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318181 tn?1336443496

Cycle Buddies 2009 - the saga continues

Hi girls! Hope you're all doing well! It's been a little while since last time I posted, and before I give you guys my update, I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words in posts, messages and notes I have recieved! I really appreciate all the support! It's been a crazy couple of weeks. As many of you know, we've had family in town for the past 16 days, and then my husband was laid off in the middle of their visit, which forced us to make a decision whether or not to continue with the IVF. We have decided to go ahead with it, since insurance wouldn't have covered it anyway...and my DH has a temporary contracting job at the moment, so hopefully everything will work out.

I've also had to "sneak" out and get a whole bunch of tests done, since we haven't told our family we're planning on doing IVF, so that was an added stress. But I'm now finally done with everything, and our visitors have left, so I'm officially back!!!! I started lupron 20 units two days ago, and had my trial transfer and water sono that same day. I also got my protocol, and I will be on 3 repronex vials and 1 menopur vial a day once I start the stims. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing, but also excited. I just REALLY hope it works!

OK! Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do....I'll post again later once I've read through the posts on the old thread. Also, if everyone could please give me their current cycle days and info, I'll start a new list.


Heather :-)
1960 Responses
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" If you're waiting for answered prayer or the fulfillment of one of His promises, don't give up.If you think He has forgotten you, think again. When the fullness of time is right for you.He'll show up-and you'll be amazed by His brilliant timing!"

Im not against the medical treatment just to conceived..bec i myself  experience it..but based on my own experienced whose persistently trying for almost 8yrs..ive realized that whatever the effort we give into it..if its not yet the time ..it will not be given to us..most of the time when we ask for an apple..God gave us an orange..what i mean is that..if its not yet the time dont push it too badly..just give ur best and God will take good care of the rest.

Most of us in this forum wants to have our own biological babies..but most of us i(ncluding me) still gets negative all the time..and its really bad to feel that kind of dissapointment...in my case..i kept on praying what really God wants me to do..?what is the real plan He has instore for me and my dear husband..and God really answered our prayer..

Last april 12, a healthy baby girl was born and she was given to us by a friend...its really amazing when God shows his blessing isnt't it..on the least day that were expecting it..God surprised us!..with this bouncing,healthy and beautiful baby girl..that we have prayed for 7yrs/9mos to be exact..at last she's home now! we named her Bettina Noriel (me as beth and Noel as my husband)..

And now our home was always filled with joy and laughter..she's 2mos.and 10 days..im happy to share that..with God all things are possible..even though we're  not her biological parents ..but deep in our hearts..God really planeed and brought this baby to us..for us not only to be complete as a family but  to give endless joy in our hearts,..anyway mother hood is beyond giving birth..its the day-to-day journey..taking care of Bettina is priceless..!

God really works in ways we cannot see..He always make a way..when there seems to be no way!And if someday i will be pregnant..its really a bonus to us!

Thanks be to God!
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977943 tn?1302255020
It's about time to move out of 2009 so I started a new thread - Cycle Buddies - 2010.  Hope to see you guys there.
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977943 tn?1302255020
Let's concentrate on the good news - the baby is fine!!!  I will keep praying that everything will look good next week.  Try not to worry too much even though its hard. I'm sure it's not anthing you've done so don't beat yourself up - that won't help you or your little one.  Just relax, eat well, get plenty of rest and stay positive.  Praying & praying!
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Any problem with spotting was ruled out with u/s, but..........I have another problem now.
Doctor said the baby is small for 12 weeks GA, growth is lagging by 1 week and 1 day. CRL measures 40mm where as it should have been between 50 and 60 mm by now. I have a repeat scan again on Monday to monitor progress. But all there observations of the baby were fine. I don't know what to make of this now, am really worried. I cried that day when doc said that, felt that I am not taking good care either of myself or of the unborn...doc kept saying baby is fine but small, lets monitor next week, nothing more than that..
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977943 tn?1302255020
Good luck Beatrice.  We can definitely use some good news.  

Hoping4mybaby - Praying for you.  Please let us know how the u/s turns out.  Sounds like there shouldn't be much to worry about.
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342693 tn?1425621476
hey ladies cd 34 and still waiting for af! This has been crazy. Miscarriage in January finally af on March 31 a + and - opk on cd 19 and now 0! Just waiting but having some cramoing today so af should be near. No signs of + bfp so just waiting. re wanted us to have 2 .'s before ttc again. I will keep you posted. Good luck on the IUI's and the ultrasound. This thread seems to be dying sown! God Bless us all and keep us posted!
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Wish you all the best for your IUI. Hope this cycle will work for you. You are in my daily prayers.

Well, for me the u/s got preponed from Thursday to Tuesday. Spotting has stopped, it was just a speck usually in evenings. But have started feeling very gassy and some indigestion.
Will update after my u/s tomm.
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977943 tn?1302255020
I am praying that everything is okay with you.

All - IUI today.  Hubby's numbers were great.  Hoping this is it.
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977943 tn?1302255020
If its bright red blood, go ahead and call to be on the safe side.  If not and no other symptoms like cramping and you are still feeling pregnant, you could wait and see if it gets worse.  Although for peace of mind, I would probably call anyone.  Praying that it is just the normal spotting that can happen during pregnancy.

Scheduled for an IUI tomorrow.  Two good follicles.
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Am in my 12th week of pregnancy. Had a little spotting today. Is this normal.
I have an u/s scheduled on Thursday. Should I wait for that long if this spots or does not worsen or should I hit the panic button now. I have no other problem.
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342693 tn?1425621476
Good luck to you I swear this journey never seems to end!
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977943 tn?1302255020
Cyst check - one small cyst on each side but still get to do Femara & IUI this cycle.  Beginning 5mg today on CD4 and taking through CD8.  Follie check next Friday with IUI on Sat. or Mon.

Test results are back in.  I do have the other gene mutation doctor was concerned about so will start taking a low dose aspirin everyday.  I will need to take both the folic acid supplement & aspirin from now on, regardless of trying or pregnancy.  I'm glad the RE suggested testing since I was at risk for blood clots and didn't even know it.
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342693 tn?1425621476
Good luck to you :-)
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977943 tn?1302255020
bfromthed - Hope you had a wonderful birthday & your wish comes true this month!

ALL - AF arrived this morning so back on the roller coaster.  Meeting with RE on Thurs for test results & see what the plan is.  Hubby & I have decided this will be the last month at the RE.  Insurance doesn't cover it & its all getting too expensive as you all know. We'll keep trying on our own though.  We got pg that way in January.  Hopefully, it won't matter anyway. :)
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342693 tn?1425621476
I guess its only a few of us on this forum where did everybody go.? I had a + opk todya as it is my bday too! I have not been checking temps I felt something yesterday and this morning so I checked just to see. We covered our bases this am before I even tested. Re does not want us to ttc until next month but if it happens naturally then that is good too.
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977943 tn?1302255020
Thanks for the encouraging words.  It would be so nice to have a baby by year end.  Still no AF.  Took another test this morning & got a BFN.  I'm never late so I don't know what's going on.  Hopefully, I'll know for sure either way soon.  I'm trying not to get too down.  We'll just try again & pray for the best.
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Don't loose heart over BFN...its not over until AF shows up. Do you remember I waited for 3 weeks!! and went straight for b/w and hpt at RE's office, even though I always had the feeling that AF might show up anytime.
I think for some of us, BFP wont show up early on.

Sending best wishes your way....
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977943 tn?1302255020
Where is everyone?  It's gotten way too quite on here.

Tested this morning & got a BFN. :(  Hoping AF arrives soon so we can try again.  Meet with RE next week to go over my last bloodwork.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.
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342693 tn?1425621476
praying: Good luck to you in the 2ww keep us posted!

Hoping: The heartbeat sure helps to ease your mind some! Keep us posted on your progress!

All: Hope eveyone hda a great Easter we finally made it through 1 af cycle....praying to have another one so we can get back in the game. Re wants us to have 2 back to back before trying again....so this month it will be a natural no meds at all who knows what God may have in store for us! God Bless....sticky vibes and baby dust to us all!
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Good luck with your 2ww. I hope and pray that it works out for you this time.
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977943 tn?1302255020
Had IUI yesterday so officially in 2ww.  Hubby's number were great so hope just 1 finds its way! Starting on prometrium again tonight - not really looking forward to that.  Test results still not in yet.
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977943 tn?1302255020
That is wonderful!  I've been wondering how it went.  So glad you saw the heartbeat.  It is amazing isn't it.

My u/s went well. It looks like I'm only going to have 1 mature enough folly though.  It's only at 15.5 so we're waiting a couple more days for it to grow.  I'm doing the HCG injection tomorrow morning & IUI on Thursday afternoon.  Didn't get my other tests results back yet.  Fingers crossed this will be the cycle.
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prayingforpatience -  Thanks for your re-assuring words. How did your follies scan go.

The u/s went well. They did a transvaginal u/s. The little bean in fine! saw the heart beat, it was a lovely experience.

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977943 tn?1302255020
hoping4mybaby - Your beta was really good so you probably don't have anything to worry about, even though we all do anyway. :)  When I was pregnant with my son, those were the only symptoms I ever had.  I never got morning sickness or had any of the other pregnancy symptoms.  Everyone is different so don't gauge lack of general symptoms as a problem.  The time for concern is if you are having symptoms and they suddenly stop.  That is what happened with my last m/c.

I'll be sending good thoughts your way on Monday. I am having an u/s then too to see if my follies are good.

bfromthed - Hope AF arrives soon.  I'm sure you're anxious to get started again.  I hope your time off did your body and mind good.
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