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Implant bleeding or early light period

I was suppose to get my period on friday and on tueday i woke up and went pee in the morning and had blood that whole day it was a light red almost pink. I only have to wear a pantiliner and barely get blood on that.. The whole night and the next morning i had a brown discharge. Then later it became a lil heavier and more red again. I am never 4 days early and the whole month i have been having dull head aches, itchy boobs on and off, a dull backache, and tired. today for awhile i even felt sick to my stomach for awhile.. I was wondering if it could be implant bleeding or if its a light early period.. Has anyone else had this happen?? I need help i am testing friday.. But im scared its going to be negative.. This is the 3rd month of trying to conceive.. And around the time i ovulated i had sex three times that day and a total of 9 the whole month.. Not much but ya.. It should only take one time.. Thanks from what i heard implant bleeding is only a drop and its light pink or brown..
29 Responses
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318181 tn?1336443496
Well it sounds like you had intercourse at the right time, and your symptoms sound pretty promising. Four days before your expected period would be right around the time you could expect implantation bleeding, so it could very well have been just that. Good luck on Friday!
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324372 tn?1222820202
I actually had dark red blood, and quite a bit of it, for about 15 minutes 2 days prior to my period being due, and then it changed to light brown spotting for another 5 days.  But it wasn't a period! It was a baby! :)

Sounds like it could be something good!!!

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well i hope its good i am testing tomorrow and i hope it shows up if i am.. or else im sure i will just have to wait again.. but does it usaully last for a couple days i am on my thrid day and so far this morning its only kinda brown or maroon.. i just wish it would stop.. then i would know something is up.. i have never been this early before and had this light of a period usually i wear a tampon at night and i bleed throughg i have not wore a tampon at all yet and this is the 3rd morning i have had it so far but it go thro the whole day
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I agree with the others...it certainly sounds like it could be implantation bleeding.  However there is no way to know for sure until you get a positive pregnancy test.  Hopefully, this is your month!  You mentioned you have been ttc for three months...and then said it should only take one time.  3 months is really not that long to TTC and it would be nice if it only took 1 month. :)  Anyway, like i said, i really hope it's your month, but try not to feel discouraged if it is not your month.  Most of us on here have been TTC for longer than 3 months.  I've been ttc for eight months and should know in a few days if this is my month or not.  Lots of sticky baby dust to all!!
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I have to say that I love this community. Last night I had a hint of red blood and then it was a little brown, only for like twenty minutes of the night. I was so upset thinking my period was starting and gave up but now there is no period but heavy cramps. I now know that I can go ahead and still take the BETA test. Thank you for all the post!
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324372 tn?1222820202
I had the worst cramps EVER when I spotted like that... for about 2 days.  It was like AF but more horrible!  At 14 dpo they got much better, but I'm still cramping on and off like AF type cramping, so don't give up yet!  You sound just like me a few weeks ago!

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Well so far right now i am still bleeding it seems like in the morning its brown and kinda has red in it but then its picks up.. and sometimes it seems like its light in color then changes again.. im just so long but i am definately taking a test.. thank you guys for the answers it really helps.. ya i know trying for 3 months is not that long but it just sucks the waiting.. Also how some people dont even want to be pregnant and it happens the first try even with protection
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I had spotting four days before period was due but BETA came back neg. I was really hopeful this round, bummer.
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What a great place. Thank you all for these posts. We are ttc 5 months now. And I just got the EXACT symptoms you are all describing 5 days before my normally very regular 28 day cycle. I have been nauseus and irritable and have had sensitive breasts for a week now. I am so hopeful. I am also nervous because these symptoms are also so similar to a period. I hope it is implantation etc. I was so sad this morning when i saw a a pink swipe of the toilet paper and lit cramping. We shall see how it continues but this has given me hope that it is not all over.
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I started to bleed very lightly four days before my period. Only noticed when me and my partner had sex, so I put a pad on thinking it was a early period, and the next day nothing was on it. Today should be the second day of period and still nothing, not even a spot. We have been trying for years and I just gave up because I hated being so upset everytime I had a period. Wish me luck I might get my wish. I have had one pregnancy when I has 15 and had no way of providing for her. So, she was giving up for adoption. It is a very open adoption, but I still am really upset and never really got over the adoption. To tell you the truth it was not my decision it was my familys. They were going to give me to the state if I tried to keep her. So pray for me I really want a second chance at being a mom. Sorry I had tell all my problems it feels good to talk about it though.
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So i have been having the same problems. My breats have been hurting for like 2 1/2 weeks now and i have been getting these headaces and backaches. my headaches make me nausious and feel awkward. i have been gaining weight and when i had my daughter i only weighed a 100 pounds after i had her and now she is 4 and i am gaining weight. I started my period 4 days early and usually its the same day every month never changes. Its a light pink red and its not as heavy as usual. I was worried. I had really bad cramp but i dont know whats going on? Somebody help me please.
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Well my period was 10 days early, alot lighter than usual and 2 days after sex but lasted 5 days and towards the end it was on off, and like a brownish colour but throughout was a little watery, also my stomach and very close to the bottom is bloated, and last night i felt really sick and just passed out in bed and also ive smoked for 3-4 years and everytime i have a fag i feel sick, also very moody, im really scared as im only 16 what do you guys think???
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It definitely could be implantation! It happened to me and lasted four days and was just as heavy as a regular period.
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Well now i have a swolen stomach but didnt think that could happen till abot 2 months into pregnancy, im a little worried i did a pregnancy test on tuesday but came back negative, and was told to do another in a week as it doesnt show up for a week but i have this feeling thats telling me somethings in there.
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I love this community!  Me and my partner have also been TTC, this will be our 3rd month.  My period also came 4 days early and lighter bleeding than normal.  The last couple of days it was just spotting.  I'm hoping that I am, but so afraid to test because I don't want to be disappointed.  It is great to not feel alone.  I have made an appt with a reproductive endocrinologist but know it is very premature!  Guess I am just so ready and afraid something is wrong :(. Thank you ladies and will keep you posted. Good luck to all and God bless!
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We have tried three times to get prego. For the past two months my period came four days early. Its never that early. This past month. After one day if dark red bleeding it became more spotting. The spotting stopped but evertime i wiped when i peed it was a pinkish red kinda watery but kinda not. This only lasted three days. I've taken tests bc of all the signs. But they both came back negative. I have heard that some times it may never show up poaitive until you are three months. So I've heard of peoples stories online. What does everyone else think?
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6230235 tn?1379701974
well im in same boat 3 days before period was due i had pink spotting with discharge, then today 2 days before period due i have more red blood than anything like a light period but not enough to go on pad, im never early nor late, but im usually heavy to begin with then light and i know this isnt my period but i have to wait and see if it is implantation or not, i really hope so been TTC for 2 years :/ xx
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Hey ladies!

I'm new to this and hoping someone could explain something for me. I've always had a 5-6 day period always heavy the first two days and then lighter the rest, and also right around 30-32 days. This last period was almost a week earlier and only lasted 4 days and was not even heavy the first day then light (not using super + tampons like usual) to light (using regular tampons which I never use) the rest. And now (4 days later) I am having a light pink and brownish discharge when I'm supposed to be having my normal period (but I'm not because I already had it). Could this be implantation bleeding? I'm not sure because I read that implantation bleeding is supposed to be before or during your missed period. I'm confused on why my period happened like this only this month. I've also had terrible migraines as well as fatigue.

Someone please help!
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My period is always on time always come on the 5th of every month. I have a child already just turned 1 nov2 I've been trying for another 5 months after his delivery! On nov1 I thought I started my period early but it was brown mucas like then to bright red for 2 days also mucas like then yesterday brown again today a little brown mixed with light pink?? My normal period should start tomorrow could I be pregnant again! In scared to test cuz I don't want it to be neg.. Any advice??
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Hey, I'm experiencing some of the same things, 3 days ago I woke up with like brown spotting but only when I wipe. My first thought was "must be my period" But i'm going on the 4th day and well still the same thing. Then I started looking it up online and seen that it could be implantation bleeding. Well, and I thought Sh** could I be pregnant so I thought about it and I have been getting nausea and Having a really hard time waking up in the morning like im so tired I hate getting outta the bed for work. But I've really had no other symptoms. I took a pregnancy test earlier and it said negative. Anybody know what else it could be? or if maybe if I was pregnant I could have tested to early?
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I'm having something similar. My cycle is normally between28 and 35 days. This month got my positive opk on 22nd and exactly a week later started bleeding. My normal period is usually heavy with clots and normally I have to use super tampons and pads and need to change every couple of hours but this bleeding is totally different. The blood is bright red, the flow is so light that It's not even half filling a pad each day and zero clots or cramps. I'm hoping its implantation but took a test this morning (10 dpo)and got BFN! I'm so confused as I didnt know you could get your period a week after ovulaton. I know dfirst stage can be longer but not second stage. Any words of wisdom?? P.s this is month 9 ttc
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So I started my period a little over a week early. I've had insane cramping that lasts all day and very little spotting that's a light pink. I'm usually very regular so I'm a little worried. I had sex with my partner the day before I started because I thought I still had a good week before. Any suggestions??
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Hello, need advice please.

I was two days early for my period, on my 3rd today and I've stopped. It was very light that I haven't needed to wear a tampon. I had mild cramping on the first day, I'm normally always on time for my period, sometimes a couple of days late but last my normal 5-7 days.

Could this possiably be implantation bleeding??
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HI im experiencing some of these same symptoms.  I miscarried Nov 13. I had a normal (maybe a little longer)AF on Dec 13. Expecting my period on 1/13 but it has showed up 5 days early.  Im hoping to get a positive test and this light pink bleed will stop. I have experience tingly breast and light cramps and light lower back pain for about a week. im impatient so I have taken several test all negative but im hoping it was just to early to show up. ADVISE PLEASE!
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