1294995 tn?1330662736

Our Turn Soon...

Welcome ladies! I hope we can all continue to support, inspire, and hope together. Some of us have already been through multiple rounds together, facing this roller-coaster with fearless optimism, and I have been so uplifted by the ladies' kindness, knowledge, and understanding. We invite you to join in....

We are here because we know it will be our turn soon!
3364 Responses
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1294995 tn?1330662736
Good morning all! Rain: Get the blood test! I think this is a great sign! I am excited for you!

Trying: I'm so sorry hon. It makes me sad to think of you crying over this news. Does your mother know if your grandmother was also that young? B/C if not, it can definitely be a unique situation for just her. I know a lot is genetic, but a lot is not, and having children is not only a biological exercise... belief and positive thinking can create a conscious conception even when the card are stacked against us. I really and truly believe that. And you have felt so sure that your DS is going to have a sibling. You've already been pg multiple times... this CAN happen for you.

Sherry: I am so happy to hear everything worked out with DH schedule after all your feelings about not taking or taking another round. YAY! I'm sure you're so thankful! Have fun!

wants: OK, I'm going to tell you something but everyone who is listening, just take this with a grain of salt...I'm not trying to contradict or diminish drs here, but this is part of my story so I wanted to share with you. I was diagnosed with so-called 'PCOS' when I was 24 (10 years ago) -- they said they saw 15 follicles on my right side. I had NO other symptoms--nothing in my blood work, nothing in terms of hormones or weight issues. I was then in Europe for the next year and I saw two specialists. One in London and one in Switzerland. I wasn't trying to get pg then, but this diagnosis scared me for the future of my ttc. BOTH european drs told me that the American Med. community was publishing a ton of papers on PCOS, using indicators to formally diagnose their patients that the European Medical community does not use. The London dr told me up to 20 follicles are normal if they go away each cycle and if you are not suffering from anything else. Since that time I never had any other PCOS symptoms and while I think I  may have active follicles, thats because every cycle your body DOES create multiple follicles but brings only ONE to full 'term' and release. LIke I said, I'm not trying to confuse anyone of you with PCOS, but just don't panic...if you don't have any other symptoms I really think it's become a knee-jerk diagnosis here. If you look at the numbers people in America are diagnosed 3x the amount as European women, but fertility issues are nearly equal in both continents.

I think my fertility issues are a matter of affects from BC after 10 years... and just timing. I just wanted to share my story and I hope no one is offended. I think drs do their best, but they don't know everything--and they are apart of a large community that establish the 'norms'. That's just my personal opinion.

OK all! Sorry for the long post!!!
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1121300 tn?1426184776
owl: He's only home tonight then goes back on night tomorrow until friday so i'll bd tonight and then fri-sun.  But  I'll take it!!
SSBD to all :)
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I get what you're saying. I don't have many other symptoms. And I too think all of what's going on with me and having trouble getting pg is due to birth control. I had a really hard time adjusting to it when I first started taking it and would have HORRIBLE cramps and bleeding. I use to be VERY normal with my period before and since I've been off birth control it's been a wreck! Dr did say my glucose levels were a little high, but I think that's just bc I need to loose some weight and eat healthier *saying this as I drink a coke :( *
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Everyone: Sobie from our other page wrote this on her page, and I wanted to share with everyone here since I liked it alot! For those of who have different believes, I am sorry and I totally respect whomever you pray to....

Here is a prayer I have found and would like to share with all those who are TTC..

Almighty Creator, hear this fertility prayer and the wishes of my heart.
You know my deep desire for a child -- a little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth are in line with Your will. Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit.Amen!

owlbaby: I totally understand what you are saying, and I agree. I feel like "western med" is all about what pill we can pop for things to fix something now, and that will not help to solve the problem. I just really don’t understand how some doctors just go with the flow and there are other doctors that know there stuff, and if they have any doubt in their mind they will research the information. I don’t have cysts on my ovaries last time I checked, but I do have other symptoms for PCOS.   Metformin has helped with the  “cosmetic “ side to PCOS. I have lost weight, but with the thought that I know I want a baby, and I know it is safe for me and my unborn to lose weight, I have lost 18 lbs in total since taking the medication May 5th. The un-wanted hair growth has slowly taken a little longer to come back. My A1C levels looks wonderful. But still my question is…am I just taking this medication so it can help me lose weight? I don’t have cyst? I just have a un-balance of hormones.

All: I was reading what TRYING was writing about the genetics. I just wanted to comment. My mother was always irregular, and my sister is also irregular. My mother never knew when she got pregnant with any other her 6 kids.  My aunts all have “female” problems.  From Cancer to TTC for a long time.  My mother is 52 and still having regular AF.  But she did tell me that when she was growing up and going to the docs that the doctor told my mother that she should tell her future husband, and let them know that she wouldn’t be able to have kids. 4months after getting married to my father, she went to the doc an got pregnant. Then she had I think a IUD in and she fell pregnant with my youngest sister, then she got a tube-ligation and 13 months later, she got pregnant with my now 19 year old youngest brother. I am like WTH! What do doctors think? Just like my doc told me that “Oh Your too Fat to get pregnant” And she told me just like that.  This is the same doc that doesn’t want to give me a slip for bloodwork! Oh by the way, I just got a phone call from the docs office, and the nurse called back and said, “Doctor said she knows you’re not pregnant and that you should just start with the provera”  HOW THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW IF I HAVEN”T SEEN HER SINCE MAY! I mean yes HPT all came back Negative, but I know that HPT are supposly 99% correct, but there are women who pee on the stick and don’t get a positive until they are 9 months pregnant or who never get it! I swear, I am about to go to the hospital and be like TAKE MY BLOOD PLEASE! I just went to the bathroom and NOTHING! Completely nothing! Thursday, Friday(a SPOT, Literally) Saturday spotting, Sunday nothing but a little sport mixed with CM. Or So I think CM. So the doc just said go ahead and take Provera, so what would happen if I am pregnant and I do take the provera. I am just so mad ( and I am sorry to all who are like Rain just shut up) but I am just so confused, and now I just feel sad. I am about to head home in 30 mins, but I just don’t know what to think about this whole situation. I think a good call would be to go to an ER or something along those lines, and just be like I am having really bad cramping but NO BLOOD! I know weight loss can knock your cycle our of rhythm but I think I should at least be able to fell up a pad. Right? I am sorry to all…but thanks for listening to be ramble on about this all day!
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1309887 tn?1275609105
All- Ok so I took my hpt Sat morning and it said negative. I have left it alone since. Still have not started AF, nor do I have any signs of it appearing. Usually I have bad cramps before AF. So I dont know. If I wake up tomorrow and I have not started AF, I am taking HPT. Praying and hoping for a BFP. Deep down I cannot imagine it, but I am still hoping for it.

Rain- I think your dr has gone mad! I think you def need to go get blood work done. Either ER or lab corp or something. I def would not start that provera until you have confirmation by blood test that you are not pregnant. Still hoping for you though- BFP would be insane!!! Oh- and I love the prayer~

Sherry- Glad to hear hubby is home and that you are more relaxed this cycle. You know what they say, less stress more relaxation= GOOD THINGS when ttc.

Owl- Totally makes sense about the dr's telling everyone they have PCOS. I think it is easier for them to just place a diagnosis on something and give u some pills then just think the obvious of hmmm, maybe they just have an abnormal cycle. I def think PCOS is real and ppl do suffer from it, but I do think they are many who are diagnosed with it who do not have it.

Trying- Wow, I didn't know you had 2 mc. That is awful! I cannot imagine. As devastating as not being able to conceive is, conceiving and then losing it has to be worse! Your DS is lucky to have a great mother like you!!!
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1303699 tn?1307416172
Rain ~ without a doubt, I would definately go to the ER and get some labwork done.  Chances are, you aren't pregnant, but what do you lose by checking?  Besides money?  If you are pregnant and you take provera or clomid, you could lose a lot more!!!  What was your CD21 progesterone level??  One cycle on clomid, my CD21 bloodwork was only .3 and when AF came, I only spotted for 3 days (and barely, at that) but I still started clomid and I ovulated that month.  When you progesterone level is low, your lining is very thin and there isn't much to get rid of when AF comes.  Also, a side effect of clomid is thinning of your lining (the more cycles you take it).  Just a thought!  I'd get the labwork done today and start clomid like you were planning to, if you aren't preggers!!!

Sherry ~ Praise God for little miracles!!!  This might be the one you need :)

Owl ~ I agree with you about PCOS.  I think diagnosing PCOS is like the placebo-effect. It's an easy, generic diagnosis.  Although, my dr. actually did an ultrasound to check and she said that my ovaries are just plastered with eggs that never released.  Who knows?!

ALL ~ tonights my last night of clomid.  I haven't had many side effects.  On Friday, I go in for my CD13 ultrasound . . . hoping I have 3-4 mature follicles this time!!
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