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961574 tn?1520648103

Due anytime Summer 2012

Hi ladies.  I know it's kind of early for me, being only 7wks 5days along, to start this, but I wanted to start sharing this journey with others due around the same time as me.

I know many of us (me included) are afraid to put ourselves out there this early, afraid that something might go wrong, but I have known so many of you for you long, that I just couldn't wait any longer to start sharing experiences with you.  I have never been this far along in a pregnancy, and am so sure I am going to have tons of questions.

I am expecting twins, and am still in shock! :)  We have a due date of Aug 9th, but It will probably be more like July 26th, due to it being twins
I feel pretty good most of the time,  but if I don't eat every 2-3 hrs, the babies let me know it!

Just wondering how everyone else is feeling, and wondering if anyone else has questions we can help each other with....

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334926 tn?1436811523
Aparently my original post was to long that i couldnt post it all on one but I wanted to add to the above post..

It seems that my boys are never happy at the same time though. I swear they take turns being crabby. If Aleks is crabby mon, wed, fri then Maks is crabby tue, thur, sat. Its always like that. Its very exhausting. Idk why they do that. They are not sick or in pain. I wonder if on the day they are crabby its because they feel Im not paying enough attention to them. (cause the day before the other was crabby so that baby got more attention) ...Some days it gets to be very stressful, and some days I cry cause I feel like a bad mother. Like im doing something wrong cause my babies are not both happy on the same day. When I say they are crabby i mean that nothing I do makes them happy except holding them. but they want me to hold them all day long! Which is impossible with 2 babies. It get very exhausting. Are my boys the only ones who are crabby ??? Or is it normal for them not to be happy everyday?? Maybe it just seems more intense because I have 2 and I woudlnt notice it as much if I only had one baby??
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334926 tn?1436811523
MHV- yes Im so glad that we found a formula. Out of all of the formulas gerber is the easiest to mix. Enfamil took forever and always had lumps. Similac was always foamy. Im just glad they like this one. We were so excited to put up the tree this year and stockings and to get their xmas ornaments. Every year I will get an xmas ornament for them and when they are old enough they can pick out their own. We video taped us putting up the tree with the boys watching us. and decorating it. I cant wait to shop for some toys for them. We celebrate xmas on Jan 7th (orthodox) but I will probably let them open some things on dec 25th like we did when we were kids. So we had 2 christmas's .

Hayley- My ped wants me to wait 6 months to start solids cause of them being preemies to. But since they already have cereal in their bottles I can spoon feed them some of that if I want.

All- I am so happy with the progress my boys have made, they seem to be getting better at tummy time to. They last now about 5min before screaming lol. I am also happy to say that they have reached so many milestones. They do everything a baby their real age does (4+ months) the only thing they dont do is lift their chest off the ground when on tummy and they dont reach for toys on their tummys. Those are the only 2 things. So we are happy about that.

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334926 tn?1436811523
Its not letting me post anything here
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961574 tn?1520648103
Glad to see the babies are sleeping longer:). We made it ladies!!! Yay!! The twins sleep from about 930pm to 900 am.  No complaints here!! Lol!! :).

Butterfly, glad you like the gerber!!!  That's what the twins have been on since about a week after coming home.

Drake weighs 14.2 lbs and Cameron weighs in at 14.1 .  They were grumpy too after their shots, but I gave them Tylenol for about 24 hrs after, and that seemed to calm them.

Cami has been ok'd to start veggies.  She opens her mouth for the spoon.  She eats oatmeal about an hour after breakfast, and her veggie about an hour after their eve bottle.  She loves green beans and peas :). That's all she has had so far...lol.  I have to give her the same thing for 3 or 4 days before moving to te next, and do veggies before fruits.  Drake isn't ready yet.  I give him about 2 bites odd oatmeal every morn, just to see if he is ready. Haha...

I am really excited about Christmas this year :). We are going shopping today for stockings for the family and for the  babies first ornaments :)
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1656646 tn?1325587402
I meant reaches out to grab the food not good. Lol
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1656646 tn?1325587402
Hi ladies I'm checking in!! I'm happy to say my babies r sleeping a but longer at night now and waking up once which is great!! I'm no longer a walking zombie on autopilot lol (if that makes sense ) they had their four month vaccines last week and my boy yazan was unwell for 2 days, he screamed for 2 days and had a fever which wasn't fun! Poor baby. They are four months and one week now and still haven't started solids yet but I really can't wait. Docs and the child health nurses keep telling me not to start solids untill 6 months as they r premies and are not ready. Although I believe yazan is ready because he can hold his head and reaches out to grab the good wheb we r eating. Should be interesting once we start. :)
I'm due to go back to work in a couple of months only part time though. I don't know how that's going to work as I haven't organized daycare as all day care centres around me are full and have a one to two year waiting period. I don't know how someone can think of day care one to two years before they even conceive. Lol

I hope all you ladies and babies are doing well. Xoxo
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