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Pregnancy after miscarriage: better or worse chances of conceiving?

I know this may be too soon to worry, but I didn't seem to have any trouble conceiving the first time, and then miscarried with a d&c. Now, I'm currently on my second cycle of trying. Why would it be harder to get pregnant after this? I heard you were more fertile, I've got lots of fertile ewcm and I'm ovulating regularly like I did beforehand. Has anyone found it harder or easier to conceive after a miscarriage? And do you know why, one way or the other?

I also didn't know KY was bad to use when ttc, and we used it I think every time we bd last month when ttc. Would this have seriously hampered my chances of pregnancy? We haven't used it at all this month, and I'm currently in the tww. Any info would be appreciated, I'm sure there must be others curious about this as well! Thanks!
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I got pregnant in October and miscarried in December. I ended up taking about 4 plan B pills about 6
Months later due to the fact that I was scared to try again. Now that I am trying to get pregnant I am just not having any luck...I would really like to know if something is wrong or am I just struggling right now. Because I am really scared to find out that I can't get pregnant anymore..is that possible?
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i lost my 2nd baby on 15/3/13-waited this baby for about 5 yrs.. mc at 11 weeks..had D&C then..i felt so terrible..hope to get pregnant soon..
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im so sorry to hear about your lost. but when i got a d&c i got pregnant right way, to me it was like a huge opening for me. my doctor said its like when we give birth we should wait a little before we get pregnant again. well just like that i was was all over again. so try agian your not to old lol
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I lost my little one at 12 weeks.  I'm 42 and am desperate for a second child....I feel my time is running out as it took 18months to get pregnant.  I have just got my period one month after my d&c...so will hopefully ovulate in the next week.  I've heard it doesn't make it easier to get pregnant after a d&c...I'm hoping this is wrong.  Life can be so cruel sometimes eh!
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hey im new to this site so you would say a d&c really does improve ur chances of falling pregnant. why i ask is cause i have been struggling to fall pregnant and they did a D&C on me yesterday would you say my chances are good now please help :( no one could answer me
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hey im new to this site so you would say a d&c really does improve ur chances of falling pregnant. why i ask is cause i have been struggling to fall pregnant and they did a D&C on me yesterday would you say my chances are good now please help :( no one could answer me
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i just had a m/c on wed. 9/8/10. my second one i was 5 weeks and had it naturally no D&C needed.  i had my first m/c nov 2009 and needed a D&C.  i was so hopeful with this pregnancy and made sure to keep it a secret until it was safe and that went all down the drain the moment i saw a blood clot and a small round gray like piece of tissue.  so i decided to give it about 2 weeks before we ttc again.  but i am so dedicated to having at least one baby.
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Hello Ladies

I am also new to this. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. It has really helped.
I have misscarried before, but earlier on (5weeks). This time I miscarried at 12.5 weeks on 30 May 2010. I got to see my baby. I even held him for a little while. He was perfect. little fingers and toes... and obviously a boy. I was still losing a lot of blood and had masses of clotting so after I passed the baby they still performed an emergency D & C. It turns out that i was in fact nearly 15 weeks. The heartbeat remained stong until the day i lost him... but he was too small and I had a subchorionic hematoma that cramped the space and took over the pregnancy.

We started trying again just after my first period. We are still trying and will continue to, but until I hold my baby in my arms I will not feel that I can breath easy.

It is terribly hard too as 3 of my friends have just had babies, my sis in law is pregnant (3 weeks ahead of what I should be), and 3 of my friends are pregnant. I am stoked for them all but it really hurts. I feel that there are babies and pregnant ladies everywhere I look. Facebook is a killer. Everytime I go online someone else seems to be announcing their good news. Like I said, I'm happy for them, but yeah, it makes me cry.
It also appears that drug addicts, smokers and alco's and child-haters have no problems having a whole barnful of children, one after the other. Its frustrating, but I have to remain positive. I will get another chance. I won't give up. I can't.

I pray we get some positive news soon and that this little baby makes it all the way.

Baby dust to all of you.

Thanks again,

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1358167 tn?1279374463
I have just had virtually the same experience as you!! I miscarried on 22 June @ 5 wks (so am due my period any day now - or hoping not!!)  It is extremely hard but everything I have read up to now indicates it could take 6-7 wks for your period to return after a m/c..... me and my husband have been trying for 3 yrs and as he works away find it hard when ttc, therefore were over the moon last month nly to have it taken away!! - Since then though I have also expereienced the sore boobs, slight feeling of sickness and a white discharge (almost sometimes like a feeling you are away to get your period then when i run to the tiolet to check - nothing)..... I too would like to know some answers but was 9 yrs ago I had my daughter (very eaily with no complications) and never been through anything like this!.... I am hoping for me (and you) that this may mean the start of another (healthy) pregnancy and live in hope and by the grace of God!!Love to you all!! xxx
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Hey everyone, this is new to me. I found out i was pregnant at the end of may 2010 then i miscarried the first week of june 2010. I was only about five and a half weeks pregnant. about two weeks after i stopped bleeding i went to my gyn and she said i should be back to normal. the next day my husband and i got busy and then exactly a week later we did again. It has been a little over a month since my miscarriage and i still have no period. my breasts are a little tender though and (this may be too much information) i recently had random times when i got a lot of thick white discharge. Does anyone know what is happening to me? Because I am so confused right now.
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After 7 months of ttc, I became pregnant and had a m/c in November 2008 and had a D&C on November 30. After December's cycle we started ttc again and I became pregnant very quickly. On Valentine's Day to be exact. 9 months later, after a totally normal pregnancy, I had a beautiful baby girl. Flash forward 18 months and we decided to go for it again and after just 2 months of trying became pregnant again... only to find out at our 9 wk u/s that there was no heartbeat. My second D&C was June 8, 2010. After lots of depression and mixed emotion about how to go on, do we wait or do we jump back into it right away, I've decided there's no use putting it off when I know I want another baby. I'm just hoping it happens as fast as it did the last time. Reading everyone's stories gives me hope and makes me feel a lot less alone. I hope my story does the same for future readers. : )
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I just found out two days ago I miscarried at 6 weeks. It's my first pregnancy. My doc said I don't need a D&C as it was all happening naturally. I have to go back for more tests tomorrow to be sure my hormones are going down still and it's not ectopic (unlikely). I don't know how to feel. My husband is interstate for work and couldn't get home till tomorrow. So I'm lonely and I don't really know how he's feeling. I was so excited to be pregnant and two close friends EDD are within two weeks of what mine was. I just feel so empty. I want to try again right away but I'm not sure how i would feel if i fell pregnant straight away (guilty?). I'm also scared we're going to struggle to fall pregnant or miscarry again and I don't know if I could go through this again.
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I had a miscarriage and d&c march 25th. I got my first period 4 weeks later and now I getting spotting about a week before my period. Does this mean I am not ovulating?  Just tried first round of clomid too early to test for pregnancy. Really wanting to be pregnate but have the fear that something is wrong. What do you think? Thanks for any input god bless everyone
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Hi Everyone,

Throw the ovulations calenders out the window and have sex everyday for two weeks as soon as you have finished your period. Thats what my doc suggested and it worked im 10 weeks pregnant now! I MC at 5 months pregnant last time and was induced and it took me nearly four months to get preggers again it will happen trust me!

Good to you all x
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but from most of u i think ? but i had 1 ectopic pregnancy and had the pregnancy and my tube removed then 6 months later i got pregnant agian and i had a missed misscarrage at 9weeks :( .. i was sooo gutted as i thanked my lucky stars at 1 st when i found out i was pregnant second time round afta ectopic as i thought it would take years 2 get preg with 1 tube .. anyways i had my misscarrage an a d&c in april since then ive had 1 period witch ended about a week ago , ive also heard how people are ment 2 be more fertile  after a d&c but was wondering if that still applys 2 people with one tube ? i feel as if im neva gunna get there agian im soooo gutted :(
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1307654 tn?1273375436
Well i went to the doctor yesterday for what i thought was a yeast infection but the doc ended up wanting to check our babys heartbeat well he used the baby doppler and couldnt find a heartbeat so he tried the ultrasound and Confermed that my baby had no heart beat.It hurt me soo much but what shocked me the most was..I was suppose to be turning 12weeks yesterday and the doc told me my baby stopped devolping at 8weeks 5days i had my first ultrasound at 8weeks5days babys heartbeat was strong..it confused me and it hurt soo much..I got my D&C surgery on wednesday im soo scared never went through anything like this b4.
Miscarriage is soo horrible i have two sons who im very happy to have they help me everyday that passes.I hope all of you end up pregnant and it ends in happiness and holding your healthy lil ones cuz im exspecting it also one day.

Its great to hear some of you got pregnant again after d&c keeps my hopes up,Hope you all have a Great Mothers day..your all Mothers once you concieve...
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1285850 tn?1291776435
Hi I learned I was Pregnant in December and the Dr told me to relax during the holidays and if there was any blood stay in bed and dont move. on Jan 3rd I saw a little bit of brownish blood. I read up and it seemed like MC. So i stayed in bed as the doctor said, woke up at 6am covered in blood. i FREAKED OUT, i was hysterical and screaming and i drove to the doctors even though he said to stay in bed if I bled. the Dortor said then I had a 20% chance of keeping it. There was alot of blood. i MC a few hours later. This was the worst day I could ever remember. now i just found out on April 19th that im pregnant again. Im happy but this time im not telling anyone because of the fear of MC again. Im so happy but im soooo scared to MC again its such a trumatic expirience I dont want to live again. But i know i shouldnt worry. its hard tho. Hats off to all of you, and lets hope you all and myself have a happy, healthy baby.
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I found out I was pregnant 1/24/2010 at 71/2 week i went into my first ultra sound and saw the heart beat... everything was "perfect". At 11 1/2 weeks  I went in for a dopler heart beat check. They couldn't find a heartbeat but sent me home saying it was just too early. The next week i started to lightly spot... I called in and they told me it was normal. At12 weeks I went in to check for the heart beat ... No heart beat=[ They did an ultra sound and the baby had stopped developing at 9 weeks. I was devastated. I had to wait 5 days before my D&C it was horrible. I want a baby more then anything & like many of u it seems like everyone around me is preggers. Sometimes I'm even angry that they got to keep their baby which is awful!!! As the weeks go on I do feel better, excited to try again...Prayers for all of you that have to go thru this tragedy.
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Lost my baby at 8 weeks. I hear that your likelihood of having a miscarriage after hearing a heartbeat you chances a lowered. I dont feel that way at all. Every blog I have read they have all lost in their second month. My husband and I want to try to get pregnant again but we will just let it happen when it is time.
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1267973 tn?1270317668
This is the first time I have ever blogged.  I was pregnant with my second childand found out it was no longer living on February 8th 2010 and had an emergency DNC the next day due to excessive bleeding.  It was really hard but my husband helped me get through this.  We waited until I had my period then I saw my doctor and he said there was no difference in trying now or waiting three months.  I found out I was pregnant on April fools day :-) (I got pregnant right away after my first period after DNC)  I feel wonderful.  I wish you the best of luck.  Making the baby is the fun part, its the next few months I have to wait that are the hardest.  I will not be sleeping much :-(
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Hey All,
So sorry to everyone who has lost a baby.
I found out I was pregnant on 25/03/10. This was my 2nd pregnancy, Was so happy because I wanted this baby so much for my daughter who will be 5 in November. Started getting cramps on 22/03/10 and miscarried on 28/03/10. Cried my eyes out, didnt understand why it happened to me and if I had done something wrong. I didnt need a D&C because I think it was very early days but they couldnt tell me how many weeks I was. I feel so empty inside and want to get pregnant asap. Havent stopped bleeding yet so when I do, my husband and I will TTC. I dont want to wait for my first cycle because I know I will go mad playing the waiting game. Im just trying to stay positive and stay happy and get my strength back and fingers crossed all will happen when its suppose to happen.
Good Luck To Everyone...xxx
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hi all,
i fell pregnant after missing a few pills back in june 09. misscarried at 7 weeks in august. i was devastated. i drank myself to sleep for bout 4 months and cried and cried and cried. everyone around me was falling pregnant and i hated them. it wasnt fair that everyone else could manage to fall pregnant. i was told just relax and it will happen but yeah right all i had in my head was baby, baby baby baby baby.. it was driving me crazy i started counxilling it was afecting my job, my relationship, my sex was horrible because all i could think about was falling pregnant.
anyway this month, the start of the new year i decided i would stop drinking, it was sooo hard, i cut down on smoking and started walking at night. yesterday i took a pregnancy test and it was positive. i didnt know weather to laugh or cry. so 6 cycles it took and felt like 5000000 cycles. so dont give up it will happen its very hard and i know what ur going through
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Hey all.. i also had a M/C two days back after a 6 weeks preganccy... and m devastated... it was my first and that too after trying of 1 yr... i have been married for more than 2 yrs now... and m 30... dont know how much chances are there to conceive again after a m/c in first pregnancy... and i also have a bulky uterus and cysts in both my ovaries.. is that also a cause of concern???
Please help.
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1140150 tn?1261286658
       My husband and I found out we were pregnant the day before Thanksgiving with our first baby.  We were so excited.  We had been trying for 6 months so we were relieved when it finally did happen.  Unfortunately, last week I started with some spotting.  I was seen in the office mulitple times for U/S and lab draws.  I had a gut feeling that things were not going to turn out well....even before the spotting had started.  We found out yesterday that nothing but the gestational sac developed.  I was almost 8 weeks so there should have been a fetus, heartbeat, etc.  I went in for the D&C yesterday per my OB's recommendation.  The procedure went well, but I had NO idea just how emotionally difficult the whole process would be.  Nothing but a sac developed, I never saw a heartbeat, but I am still devastated by the loss.  I am hoping that this feeling will pass soon.  I am emotionally exhausted, but hopeful for a successful pregnancy in the future.  I guess things happen for a reason and everything will happen at the right time.  Good luck to everyone!
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