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Did i have a heart attack?

A week ago I was walking when all of a sudden my heart rate sky rocketed.  It felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.  I imedaitly got dissy and could hardly stand.  The lasted for about 10 mins.  A few days later I noticed in my toes there appears to be splinters.  I have been told they are blood clots, but to the normal eye, they look like black splinters.  Ever since then, I have not been the same.  It feels like there is inflammation in my chest, my left are tingles almost al the time (in fact it is right now as I am typing this) sometimes it does to my left leg.  Other times it feels like my jaw is melting off my face.  At times it also sounds like thunder or rumbling in my ears.  Also, if feels like my heart beat is irregular, like it is skipping/ stopping.  Since then, I have been consistently had diarrhea.  I have asked for my father to take to the doctor or hospital but, he keeps blowing it off.  Telling me, "It is just anxiety, and I'm out of shape"  However, my quality of daily living is suffering.  I always have some form of chest pain, and this is really becoming troublesome.  I now live in fear because I feel at any time I can feel my last bit of pain.
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Also here are some of m vitals when my physician say me:
Height 5'7
weight 147
Right arm blood pressure: 120/80
Left arm blood pressure: 122/84
Pulse: 88
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My normal physician saw me and refereed me to a cardiologist.  Due to my insurance company, I can only take my blood test at a certain third party.  So I must wait until next friday for my appointment.  However, in the mean time, I did purchase gaviscon in extra strength liquid form.  This has taken away most of the inflammation and and tightens in my chest.  However, I have been very lightheaded lately.  Feels like someone is squeezing my head.
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976897 tn?1379167602
Did they run a blood test to see if your white cell count is elevated? indicating infection? Did a gastric specialist see you?
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Update: I took an EKG today and it has shown that I have left axis deviation.  I made an appointment with a cardiologist and will get a stress test and ultrasound of the heart.  However, my symptoms of today mainly consisted of being lighted head and my esophagus felt inflamed.  My stomach as turning and I threw up in my mouth.  From there I could taste blood in my mouth.  My saliva consistently was a bit cloudy
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Update: I took an EKG today and it has shown that I have left axis deviation.  I made an appointment with a cardiologist and will get a stress test and ultrasound of the heart.  However, my symptoms of today mainly consisted of being lighted head and my esophagus felt inflamed.  My stomach as turning and I threw up in my mouth.  From there I could taste blood in my mouth.  My saliva consistently was a bit cloudy.  
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976897 tn?1379167602
Just to say, I am 52 now and I had never experienced that before, but I will recognise the symptoms if there is a next time. I can obviously sleep flat again and have no problems. I think it must have begun with a stomach infection of some kind.
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976897 tn?1379167602
I had a troponin blood test which revealed there was no heart attack. I was then seen by a gastroenterologist who diagnosed me from my symptoms. I took  gaviscon for the first two weeks and I have to say it worked great. I took a couple of teaspoons each time I felt the symptoms start. After the second week, I was fed up with the taste, and the Doctor prescribed a weeks worth of Omeprazole. This seemed to slow the progress of recovery, but I was glad to be rid of the taste.
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Wow you just described what exactly what I am feeling to a point.  What  medication did you take to relieve your pain? Do you have the brand name or generic name and the mg per dose and frequency of dosage?  Also, how did the doctor come to the conclusion of the disgnosis. Did he have to take any special tests?
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976897 tn?1379167602
It was a pain down the middle of my chest, but not in my throat. It was a continual pain, not a throbbing pain. It could happen at any time. My heart would feel like it stopped, then give a sudden thump and be back to normal. I would feel cold sensations down my arms and legs, like a kind of shiver going through me. Changing my breathing rate had no effect, neither did taking shorter breaths. My stomach would make some strange squealing sounds, and then the pain would start to go. Sometimes I would give a couple of belches which also helped. After having this for a couple of weeks, waking up in the morning was the worst time. If I emptied my bowels in the morning, it seemed to relieve it quicker for some reason. I found certain foods caused it to be more painful, especially tomatoes for some reason.
After taking the acid medication it was a slow recovery. I had to sleep more upright which helped with the morning pains. My chest became very sensitive at times, just gently pressing the middle of my chest hurt and I mean no real pressure at all. I was getting the pains several times a day to start, but when I started the meds this reduces to around 3 times a day, then 1, then it disappeared. I remember all the symptoms I had with a heart attack and this felt so similar, even my lower jaw would really ache like I'd been chewing gum for 48 hours none stop. The ONLY difference was the fact that exertion made no difference to the pain. With heart attack, if I walked a short distance I was screaming out with the extra pain. With this I could walk up and down stairs and it didn't make it change.
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please go into more detail, about anything you can give me!  I really hope it is not my heart.
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976897 tn?1379167602
Your symptoms match exactly what I had a while ago, an inflamed food pipe caused by too much acid from the stomach leaking back. This presses on many nerves causing all kinds of symptoms. I thought I was having another heart attack because the symptoms felt the same and I was relieved when told what it was. I was given some medication to lower the level of stomach acid and three weeks later I was fine again. If left it can damage the valve at the top of the stomach, so I would recommend a chat with your Doctor. If for some reason a Doctor is out of the question (Don't know the circumstances), try sleeping more upright at night, use more pillows. Laying flat will let the acid seep out.
If you can get to the Doctor, then I'm sure it will be something simple.
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I am 18 years old, and weigh 148 lbs.  I have had an ECG test about 10 years ago, am was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat.  I am not in perfect shape, but in no way out of shape.  My temperature is normal and I do not have any nausea.  However, my stomach is turning and making noises I have never heard or felt before.  It also, feels like I have a bit of acid reflex.  The chest area around my heart is noticeably warm.  Also, it is sensitive to touch.  Almost giving me discomfort.  I am having this sensation that I am being pinched all over my body.  As soon as the pinching sensation begins, you can physically seen my veins dilate all over my arms.  What really scares me, is it feels like I am getting constricted blood flow.  I can feel arties/ veins rumbling, as if you pinched a water hose and the water shutter pass the blockage for a second until you opened up the flow of water again.  Hence the pinching feeling and then my viens dilating.  Please help.
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You do not mention your age.  Are you old enough to drive?  Are you insured?

Personally, I think your symptoms warrant a trip to the emergency room to have at least a basic check of your heart and some parts your nervous system.
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Go see a physician,

Although hopefully the symptoms are benign, you need to rule out serious things given the things you have mentioned such as infection in the heart or other,

Would probably start with an echocardiogram,
Keep a track of your heart rate when it rockets, and for how long it does it,
Keep a diary to see if the symptoms are related to each other and how, i.e is the pain related to the palpitations? how to the neurologic symptoms tie in.. etc...

That way you can presents things in an organized fashion and hopefully a physician would be more likely to address your complaints appropriately,

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976897 tn?1379167602
do you have a higher temperature than normal and waves of nausea?
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