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350946 tn?1287623615


Hello ladies who are expecting!  Can you please do me a favor that I think can benefit a lot of us.  Would you mind sharing your story about concieving??  Like what you were doing ie: Natural, clomid, IUI, triggers, IVF etc.. , and for how long etc... Just your story what ever it is.  Details of fertility tx help.  I have seen a lot of women asking questions to those of you who are pregnant and I thought one question area with all of your stories would be a good place for us women who are still trying can go to get inspiration and education. I  have read some responses posted that you are X wks preg. but I think it is helpful to know HOW you got there.  Since were all relatively in the same boat.  Please share your stories with us.  Thank you all and I wish you a wonderful pregnancy, delivery, and happy healthy babies.
14 Responses
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350946 tn?1287623615
Thank you so much for your stories.  It really does help to hear how others are able to concieve.  Well just an update for those who asked I am 34 and was ttc naturally (if it happens it happens) for 6 years. I saw a Dr. about it in our second year of marriage who told me we might have fertility problems but I sort of dismissed it and thought it will happen when the time is right and everyone says it happens when you dont stress over it, so we didnt.  We had a great relaxed time for the next couple years.   Then around 5 years in.... still no BFP...still no BABY!  I said wait a minute..... this isnt happening!!!  All Dh's cousins got married after us and now they are working on baby #2!!!  So I finally decided to take action! 1st thing we found out was that DH did have a problem.  IT WAS ALL BAD!!  Because he is so young (4.5yrs younger) they didnt understand it so sent him to the urologist who quickly found a vericocella.  He had surgery in Nov. 06 and re-tested in May 07'  Things were better but still not great.  So they started him on clomid (25mg for 25 day then off for 5 days) and he did 4 cycles of that.  Things are definitly better with him, count & motility but morphology is still at about 50% which is still better than before.  So now that we got him straight we started with treatments.   Well I am on CD 5 and starting my 4th cycle of clomid 50mg.  2 months ago I did a post O progesterone test which came out great so I am ovulating.... apparently.  On 4/18 I will do my second IUI and due to my pushing and persistance my Dr. (not an RE)will do an U/S to check things out and to see how the follies are doing.  I dont know what all the injectables are about.... I do know what a trigger shot is but not sure what medicine that is??  Does anyone know what ovadril and Gonal-f are for??  Should I be taking anything else?  Well I really hope this works.  I have never had a BFP and would love to get one!  I want to thank all of you ladies for your stories I really appreciate it.  By the way.....maybebaby29..... I ASKED THE QUESTION!!!! THAT IS WHY THESE WONDERFUL LADIES WHO ARE PREGNANT RESPONDED.  I AM ON THIS FORUM FOR INFERTILITY TOO BUT JUST NEEDED TO HEAR SOMETHING POSITIVE!  So thanks anyway!
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It's always good to hear success stories. It helped me when I started this journey. I was married in 2002 at the age of 26. My husband and I decided to try to have kids at the end of 2002. We had our daughter naturally in 2003, and when she was 2 decided to try again. But this time nothing was happening. I had a misscarriage at 7 weeks in 2005, and continued to try with no luck. I finally decided to go to a specialist and see what the problem was. Well after several tests we found out that the C-section I had with my daughter produced Scar tissue that completely blocked my tubes. I decided instead of surgery to try IVF. The first time didn't work, and the second time which was frozen didn't work. My doctor advised me to do another fresh cycle, and on the 3rd try it worked. I am now 12 weeks pregnant with Twins. And with twins the first question I always get is oh did you conceive naturally? And my answer to that is why does it make a difference? I wish all you trying out there healthy babies.
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431319 tn?1209751979
Hi...I've had two natural pregnancies...although I would just like to inform you that it took me a year the first time and almost 2 years the second time...I never took any fertility drugs as I didn't want to stress over it and I just went with the flow...But I know a lot of Doctors will tell you that something is wrong with you if you don't get prego within the first year....I wouldn't necessarily believe them as they say that it's real easy to get pregnant for the second time but it took me almost 2 years!!! Well Good luck!!!
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282955 tn?1394730951
it's nice to see what works for everyone who got pregnant.  Thanks for sharing ladies
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178590 tn?1294176767
Hi I'm Brandi I was on this board for over a year and I've had 2 MC's and lost one baby this time but here's my story

After my 2nd MC my Dr did a D&C and told me to TTC again but he also did some blood work and found out i had a Blood clotting disorder and told me once I got a BFp I needed to start taking baby asprin daily......but I started taking it right away and tried 2 months on my own and nothing so I asked if we could try clomid again since that's how I got my 2nd BFP  I also started taking metformin 750Mg after my first MC and prednison 5mg ...  but my Dr agreed and the first try with clomid 150 MG CD 3-9 I got my BFP at 11 DPO...I also took prometrium 200Mg vaginally and orally daily after I got prego we BD'd the day of the +OPK and 2 days after......found out at 7 weeks it was twins and 8 weeks triplets but we lost baby #3 at 9 weeks......but I'm currently 5 months with my B/G twins....Jacob and Mekaila
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I think posts like this are ok. If you're going through ART or IVF then I think we do want to know what worked for others. I learned that triggers seemed to work for some.

But I will honestly say that I'm really tired of seeing posts by people who should be on a pregnancy board or some other board. For example, if you're pregnant and don't know who the father is or if you don't know how conception happens, it's a little annoying to see these posts fly by and waste people's time. Sorry to be so blunt but if you're in our position, you get tired of answering conception 101 questions instead of valid ART, medication, experiences.
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432779 tn?1364494875
Here's my story. I am 32 my husband is 34. Married for 5 1/2 yrs we tried right away with 2 losses. I has some illness which resulted in me not ovulating at all. So in january 2007 we started fertility treatments with IUI using follistim and luveris.The result was that I over stimulated even on a low dose of 27 so After 5 failed cycles this year we tried IVF. We implanted 2 embryos and I am now 9 weeks 4 days with a singleton. Hope this helps. Please  feel free to ask if you need any more details.
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First I used clomid and had  2 failed IUI's within 2 years. Then tried natural for a year with no success. So from there had 6 IVF tx's within 4 years and I finally got preg on attempt #6. I'm 9 weeks now. Not sure where you are in your tx, but for me it was quite the roller coaster. I wish you the best of luck. On a happy note, of all my friends that have had IVF (4) all have gotten preg. 2- on the 1st attempt, 1- on the 4th, and 1- on the 6th. Oh and I was considered "unexplained infertility". Good luck!
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230972 tn?1224470126
hi - im happy to respond also. even though im 5.5mths pregnant i actually prefer to post on this forum still and help where i can!             :-)
my dh and i have been off contraception letting nature take its course since about 2003/4. ive always had a weight battle (and still do!) but in 2006 I had lap banding to help loose weight and to help me menstruate (as i only did maybe twice a year super duper heavy for 6weeks or so, yuk!). Although Im still overweight the band was somewhat succesful and I lost some weight and doctors started to listen to me. My periods still were the same.
We married in 2006 and decided I didnt want to wait forever to be skinny before we got fertility help (cause it might never happen). A gyno diagnosed me with having pcos and insulin resistance -my dh's sperm was great though! We started on herbal supplements and chiropractic treatment each week. After a few months I started to get a normal 6day period each month and i even ovulated a few times according to the opk's. My gyno put me on Metformin and started tracking my ovulation each month. In the mean time we did bbt and opk's and also used preseed each month if i was ovulating.
after all this time of ttc and doctors not helping us because i couldnt loose enough weight no matter what i did or how hard i tried but someone finally listened and something finally worked because i am now pregnant with a beautiful baby boy due in early august.
in the end we decided we were ready and it was our choice! it was not up to a doctor to tell us when i had lost enough weight.
its a long road but theres always a positive at the end of the tunnel some way if you look at it. we are lucky we didnt have anything as bad as some of the ladies on here but in some way i think we can all help each other. i hope so anyway...
in the end i think its the metformin and the chiropractic that helped it happen! plus you know what ... hehe! i also think having a break/ a month off at ttc helps too. we fell pregnant in our month off where i wasnt charting. so not thinking about it (or trying unbelievably hard not too) actually can help...
super duper sticky dust to you too!!!!! keep me posted and i hope the sun is shining on you this month and you get your bfp! all the best!
lorri xx
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I'll be glad to respond as well.  Here's my story, in brief: I'll be 40 in a few days, married 16 years, ttc 17 months.  We tried naturally for about 4 months before we were referred to a specialist. Had all of the routine tests (blood tests for hormone levels, HSG, semen analysis, etc.-all came out normal). Tried 2 months of Clomid, with no luck.  Moved on to IUI with Clomid, but had problems with that. For each month we tried, we had to take a month off for some reason (cysts, DH travel, whatever), and we decided we didn't have the time to waste, so we moved on to IVF.  Our first attempt was unsuccessful, but our second attempt gave us a BFP, which ended in miscarriage. We jumped right back in and the next cycle we got another BFP, and are now 10 weeks.
Does that help?
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254689 tn?1251180040
I'll be glad to respond though I don't think anyone wants to go the same route as dh and me.  I was unable to conceive naturally due to tubal problems so we went the ivf route trying the 1st time w/my eggs.  But due to lack of ovarian stimulation probably because of my age (43 at the time), the cycle was cancelled right before retrieval.

We then went to donor eggs as oppose to trying again.  I couldn't bear the heartache since I've had two m/c's before.  My fsh and other numbers were decent for my age but I just wanted a healthy baby and my re thought donor eggs were our best shot.  So we chose a donor, went through the ivf this time as a receipient which is much easier on the body, & came up pregnant the 1st time.  Now we're expecting a baby boy w/a c-section scheduled for the 22nd of this month.  As of right now, I'm 36w3d pregnant!

I wish everyone going through the ttc journey happy, healthy super sticky baby dust and hope to see you guys over at the pregnancy forums very soon!!!  Good luck to everyone and I'm praying for all of you guys.  It's been so nice to have been a member of both forums as everyone has been so supportive - thank you guys and I hope to return the favor ;-))))))) - jennifer
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350946 tn?1287623615
Yeah I had thought about that but I guess I wanted to hear stories mostly from women who have/had fertility issues but got pregnant. I know there are woman in that boat who frequent this forum so I was hoping we would get a few inspirational stories to read.  Well maybe you are right.  I guess i could go to that forum and post the same question and see if I get a better response.  Thanks for the advise!
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380530 tn?1239162538
You may have a better response posting this on the pregnancy forum.  You'll have a larger pool of women who are pregnant versus those trying to get pregnant.  I hope you get your bfp very soon.

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443102 tn?1222125946
I think you read mine....in my journal?  If not, it is in there!  I think I just read your comment but a lot of times I get people mixed up!  But I am like 95 % sure without looking that you did;...if not it is there!
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