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1985863 tn?1327761216

Due anytime Winter 2012

Hello Ladies. I have been waiting to start this thread. I am alittle ahead of myself. 5weeks along with twins But I thought here we can all come together and share our journies of ups downs and OMG...
This was my 1st IVF after a mishap took my fallopian tubes and we put back (2) 8 cell 3dt and looks like from our US today that they both took. Welcome everyone at anytime and I cant wait to share this experience with each and everyone of you. I really Hope to see alot of my ladies from jan feb mar ivf. Year of the Dragon is year of fertility and lucky babies.
Best Answer
1473300 tn?1397588529
I had my 2nd beta today and it was 4400. The nurse said she is guessing twins, but I will have to wait until the 26th to find out because that is when they scheduled my first u/s. I am just anxious to verify that this is a viable pregnancy. After my m/c last spring, I cannot help but to worry. Saturday and again today I found myself getting nervous when some of my syptoms seemed to lessen. The nurse told me that this is normal and I shouldn't worry about it but once you have a m/c you cannot help it. That pregnancy I had a good beta and it doubled for the 2nd beta. Everything fell apart at the u/s when we discovered the baby wasn't developing. I have 12 days until my first u/s so I will just need to stay positive until then.
59 Responses
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1912782 tn?1337050537
I hope everyone is doing well.
We found out that they think it's a girl and a boy!
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1473300 tn?1397588529
I'm doing good. My twins are growing nicely. I found out they are both boys. I feel extremely huge already and I still have over 11 - 13 weeks to go. How are you doing?
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1053407 tn?1352030371
How is everyone doing
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1985863 tn?1327761216
try something with more carbohydrates to keep u fuller longer. I like wheat bread with peanut butter. thats had protein too so good for u. Hope that helps.
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2108578 tn?1356278629
Helli to all. I've been on different blogs and just saw this one. We went for our 2 us yesterday and saw both twins heartbeats and watched them moving like crazy, do exciting. My question is anyone feeling hungry all the time? I woke up at 3:00 am this morning starving, so had a spoon of peanut butter, but by morning I'm sick in my stomach because I'm so hungry. So if anyone could share the filling foods they eat.
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1053407 tn?1352030371
Anyone due in Nov. Know there baby gender if so pls. Do share
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1053407 tn?1352030371
Yes my ultrasoundis on the 14th It's good to hear the twins fine
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1912782 tn?1337050537
We went for the second u/s and both babies are right on schedual. How is everyone doing? I am starting to get excited we have hit our 10week mark, and were discharged from the RE to an obgyn. Next u/s is July 3rd....it's going to seem like forever till then.... Stickey Vibes to all.
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1473300 tn?1397588529
hopeful_mum - That is really good that your blood pressure is good now. Hopefully it will stay that way. That is one thing I am concerned about for myself because I had high blood pressure throughout most of my pregnancy with my son and then 2 weeks before he was born I was diagnosed with preclampsia. I feel if my blood pressure stays good the chances of getting the preclampsia again are lower. I am really trying to stay stress free and also doing prenatal yoga to help. The great thing about being pregnant with twins is you will get a lot more u/s visits and it is always so reasurring to see your babies.

Bukes- Congrats on your pregnancy. That is awesome that you got pregnant right after your HSG. I've heard that can clear things out and make it easier to get pregnant. I hear you on the being nervous. I see my babies' in an u/s and feel great and then about one week later something will make me start to worry again. I am getting better now that I am in the  2nd tri, but I think I will feel much better after 25 weeks (viability).
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I too will be expecting this winter. Actually due date is 12/29. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I have been on Metformin, Femera and Ovidrel for the last 6 months. In early April I had a HSG done and literally 3 days later is when I got pregnate. We are very excited and have had 2 ultra sounds already and so far so good but I still get nervous about a mc. Congrats to all you ladies that got your baby dust!
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1912782 tn?1337050537
We are due Dec. 31st ( at full term 40 weeks ) but we will probably go early. I had high blood pressure before getting preg, but right now it has been lower. thank goodness.
We have already went for our firt u/s at 7 weeks and we have another one set up for May 29th. We plan to find out what we are having.
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1473300 tn?1397588529
hopeful_mum - Welcome to our thread. Congrats on the twins. When are you due? I am pregnant with twins too. My 40 week due date is Nov 16 but they will most likely be born in October. I had a lot of fatigue the first trimester but I am super glad that my energy came back by 2nd trimester.

Roborshunice - I am glad to hear your little baby is doing good still. Are you planning to find out the gender? I had an u/s at 13 weeks and was so glad to see my little ones moving around like crazy. They are both measuring ahead of schedule and have good heart beats. This made me feel much more confident about this pregnancy going into 2nd trimester. Now I have an appointment on Friday to check my cervix since twin pregnancies are at higher risk of incompetent cervix issues. I will be checked every 2-3 weeks for this from now on out, which gives me more chances to see that my babies so I am happy about that. I am definitely planning on finding out the genders once they can tell.
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1053407 tn?1352030371
Hello mommie how is everyone me and sweet pea is doing ok so far
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1912782 tn?1337050537
Hello ladies, I would like to join this thread.
We just went for our first u/s yesterday. OMG it's twins!
Baby A has a hb of 135 and Baby B has a hb of 133.
I am so excited and sooooo tired. LOL
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Sorry to crash your party and run but 2nd beta with bleeding today means our journey is over. Beta is down to 4 now. Good luck on your journeys!
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Well I think my presence is going to be short lived. I woke up to bleeding today and am not feeling optimistic about the beta since the first one was just at normal. Only time will tell now if my feelings about the viability are correct or not.
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Thank you for sharing your experiences, it helps ease my mind a little. I know it's not good to stress but honestly it's hard right now.

I just realized if my fet would of worked out in feb I would of been a little further along then you right now. I got my bfn on my birthday which was 2/15.  Strange to see where I would of been had things worked out but greatful for this opportunity to become a parent.  FX great beta results tomorrow so dh and I can breathe a little easier. Hope you had a nice mothers day!
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1473300 tn?1397588529
I also had the symptoms in waves at the beginning and it really scared me, especially when they would stop for hours or a whole day. I told the nurse and she said that is normal because the symptoms are caused by the hormones and your hormones will fluctuate. After that I would sometimes have days where the symptoms would lessen but then they would pick up again. It is normal to worry in early pregnancy. I am just finally starting to feel very confident after my last u/s at almost 13 weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for a great beta # tomorrow.
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I'm due on 01/17/13. So this is a very early pregnancy, I guess why I'm so worried that it will be taken from us. I've had symptoms before I found out my hpt was positive. Some days like today where there are not as many symptoms or they don't last as long. Are some days better then others or should I be concerned? It's my first experience and not too sure what's normal or not. I have things like nausea, headaches, feel hungry start to eat and feel full, hot flashes and I'm tired. They all come in waves.

Congrats on the twins! We are not sure if we have one or two yet, we had two 5 day blasts transferred on April 30th, BFP May 9th
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1473300 tn?1397588529
Welcome to this thread and congrats on your BFP! I hope you get another great # on Monday. I think MH waited to create the November 2012 Pregnancies until they were already getting people who were due in December. Hopefully January will be set up soon. About what day are you due?
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May I join your group? I'm just beginning my journey finding out our second fresh round of IVF got me a positive HPT. My beta was 47 at 10dp5dt and I was told around 50 would be normal for where I'm at. I go back in Monday for 2nd beta. I noticed that most people at my stage might not know they are pregnant yet so a  "Babies due in Jan 2013 " hasn't been created yet.
You guys are a lot further along than I am but I may be able to figure out what's normal and not being as this is our first pregnancy since we started this journey 10 yrs ago.
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1985863 tn?1327761216
Hello Ladies. I was just sitting here thinking about 3 months ago a mere 90 days and we were all here doing our meds and hoping this time ,be it the first or the 10th  ,would be the time that took.  Horray for usthat not only did it work but it worked twice. So may twins.  I grew up thinking that twins were so rare and maybe in my childhood years they were,  If we had 2 sets in school that was alot now as we share our journey and I meet new people I find twins everywhere.  Pretty soon singletons will be rare LOL.
I am so glad to see so many woman getting the joy of either, like myself their 1st pregnancy or oppritunity
for another pregnancy.  I look forward to hearing and sharing about all the advancements our future twins make on their way here.  
Thank you modern medicine for making the right advancements when we needed them most.  :)
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Good luck on your next u/s.. I've been trying to keep cool about the whole situation and this might sound crazy but I went out and bought more hpt to poas... Lol and their still all positive, tomorrow is my u/s again so I hope we see than just 2 sacs.. Wishing you well and hope all goes good next visit !!
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1473300 tn?1397588529
Congratulations on the twins. I think how soon they can see the yolk depends on how good the u/s equipment is. I hope you are able to see more on Friday. The first trimester is very scary. I am getting nervous about my u/s next Thursday because my Dr said that is when if everything is ok they figure the pregnancy will most likely be ok. 2nd trimester cannot get here fast enough.
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