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328927 tn?1227761840

MS320,Helen72,FiFiBlue, BabyAlive, Empty, Miky72, Sasparilla, Jen7900 AGP Chapter Members

Our other IVF thread was getting full with 150 posts!!!!!!!!!!
99 Responses
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328927 tn?1227761840
P.S.--We need to start a new thread. Who wants to do the honors?
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328927 tn?1227761840
Krista, Kari, Sally, Time/Ticking and Asking/Miracle--I think I am sort of up to speed now on where you guys are, and hopefully I can start being a better cyber-buddy now! I am SSBD to all of you, and so glad you have joined in on our awesome group of gals.

J_A: Sorry if it is indeed AF showing her unwelcome face. I am glad you are being proactive and seeing a new RE. I don't know much about IVF, but I know these ladies do. You may want to look at past posts on this and the previous thread, as much info has been shared and it would be a good start for you to learn about what is ahead. I know as you face each step everyone here will be supportive and direct you to the best info. Best wishes :-)

ALL: Well, I actually slept through the night for the first time in many days, and am up and feeling like a halfway normal human being. Miracle of miracles! The pattern of my sickness has been 4-5 days ill, and then 2-3 days not-so-ill, but this is one of the first days in numerous weeks that I have had a modicom (sp?) of alertness and a little bit of an appetite. I believe it is due to to the fact that I just passed the 14-week mark, not b/c I have less babies inside. Supposedly the placentas is what makes people so ill due to the high hormones they generate, and it will take a week or two for the third placenta to stop functioning. I also think starting the anti-viral for the shingles is already helping. Nevertheless, feeling better physically helps mentally, and I am utterly grateful for it.

I hope this run of feeling better continues and that I can be a more positive and consistent presence here :-)

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219862 tn?1211644271
Thanks  :-) !!!

I understand now. At firist I really didnt know what part the E2 numbers played in thos whole thing.

Thanks again!!!!!
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~>MORNING GIRLS~!~..Well, I HTINK AF showed it's head today ~ but it's awfully light and not consistent with previous ~ SO ~ they're doing BT to find out definitely ~ then I've talk ed to DH to start IVF due to the time limit (6/25/08) ~ SO ~ Those who have been through the process and have been successful ~ PLEASE let me know what is involved in the IVF ~ procedures, etc...pain..??.. ~ I'm off to do BW, etc..??..~they wanted me to consult w/RE next week ~ told them I didn't have the time to waste another minute ~ WASTED ENOUGH TIME AT LAST RE.
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328927 tn?1227761840
Love you guys, and couldn't get through this as well as I am without each and every one of you :-)
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398459 tn?1262186144
Thinking of you today.  You are a brave soul...

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294043 tn?1354207946
The number of days that you will be on stimulation drugs varies greatly depending on your drug protocol and how well you stimulate.  Most clinics are looking for 150-400 units of Estradiol (E2) for every mature follicle. A mature follicle is usually between 18 and 23 mm. The clinic tries to do the retrieval when the most number of mature follicles fall within that range.  So, your E2 levels will be rising and when you get about 300-400 E2 level per follicle you will trigger.

I hope this makes sense.

good luck tomorrow!  I hope you have a high follie count.

good luck with the blood test!  I hope it's a BFP!
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219862 tn?1211644271
Ok, I just recieved a call from my RE's office and my resuls from my b/w E2 was 1,667 today. I am still a little confused about the E2 count, can someone please educate me on that and what it has to do with your follies?!!!

Kari15, good luck on your u/s tomorrow and I will also be lookin forward to your update on your follies!!!

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~>spoke to the RE and she said it's probably implantation bleeding and it might be too early but the BT will tell...so we'll see about what's going on .....
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492346 tn?1267378978
J_A, Oh my the evil HPT struck again this morning?  If I were you I'd have been stomping on the evil stick today!  So glad you are holding onto hope... I will keep thinking positive right along with you and maybe with all those positive thoughts we can will this BFP to happen!  Fingers still crossed....

Timeisticking - Wow, great u/s appt at the RE!!!  Congrats, that is a perfect number of follies and all a good consistent size too... I'll be looking forward to hearing confirmation that E/R will be on Sat!

Krista, thx for the welcome.

Lisa, so the old witch is still messing with you... well I hope the provera takes quick effect and enables you to get started again soon.  Provera always treated me well so I hope the same for you this time.

Heather, I've been following your story and hope that you are feeling a bit better.  

No update here... been a bit more tired than normal, but feeling fine otherwise.  U/S tomorrow and should have follie count!
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328927 tn?1227761840
OH, Jen 7900--You're the bomb, yo! Good luck on your exam :-)
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328927 tn?1227761840
There are a few new sweet ladies that I cannot quite keep up with yet, but please know how happy I am to have you all posting here, and that you have given me some great chuckles over the last few days.

JA__Sorry about the BFN, honey. I hope maybe it's wrong, too.

Lisa, Helen, Mary--Thanks for the pm's. I love you all and your support right now means the world. . .

I am very tired, and nauseous (of course), and in pain due to the poking and prodding from today. I officially am now pregnant with twins, not triplets. The process was pretty physically painful, emotionally draining, and took way longer and was more involved than I had anticipated.

Also, I found out that the pain in my upper legs and weird burn-looking marks is shingles, a very painful nerve virus that is basically just chicken-pox come back to haunt me. So, please forgive my brief and not-so-personal or cheerful post. Gonna rest now, but will try to check in later.
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219862 tn?1211644271

Ok went to go see my Re for another u/s and b/w. The office will call me later to tell me what my E2  results is for today. I have 16 follies, 9 on my left and 7 on my right and they range from 13 and 14 on both sides. I am so so so so happy, two days ago I only had 4 and they were around 9 and 11.

I go back Friday and he is expected to do the retrieval Saturday.

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Lisa~ THanx ~ I just HOPE it's just too early ~ continuing to think positive....~!!~....~G's is 6/25 ~ HOPING I'm preggo by then.....
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380530 tn?1239162538
JA, I'm very sorry. I know how devastating those bfn's are.  I've had enough to last me a lifetime!

Birthday update for the week:  Heather May 3rd.  Lisa May 4th.  Fiona coming up in June.

CD 40, no AF.  Picking up my Provera tonight.

Sprinkle the dust, twirl in the garden, laugh a little, find joy in simple things today.  That's my goal.
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Morning Ladies ~ POAS this AM@4 ~ (too tired to see I had the stick upside down ~ got the new 5-minute answer ones this time ~ later found out it was upside down~HA~!~)...BFN ~ ..??..~....
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398459 tn?1262186144
Girl you must be dizzy from doing all those cartwheels!!!

:-) Krista
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380530 tn?1239162538
JA:  Hope tomorrow grants you good news.

Helen, I'm out of breath from doing cartwheels.  I am overjoyed for the good things happening in your ttc journey this week.

Sally, As nothing is coming out of my vagina, I will be starting Provera.  I p/u the pscript tomorrow.  I have a phone conference scheduled with my RE Thurs.  We'll talk protocol then.

Jen,  I'm straddling the fence in the grooming dept.  Sort of like straddling the... well...you can imagine.  I need to be more on top of things, but I'm just LAZY in that dept.  I do spend lots of time styling my hair and doing make-up in the am.   But, shaving and bleaching.  Oh too time consuming.  So, I am sort of showing solidarity in a bi-polar fashion for both you and Heather.

Heather/Magda/Dee/Mary,  Thinking of, praying for, and sending warm wishes to you all!  

Fiona, Hope Ireland is being good to you.

Krista, Kari, Timeisticking:  Good luck to you all.......

Carwheeling my way out to hit the pillow now........

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398459 tn?1262186144
Sweet baby dreams to you...
Thinking of you here in Chicago and wishing you so much luck!

What's the latest?  Do you have so many fertilized that you can't count that high?!? Gee, wouldn't that be nice!

timeisticking...GOOD LUCK!

Thanks for the note! I have been following your posts for a while.  Curious, what kind of licensing exam are you taking?  Good luck-  p.s. I agree with Sally...Ms. Cleo is a whack job with a crazy looking head dress.  She probable has live rodents living up there.  ;-)

No I did not pour hot water over Gilda the cyst.  I simply threatened to poke her with several of the extra syringes from my last cycle.  She obliged and went back from whenst she came.  Simply put, Gilda is scared of me.  Wise choice.

Kari, Welcome!  Keep us posted!

Later tators,

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~>Thanks Helen & Kari ~ I'm goin' outta my mind ~ went out and bought another 3-box of FR for tomorrow ~ (wasted a whole box already..uuugghh.~) ~ and after spotting earlier and tomorow the day before the RE told me to test I TRULY hope it comes out BFP~I'll be so beside myself if it doesn't ~ ...need that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, ya know..!!..?????~~SSBDTYA!!!!!~~*******************************************
~Nighty night~
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492346 tn?1267378978
Sally, thank you for the warm (and humourous! ;)) welcome!  Hope your 2WW ends in a sticky BFP!

Timeisticking, I agree with Helen... right now it's a very good sign that your follies are growing and it's important that they are right around the same size.  That was a nice strong rise in your E2 over a two day period so you are probably gonna see some more good progress at your next appointment.  Good luck tomorrow!

J_A - It is definitely possible that it was just too early for the HPT.  I had a negative HPT on day of beta once but then later got the call that beta was positive... later had a m/c, but it still goes to show you can't always rely on the HPT.

Helen, Have you heard any word on your fertilization report?  Hoping it's good news for you!

My RE office just called and my E2 went from 26 on Sun to 143 today.  They are keeping me at 1 vial repronex in the morning 150 units of follistim tonite and then I'll drop follistim back down to 125 tomorrow and come in for another u/s and b/w on Thurs.  They didn't count and measure my follies, but from what I could tell on the screen I think I saw around 15 or so total.  That's good for me... I'd like to keep it under 20 if I can this time.  I've struggled with quantity vs quality, so under 20 would be great!  

Hope everyone is having a good day!  
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439903 tn?1380137882
your a slippery bunch to keep track of!! in a good way!! im glad to see all is well with you all....since i have not been in the loop of this thread, ill just put my two sense in with my update. had my tiral tranfer, to see the depth of uterous, was so out of it that i didnt ask for the numbers but all my blood came back with perfect levels, which really has relaxed me since i hadnt take my b/c in almost 24 hours and my estrogen levels, that were a slight problem before at that time of cycle, were normal yesterday and i have stopped AF which as some of you are aware, i was TOTALLY freaking out over since i wasnt suppose to start until after the 5th of May. SO long story short, im in the right train, to the right city now HOPEFULLY by Gods willing Grace that i return home with the right souvenir(s). Thanks for reading!!

Let this be your Month! God Bless You All!!   SSSSSSSSSSSSSBD!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all who need and happy, healthy and fun, rest of your pregnancy to the beautys who are blessed as we speak.
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294043 tn?1354207946
I didn't have anything like this but it's probably normal is you are a little overstimulated since your ovaries are expanding.  The imprtant thing is that your follies are growing and that they are about the same size.  
Good luck tomorrow!

12 dp IUI is too early to test especially if you are not using FMU.  HeathJo got a BFN at 12 dp IUI and she was pregnant with multiples.  
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219862 tn?1211644271
I almost forgot.

Since lastnight I have been feeling these cramping like pains in my lower stomach like AF is about to arrive but its not suppose too untill the end of May. Just wanted to know if the injections cause this feeling or what could it be and if any of you ladies have experienced this becuase it is starting to make me a little nervous and concerned!!!
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