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Need some advice Please Had High rish with Hiv person and still None stop night sweats

Hello..I think you all know my story about me being exposed to an HIV person ..I had all the symptoms of ars soaking night sweats and weight lose of 16 pounds in about a week or 2 rash on both my hands and on both side of my face..and white tongue since 2 weeks of expose and still  have it today..I got HSV-2 from this person that day and been trying to find out if these symptoms are from the HSV-2 infection but everyone is telling me no...my question is what is the chance I caught the herpes 2 from this person but not the HIV Virus..to this day which is 18 weeks later I still have night sweats on and off in a cool room have fever..and burning neck..when your neck is burning in the back is the from swollen nodes?..now I tested out to 15 1/2 weeks negative..but still have these symptoms..went back to my doctor 16 weeks latter to get more blood work then said do you want me to do another HIV test I said not..then she said to me well I think I might see something as she was looking at my chart now I have an appointment on the 9th..whets the chance that test is going to come back positive?.what is causing my symptoms is it the herpes 2 is it possible?..I did every test possible and doctors cant find anything..no cancer nothing..15 and a half weeks negative what the change it will turn positive..again I still have night seats burning neck and face and feet ,still a white tongue and thrush that wont clear up with medicating any advice?..is it possible my hiv test will turn Postive?..
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Hi I have been have night sweats for about 2 months now. Nothing really bad but enough to worry me. I started taking the birth control pill about 3 months ago. Could this be the problem? Should I be worried about HIV? I dont seem to have any of the other symptoms. I also have alot of anxiety. I have one partner that worries me a bit from the past, but no evidence of having HIV. I am worried. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello..Peter..well i went back again to the doctors for another blood work this was 16 1/2 weeks as i,m still feeling quite ill..anyways the hiv test came back negative..and all other stds as well were negative except herpes 2...i,m not sure if thats what is causing my white tongue but thats my guess....when i,m really stressed i seen white sputum fill up in the back of my throat that covers my tongue..anyways i hope its just the herpes..but now i also have burning neck at night its so bad i have to put an ice pack on it..i,m thinking maybe i may have an upper respitory infection..or i have herpes in the month as well..i still have the pins and needles in hands and feet..and a sore foot and swollen ankle i also have sores now on my eyelids,i,m hoping that is all part of a viral infection..all i know is i was really scared at first and maybe caused server damage to my immune systems as well..i know this is not the right place to post but if you have any advice sunnygirl and or sarah would be mush appricaited.. as i,m still have server symptoms..but monday i am going to the hostpital for another check up...all i know is my neck is always burning and swollen on and face is bruning as well..
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I had protected sex and hand job afterward with sex worker(my first time).  I was shocked and paranoid two weeks later when I saw some flaks under my uncircumsize.  So paranoid that I had a loose stool at that moment I saw the flake and could not sleep for two weeks except 2 to 3 hours each night.  Ever since then, I begin to have white tongue, cough now and then, and all the symptoms you have.  I tested negative 4th, 6th, 8th weeks.  Also negative PCR at 8th weeks with the rest of std diseases tests.  The only positive was HSV1(which is common).  Till these day, my white tongue and sore throat were alway present.  I will test again in a week and  1/2 to make it 13th week.  I believe I was negative after reading so many positive comments in here.  Thanks to Teak and Mike for posivitive out look.  I believe you are fine.  Since were not young anymore, it will take months to recover for what we did to our immune systems.  By chance you found anything, could you email me too at yohee_1007***@****.  I'm sick of going to the DR. too.  I have been there too many times and start to have doubt what do they know or they just don't care.  Thank you.
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Sunnygirl is absolutely correct. You have had a conclusively negative HIV test, so whatever is bothering you, it isn't HIV.

Sunnygirl: glad to see you are doing OK.
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But it was negative when i got my results the week before.. i just rescheduled for more blood work as i was still not feeling well and wanted to check for other std,s..this was the week latter when she looked at my charts and said that she may have seen something..they were the same results as the week before..i know when i went to the regular hospital a month before they said i has a fatty liver..whatever that means..would that have something to do with the virus..also i think i tested out to 16 weeks wouldnt that be conclusive?..can all this be from the primary herpes infection i got from this person and also is hiv carried in the herpes virus was i coinfected which might be slowing me producing antibodies?.?..this is for sure this person was HIV..alos for the last 5 days i had night sweats..and my face is burning and back of my neck i mean real hot were i,m almost sweating..i,m freaking..its been 18 weeks i think now and i still havent felt any better than that day..i also still hav ethe white tongue and i have white foam coming up from my throat when i get excited..it happens alot..is a burning skin meaning my lipnodes are swollen i cant feel them..do you think i,m going to turn out postive?..
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Your doctor may have noticed an elevation in white blood cells or an abnormal liver function panel. Could be many many things. Your HIV test would of either read positive or negative. Which if it read positive I would imagine she would order another blood test then and there to establish your viral loads and CD4 count.  
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186166 tn?1385259382
now that's what i'm talkin' bout...lol

so good to hear the "positive outlook" in your post...YIPPEE
i'll try and catch you tonight on IM

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i'm loving this new positive outlook i've got going on!  really, my last weekend was extremely difficult and i've decided that i just cannot live like that.  i woke up monday morning with a new attitude.  it's probably the best thing i've done thus far!  now, i do realize that there will be good days and bad...and i'm prepared for that.

i must have missed you tonight...it's late here, already 10:15pm.  i'm off to bed.

try you tomorrow!  sarah
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186166 tn?1385259382
i have had ulcers in my mouth for 2 years now...none stop...not one day without at least 5-7 ulcers.   one of the symptoms of HIV "can" be ulcers in the mouth...but guess what...i don't have HIV.   it is actually coming from my stomach problems.   my tongue...if i really look hard...seems to have a white coating on it...i don't have HIV...i smoke.  i am extremely fatigued...i don't have HIV...i am on the go all the time and i am getting older...i have night sweats...i don't have HIV...menopause.

do you understand what i am trying to say?   i "could" take all my so called symptoms and bundle them together and convince myself that i have HIV...but i don't have it.

you were tested out to what most believe is conclusive.   your doctor thinks he/she saw something in your blood work...that is good...then you can know early if something "else" is wrong...probably nothing of big importance.   you are going back in for another appt. soon and will find out what he may have found.

i don't think anything we can tell you here will convince you that you do not have HIV...since you have been told that AND you keep asking.   please go to your doctor and try not to let your anxiety get the best of you.  

my son and his g/f have been together for 9 months.   he just found out a little over a month ago that he is HIV +...his g/f is not.   HIV is not easy to get.


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hi there...

take a deep breath.  i'm serious...do it.  i understand your worry, completely.  but you need to calm down - you are going to be ok.  you don't have hiv...you are indeed negative.  13 weeks is conclusive and you tested beyond that timeframe.  if you are still in fear i would suggest going to get another test...maybe a rapid test, just to ease your mind.

i am hiv positive.  it was news i certainly didn't want to hear and have not yet been able to say those words to anyone...but it's true.  and i am ok.  you are going to be ok.  yeah, it's scary - but i am not going to let this disease control my life, i will control it.  but you my friend...you are letting this disease control yours - and you don't have it...so, take that deep breath and try to relax a little.  you are ok.

as for your symptoms...they could be due to anxiety - it is completely possible.  and if you feel like you are not getting the answers you deserve from your doctor, i would suggest finding a new one...someone who is willing to discuss your health openly with you.  afterall it is YOUR health.  you are in control of that.

you've come to the right place for support...sarah
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She is getting to the bottom of it..she took another test my appointment is in a week..I cannot call it is a big clinic.. they specialize in infectious diseases there like 10 doctors there and they wont tell me on the phone and it took me 3 months just to get an appointment..when she was looking at the chart she wsnt sure she said it like..i think i see something in your blood whatever that means ..i,m not sure what there results look like so i have no idea what she might have seen..i thought it was just a - or+ sign ..but i guess not..anyways all i can say is i hope i,m not one of those one in a million..but i have been sick now with no end and no letting up for 16 plus weeks constant fevers burning in neck..does that mean swollen nodes?.  and just a feeling of not well,i have had rases that i have never had server dry skin which i normally have oily skin.white tongue and it look s like it miught m be OL as well
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I couldn'timagine your doctor glancing at the chart and stating "she thinks she see something" and not getting to the bottom of it right then and there if it was HIV.  I doubt if she would reschedule you that far away if it was positive for HIV.  Why not just call her or her nurse and find out what she is thinking.
Let her know that your anxiety is getting the best of you.
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Popular Resources
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.
Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats?
Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging?
Frequency of HIV testing depends on your risk.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may help prevent HIV infection.