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I'm back in the TWW!!!! So excited!

Hey All!

So, we took off last month as part of our healing process and we are back to the TWW! I'm really excited, and nervous, too.

Hey, super sticky EWCM is right when you O, watery is right after, and dry is when you're done right?
If this is right, then we hit it right on. My OB said BDing right before O is best. We BD'ed 2 days before and the day of, so maybe maybe maybe.

Rob's 43rd birthday is the 30th and I just want to tell him he's going to be daddy on his birthday. I think his birthday will be 12dpo, so it would be the perfect time to test. You guys know me though, I'll probably test today! Hahahahaha Just kidding!!!

I'm sick as a dog today but in very good spirits. I'm going to stay home and knit all day. I'm working on 2 different sweaters. I've already made 2 baby sweaters. Now I just need someone to put them on!!!

Have a happy day!

14 Responses
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Just wanted to say Good Luck!!!  Crossing my fingers, toes, and anything else I can for you!!  
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Do you know if I was right about the CM cycle?

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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi SueGre! Glad to hear you're back in the 2WW! I think both eggwhite and watery CM is considered fertile, so it sounds like you got it covered!!! Best of luck this month! A BFP would be the perfect birthday present :-)
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126762 tn?1325261805
Good luck to you! Hope you can give DH that BFP!!
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Oh, good! So we hit it just right! I would sooooo love to tell my DH some exciting news on his birthday. I'm surprising him with a beautiful new dresser and bedside table, but a BFP would be the icing on his birthday cake! I can't believe it falls right on 12dpo. So many people get their BFP's then! I told him, but he reacted with caution. He, like me, is afraid to get his hopes up before anything actually happens. He has expressed a lot of fear about getting past the point when we lost our son (20 weeks). That is a loooong time to be nervous. I think I will feel a lot less nervous than he will, and will just love being pregnant again. The lack of stress will be better for a potential baby anyway and better for me as well. I really really loved being pregnant. It was incredible to know that all that was happening right inside my body. My amazing husband told me I was a very good mother while our baby was living inside me and that I took very good care of him. This is such a  bittersweet memory for me.

How are YOU doing?

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Thanks! Me, too!
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318181 tn?1336443496
Aaah, SueGre, your husband is sooo sweet! I hope you get another BFP soon (hopefully this month!) and that you'll have a normal "uneventful" pregnancy next time!

I'm just about to throw in the towel...got a negative HPT today at 14 dpo, so I have a feeling I'll be getting a not-so-welcome visitor within the next couple of days :-( Oh well, there's always next month, right?

SSBD to you!!!
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WHAT!?! I told that witch to stay away from you this month! I threatened her and everything. The nerve!!!

Keep a positive attitude, okay? It WILL happen for you, it just may take time.



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318181 tn?1336443496
LOL! Thanks for trying to keep her away, SueGre! I really do appreciate it :-)
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I will use brute force next time!

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381606 tn?1242090749
So glad your back!! I've thought about you a lot. I'm a knitter too - it's the inner granny in me! I'm making baby blankets galore for my 3 best friends who are already pregnant. Doing another IUI this month and if it doesn't work we are going to IVF...keep fingers and toes crossed.

If you see AF (mine of course), will you break out the brute force with her too? If not, she's gonna cost me 10k to try again! I don't even think I could take her to small claims court for that!
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186627 tn?1257877774
I'm so glad you are back and in the exciting 2WW ;-)
I hope you get your BFP and your baby in 9 months!
*************** SSBD***********
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178239 tn?1277405491
YAY Sue!!! Glad to see it tww already. I was looking for you when I got back from vacation and about to pm you. I should be joining you in the wait soon. I finally did my 1st round of Femarra and am waiting, ever so impatiently, to o. The opk line is getting darker now, so soon, I pray.

The 30th is certainly a popular bday! My best friend, who is my aunt, and my youngest nephew have that bday, too! Then another aunt on the 31st and oldest nephew on the 1st! Busy bday time! Happy early bday Rob!
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Hey, Tina! I hope you had a blast in Hawaii!

Is this your first time taking meds for pg? Man, I would love for you and me to get pg together! I just want to clarify that that's you with Tim, and me with Rob. Although if you and I could get each other pg, I think we'd do it!

I've had really sharp cramps today. Down really low. They hurt enough that I cried out "Owww". I had them this morning at 5:00ish (I was asleep!) and again around 10:00 am. What's up with that? I'm 3dpo today.

Is it the 30th yet???

Have a happy day!


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