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961574 tn?1520648103

Anyone in a FEB @2WW?

Just wondering if there is anyone out there who is still in their 2WW after a FEB '10 IVF?  I do not do my BT until 3/1/10 and am just trying thought maybe we could share our experiences : )   I am having weird "sensations" in my lower tummy, tinking quite often, expecially at night, and have been getting dizzy a few times when I get up from sitting.  My breast are pretty sore, but sure that could just be a side effect from the prometrium?  I take 10mg of Estrage a day and 600mg of prometrium...
104 Responses
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Yeah in Apirl. My hubbys b day is in April as well so hopefully he will get a great b day gift!!!!
To: faithandhope2009- I am sorry to hear that you got BFN as well, but someday it will happen for everyone... Good luck on your IVF. And as always I will be praying for everyone.
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961574 tn?1520648103
I like it!!!!    BRING IT ON!  
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I'm sorry to hear your news-I got my BFN on Sunday, so I know just how you feel.  BUT I talked to my RE yesterday, and we're moving toward IVF cycle #4 after the mandatory month off.  

My newest thought about that:  BRING IT ON!
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961574 tn?1520648103
Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you : )   So your looking at the end of April right?   It will be here before you know it!
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Yeah I am going to take a month off, but I will be doing another IUI again. Maybe next time will be my lucky one!
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961574 tn?1520648103
I am so sorry to hear your news.  But, I love your attitude!   You are right!  We are soooo close to achieving our dreams... We Cannot Give Up!!!!  It hurts all of us when 1 of us gets a BFN...We want this just as badly for each other, as we do ourselves.  
Are you going to do IUI again next month?  
You are in our thoughts and prayers!  
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Sorry I haven't posted anything I have been trying to keep a little busy so I did some yard work and other things, but I got the BFN on Monday and it's okay cuz I am by far from giving up and I am not going to let it get me down. I know someday it will happen that I get my BFP! To all those who got the BFP'S congrats to you and to those who didn't I am sorry and I will pray for everyone.  Lots and Lots of baby dust to everyone...
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961574 tn?1520648103
Good Luck!  Let us know : )  Baby dust to you!!
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Well tomorrow I go to find out if my IUI worked. Sure hope it's good news. Good luck to all of you and hope you get your BFP's soon!
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961574 tn?1520648103
Oh, I am Soooo Sorry!!!  I swear this is the most frusterating thing in the Whole Wide World!   I just don't understand and I know you don't.  It is so scary to move forward and keep trying, but the other day when I was thinking about quiting, I thought "well, I can keep trying and have a 50% chance of having my dream family or quiting and have 100% percent chance of not having my dream family.... I think that's what keeps us going.  Cry Tons of tears, You deserve to!  We are hear for you, and you can scream and yell at us as much as you need to!!!!!  

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Hi ladies.

I got my third BFN today.  I'm really angry-I've yelled at my entire family (including my dogs)...I can't get over how it's just not happening, and there's no explanation as to why I can't get pregnant.  I'm at the point where I want to give up...I know I won't but I desperately want to just call it quits.  
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961574 tn?1520648103
MyYuyin~~You know, it is amazing how time heals our hearts and our minds.  A few weeks ago after my BFN, I thought I wouldn't be able to do another FET for a while. (we are doing Frozen Embryo Transfers instead of IVF) but, then I thought.... If I do I have at least a 50% chance of gettting pregnant. If I don't, I have 100% of not getting pregnant.  I guess the 2nd option sounded worse. I didn't think up until a few days ago, that I could go right back in and do it again.....but here I am.   My doc has me take the baby asprin starting like 4 days before the transfer.   Just remember to remind your RE of what he said he wanted to try next time!  He sees a lot of patients, and may forget what changes he wanted to make!

I wonder why they have you take B/C pills?  You are going to be a great Mommy too!  Don't you worry!  It's going to happen for both of us!  : )  

Faithandhope2009~~ I just wanted to let you know, I got preggers on my first try with Frozen Embryos.  I miscarried because of uterin problems.... BUT they CAN Work!!!!  Stay Positive!!!!    +++Sticky Babies!!!!!! +++

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Hang in there faithandhope2009!  I am going tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I made 35 eggs, 30 matured, 14 fertilized.  We transfered 1 blast and then found out none of the others froze!!!!!!!!!!! I understand HOW MUCH is riding on this!!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't lose all of your hope!  I have to remind myself of that as well.  It is all consuming!!!!!!!!!!!  Just pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby Dust an BFPs to all!
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is anyone else here about to get their first beta?  Mine is on Sunday, and I'm freaking out.  I told myself this entire frozen cycle I wasn't going to think much about it and have no expectations (since it's a lower success percentage than fresh and my 2 fresh didn't work) but who was I kidding-I think I've turned into an hpt junkie and keep trying to convince myself that it's ok if it's BFN-that it just wasn't right for us this time.

I'm so heartbroken today...

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1226401 tn?1316087794
We will get our BFP soon.  When are you doing your next IVF?  I wish you all the luck in the world.  You will be a great Mommy!  Yea October is not that far..... I am scheduled to meet with RE in September.  He said he wanted me to do a month of birth control pills.  Have you done that prior to IVF?  Any way the plan is to do one month of birth control pills and then IVF in October.  I told him that I was not up for another IVF right away I just could not take it right now and plus I do not have the MONEY!!!  He also said that next time he was going to use a different plan for me.  Change the medication and use baby aspirin and some shot to help me get more eggs.  I have read of others doing the baby aspirin but not the shot he was talking about.  And to be honest I did not go too much into detail right now.  I was too hurt to ask and my mind would not of been able to process right now.  The pain is still too big for me.  But when I go back in Sept I will ask him for more details.  I should be ready to listen then and process all the information.  

I went home yesterday and told DH that we are on a budget and cannot over spend.  So I will start bringing my lunch to work too.  Man that is going to be hard for me lol.... I plan to do everything possible to follow my savings plan to get to October with the money we need.  

God has a plan for us all and our time will come... So let’s pray together so that our BFP come soon.  
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1094771 tn?1330280876
Hi everyone,

I swear, they are going to have to write a medical report on us b/c it's been a crazy ride for us!

Yesterday, we went back for bloodwork and ultrasound.  I was 6 weeks yesterday and so something should have showed up on the u/s.  Unfortunately, all we saw was a sac and nothing in it.  RE was not optimistic and we discussed what we would do as far as a miscarriage goes.  

Yesterday afternoon, we got the call back about my beta numbers...and they are now 3,621!!!!  

Once again, we have completely confused our RE.  Our nurse says my numbers are now right in line with a 5 weeks preggo person but since we did IVF, we know the exact date of conception.  There is a chance I had delayed implantation, but she said that's usually just by a few days, not a whole week.  

So, because we don't want to give up too early, we are now waiting ANOTHER week and going back next thursday for BT and u/s again.  By then, if we don't see anything in the sac then we will know that something is wrong.

Have ANYONE ever had this happen before and it result in a normal pregnancy?!?  I am exhausted, not sleeping, and worried to death about how this is going to turn out.  The longer it goes on the harder it will be to accept, and I"m even more angry that I can't even enjoy my first pregnancy b/c we are so worried that it won't stick.  
On the other had, I want to be positive b/c they say that has an effect on the baby but I don't want to get my hopes up either.  My RE is just not optimistic, but there is a chance, so he won't do anything until it's completely over.  I just wish it could be a yes and we could celebrate, or a no, and we could grieve and move on and work towards doing IVF again.

Please let me know if you've ever heard of someone going through this before.  I need just one person to give me some hope that this will have a happy ending.
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961574 tn?1520648103
BTW.... You should start your AF within a week after stopping meds.  
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961574 tn?1520648103
I to am having a hard time after this BFN,  I really thought it would work too and am having struggles with if it is EVER going to work...  
  I am glad that you WILL be able to try again though!  My DH and I have been struggling for 7 1/2 yrs with infertility (i am 42).  I don't know if you watched the video someone posted on here, but it really sums up everything we feel i think it's at hopeandtears.com.  I am lucky, we are going to try at least 1 more time.  But we have Frozen Embryos left, so it much cheaper.
  I keep thinking God has got to get tired of hearing me pray to him a 1000 times a day and would just grant me my prayer of a baby just to get some peace and quiet... but, nope not yet.
  I really hope you can get in the shared risk program!  I know that being able to make payments on thing greatly helps.   And I know there are people on here that talk about a program for meds that are donated... I haven't looked into it, but maybe if you post a question, someone can give you info. on it. That way, you could start earlier?  (I'm trying to find a way girl! : D ) .  
We ARE here for you to lean on though.... Please let us know how your doctors appointment goes today!   And October is NOT that far away!!! DON'T GIVE UP : )  
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1226401 tn?1316087794
When we did our 3rd IVF we were told that we would be enrolled in the shared risk program.  But that we would still have to pay for the hospital and lab/ultrasound tests and the meds.  So we would still need about 10K.  I spent most of the day yesterday looking at my bill moving them around looking to see when I could afford to try again.  And it looks like it won’t be till October if we stay in our budget.  I am 35 and I will try one more time using my own eggs and pray I get my BFP.  This last IVF has been so hard on me I try to move on and not think about it but I still do.  I just knew this time it would work....  I am still crying over it can't help myself.  I keep telling myself it's cause all the hormones I shot up.  But I know that it's because my heart hurts and then I think OMG this is so hard. We have been dealing with infertility for 10 yrs now.   We ALL must be wonderful people and God must know that we are strong and handle the pain or why else would we struggle so much to get pregnant.....  =(

Question: I stopped taking progesterone and the estradiol pills on Monday.  How long before  AF arrives any idea?  

I have an appt today with my doctor not sure what the hell for but I guess he wants to check on me.

I wish you all luck!  babydust to everyone!

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1232580 tn?1267649667
I wish u the best of luck and hope u get that BFP soon. Keep us updated and the same to everyone on here. I will keep u all in my prayers.
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Oh and btw she said it was at 25...
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Going for BT after first IVF cycle on 3/15.  So scared.  None of our embryos froze!  I am trying to stay postive!
Happy to all of you that are receiving BFPs!!!!!
Those receiving BFNs--don't give up!
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1232580 tn?1267649667
Ok so on Monday the Dr. called me ans said that my progestogen levels were great and right where they wanted them to be, but that's all she said so I am not too sure what that means and was hoping that someone could help me out with this. Thank you much!
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961574 tn?1520648103
I know I've talked to you on other threads.... Those are all good signs : )  I hope you get Your BFP!!  Like I keep saying 3RD TIME IS A CHARM!!!!!  
Sticky Babies!!!!!

Jessi78w~  Good luck on your IUI!!! I hope you get a BFP TOO!!!!  Keep us updated!
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