390388 tn?1279636213

Heart Rate changes

What would cause your heart rate to be high one week and low the next.  
Example:  One week it will run around: ~130/85  HR 96-101  then the next week it will run: ~103/65 HR 53-59?  
The heart palps seem like they are happening now when my BP is down, chest pains, a burning/throbbing in my throat, lightheaded, blurred vision at times, etc.  

The numbers would not bother me but, the symptoms do. ????

I take a number of drugs, the main ones are: Lopressor, Diazide/Maxide, Lipitor, and Levothyroxine.
My BP usually runs ~115/73 HR 75.  (Due to Lopressor, Diazide/Maxide - keeps it low.)

I go back next month for more thyroid blood work and will talk to her about it then.  My story's a bit long, but, I guess I have just been a bit concerned because of old issues.  I drink a lot of water when I'm outdoors, and rest when I get too lightheaded.  Just starting to get a little frustrated again I guess so I thought I would ask.  

Thanks in advance
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390388 tn?1279636213
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390388 tn?1279636213
P.S.   Could the skin being marbled red/blue whether hot or cold have anything to do with the heart and or HR?
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390388 tn?1279636213
Hi and thank you both first of all for your input.

My blood pressure and HR are were usually always around the 115/73 HR 75 area since I started on my BP pills.  I thought about the pills (like nokaoi said) but, I have been taking the same pills for years.  

My sugar, iron, calcium and thyroid have been low.  I get retested next month.  So I did start taking iron, calcium and LevoT last month as told.  
NONE of my symptoms seem to match up with anything.  It's driving me nuts!  

Example:  Today I am freezing, my face is warm, BP is on the rise, the rest of my body feels ice cold and is splotched (is that a word) red.  Not to mention, lightheaded and these stupid palps that annoy me.  

My Stress and Echocardiogram 2 months ago were good.  The only thing I questioned there was the fact that my EF 2 years ago was 72% with a FS of 40% and this year my EF was 53% with a FS of 27%.  My E/A ratio was low and my A wave was greater than my E-wave.  My intracardiac dimensions are smaller than 2 years ago; but, I'm guessing that is a good thing.

I felt pretty good for a while.  Now here I go again.  This is just about the same way it started before.  Just reaching here for anything.  Tired of feeling tired again.

Thank you.  P.S.  Fluffy;  I think I would ask about your pulse pressure.  It seems way to high.  It should be around 40 and yours is in the 60's.  I could be wrong but, if I were you I would ask about that.

Take Care:  Amy
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182884 tn?1259312906
Hi, how are you? Some of the symptoms you have described are similiar to myne, at times. I allso have flunctuating blood pressure. My heartrate is usually low, or Bradycardia, heart rate is in 40s,but if I am in pain, my blood pressure and heart rate go up, wildly erratic sometimes. My blood pressure in one day stayed up in the range of 148/94-166/111 with heart rate of 70's-93. But when I am not having pain symptoms, it is in the 134/68 range and a couple of days ago it was 89/54, and my heartrate was 44 while sitting. ( I have a brand new Omron blood pressure monitor the type with the cuff for your arm, self inflating that also detects morning hypertension and irregular heartbeat.

I do not take Lopressor but I do take Thyroid medicine. I never heard that low blood pressure can cause chest pain so that is interesting. The lowest my blood pressure has ever been was 54/29 and I was in the ER, but extremely sick and had Tachacardia with a heartrate of 140 at one point. ( I made sure to get my medical records and my EKG printouts as well. I know that the blood pressure can flunctuate wildly even in one day and there are lots of causes for this, but only a dr. can probably tell you exactly what is going on and what is normal for YOU, may not be normal for someone else, vice-versa.

          Keep that thyroid dr. appt, as I know the thyroid is so important to regulating the other bodily functions, that when it is off kilter, everything else can go haywire as well. Make sure you take a complete list of all the meds you take when you go to that appt as well as any HERBAL OR VITAMIN SUPPLIMENTS.  Take care and let us know how you are doing.                                              Fluffypurrcat
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Are you male or female?  the symptoms you describe could be caused by Lopressor or Lipitor.  Read the full side effects of both of those drugs and see if you should take them together.   The throbbing in your throat is a symptom of heart blockage in the right side.  You need to go to the nearest heart hospital emergency room and let them do all the usual stuff on you ASAP.  EKG, stress test, etc....low blood pressure can cause chest pain ...good luck
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