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385161 tn?1270081218

how many follicles do you need to boost IUI success?

I had IUI today they said I had 2 follicles mature on my rt. ovary. Doc says they were like 23 and 25mm so they were a good size. Hubbys sperm count was high, modility was excellent, and everything sounded good. I just don't know what they are comparing all this to. I went online and did some research and most sites are saying 3-4 follicles for IUI is best for success. I am just pryaing 2 will do! Any reassurance?
26 Responses
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I got pregnant when i went through the IUI process with 2 follicles but unfortunately i had an blighted ovum miscarriage.  But we were super excited that we got pregnant at least
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Ahhh, so sorry about your miscarriage.  That is always terrible but especially so after the great effort of IUI.  Are you going to try again?  Do you have any other kiddos?
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yes me too
i had my ultrasound yesterday adn was measuring at 15mm
i take my trigger shot tonight!
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i am day 9 post iui now I do not have any pain . I have 3 follicle 19,18,17 before the injectable do any one think that is good size or not enough from your experience. my husband sperm is good... good.

I am so worried!!!!
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Hi hope all is well, I am 43 years old,this is my first time for me using fertility doctor to get pregnant ( of course because of my age) I have one son. Hes fourteen years old niw.  i have no idea about fertilty medications at all. My first heavy flow is Oct 5, and had an uktrsound they told me that i have 2 follicles sizes 3 on both ovaries, he prescribe me with First cycle of Clomid the Gonal injection, they ultrasound me again and my follicles size went up to 8 on the right side. He gave me the second cycle of clomid and Gonal injection, my follicles went up to 15 and my estrogen level is 128 on Nov 3, I had another ultrasound repeated and went up to 15.5 and estrogen 138. My doctor said he wants to cancel it and wants to talk to me.. Im just frustrated of him not to go ahead with another medication vs. second cycle if clomid.. Does my doctor know what he's doing? Or a second opinion is my option?

Thank u,
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baby dust to you all, i did a ultrasound today found out i have 6 mature fallicles, gonna do my IUI tomorrow. i have read a few discouragements on multiple births, but i still want to try. can't wait for the next two weeks to do a prgenancy test. my Hubby and i have been trying fo 4 years.good luck to you all who are trying and who have succeeded.
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Hi there!
How'd did eveything go with 6 mature follicles. I just went today and had 9 and now I'm freaking out
8963010 tn?1400863405
So let me start by saying I have no fertility issues that I know of. I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009 and I have been off of my medication so we could get pregnant. I need this to work or I have to go back on my meds and pregnancy will have to wait another year or so. I am 35 years old so not sure how much longer we could wait. I am in a relationship with a female so we went through a Spermbank. I began my cycle on May 9th. Of course it had to be a Friday afternoon, too late to get into the doctors office lol...so we went Monday. The doctor performed an ultrasound and said everything looked great. No cysts or anything to be concerned with. He started me on Clomid 100 mg for 5 days at this time. On May 21st I got a positive surge on my ovulating kit that morning. I went to the doctors office that afternoon at 3:00. He performed another ultrasound and I had a total of 5 follicles. Three on the right, sizes 15, 25 and 29. Two on the left, one really small and one a 27. Per my doctor anything over a 20 is great! He than gave me a shot of Ovidrel. He thought everything looked so great he decided to do my IUI that night. We came back into the clinic at 7:30 that night and got our IUI performed. There were 96 million sperm in our vial and they were stronger than even the sperm bank said. I have completely relaxed since implantation just incase. Today is May 23rd. I don't feel any different, just a lot of cramping. I feel like this is going to be a positive pregnancy with all of my numbers being so great. To all of you trying good luck!! We will take a home pregnancy test on June 5th so I will keep everyone updated  Sticky baby dust to you all!!!
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I just started the first cycle of IUI but we had to cancel since there were 9 mature follicles :(   I was doing injectable at 150 IU/daily.  They will be cutting that in half last month.  On Day 7, ultrasound said I had 4 follicles and they had me come back on Day 9 and I had 9.  I just don't know why they had me continue taking the injections after day 7 showed 4 follicles?  
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1256672 tn?1308690198
Ovulations predictors never worked for me.  I did timed egg release with iui to get pregnant.  
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5442275 tn?1368025169
I'm new to this site, did you ever have a false ovulation test
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I have 4 follicles, 2 on each ovary and I'm scheduled for my first IUI on Saturday???  Do you think my chances are good??  I'm SO nervous b/c we want this SO bad!!!
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Need some help/tips...My husband and I have been trying for six years to have children.  Finally got pregnant June 2011 even with PCOS, but lost the baby in September.  February 2012, went to a different doctor to get the problems worked out.  I have been put on a diet to get healthier for a pregnancy.  Since February 2012 my uterus and ovaries have been constantly monitored.  Was trying to get my cycles regular and improve my uterus. Wasn't improving as much as they would like.  In May 2012 I was given hcg shots as well as other fertility drugs.  Didn't work naturally.  In June 2012 had an IUI done with 5 million in sperm count, it didn't take.  After the first try, my doctor scheduled surgery in August 2012 for my ovaries, uterus, and tubes.  Pretty much had them cleaned up as well as cutting out the polyps around my ovaries.  Doctor has been extremely happy on how well the surgery results have been.  September 2012 I received my second IUI with only 1 million in sperm count with 2 follicles.  Hoping for the best even with the low sperm count.  Before the IUI, the doctor reassured me, not promising, but said getting pregnant would have a better chance now with things cleared out and everything looking good for a home for a baby.  I took gonal shots and 10,000 hcg shot.  How promising is the IUI taking and me becoming pregnant?  Please give me your thoughts if you can.  Thank you!
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Praying for you on your IUI..........Best wishes.

I did IUI last month & had 4 follies.  I didn't have any luck though.  I do hear many positive stories though.
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1292404 tn?1272229908
I've been in Follistim 150-250mg. Today's ultrasound showed four follicles ranging from 15 to 21mm. I'm due to get inseminated Monday. I hope this first round works. I'm 43 and in excellent health, with one pregnancy 8 yrs ago. I'm also receiving acupuncture, which I'm told really works. The father and I are hoping for twins to get our family done in one shot. I'd have three if the conditions were right!  Pregnancy is just the first phase. Keeping the pregnancy viable is the next step. Positive thoughts, anyone?
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what did your dr say the chances were with 8 mature follicles and how big were they?
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I had IUI this month after 2 years TTC we used injectables, second round. I had 8 mature follicles, they explained the risk of multiples but my husband and I are so eager we did it. I get labwork Good Friday if no period. Baby Dust to all
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I had IUI this month after 2 years TTC we used injectables, second round. I had 8 mature follicles, they explained the risk of multiples but my husband and I are so eager we did it. I get labwork Good Friday if no period. Baby Dust to all
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385161 tn?1270081218
Awh no sweetie, it didn't work out and I was so upset. GOod luck to you!!!  Let me know how it works out. I am trying all natural this month dh and i decided to rest and not do the IUI right now.
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Any luck?

I had my IUI and going to check if i am pregnant on the 17th, i only had 1 Follicle 19mm, so want to know if it worked for you and others.

Good luck, i keep my fingers crossed for you
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385161 tn?1270081218
thank you soooo much for your responses. I feel a lot better now. I was getting so worried. Sounds like lots of you have had luck w/one or 2 follies:) I appreciate your feedback, it means a lot to me!
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i got pregnant in november with just 1 follicle for the IUI....one is all you need...i am now almost 10 weeks preggo...stay positive!!!! best of luck!!!
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361454 tn?1312054856
I think that is great you had 2 mature follicles!!! i had three mature follicles on my right side (but that side has the blocked tube) and only one on my left side so I'm hoping just the one is good enough! =)  i was excited with the one so you need to be more than happy with two! =)  Good luck!!!
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Same w/ tanker...doc was very opposed to doing IUI w/ more than 3 follicles. Increases the chance of multiples so much and he wanted us to have one healthy baby and mommy!
Sounds like all is in your favor!
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189192 tn?1261341628
I've gotten pg twice with IUI. The first time I had two follicles but that pg ended up being ectopic.  The second pregnancy, I only had one follicle and now I'm 33wks along.  

My dr would not even do IUI if you had more than 2 or 3 follicles, and he thought it was wreckless of drs who did.  The more follicles you have, the higher the risk of multiple births and the higher the risks to the health of the babies and the mother.  

I think you have wonderful odds with two follies. Most of the people you see walking around, originated from a single follicle cycle.  

Best of luck to you!!
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279230 tn?1259923903
I did IUI with only one follicle and I am 14 weeks pregnant (it was my first IUI).  SO I'd say you have a pretty good chance with 2.  I hope it works for you!
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Can you tell me your follicle size time of iii plz

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