5851092 tn?1404133464

ECHO Test - Could I have Opinions


I have been having issues the pre syncope events, being letharic since around this time last year (2013)noctunal trouble breathing when laying on side. I went to numerous specialists and had nothing come away with definative diagnosis other than a few scares which led to other unremarkable testing ( .90 D-DIMER, CK 790, low copper)

Each specialist I visited in the end said they thought what I was dealing with was a cardio issue. I went to a cardiologist which did a tilt, echo, and stress echo, blood work, event monitor in which he stated which were all fine other than frequent sinus bradycardia periods (50's-60 - day and 30's -50 - at sleep). He however said this was fine since my heart responded well on the stress test with a reach of 94% of predicted max heart rate, Bruce protocol stage 5, 13.02 minutes, with a 13.4 METS. However after the stress I was very fuzzy headed and felt light headed. He noted this wasn't heart related and the reason for my bradychardia was from a long term conditioned heart.

I recently aquired all my testing I had done there, even the imaging disc and all the stats, numbers, interpretations etc so I can have them if I decide to seek a second opinion.

Fast forward to Feb. of this month after months after being convinced I must be a hyperchondriac I started having night night palpitations that would not let me sleep. I asked for anxiety medicine to see if this would help. It did help me sleep but the palps continued. On top of that my exercise tolerance was decreasing ( i noticed my short 1-2 mile runs were getting harder and slower with a higher heart rate with what was later diagnosed as PACS and PVCS. The PACS/PVCS have almost been constantly daily since March to this day which I was told theres nothing to do unless I want to try anti arrythmic which I did which was Norpace. This didnt do to well with me and it cautioned me when he constantly wanted me to come in to get a ecg cause he said it can cause long QT. He didn't want me on beta blockers because he though this would cause my already low HR to drop pretty low but did let me try a calcium channel blocker called diatezem (sorry probably didnt spell that right). That in face was dropping my HR at night time to the low 40's and high 30's even though I did not feel any effects from the low heart rate.

I also went to Mayo(Florida) back in oct. 2013 and had a physical workup but opted out of the cardio due to being trreated by my cardio locally. They did do a autonomic test which revealed I had a low heart rate variability from deep breathing for my age. The significance they gave was a 1 on a scale 1-10

Now I have times where burst type exercise like jumping, quick movement, basically sports like exercise and such made me very dazed feeling and sometimes seeing starts even though I would not be out of breath.

My cardios words are to "just push through it" but thats been the same words since last year and I have tried that and nothing to avail.

I forced referrment to a psycharitrists to see if it were a mental issue and went through treatment of take a SSRi and increasing my dosage of anxiety meds benzo which I could tolerate very long but saw no help with in the couple months of taking

I noticed on my echo though that I had some out of range numbers which I didnt know for sure what they meant but they are not mentioned under "impressions". I could Google each value set but you know what all that leads to so I would like the opinions and advice of others here on what their take is.

Like to mention I am 31, fairly large guy 6'6", 220, dont smoke, drink moderately, caffeine intake low to none.
Family history with mom, grandmother and her mom with A-Fib but developed later in there lives 50-60+. My moms dad however died a SCD but from what I was told, they found a hole in his heart that was never detected. My grandmothers brother died of HA from CAD. My dads side has history of diabetes except for my dad but my blood glucose has always checked out normal.

I have attached my ECHO from last July.

Thank you in advance

PS I noticed it only lets me add 1 image at a time so I will add the second half of the echo on the next posts

3 Responses
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5851092 tn?1404133464
Heres the second half of the image that has the ECHO dimensions. Sorry wouldt let me upload here

Helpful - 0
5851092 tn?1404133464
Heres a better link for the Echo part 2

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5851092 tn?1404133464
Helpful - 0

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