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tarot cards who believes in this??? thanks to vsentz lol

this has nothing to do about fertility or about ttc but i wanted to share my story with you ladies. this forum has given me soo much hope & support that i cant express my feelings of gratitude. i am filled with greatness i came across of this forum!

i got to give it to vsentz thanks to her i went to get my tarot cards !!!i often go but the last time i went  (may 07) i wasn't satisfied...at the time i went the lady told me that i was steps from leaving my job & in my head i was like wtf are you talking about lady you must of lost your mind. soo w.e. i was kind of upset thinking i had lost $$$ & time... so this was in may that i went & about 2 weeks ago my boss tells me he has to let me go because business wasn't go well (appraisals) real estate isn't doing well right now. anyhow i was in the forum reading old posts & i came across vsentz post about tarot cards & all of a sudden it came to my head about the lady i went to in may & her telling me about loosing my job...i was freaking out!!!!

thinking of how desperate i was, about one week ago i made an appt with her again to see how things will progress now that i was getting laid off. the first thing that came out was a pregnancy of twins (omg i was already freaking out). but thats not the funny part about one years ago i went to another tarot cards lady & she said the same exact thing. all i can remember is asking her so when do you think this will happen??? she said soon & i said how soon??? she said before the end of the year if not sooner. all that came to my head was can this be true. it would be nice! i really don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. i will not stress it . the dh thinks its not stress but obsession.all i can  do is try my best to bd on ov days & work myself up. if clomid & metformin dont work i will be given ivf a try.

dont really know if this a venting story but i had to share it with someone since the dh doesn't have any idea that i go to tarot cards readings. hes not a believer.

good luck to everyone who is ttc !!!! baby dust to all!!!

*****to vsentz: i am soo happy you have your little bean in the oven. healthy 9 months to you!!! i love your tarot cards lady. lets see if mines is as accurate as yours.

9 Responses
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thank you girly i too wish to start feeling all those symptoms soon. oh boy & when i get them im going to wish for all them to be gone!i want it soo bad you can not even believe it...

your lady is great!!! i think i need to meet her lol...your story is unbelievable. she was soo accurate that its scary.   your dh reminds me of mines. my dh is only 25 & soo responsible. es un viejo antes de tiempo!!! well girly hope everything is going great on your end...take care!!!

since you mentioned that you were mexican. i just want to tell you know that i am cuban america!!!latina power!!!lol
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237300 tn?1231454718
WOW!!!  Your lady is good...my lady freaks me out!!!
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148691 tn?1260194903
oh! and needless to say:

dh is about my height......5'11", he's gained a 'couple' of pounds...(still looks hot as hell tho!!!), he's very responsible.....he's soooooooo loving!! (not affectionate......but loving!), his mommy died about 10 years ago.....(broken family)...., and he's from 'up north'......american!!! =)
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148691 tn?1260194903
Oh Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you sweetie!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you for ALL your good wishes and prayers!!! i really hope this one is the sticker!! =))

I am sorry i am so late to see this FUN post!!!! as a matter of fact ....girl! this was not the first time i had my tarot read!! here's something to freak you out....and why I am A FIRM believer in this:

I was right out of college and dating my boyfriend (highschool sweetheart) for years......and my mom's friend, Lulu....has this 'ability' to see things and reads tarot.....so, i thought 'what the hell! let's give it a try!'.....so i went....and she told me: 'you will not marry this guy, he is not good for you, you will cry by his side......in a couple of years, around the months of oct, nov......you will meet a guy from 'up north'.....thru some sort of office media...., he is about your heigth, a little heavier...., comes from a broken family and is very very responsible and will love you NO MATTER WHAT'.....

i was pissed!!! i thought: what the heck! i love this man! we have plans of marriage!.....

then i found out he cheated on me.....with several women, including 2 'best friends'.......lol, and that was a year after the reading.....so, there goes a year.....
Right after that, i enter this site: americansingles.com....yeah, i was a little desperate! lol.....and find this guy with a funny nickname....'bad boy'......so, i see his profile and was really ticked by the tall, brown hair....blue eyes......from PA, USA' (i am about 5'10" and from Mex...)
So, we start talking.....and talking....and just about every night we'd go to bed SO late!.....
I started falling 'in love' with this guy but never thought i'd meet him.....ever!
a year later......i came up to the USA to meet him....(there goes another year) and in NOVEMBER we decide it was time we'd start a relationship and i should move up to the states.....

She told me also it was gonna be full of rocky roads but we were gonna make it...

It has NOT been easy!!! we have gone thru hell.....money wise,....separation from me and my family was a big issue......and just a lot of adapting stuff........not easy!

Then, i lost my baby.....

I went to psychologists....didn't help............decided to give this lady a try (another one)......


you know the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!

she freaked me out when she said: the tarot says around may or june.....but i feel more like july or august........
and: the problem is not your husband.....is in you.....look in your uterus...there's something in there.....(well no sh*t! big @$$ fibroid there!!!!) lol

she also said my deseased mother in law said: hang in there....you will be a GOOD mother....(i was very concearned about me being a good mother, since i thought that was why God took my baby away.....)and....'you promised you would have 2 kids!'.....(i wanted just one, but dh wants two....so i 'compromised' on having 2)......

She did not know me!!! how in the hell did she get all this??? she also said the soul of my itzy bitzy baby in heaven was a girl and that it would be the same soul coming down for this new baby....

that is why when i posted my BFP, i said: the only thing i can say right now is: BACK.......

she is back......


Oh, she also told me about my job! she said: this job here is not good.......you got another job offer right? im like 'no....." she's like: oh you will soon then....around Harrisburg.....(one job offer i got was 10 minutes from that city!!!)

Girl!!!!!!!!!! i cannot believe you ARE having twins!!!!! CAN YOU IMAGINE you would get your BFP this time????? oh you would so cr*p yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!

I am praying for you to start puking, having head aches, nausea and big time bloating VERY VERY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))

SSBD to you.....and a HUGE squeeze!!!!!!!!!!! =)
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thanks for  sharing your story. you know i also have multiples in my family. so i wouldn't doubt i would end up with twins! your uncle is a lucky man to have so many blessing children but it must be a mad house (mad house in a great way!!!). about the job hunt I've only been w/out working for one week & i am going crazy. i hope i find something soon!

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wow girls these stories are amazing. i thought i would be alone on this one.

sd- good luck to you on the twin boys. they will be a handful. its incredible how they know this information. it has always freaked me out!!!! but at the same time i love it (lol). the two ladies that told me i would have twins they both told me about having a girl & a boy. i will be done if this happens. now i am wondering if its going to happen with clomid or ivf??? they never mentioned it...all one lady said was to complete the treatment & its going to work.  

ashort-your lady sure did ruin the jr thing but hey look at the bright side at lease she told you. i know what you mean about not taking care of the problems. a long time ago i went to this one lady (she always freaks me out). she told me to do weird things & if i didn't do them someone i knew would go to jail. & just last week my husbands friend was on his way to jail i was like WHAT!!!!!!i couldn't believe it.

thanks girls for sharing your stories with me! i sure do hope we all get what we want.i am such a believer that i totally believe that my lady is right. she already said i would lose my job & i was just laid off!!!!


baby dust to alll!!!
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237300 tn?1231454718
My dh's grandmother's friend is a psychic and she told me I would get pregnant and the first time I would be see blood and I would know I had a m/c.  Sure enrough...I was doing laundry one morning in my 7th week and blood starting running down my leg and I m/c...She also said I would get pg. again and I would have to be careful...but everything would be okay.  She really freaks me out...my dh's name is Kris and she told me if I ever named my child Kris he or my dh would die...YEAH...so she really ruined the whole jr. thing.....

When I was younger I used to play with tarot cards a little bit...very freaky...a lot of the things would come true.  They say if you don't take care of them properly you will have bad luck.  For about a year I played iwth them and that whole year I had the worse luck.  Finally, I got rid of them....

I definatly believe in this stuff...but I'm a water sign so I'm a little dreamy..
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You have probably seen my story on another one of my posts, but I'll add it here as is seems more appropriate.  I used to see an esthetician that claimed to have an intuition (she didn't call herself psychic).  She told me a bunch a stuff that kind of freaked me out b/c I had never told her anything to guide her that way.  But in regards to fertiity she told me that DH and I had planned a date to start TTC around something special in October-well DH and I made an agreement we would start trying on our 2 yr anniversary which was Oct  06(she told me this the early in 06).  She told me DH would have low sperm count.  She also told that the first "time" we tried would not work.  Always thought the word time instead of month was weird-don't anymore since we are doing IVF.  Anyway she said that the second time would work and we would have two boys due in May.  Well if this time works we would be due in May.  She also said that we would think we were done, but DH would want a third and a few years later we would have a girl.  Who knows, but if I end up pregnant this time around with twin boys I would have to say I believe.  I saw this lady for over a year (not for psychic readings, for endermology, so I wasn't paying her a dime to give me readings) and she always said the same thing 2 boys, and not the first time.  
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230972 tn?1224470126
Im a firm believer in the supernatural/tarot etc...i have had many readings etc and even do tarot myself and some things have come out to be astoundingly true! i could go on and on with examples but id be here all day :) some are rubbishy too but you can generally tell when they are making it up.
funny u mention about the twins though. ive been told so many times that ill be having twins by different phsycics aswell and its quite possible as we have so many multiple births in my family. my uncle has twins and triplets 15months apart conceived naturally so its quite possible!! and its the most beautiful sight too see i might add too, those 5 little babes all lines up! good luck with everything - keep me posted! good luck with the job hunt too. xx
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