299260 tn?1304216105

Women of Strength!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: (Offer support & prayers!!!)
naf38: (Home in Australia)
Arlotheslug: (We miss you!)

Leighanne: BFP - 38 weeks!!!
vortex: BFP - 29 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 23 weeks (doc appt 2/11)
Jessie: BFP -18 weeks (doc appt today & tomorrow)
Armyprincess: BFP - 17 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 10 weeks (u/s 2/12)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP! 5 weeks (u/s 2/24)

angelbaby:  waiting for AF ;(
Guesito:  Come on, AF! waiting to start FET!
(send prayers for her mom!)

Candie: CD6
rachjas:  CD8
Keyan: CD8 (lap 2/11)
Sexykeme: CD8
Mrspace:  CD8 (HSG today)
kmcarino:  CD9
pyar:  CD11
Lina:  CD13
Shysana: CD15
Mommyin09: CD16
Hannah1505: CD19
Luvkayln: CD19
jmh2005: CD26

babynr:  (Transfer soon!)

dnikki: 5dpiui
wishandaprayer: 7dpt
ad_06: 14dpiui
BabyMamma:  17dpo

Good Morning!  I got my +opk yesterday & my temp dropped today.  So, I'm expecting to O today, but we're not going to do iui & I'm perfectly okay with that! :)  We've covered our bases & I'm feeling so relaxed & stress-free.  It's really nice :)  I'm off work today, but will cancel my days off for tomorrow & Wednesday.  Be sure to check out our old thread to get the latest updates.

Keyan:  That su cks you were sick this weekend!  I'm so glad you're feeling better.  Just one day of work this week, that's great!  We'll all be thinking of you & looking forward to your recovery at home on Wed. ;)

Candie:  Sounds like a fun weekend!  I love shopping with dh :)  I'm glad you're having nicer weather, but honestly 40s & 50s...  Brrr!  j/k! It's actually been cold & rainy for us since Friday & I love it!  I think the rain has actually relaxed me ;)

luvkayln:  Hmmm... interesting that your ovaries are sore again.  Either way, we are close this time around ;)

ad_06:  So sorry about the bfn! I'm with you, just wait it out at this point.  Hopefully you're too early & AF won't show.  Then you can test again.  Best wishes to you!!! :)

Shysana:  Yay for cm!!!  That's awesome!  Looks like the increased dose of clomid is working for you! :)  Now, come one +opk!!!

mrspace:  Thinking of you & hoping your HSG goes well! :)
99 Responses
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449498 tn?1338772039
Umm... where the f is everyone???!!! Well, here's my  update anyways! There were no follies on my right or left side  ( which means my cysts are gone! Yay! :), and there was free fluid in the back of my uterus- just indicating that there was a rupture. My lining was only at 5.4! So... I think I'm having an annovulatory cycle, which I'm fine with. The nurse thinks the cysts faked my body out, and my body just thought those were my eggs releasing. I'm cool with it! I'd rather it be an annovulatory cycle than have ovulated and having such a thin lining  would probably just end in a m/c if a baby did try to attach. So now we just wait for AF. I'll do the follistim next cycle again, this time without IUI! :) My gut instinct is to not have the IUI ( and I felt that way last cycle too, but my RE talked me into it) , so this time I'm following my instincts! :) So get this... Just to see if we would get approved, I applied for a medical loan for IVF and we got approved. So if all else fails and we're not pregnant lets say by the end of the year, we have that option. I'm sure we will be, or I hope anyways! :) Sean and I are going to talk more about it tonight when  he gets home from work. I went and visited Kayln today. We're putting her spring stuff out on March 1st. Sean bought her a cute pin wheel that looks like a flower, so he's anxous to give it to her. :) I've decided to for sure get another tattoo for Kayln. This time, I'm getting her feet tattooed on my feet. That way, it'll be like she's walking with me. I think it'll be adorable. :) I was thinking about it a while ago, but I've decided to for sure do it. I can't see the one on the back of my neck, even though I know it's there, at least I'll be able to see this one easily! Well, I hope to see some posts on here soon.... Was there a pary and I wasn't invited?! :(  j/k!
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Good morning ladies! :) Hope everyone had a great weekend and a romantic Valentine's Day!! So, for peace of mind, I called my RE's office this morning and asked if I could have an u/s today to see if I've O'd yet. Since I'm not temping and am only tracking my CM this cycle, I have no real definate way of knowing if I've already ovulated. I had very watery/slippery CM for about 7 days, then it was creamy yesterday, and is now EWCM?! So, I said screw this, I'm calling my RE. :) My u/s is at 1:15, so I'll be able to update soon.

Leighanne- Here's a BIG congrats to you and dh!! I'll check out Jaedyn's pics! :)

Kmcarino- Oops, I missed your birthday! Here's a Happy (belated) Birthday to you!! :) I have a great feeling for you this cycle! :)

rachjas- Wow, Congrats for having a huge follie on your good side!! How exciting!! :) And your first IUI is today! Woo hoo!! :) Don't be nervous, it's such a simple procedure. You can't even feel it. Sending TONS of baby dust your way!! Good luck! :) Oh, and I pay $40.00 for my hcg trigger shot too, so to me that's a good price! :)

dnikki- Sorry about the bfn too... But it's still early! Really! Just Rachjas said, don't give up hope just yet! You may get a suprise very soon! :) I know you're on the verge of giving up b/c of how long you've been doing clomid and IUI, but that's why I think you should give injections a try! I know you're leary of them, but I absolutely love them compared to clomid! I had such terrible side affects with clomid, pretty much every side affect that was listed as a symptom I had it! With follistim, I had absolutely none! They are more expensive, but you have such a higher chance with them b/c it doesn't mess with your CM, it doesn't thin your lining out like clomid does, and you make a heck of a lot more eggs with them! Do what your heart is telling you to do, and stick with that! :) I'm just putting my 2 cents in, but tell me to mind my own business if you want! :)

Mommyin09- I had a great time with my family, thanks! :) I haven't seen everyone together since I was 6 months pregnant with Kayln! So it was nice to see everyone together again! My cousin has a 2 year old little girl who she and her husband adopted right from birth. They were there when she was born, and it was an awesome environment b/c the birth mother and her became very close during the pregnancy, so there was no uneasiness for them. Well, guess what! They've been picked again, and this time they're getting a baby boy! I'm just so happy for them!! :) Sean and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate Valentine's Day together, since we didn't have any alone time on Valentine's Day. It was awesome! We stayed there for a while, just talking and laughing! I loved it! :) I'll update asap on my status of ovulation. We won't know an exact O date if I have indeed already ovulated, but we'll have a round about idea I think. And if I haven't ovulated, they can give me an idea too of when I'll O! :) Hope you and dh had a great weekend!!

Candie- You got it, just relaxing and having fun! ;) Too much fun in fact! lol ;) My CM is getting more fertile, so I think O may be coming up soon, if I haven't already. I just find it odd that it was watery/slippery for about a week, then creamy for a day or so, and now it's EW... So that's why I decided to just make an appointment today and know for sure if I'm about to O, or if I already have. I'm still not temping, and I honestly think I'm not going back to it! Especially since I'm going back to the RE next cycle so I can do the follistim again, and I'll already know when I ovulate. I don't stress over my temps before O, just after it! Wondering what every little thing means, ya know? And I can't help it, it's too easy to be anxious over it in the 2ww! Have you been feeling any O pains? You should be ovulating soon, if you haven't already! Hope you're staying busy! ;) Good luck!!!

jmh- Oh, you're welcome sweetie! :) I'll be praying for your good side too!! I know it gets hard, especially when you try to keep so positive every month just to get the same results! But we just have to have faith that it will happen. And even when we get down and swear we're done, something inside us just triggers and we have new found hope for the cycle to come! That inner strength is our hearts yurning to be a mommy, and we will never be able to let that go! It'll happen, you'll see! Stay strong!! ((HUGS))

Stacey- That sounds like you had a great weekend! How fun! :) I'm sorry too that you had a little more bleeding, but at least you know that the baby is ok! It's honestly very common to have some bleeding during pregnancy. For the first 3 months with Kayln, I had "periods" every month where I would bleed exactly 30 days from each other. Just for a couple days, then it would stop. The story I told you when you first had bled, is the last time I ever did. And what's funny is when I was 4 months I actually went out and bought pads, b/c this time I was prepared for it! And it never came again! Our bodies just react differently to pregnancy, so just keep doing what you're doing... relaxing as much as you can! Everything will be fine! :)

wishandaprayer- Thinking of you today!! Good luck with your beta! Everything's crossed for you sweetie! Please update us asap with the good news! :)

Helpful - 0
465737 tn?1315754922
I had my CD 14 Re appt. today. It went great! My lining was 10.4.  That is the best it has been. While on Clomid it was 7-8ish. On my bad side, I had my cyst as normal. Then one small follie, around 7 or 8.  On my good side, I had one follie about 23!!! I immediately asked her if that was too big, she said no! She said you are ready for trigger now!  At first she said we would trigger tonight then IUI at 9am Tuesday.  But then she came back and asked about tmw.  So, the nurse did the trigger... which DH was sooo happy he didn't have to.. and we have to wait for the nurse to call in the am.  Most likely, DH will have to make his deposit around 2, then IUI at 4 tmw! That will put us at 30 hrs past trigger. So , what do you all think? I am soo nervous.  This is my first IUI.

mommyin09- First thing I told the nurse today was that my pharmacy couldn't get it.. she told me not to worry.. that had some! It was $40.  Is that a good price? I have never used it before.

dnikki0928- Don't give up hope just yet!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: (Offer support & prayers!!!)
naf38: (Home in Australia)

Leighanne: BFP - 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

vortex: BFP - 30 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 24 weeks (doc appt March 11)
Jessie: BFP -19 weeks
Armyprincess: BFP - 17 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 11 weeks!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP! 6 weeks (u/s 2/24)

angelbaby:  waiting for AF
Guesito: (offer support!)

ad_06:  CD4
jmh2005: CD5 (u/s 2/20)
Candie: CD12
rachjas:  CD14
Keyan: CD14
Sexykeme: CD14
Mrspace:  CD14
Lina:  CD19
Arlotheslug:  CD24 (welcome back!)
Hannah1505: CD25
Luvkayln: CD25

kmcarino:  1dpiui! Happy Birthday!!!
babynr:  2dpt!
Mommyin09:  6dpo (beta 2/23)
Shysana:  7dpo
pyar:  7dpo
dnikki: 11dpiui (beta 2/19)
wishandaprayer: 12dpt (beta tomorrow!)
BabyMamma:  23dpo
leighanne:  Your pictures are awesome!  Your little one is just precious :)  I hope you heal soon & I'm sure it'll be easier with your mind focused on your beautiful son ;)

jmh2005:  I think we all know how you feel.  There are times when it really hits you hard & other times where it's easier to deal with...  I'm in the same boat.  dh's s/a is normal & I O on my own, so there isn't an explained reason why we're not getting our bfp.  My only issue is my uterus being miss-shaped, but I'm told that won't prevent me from getting pregnant.  Anyway, that's why I didn't mind that we skipped the iui this time.  I think it's gonna happen.  We just can't predict the "when".  I know it's frustrating, but hang in there!!! :)

kmcarino:  Happy Birthday & welcome to the tww!!! :)

Candie:  Yes, there are lots of good people out there.  The news is just generally focused on the negative, unfortunately.  Sending you extra baby dust :)  I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!!!

luvkayln:  How was your family dinner?  I'm sure you had a great time seeing everyone!  Hopefully your workday isn't too long & luckily you have tomorrow off to relax a bit! :)

dnikki:  Sorry about the bfn ;(  It's true, it is still early.  Hang in there & good luck with the sitter :)

Keyan:  How are you feeling?  I hope you're doing better.  I'm thinking of you! :)
Helpful - 0
546831 tn?1262742429
Thank you Candie. I guess my frustration is that nothing is wrong besides a blocked tube. Everything came back normal which means there are no answers for us =( I guess since hopefully this will be my first IUI i am still in the beginning stages so we will see...thank you agian
Helpful - 0
655897 tn?1328018445
I'm sorry about your bfn but it is still early.  I hope you get your bfp in a few days:)  Does your insurance cover any fertility meds?  I think IUI with injectables icnreases your chances of it working so I would suggest that but do whatever works for you!  I guess you missed my post yesterday.  Dh's count was 114 million after wash so I am optimistic this cycle:)
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