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My story... one blocked tube...

Ok girls, here's my story... I've never posted on this site, but have been stalking it for quite sometime.  I'm VERY sad and just wanted to share.  None of my close friends seem to understand, because they've all conceived successfully within a few months.  I feel I have NO ONE to talk to about this, besides my husband. --- I'm 31 and my husband (who's 33) and I have been TTC for going on 15 months.  After a year of continual disappointment, I finally had an HSG done on the 10th of January, only to be even more disappointed.  I have a blocked fallopian tube (left side).  My OBGYN suggests that we just keep trying for at least another 6-8 months.  He says my chances of conceiving with only one tube within 2 years is 90%.  Has anyone else ever been told this?  He did suggest we get a second opinion and I do have an appt with a specialist next Wednesday.  My husband only wants to wait about 3 more months (b/c of the increased fertility after HSG) and if it hasn't happened by then, he wants to go the IUI route.  I don't know much about the IUI's, but what I do know, is that my insurance doesn't cover infertility!  We're already out $1700 for the HSG!  I've been very depressed and need someone to give me a little ray of hope/advice.  Currently on CD 8.  I ovulate fine.  Progesterone is fine.  Husband's little guys are fine.  Only problem that I know of - my one tube.  This sux.  You guys seem to do a pretty good job of keeping each other sane.  It's been great reading everyone's stories, so I just wanted to share.  
63 Responses
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166487 tn?1351905651
hello I had an HSG done in Sept of last year. Found out I had one blocked tube as well my right one. I also started acupuncture after that and i fell pregnant 7 weeks later. So it is possible to get pregnant. But I miscarried in DEC.I was 7.5 weeks. It's been three months since and I havent fell prego yet. I had iui with gonal-f and hcg shot last month that too failed. I asked him about a tubal recantilization he said go straight to IVF you are a good candidate you responded well to the meds. . I asked about a lap he said no. So I feel im gonna get a second opinion. These DRs out here feel that everyone has 10.000 laying around . So im not sure what I'll do. But don't give up.
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Your story is awesome! My DH & I have been TTC for 4 1/2 years. I was told in 2004 that I had PCOS & that my left tube was blocked... Now in 2009 after taking pills for 4 1/2 years, my PCOS is gone... I still have a bad tube... My doctor just put me on 100mg Clomid, so we will see if that works out... I have had 2 misscarriages in 2004 & 2008... My doctor has said stuff about removing my bad tube... Im just wondering was is Lap surgery? And was does unblocking them consist of? Can having a bad blocked tube do any harm to you? Or make the chances slimmer to concieve than if it was out? Any answers would be helpful!
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Wow, That is such an AWESOME Story. I am so happy for you. Gosh, that's wonderful news. I am praying for you. I have one blocked tube as well. The one that is opened is short. Almost 8 years ago I had my tubes reversed and one tube was so obstructed that it was blocked. BUt they said all I needed was one for a pregnancy. Well after a year of TTC we did 3 IUI's and 2 IVF's -- ALL FAILED. We finally threw in the towel after about 3.5 years of TTC. A couple of years later, learned DH was having an affair. We're divorced now. I think God is answering my prayer for a pregnancy but in his own time. I'm now with a wonderful guy who's airforce. Just got orders to go to Afghanistan. Doing his last round of training in NJ at Ft. Dix this month. We had goodbye sex on February 28th -- the day I ovulated. Today I'm like 14DPO, or is it 13DPO - One of them and no AF. My AF is due Sunday, the 15th. I have very crazy stuff going on with my breast. tingling and burning senstation. I feel twinges and pokes. I have an increased appetite. I have headaches, I have gas, heartburn and BURPING galore. All of which I thought was wiered but after reading a lot of things, I leanred that the levels of increasing HCG in your body has these affects on some women. Still I have not taken the pregnancy test. Too afraid. But I am praying that I am. Almost 8 years later, one tube and I think this may be it. I am looking forward to a BFP when I test on Sunday.
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334926 tn?1436811523
Hi Ladies,
It is depressing!! I am 34yrs old and have been trying to concieve for 4yrs. My 1st RE discovered my tubes were blocked. Had lap surgery and he was only able to unblock one tube..Told me my best chances were IVF..And according to my FSH levels I had good ovarian reserve..Well I didnt respond well the the meds and after 1 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF he told me that I shouldnt use my own eggs and to look into donor eggs and that it would be a miracle if I got preggers with my own..I have never cried so much in my life!! I cried for months..Then I made an apointment with another RE, and I am so glad I did, I have only seen this RE 4 times and I just had another lap done last week and he was able to unblock my blocked tube so now both my tubes are open and all my hormone tests are normal..He says no reason now why I cant get preggers..So I say to all of you get a second opinion and do your research when choosing a Doc..I think every doc has different capabilities and opinions..I am recovery from my surgery still and will start to try again next month..but my hope is restored and I have faith that god will bless me..Please dont give up and have faith..
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God is not punishing you. Don't feel that way. some times God answer our prayers but just in his time. You're not alone. I got my tubes reversed like 5.5 years ago. ME and DH tried and tried for 3 years with not success. We tried naturally, charting, did 2 or three IUI's -- NO SUCESS. Did IVF TWO times. No success. After 3 years I finally gave up. It was so hearbreaking. Took everything out of me emotionally. I wanted off the TTC ride. Later I found out DH was having an affair. We divorced 2 years ago. Since then I"ve been dating this wonderful guy who's airforce and is being deployed in April. He's in NJ now at Ft. Dix training before he goes. We got together the day of my ovulation on March 1st. I never thought anything about it because like I said for 3 years me and my DH never conceived and every method of fertility tried was a failure so I just didn't think aobut it. BEsides me and my new guy  have been having unprotected sex for a year now so I figured it just wasn't in the cards for me. Here I am 10dpo and my boobs are giving me a fit. They are tingling and i have this burning sensation running thru them. I have heart burn and can't stop burping. I had PMS cramps on 7DPO and 8DPO but they're now completely gone and just the boobs are acting really wierd. I had to seek support as I await my AF because although I didn't plan to be preganant I began to wonder. WOW, Sometimes God answer our prayers but in his own time. I prayed and prayed for a baby but God knew what was down the road ( cheating husband) so it never happened. Now here I am years later and I feel so optimistic about these symptoms I've had over the past few days so I joined this group in search of support. I'll keep you all posted. Oh by the way I ONLY HAVE ONE TUBE too darlilng so don't worry about that blocked one. ONe of mine is blocked as well and I've heard of many successful stories with one tube.

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Well ladies I'm here to tell the same story that I've been trying for a while to get pregnant and it hasn't happened yet. Well I just had a HSG done about an hour ago, just to be told that I have one blocked tube. Not sure why or how it got blocked but its blocked. My OBGYN suggeset that I see a specialist. She said that if i try to conceive with the one tube I might have an eptopic pregnancy. As my fianace' and i left the hospital I could do nothing but think and cry. I have a soon to be nine year old son who I had no trouble getting pregnant with. I am an only child and use to say I'm not having anymore, but I was much younger and unstable then. now my fianace' and I are trying and hoping together to get me pregnant and its just not happening. I often wonder if GOD is making me eat my own words. Or if I'm being punished for having an abortion. To all the ladies I know its very hard but try to keep the faith. I try saying what GOD has for me, it is for me and nobody can stop that.
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