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PCOS and charting

I an 25 and have PCOS.  My mom does ultrasounds so she diagnosed me via ultrasound some time ago but I officially got diagnosed by gyno about 3 years ago.  I just finished Occupational Therapy school and will be working soon so my husband and I are finally going to be able to start TTC.  June was my first month off of the pill and I did not get my period this month (but I am assuming this is hormonal since my husband was pretty careful the last month).  I starting charting offiicially this month and just started on the day that I was supposed to have AF.  So, I am curious to see if I am even ovulating or how regularly I O since I have been on the pill since I was 14 due to the PCOS.  I guess I am just curious to here from others that went through something similar and how things worked out.  I do know that I have options of Metformin and Clomid but also know if will be a while before Dr would probably give me that.
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I will let you know, and you do the same!  I had lost a lot of weight before my wedding 2 years ago but I think that a lot of it had to do with the stress of planning the wedding and being in Occupational Therapy school... don't know?  But, then I was trying to avoid a lot of "white carbs" (white rice, white breads, and white pasta), enriched flour, high fructose corn syrup, among a few things.  And, at that time I had a job as an assistant in an office and would use the stairs instead of the phone system to ask the lady I worked for questions; which happened quite often throughout the day.  But, that was the only exercise I was getting.  I just wish that I would have been more aggressive after the wedding to keep the weight off!  My husband is really big into exercising but enjoys riding his bike (mountain bike and road bike) and running and I don't like that and I like to walk and he doesn't.  So, I agree with you it would be nice to have someone to do it with, it would make it a whole lot easier!

For now I am just trying to make smarter choices with foods and portion sizes.  Trying to walk as well but it has been well into the 100s so that is making it difficult.
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Ya, when I was diagnosed in January I was told that I needed to work out at least 5 days a week and it's really hard to commit to that so I am trying to do the best I can but I can honestly say I could kick it up a notch at this point lol.  I was always skinny growing up to and I don't feel fat by any means but I know that it would be good for me and make me feel better to drop a few pounds so.. Let me know if there is anything you find that works for you.  One of my good friends is a trainer and I am trying to get him to take time to hook me up :) he gave me some pointers but I need to find someone to work out with.  It usually makes it easier that way.  Good luck to you as well and keep me informed.
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Yes, it definitely is hard to lose weight with PCOS!!  I was always so skinny growing up, and although I am not drastically overweight I am very uncomfortable with my weight.  I started on a really good workout plan a couple of months ago and gained 8 pounds!!!  It was discouraging and I am now working on getting back with it and just stick to it no matter what.  I know that my sister was able to lose a lot of weight but she put herself on a very strict diet and exercise routine, and I just don't think that I am ready for something so drastic.  Good luck with your efforts!
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You know... at first it made me a little nausiated too but that stopped after the first couple weeks once my body got use to it.  Now I take 3 500mg tabs at night time and if I accidentally miss a day I can definately tell because the nausia kicks in again, so the most important thing is to be consistant.  Plus it helps you loose weight too :) which is also a plus for any girl.  You just have to get a good workout plan down.  It ***** because with the PCOS it's hard to loose that weight till you get on meds. At least I know it's like that for many woment.  I gained a lot in a dramatic short time so I am still trying to get myself back. :(
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I am glad to hear that the metformin is working well for you.  I hope that I don't follow my sister's experience with it, if indeed I end up needing to get on it.  Good luck to you!!!
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906115 tn?1344200509
That is so wonderful!! I am so happy for you. My sister went to great dr's in Cincinnati OH but I think they were just out for the money. There was so much she could of done but time went on and on and now she has quit trying:( They also had her on perscription strengh motrin for cramps for a week at the beginning of each cycle and that will either delay O'ing or cause the egg not to release at all. I wish I could tell her all I have learned but it is such a touchy subject and she is devistated. That is why every chance I get I warn others about being agressive andstarting the drugs.
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Yeah, my sister is a nurse and also has PCOS and she is the one that first told me about metformin.  She was on it to help with her symptoms of PCOS (she has a lot more active symptoms than I do) and she was not about to stay on it because it made her sick.  But, she has heard from a lot of doctors that metformin is something that most women with PCOS require to get pregnant.  I have only been off of the pill for a little over a month so I will see what my body is going to do without bc in my symptom and then I may give my dr a call to see about getting on it.  I just went to the gyno but it was not my regular one because I am still on school insurance a little longer and she said that she would not give it unless I would be trying for a while first, but my regular dr knows my history so we will see if she would be willing to give it sooner.  Anyway, thanks for the info!  Ans, good luck to you.
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I have also been ttc for 4 years and been unsucessful.  I was diagnosed in january 2009 and was put on Metformin.  It is GREAT! I am for the first time in a long time getting my period every 28 days.  They are perfectly on track now and we are hoping for some good news sometime soon.  I have a doc appt on the 17th and I am going to ask to be put on clomid as well.  Please let me know how it works for you!
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Hi i am also 25 but pcos was just diagnosed 8 weeks ago, we have been ttc for over two years. talk to your doc about just the metformin, they might not prescribe clomid this soon.  metformin can start normal periods and in some cases cause ovulation.  the prob with pcos is hormones are out of whack, met fixes your hormones and after a few months most women start af.  I am currently on the metformin & clomid cocktail. you have to be carefull with opk's too, some women with pcos have high lh levels (i do) so regular opks give me false positives.  my doc recommended clear blue digital, its ok to use with pcos and clomid.  a lot of people talk about how horrible the metformin is, i had some nausea for maybe two weeks i feel great now.  in fact if i'm late taking my pills i feel it.  
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906115 tn?1344200509
My older siser has PCOS and her dr told her to be on birth control for the PCOS. Big mistake! It causes you problems and I would go to another dr who is agressive and do blood work to see if you are O'ing and releasing an egg that is good size and if not be put on meds! The thing with PCOS the longer you go the worse it gets. You reallllly need to act fast and be agressive. Getting pregnant will help but I would not ever be put back on birth control for it after you give birth cause your hormones really need to flow without interferance. Best of luck! Maybe your mom can do an u/s to see about your eggs and size. You I am sure know that you can have good eggs but then them not release and turn to cysts with PCOS.
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