problems.
Many thanks for reading xxxxxx
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I can totally empathize with you gals.  I had an ectopic pregnancy in 2005.  They didn't remove the tube at the time because they gave me methotrexate.  It turns out, though, that the tube is blocked anyway.  I had an HSG and it showed my right tube is completely blocked.  In addition, I have PCOS and rarely (if ever) ovulate.  I know how it feels to watch everybody around you get pregnant every time their husbands hang their jeans on the bedpost.  My co-worker had a baby last year and listening to her endless symptoms and baby planning almost got the best of me.  I  just want to scream.  It's not FAIR!!!!  I try not to give up hope, but after 4 years it's fading fast.  I've always wanted to be a mom, I just never thought I'd have this much trouble.  May God bless us all with a miracle.
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He's crazy to tell you to wait that long.  If you could get pregnant with that blocked tube, you would be pregnant by now.  The problem is the blocked tube often traps fluid that leaks into the uterus and is poisonous to the egg and the egg can't implant.  I realize this message is old but I am posting this for people who are googling this stuff.  Go to a fertility specialist who will probably recommend a laprascopy and salpingectomy (tube removal).  I had that done because one of my tubes was blocked due to endometriosis and I got pregnant weeks afterwards.  

After the fertility struggles I have gone through I think it's crazy that doctors tell people to wait a year.  In my opinion, if you are not pregnant after three or four months of trying, you should seek fertility help.  If there is not a problem, most couples will conceive after just a few months.  I am sorry that I waited over a year to seek help.
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Hello my name is Amy Huntington. Im 28 years old & my DH is 26. My DH & I have been TTC for 4 1/2 years. I was told in 2004 that I had PCOS & that my left tube was blocked... Now in 2009 after taking Metaformin & PreNatals for 4 1/2 years, my PCOS is gone... I still have a bad tube... My doctor put me on 100mg Clomid in March, so we will see if that works out... I had my CD 3 & CD 10 bloodwork done, and it came back normal. Today 4/6/09 I went to the Dr to get my progesterone levels checked. My husband has had two semen analyst done. The first one came back normal. He recentley had another that had some LOW problems. He is going to get another one done this week. I have had 2 misscarriages in 2004 & 2008...  I'm looking for support from women who are dealing or who have dealt with the same stuff Im dealing with.
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