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Heart Palpitations

I started experiencing heart palpitations about 4 months ago.  When they first started I had an EKG done and was told everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about.  But of course I still worry.  I am 29 and recently started taking Lipitor for borderline high cholesterol but other than that I am in good shape.

What scares me is that I am a runner and have completed numerous half marathons and am now training for a marathon.  The palpitations have not occurred while I am running.  But I have noticed that on days where I have participated in races or on harder training days sometimes the palpitations are worse that night.  I was told not to be concerned about any of this.  But I just want to see if there is anyone out there that has ever experienced this and should I be concerned even though I have been told not to worry about it?
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I have been having PVC's for the past 2 months and they started when I started working out. I do hard workouts, cardio for 50 minutes. My Dr said they have nothing to do with exercise. An ECG and echocardiogram came back normal and the halter moniter showed them. I asked my Dr about bloodwork and he said it wasn't necessary but I have been reading online and found conflicting information. The following labs should be done: magnesium, potassium, calcium, thyroid, and iron. I am going to ask my Dr to order these. I also don't have them when I work out but they are worse at night on the days when I work out. I think you should probably have the bloodwork done if for nothing else to ease your mind. The halter moniter is a good idea too since it moniters your heart for 24 hours. An ECG might not show them since it moniters your heart for only a few seconds.
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I have premature atrial contractions. Some days are worse than others.  I have had an EKG, Stress ECHO, and 24 hr Holter Monitor.  Everything came back normal.  My cardiologist said that the premature atrial contractions were benign and not to worry.  There's medication to alleviate the symptoms but right now I am choosing not to take it. I too, do not have them when I exercise.  I walk every evening and I also ride my eliptical and never experience them during this time.  They are very very annoying sometimes.  Mine bother me when I am inactive.  Like sitting down to watch TV, play on the computer, etc.  When I lay down at night to go to bed, I have them but then they stop after about 10 minutes and then I am able to sleep!  Thank goodness for that.  
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My aunt was on Lipitor and started to have palpitations also.  I think that may be listed as one of the side effect.
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