299260 tn?1304216105

Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.

Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: You & dh have our continuing prayers & support!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: 4/20/2009 Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 35 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 29 weeks!!! (appt Monday, u/s Friday)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 24 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 13 weeks!!! (u/s Tuesday!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! (1st u/s Wednesday!) (appt Friday!)
Looloo:  BFP!!!

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 2 more Lupron shots! =)
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!

Rachjas: Started Follistim/Repronex, u/s & b/w tomorrow! Egg Retrieval Thursday!
Mommyin10: Continuing bcps & Lupron; u/s & stims 6/27
kmcarino: On bcps & will start Lupron 6/28

Naf: Awaiting AF...

Pyar:  CD2
Lina: CD9
mrspace: CD9
Candie: CD21
jmh2005: CD21
ad_06: CD25
Hannah: CD30
Looloo:  What great news!  Congrats =)

Luvkayln:  Did I miss dh's b-day?  I'm sorry you're working so much, but I am glad you're off on Father's Day ;)

Pyar:  Congrats on finally getting a real AF!  I know it su cks, but it's also good for you to know things are back on track ;)  Did you ever get an appt with the new doc?

leighanne:  I'll check out your new pics!

dnikki:  I'm so glad your number has sky-rocketed!!!  That's awesome & your 1st u/s is so soon =)  Yay!!!

Well, dh & I had such a great time fishing!  It was so much fun to get away for even a short time & just enjoy ourselves =)  He had chartered a boat for my upcoming b-day & the boat holds 6 people, so we invited three of his co-workers (one is a married couple), the other is the woman's son & then he brought his father-in-law.  We boarded the boat Thursday night & started fishing early Friday morning just off the coast of Catalina Island.  We were looking for yellowtail & I caught my 1st one!  I actually caught two, which was awesome.  Really hard work, but fun ;)  The tradition when you catch your first yellowtail is to eat the heart... no kidding!  So, I ate it & I have to say I surprised a few of the big guys onboard!  Haha!  Anyway, we got home late last night & then just relaxed & cleaned our gear today.  We're cooking fish tonight =)  I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
102 Responses
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299260 tn?1304216105
luvkayln:  I almost forgot, No, I haven't had any side effects from the Lupron!  I was afraid I'd get nauseous or something, which would be awful on a boat, but I've felt great =)  My only problem was my shot Thurs hit a blood vessel or something 'cause I immediately got a welt & still have a big bruise.  Other than that, it's been easy =)  I uploaded a couple pics from our trip, showing my 1st yellowtail.  Keep in mind, I slept on the boat, woke up & fished, so it's no beauty contest!  Haha =)  We had a great time!  Did you decide if you'll go camping?!

Rachjas:  Best wishes tomorrow!  Grow, follies, grow!!! =)
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it's doubling...i dont believe it but its doubling.
after 2 years of TTC, its kind of dificult to believe when you hear a positive...doc said its gud i got rid of PCOS before pregnancy otherwise i cud've expected a whole list of other complications too.but now i have a much better chance.

im still cramping severely nd spotting. so am on complete bed rest. probably for the first trimester.. i just hope i make it the nine months. my first scanning is on the 29th. my husband had to go on a trip which was planned before and he couldnt avoid. my mom has come down but he was stil so upset when he left this morning.

luv kayln: hope ure taking it easy with work. how's the little active baby?

mrspace: Oh God i just read ur post about Anna. what's the situation now? she's in my prayers. and ur cousn obviously has NO IDEA about the pain of not being able to conceive. no one can imagine that pain if hey havent gone thru it themselves.

dnikki: i guess we're in the same boat about the cramps:) hope things go smoth for both of us! and great numbers.

candie: do hope ur shoulder's better now.

rachjas: ur follies sound like they're doing great. hope everything works perectly!

mommyin10: thanx for adding me to the BFP list. i see u enjoyed the fishing :) ur stim is next week right?

i think joining you guys was very lucky for me. im blowing all tha baby dust back to all of you.

take care!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mommyin10: Thanks for starting another thread :-) I'm glad you had fun fishing!!! I love fishing, but we haven't gone in such a long time...I'll check out your pics!! Also, I have a beta coming up tomorrow morning and my U/S on Wednesday ... No appt. this Friday :-)

Looloo: Congratulations!!!! How far along are they thinking you are? What a great surprise! Just take it easy and let others take care of you lol :-)

Yesterday was a rough day...I've felt like cr ap. At least I know it's a good sign lol. I feel like I get soooo hungry and thirsty so I'll havea  small snack/small meal and then about an hour afterwards I feel like I at sooo much and I feel so sick... I can't even eat all of my breakfast...I think I'm going to pick up some pretzels at the store today lol...
I'll check in later!! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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465737 tn?1315754922
mommyin10- You trip sounded soo much fun! I looked at your pics! That's fish is huge! How was it pulling that it? I am glad you didn't have any side effects from the Lupron while you were gone. I bet that made things much easier!

dnikki- hmmm yeah for be sick!?!?! : ) I am glad you are feeling preggo!~

looloo- Ohh yea! That's great that your numbers are doubling as they should. I bet your ultrasound will go great!

AFM- I am leaving in just a few mintues to go to my RE appt. I am getting an u/s and b/w normal. I should know more today as far as my schedule for the rest of the week. Will update when I get home! Praying for lots of follies!!!!
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342988 tn?1299782356
mommyin10- wow that sounds like a great evening.  i hate fishing but i LOVE being out on the water on boats just relaxing.  If i could buy one  of those nice boat houses i would but those arent very common in new england.

dnikki- oh it is just begining.  that sick feeling does not go away for a while and even when the constant sick feeling subsides, the sick feeling from eating somethign that the baby doesnt like starts.  jaedyn would kick my butt from the beginning til about 28 weeks when i ate spicy mexican type foods, which are my fav.  so needless to say i would still eat it and then pay for it once it got to him.  have you taken another home pregnancy test just to prove to yourself its real?  I think i took about 10 of them.  it was something i just had to do.  felt like marking your territory on little sticks, haha.
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494640 tn?1262737989
hey u ok had some of my results back there all ok but 1 my testoterone is high which is a form of pcos i hope they sort me out just a quick pop in as still no internet lots of love hannah
hope ur all ok xx
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: You & dh have our continuing prayers & support!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: 4/20/2009 Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 35 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 29 weeks!!! (appt Monday, u/s Friday)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 24 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 13 weeks!!! (u/s Tuesday!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! (beta tomorrow & 1st u/s Wednesday!)
Looloo:  BFP!!! (1st u/s 6/29!)

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 2 more Lupron shots! =)
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!

Rachjas: Started Follistim/Repronex, u/s & b/w today! Egg Retrieval Thursday!
Mommyin10: Last bcp tonight, continuing Lupron; u/s & stims 6/27
kmcarino: On bcps & will start Lupron 6/28

Naf: Awaiting AF...

Pyar:  CD3
Lina: CD10
mrspace: CD10
Candie: CD22
jmh2005: CD22
ad_06: CD26
Hannah: CD31
Looloo:  We're very happy to have you with us! =)  Congrats again & YAY for your numbers continuing to rise!  That's awesome, especially having tried for so long.  Yes, we all can understand fully how you feel & thanks for the baby dust =)  Yes, my last bcp is tonight & I'll continue with Lupron & start my stims next Saturday!

dnikki:  Thanks!  I updated your stats ;)  I grew up fishing & so did dh, so it's great that we both enjoy it.  Of course he's the expert & now he's teaching me a little more each time we go :)  Best wishes for your beta tomorrow!

rachjas:  Good luck today!  I hope your follies are growing big and strong!!! =)  The fish in the picture is only approx 10 pounds, but it sure felt a lot bigger!  It put up quite a fight & probably took me 15 minutes to bring him in =)

Hannah:  That's great that you found out your results & your testosterone is probably an easy fix!  Now you can get that addressed & move forward =)  Good for you!

leighanne:  We used to have a fishing boat & plan to get one in the near future.  There are so many neat places to take off to even just for a day :)  I love being on the water, too.

Happy Father's Day!

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342988 tn?1299782356
mommyin09- we live on a small pond and had a like 5 passenger speed boat last year but jason sold it at the end of last summer once all was good with the pregnancy.  we just thought that we would not have time this summer to use it or take care of it with an infant.  we are thinking about getting another boat maybe even one of those small party barages.  it would be great to have one of those and have some friends and margaritas.
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688022 tn?1275944889
Hey everyone.  Let me just do a super big happy dance.  AF is finally slowing down.

We have someone coming to look at the puppies today.  So hopefully that goes well.  DH had plans to spend today with his dad and granddad.  A "guys" day.  Which is awesome.  Well apparently (without dh's knowledge) his family decided to make it a family day.  So the whole family is spending the day together EXCEPT for me.  I can't because we have people coming over to see the puppies.  DH was upset, but is going anyway, for father's day.  Then his mother decides to badmouth me (she was in my kitchen, I was in my bedroom and could hear her).  She was going on and on about how I must not consider them family if I didn't want to go with them.  Grr... DH set her straight but still.  Tonight DH and FIL have a softball game. I don't go to the games because they don't like us there.  It's kind of their "father son" time.  Which is awesome.  They HATE that my MIL goes to every game.  Whatever.

Enough of my temper tantrum ha ha.

I'm doing really well otherwise. I got a lot of housework done yesterday. I am done with clomid now.  My ovaries already hurt, but I'm happy about it.  Maybe we won't have to up our dose and it'll just work this time.  

Oh, for those of you who asked.  Anna and Aiden are doing GREAT!  Anna was released on Thursday and she's doing fine.  Other than having massive ta-tas she's great.  She can't breastfeed because of her heart condition (and the meds she has to be on) so they are just bugging her.   Aiden should be released in another week or two, but it'll depend on his vitals.  Her husband is.. the same.  Anna's doing a great job of staying stress free and not worrying about her marriage. She's so strong and I'm so proud of her.  DH and I offered to have her and Aiden move in with us later on.  We just want them to be okay.

Okay, time to give the baths puppies.  I'll write again later
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mommyin10 sorry I think we've muddled something up i'm actually cd2 today thanks
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465737 tn?1315754922
hannnah- Are you on Metformin/Glucophage? That could help with the testosterone levels. I had the same issue.

mommyin10- Wow, it does look a lot bigger! That's awesome that you were able to pull that in yourself. DH went catfishing last night. I wanted to go so bad. But, I am so bloated, tired.... my inject sides are so sore. But, I will not complain anymore. It's all going to be worth it!

Just got a call from the nurse... E2 1124!!!! They also checked my progesterone. It was nice and low like it should be, 1.4. My lining was 9ish! I had 6 follies on my right and 10 on my left. The biggest was around 14 and smallest I believe was 10ish. I am taking the same dosage of meds. tonight and tmw. I go back for another U/S and more B/W Tuesday AM. That should be my last appt. before ER Thursday AM. RE said I made need one more day of stimming. I won't know for sure until I get my B/W back Tuesday afternoon. But, RE should be able to tell Tuesday from the U/S.
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478429 tn?1265244387
Hannah: I had higher testosterone levels also - I took 1/2mg of decadron at night but I quit taking it The night before my IUI (You can't take it while p/g). But it helped :-) Good Luck!!

Leighanne: I know all about p/g sickness lol - the first 3 months with DS were aweful - It was all day sickness and whoever came up with morning sickness is soooo totally wrong!! I'm doing a little bit better now. We'll see what tonight brings lol!

Mrspace: I'm not quite sure about your in-laws lol...I wish they were more understanding!! I hope your pups sell today :-)

Rachjas: Woo-hoo!! Go follies Grow!!!! Good luck!!!! Your retrieval is coming up soon :-)

Me...I'm cooking dinner - DS is in a mood this afternoon lol...sometimes he's in a worse mood when he gets up from his naps than before he went down! He's doing better now (thankfully - gotta love terrible two's!!!). I'm feeling a little better- we'll see how I feel after dinner.. I'll check in later!!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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473246 tn?1293833673
Happy Sunday ladies!

I hope everyone had a nice Father's day.  We were at dh's parent's place and had a little bbq.  It was nice.  I'm feeling pretty tired now!  It will be an early to bed kind of evening.  

Mommyin10 - So glad you had a great trip!!  That is quite the fish you caught!  And what a trooper you are to actually eat the heart!?!?!  I don't think I could do it!!!  Glad you are feeling great and that you are getting so so close!!  

Rachjas - Great results!!!!  Good luck on your u/s on Tues!  Those are great follies.

Looloo - Congrats!  That is great news.  Welcome to the bfp list! :)

Dkikki - It must be a day for dh's being in a "mood".  My dh has been a grump all day.  He has a cold so you know....the world is crumbling!! :)  I just gave him trouble and he is now taking a nap.  He better wake up with a smile! :)  Hope the nausea eases up soon.  

Luvkayln - How was your father's day?  I can't believe you are already 13 weeks!  Yahoo!

Mrspace - Glad your friend and Aiden are doing so well and how nice of you to offer them to move in.  You are a good friend!  

Leighanne - I'm going to check out your new pics!!

Take care all and SSBD!!!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi Girls! Just woke up from a much needed nap and thought I would check in! :) We had a great day today! Sean loved his Father's Day card from his babies! :) We went swimming and bbq'd. It was nice. :) We've decided to go on our camping trip July 4th weekend, just the 2 of us... well, 3 of us! lol ;)  We've never done that before, usually it's a bunch of us but we got to thinking...everytime we go with a big crowd, there's always DRAMA and it su cks! So we thought, hey, let's just make it a date weekend for us and find a sitter for the fur babies for a weekend! I think it's going to be SO much fun! :) We'll just have to visit Kayln for the 4th when we get back on Sunday!

Mommyin10- Welcome home! :) That fish definately does look bigger than 10 lbs.! You sure fooled me! ;) Congrats on your blood work coming out good! I knew it would, but that's great there'll be no post-poning the ivf! :) And congrats on tonight being your last BCP! That's just 1 step closer to getting through this process and getting your BFP!!! Yay! :)

Rachjas- Wow, your E2 levels are great! Congrats on all the follies! :) Before you know it, you'll be in your 2ww and well on your way to your BFP! This is so exciting...! We're going to have so many more on the BFP list! I can't wait!! :)

Looloo- Congrats to you girly on your pregnancy! I get so excited everytime we get to add someone to our BFP list! :) I'm sorry your dh had to leave, but I'm glad you have company while you're on bedrest! Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress, and of course we're all thinking of you! :)

Stacey- Sounds like there were a few of us bbq'ing today! :) How's the nursery coming along? I always said I'd wait till the very end to get our nursery ready again, but I think once we find out the sex, I'll be in there working on it! I mean, we already  have everything anyways, just will need to make some changes if it's a boy! I'm glad your dh had a good father's day, Sean did too! The card was very sentimental for him, because it was from his babies. It was signed, " To the best daddy ever! Love, baby Kayln and new baby" :) Did you get dh anything from Jake? :)

Candie- How was your weekend? Hope you had a great day, and dh enjoyed his Father's Day! :)

OHHH... I almost forgot to tell you guys! :) We have our baby names picked out! Ok, if it's a boy, his name is Sean James Stegeman. James for his grandpa who passed away the same month we got pregnant with Kayln, who I loved so much!! He had nothing but boys for grandkids, so when we found out Kayln was a girl, we knew he had helped send her to us because he wanted nothing more than a grand baby girl! ;) If it's a girl, her name is Jaiylee Adalynn Stegeman. The names aren't family related, just like them! :) I really wanted Adalynn for her first name, but Sean wanted it for a middle name so we compromised, and I think it sounds just perfect this way! :) BUT... I'll still get my way on this one and call her Addy! lol ;) We'll know soon enough, but I just wanted to share the news because we finalized the names together today! :)
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299260 tn?1304216105
So, I found out today that my varicella (chickenpox) blood test came back a-ok! Pheww ;)  So, like luvkayln said, we can continue on & we don't have to worry about postponing our IVF.  I'm so happy about that!  Plus, tonight is my last bcp! Woo-Hoo =)

luvkayln:  I love the names & Addy is such a cute nickname =)  I love names that are pretty, yet not so common.  I also love the middle name James!  You & dh picked great names, my friend =)  Now we just have to find out if it's a boy or a girl!  I'm glad dh had such a nice father's day & your camping trip sounds like fun!  I love the times that we go away just the two of us, even if it's just for a day or two.  Those are the most memorable times =)

Stacey:  Thanks =)  If I really had thought about it, I probably wouldn't have done it, but like they say... when in Rome =)  We had an older fisherman onboard who was quite impressed.  Haha!  I hope dh had a nice nap!

pyar:  Sorry about that!  I'll fix your stats tomorrow =)  How are you doing?

rachjas:  I can't believe you're so close to your retrieval!  That is just so exciting!!!  Your numbers sound great & you have so many follies who are growing & getting ready for their big day =)  I'm just so excited for you!  So, does it turn out to be approx 11 days from the time you started stims to your ER?  I'm starting mine on Sat. so was trying to get an idea in my head ;)  Oh, I love catfishing!  dh & I were just talking about going.  There's a lake closeby that stocks them & they are so tasty! ;-)

mrspace:  Yay, I'm glad you're able to do your happy dance! =)  Isn't it a great feeling when you can actually feel your ovaries hard at work!?  Hopefully this is just the right dose for you =)  I'm sorry about your in-laws ;(  What a pain in the a$$  Good luck with the pups!

Leighanne:  Yes, a party boat with margaritas sure does sound nice! =)  Our dream has always been to buy a nice fishing boat, to take the kids on trips to Catalina Island and other day trips....  I bet we'll each have our boats & will be relaxing in the sun very soon ;)
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342988 tn?1299782356
luvkayln i love adalynn for a first name, that is so cute.

mommyin10- yes we will have our boats and babies real soon.  
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574521 tn?1313495146
Happy Sunday to all

AFM- Still no records, no returned phone calls, nothing!
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465737 tn?1315754922
dnikki & stacey-  I know I can't believe ER is coming up already! I really hope we get to trigger Tuesday! That is our 2 yr ann. and it would really be neat to trigger that day. RE said we might have to do one more night of stims. If we do, that's o.k too. I want to do what is the best.

luvkayln- It's crazy how the E2 can jump sooo quick. I just don't want it to get above 4000. RE said@ 4000 they get worried, 5000 they harvest the eggs but wait to do an FET in a later cycle and @ 6000 they completely cancel the cycle. But my RE was persistent yesterday that we are good to go!

mommyin10- I answered on your other thread but.... Yep! 11 days for me (if I don't have to add one more night of stims) MY RE said most people stim for 8 (but it could be 7 or 9). Then I have my trigger day. Then a day off. Then 36 hours after trigger I will have my ER. I can't believe you are already completed with BCPs! AF will be here in no time! Mine arrived the 3rd day after I was complete with BCPs. You are moving right along now!

guesito- All I can say is that just insane!  I am sorry you are having to deal with all of this!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Guesito: I found some links for you, hopefully it's a start and it will get you somewhere. Have you tried going into the office and getting your records right then and there?
Hopefully one of these will help.

Luvkayln: Those names are sooo cute :-) Camping sounds like fun! DH and I are going to go one of these months lol - we bought a huge tent last year and haven't used it yet. We are also going to go canoeing...

Stacey: DH was in a fairly good mood yesterday, it was DS lol :-) Are you still on bedrese? How are you feeling?

As for me, I feel about the same. I'm having food aversions and smell aversions...You know how you feel the day after you get the flu? Just kind of ick and nothing sounds/tastes good? That's how I feel. It was like this with DS also, so I'm not sure why I expected anything different lol.
Yesterday DS and I made DH a Father's Day cake - We decorated it saying"Happy Father's Day" Love Travis and Bean lol - it was cute :-) We decided that when we tell people which will be this week, we will let DS tell them - All we have to do is ask him where the baby is and he lifts my sure and says "There he is, There he is - You see 'em?" lol it's soo cute! I had my last beta drawn today - and my u/s is on Wed. I can't wait!!! I'll check in soon :-)

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi ladies! Running late but wanted to check in and say hi! :) I'll check in when I get off of work and catch up with everyone!! Happy Monday! :)
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morning ladies

hannah nice to hear from you whats the plan for you now?

mommyin10 ughh eating the heart I just know I could not have done that have you thought about going on fear factor.

luvkayln you name choices are just adorable can't wait to find out which it will be.

mrspace sorry about your mil sorry but she sounds horrible.Its great your friend is doing well its good she has you as someone to look out for her.

looloo CONGRATS does it feel real yet?
AFM well AF still here feels great to be 'normal' again I went for a fsh blood test this morning will get the results in about a week.I just thought while i'm waiting for my appt I had might as well get it checked to see what it is.

anyway happy monday all
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494640 tn?1262737989
hey ladies i have a a few moments lol.all my other bloods and smear came back ok i have an apt a week tomoro about my high testosterone but i also have my first specialists apt soon not sure when but soon i am so exited i got a bit scared the other day thinking i am actually going to get preg soon lol.
my hormone level came back as 8.1 but aparantly pcos can cause that :( i was at 6 dpo when they took my blood but i am 4 days late today i did i digi yesterday and it never worked so i am getting another tomoro and i will take it the day after with fmu.
we are moving again lol were going to stay with my dad and saving up some money to buy a house as our landlord wernt paying her mortgage.

how are you all?

Pyar: i am finally going to see a fertility specialist woohoo how are you?

Luvkayln:those names are so cute your blessed and ur bump is adorable :)

Mommyin10: thanks for thinking of me your an angel how you feeling i hope this is it for u :) :)

Dnikki:thanks :) How you feeling ??

Rajas: I am not on anything at the moment i hope they hurry and sort me out lol :)

Baby dust and love to you all i have missed you !! xx
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: You & dh have our continuing prayers & support!!!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: 4/20/2009 Sahana was born! Congrats :)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long

ArmyPrincess - 36 weeks!
Stacey: BFP!!! 29 weeks!!! (appt today, u/s Friday)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 24 weeks & It's a girl!!! =)
Luvkayln: BFP!!! 13 weeks!!! (u/s tomorrow!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! (beta today & 1st u/s Wednesday!)
Looloo:  BFP!!! (1st u/s 6/29!)

Keyan: Will ttc again after only 2 more Lupron shots! =)
Guesito: Planning to have a tubal reversal & looking for a new RE!

Rachjas: Started Follistim/Repronex, Egg Retrieval Thursday!
Mommyin10: Continuing Lupron; u/s & stims 6/27
kmcarino: On bcps & will start Lupron 6/28

Naf: Awaiting AF...

Pyar:  CD3
Lina: CD11
mrspace: CD11
Candie: CD23
jmh2005: CD23
ad_06: CD27
Hannah: CD32 (appt 6/30)
pyar:  Haha! You're too funny =)  I'm glad you got your fsh blood test done.  Might as well, while you're waiting for your next appt.  I hope your levels come back great =)  If I remember correctly, under 10 is good.

dnikki:  Your ds story is too cute!!! =)  Good luck with your beta results!

rachjas:  Thanks!  That's good to know.  I'm thinking our retrieval will be the week following 4th of July weekend :)  It's coming up so quickly!  Did you start your stims on day 3 or did they just give you a day to come in?  Mine said it doesn't matter when AF starts, just to go in on Sat. & I'll start my stims then.  Sound right?

guesito: I'm sorry you're having such a hard time! ;(

Stacey:  Best wishes for your appt today!!! =)

luvkayln:  Yay, another u/s tomorrow! =)  Will you be off work & is dh going with you?
Helpful - 0
494640 tn?1262737989
my hcg was 8.1 at 6dpo i have been looking it up and it said its rare its pcos causing a fake bfp thats what came up so is 8.1 possitve i am lost:s

i am 16dpo today and still no af am buying a test tomoro ;0
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