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Palps/Bending over

Does anyone know why bending over at the waist brings on PACs or PVCs?  Seems like almost every time I bend over to pick up something off the floor I get a burst of PACs when I stand up.  It is freaking me out.  Also happens if I sit or lay down too quickly.  Please help.
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I have also an evidence to support my theory, press your both hand hard and hold on your stomach the top side of it right under the heart where your chest bone starts and hold it, try, sit fast, bend over, turn left, take deep breath you will notice that it does not happen. I have done this test while holding my hand and press on my stomach really hard it never happened and done the test not pressing, it happened while not pressing. I have confirmed this test at least 30 times on different days and this is why I am so sure about my theory. Your stomach maybe normal to you but this is what you think, it is not in subconscious.
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I have the same problem. When bend or move to left while bending 1 or 2 PVC happens but I'm really about to save everyone from this issue. I have been having this problem for 2 years maybe more but this year they are more powerful beats. I went to the cardiologist and he said dont worry you will not die and wanted to make that 24 hour holter thing. I said no, because everything is normal with my heart he said, so detecting pvc in holter is no needed for me really as I know there are pvcs happening.

I read tons of forums and articles about this problem and I realized everybodies common is when they sit fast, deep breath, bend over, it happens or when you turn left while you sleep and looks like it happened a lot to people who was pregnant.

My theory is, from our common points, I suspect this is all about stomach makes pressure on heart. There were some articles I have read that a part of stomach goes up where it is not belongs to, now that causes a serious pressure on the heart. This is called Hiatal Hernia. And that pressure affects the vagus nerve which causes to irregular heart beats. I'm %100 sure after reading tons of article and forum threads this is the reason and many doc does not focus on this. When you bend over, sit fast, turn left while sleep, deep breath your stomach goes up and boom thats the reason. Especially it happens badly when you 'deep breath and bend over or go up to take something because on that moment you take a powerful breath naturally and you keep your breath for a sec while you take something from up or bending over to take something. Try it now you will understand and stomach goes up, the air goes down and makes pressure on heart, thats the reason I'm really sure. When you sit fast, your stomach again makes pressure to up.

Docs cannot diagnose Hiatal Hernia if you dont have severe permenant Hiatal Hernia. The thing is part of your stomach goes up where it doesnt belong to and goes back where it should be on that moment pvc happens. I think this is why people never able to find the reason of PVC's, because when you go to doc, your stomach is in normal position.

Why your stomach goes up where it shouldnt:
- Too much gas
- You are tighten your self too much because of an anxiety and stress

This list can go like that but what we need to do is, we need to find to fix this problem, so that we can get rid of this pvc issue.

How I know all this, my stomach is always hard and stiff, I cant get gas out many times. Doctors should focus on this instead of blaming this issue to normal, you wont die words.

I'm trying some herbs and breath techniques etc.. I will find the solution and will give it to all world, we will all get rid of this believe me. I should be a doc, I'm in wrong side. :)
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Thank you Shaqun. Very good theory.  I get palps when I bend over for too long, and have suspected that I also have a hiatal hernia, so your theory makes perfect sense for me!!
I have been having the same issue lately. I have been diagnosed with MVP, no regurgitation and I use to have PVCs now and then. I also have panicked attacks/anxiety disorder. Recently I noticed when I bend down or climb the stairs and also, when I sing and hold a high note, I start getting PVCs and they are scary. What you are saying makes so much sense. I also start feeling unwell when I eat and feel too full.
I concur with you. Sometimes I will have a weird stomach pain under my left peck just to the left of my heart. Before the pvcs, I started having heart burn, bloating and the sensation of a knot in the left side of my throat. I have been put on meds for the heart burn and I notice that when I have the bloating and the knot sensation in my throat pvcs are pretty bad. I do take Beta blockers and when my pvcs don’t occur so much my heart rate is 45-55 bpm. When they are more active my heart rate is 58-70 bpm and I can really feel my heart beat. Also, when I’m watching my portions while eating and I don’t over eat my bpm is on the lower end and my pvcs are one existent.
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I've had PVC's since I was 27.  I'm now 59.  I can go long stretches without any and then suddenly they can continue for 30 minutes and suddenly stop.  I've had them as long as 8 hours.  I know, very scary but they could never find anything wrong with my heart.  Just enjoy your life and your kids.  You can't let this rule your life or you won't have one.  
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I find that taking extra magnesium ( i take 400 mg daily )  helps regulate my rhythm.  Also when I exercise, the rhythm stabilizes to sustain hr during exertion.  HR typically goes low during exercise.  
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I get the exact same if I am bending over or sitting crouched over even kneeling etc. Had my heart checked, stress test etc and everything was fine.
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I have these exact same symptoms , have you been to the doctor and has anyone told you what they are or what can be done about them? anyone has anyone had a solution to this problem?
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Very interesting Shaqun..I have had palpitations all my life but lately when i bend down or when i shower I get 2 ,normal beats and then one extra one for like 8 Secs which feels like forever but I'm thinking it's stomach related too because I have stressed which makes me stomach bloated..I too will try herbal teas and will get back to see if it works..thanks you for the well explained post and hope to see you back soon!
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I know exactly what you re going thru. I too have a lot of irregular heart beats..It is maddening and very depressing to say the least. I have aged 5 years in the past few months and some day s I cry a lot. Unless you have been thru it, you can not imagine the anxiety it causes. My doctor put me on Metoprolol Tartrate 25mg twice daily but because my heart rate and b/p are low I am afraid to take as directed. I am waiting til I get the events monitor off and see it the doctor wants to do a cardiac ablation. I feel my life will never be the same again..I pray and will wait for the outcome.
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168141 tn?1342758997
I have PVC's and PAC's and they actually hurt. Feels like a muscle spasm. I get them a lot when sitting a certain way or bending at the waist. There has to be a physical reason why this aggravates the heart's electrical system.

Finally caught these arrhythmias on a 48 hour holter and found 83 PAC's, 14 PVC's and several episodes of PSVT.

Sometimes I wake up in full 150bpm tachycardia and sometimes I feel a flutter that lasts for maybe 10 to 15 seconds and during that time, I have no pulse. That last "no pulse" thing and the tachycardia wasn't recorded on the holter. So I am worried that my cardiologist might not think all of these different abnormal rhythms are serious when they might be.

Sometimes I feel them and they aren't too bad but other times I feel like I could die. The heartbeat feels like shoes in a dryer sometimes and scares the begeezes out of me.

On top of everything I suspect that sometimes these sensations in my chest may not be a palpitation, but may be gastric related or an esophogeal spasm... or even an intercostal muscle spasm. BUT I can't determine or record what is happening because I can't find an ECG monitor to record my own heart waveforms.

Does anyone know of a good 24 hour ambulatory ECG that I could buy for personal monitoring? I have had these weird episodes for 2.5 years and if I could actually see the waveform I would be much less anxious. And I could know more about my body.
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I have been feeling all these exact same symptoms and they are really scary have you gotten any further information on what yours might be?? I would love to hear more. It is so strange when I bend over or squat down I can feel this weird sensation in my chest and heart and I just don't know what this could be:(( it is really so scary
Have you had a sleep study done? The fact you wake up with SVT tells me you may have sleep apnea (obstructive or central). If you stop breathing while sleeping, your heart rate slows at first, then gets very fast. If you haven't had a sleep study done, get one. Otherwise, I know people who have lived decades without a pacemaker and get 5,000-10,000 PVCs a day. You're fine. I too have intermittent PVCs, and have for many years. The only thing I can say, is for anyone with PVCs to look into CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) from a licensed counselor (not a psychiatrist or shrink, although they know how to do it as well). It took me going through that therapy to know that every PVC I've had I didn't die, and I am fine. Although they are scary when they happen, you've been here before and you will be here after.
2118109 tn?1334705546
Hi  I wanted to add that I just had a 24 hr halter & It showed that I am having PVC's 14% of the time .. all day & all night.  I go to a cardiologist next Monday to see what that means .. but I heard it was btwn Mild & Moderate PVC's ..  I am also really concerned as to what that many might imply about my heart's health. ... Any comments are welcome
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Wow many are in the same boat as me. It comes on when I bend to pick something up, sit too quickly etc. I trace mine back to ever since I became a vegan. Lack of Iodine can cause low thyroid. So Hyperthyroid. Which can then cause fibroids. Also excess estrogen. So it happens to a lot of women who have a hormonal imbalance. Conventional Doctors just say its normal or just say hormone but you never get the reason as to how the hormones play a part. Please get your Thyroid checked. I am not talking from a conventional doctor. Visit a naturopath. Have a total hormone test done. Other things like low iron and poor circulation are causes. So check those things out. I just started coffee enemas which clear the liver of excess estrogen which in turn should shrink fibroids. Been doing this for 2 months now. The PVCs are not gone but lets just say they decreased slightly. They come more right before my cycle so that just tells you it  has some connection to hormones. I also take wheatgrass daily. I also take Norwegion kelp as  my form of Iodine for a low thyroid.
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Hello! I felt the same feeling about my heart and the amount of palpataions...I have outburst of Pac's (diagnosed by cardiologist) randomly but notice every 6 months or so, I get flareups for 4 to 6 days straight every 3 to 20 seconds apart! I can't sleep when this happens but I tell myself I'm still alive and I have had this for 3 years now (about).  now hen I lean forward to pick up after kids or work, my heart started fluttering.... I also started to have really fast heart rate around 1 am that wake me up afterI either drink wine or tequilla.  I am 36 and never had this problem...especially the fast beats. And it's not the drinks that did this to me, it is the weird heart reactions I am living with now.
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2121526 tn?1334934682
I have the same problem. Sometimes at night I can't lay down flat, it take several hours. I feel a jolt go through my heart and lots of skips, almost like it stops sometimes when I am trying to ease down to lay. When I sit back up it is better. The skipping is sometimes worse when I am really tierd. Most of the time when I try and pick something up off the floor it also happens. I have had this off and on for about 2 years. My heart always checks out fine. I am learning to live with it. I had a cardioligist tell me he had never heard of this at all ever. I am glad to hear I am not the only one that has this problem.
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1253442 tn?1269199616
Hi and I have the same problem . I noticed yesterday I got a bunch in a row again. Have had them in a while that many in a row. I started getting them when I hot 40 years old and I am now 41. I get them so bad I cry and beg god to help me. I get very embarrassed as someone else said . My son seems to be the only one that sits through them with me til they calm down. But I have noticed I get them more when storms come. Like my body is letting me know in advance to be prepared cause I am terrified of lightening. lol But I wanted to come in and give everyone something that I have found that does work. I have only been able to try doing this in my bath water so far with Epsom salts. I have the site if you would like to see for yourself. But they say that Magnesium is the best thing to relieve the palps. So far it does work for me. But like I said I have only tried it in my bath water with the Epsom Salt. There is magnesium in Epsom Salt. When I get paid soon I will be buying the mineral. So I do hope this helps for you. But please remember to ask your doctor before trying anything. Also let me know if you would like the site ,the man talking is a doctor and  made the site for us all to be able to go to and understand more on why our body does this and other things as well. I have been told by my doctors (Cardiologist)  that i have no less than 200 palps a day. I am able to deal with them cause I know I won't die but it is still scary. But as I said I know I wont die so they don't get to me like they use to. I am will to try this and see if it helps and so far my tries have not been in for nothing. But don't just go and use Magnesium Oxide cause it doesn't break down as well as the others.  
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Hi again,
I'm sorry, I only just rtealised I posted the above post on the wrong 'thread', didn't mean to hijack it, got a lot to learn about posting !! Thanks. : )
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have been very interested reading posts. I'm getting long runs ventricular ectopics, thousands most days, some days bit less. Uncomfortable, puzzling, etc. Many of these I feel in chest / just generally through limbs etc and at times if pounding you can see them in my neck, even the 'skips'. Getting used to idea that they are 'benign' and never did fear they'd kill me.

Had stress test which showed pre excitation was told had a conduction problem, possibly wpw or concealed wpw and put off work.
I've had episodes of that all my life but docs never listened, I was anaemic since teens (now 48) and they always just tried to treat that, and I never thought it was anything to do with my heart.
I've alternately wondered about hypos/thyroid etc cos I always knew something was wrong, I couldn't tolerate excercise whatsoever, heart would start racing and thump and flutter, I'd feel fatigued and nauseous and faint. I'd stop and after few minutes would be ok. Lost count of all the times over the years. But that's what showed on ecg as I was recovering and that apparently is the pre excitation.

Now, having learned a bit, it looks to me that these are two separate problems.

1. Ventricular ectopics / bigeminy, and the successive runs which record on ecg as ventricular tachycardia  
2. Pre excitation, possible wpw or concealed wpw - the episodes I get when there's tachycardia and very fast flutter.

Seems to me  that 1 is 'ok', and 2 is not and (as docs said) may need ablation.

Or are they actually linked ?

Anyone enlighten me please ?
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I was very excited to see this forum with the bending over/palps. My whole life I would have tachycardia not knowing what it was, and every single time it happened was when I bent over to pick something up.  I would have episodes that would last over an hour.  I used to joke around to my friends at school and tell them I was having a miniature heart attack, never knowing that all along I had WPW.  I started to think I could control these attacks by exhaling when I bent down to pick something up. I remember telling my doctor that every time I bent down I got these attacks, but he didn't connect the two at all.  I ended up getting diagnosed with WPW, went on atenolol for 5 1/2 years, had the ablation and still get PVCs, etc....  I just wanted to respond to the bending over thing that was really neat to hear that happens to other people, all these years I thought it was just me.  
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170935 tn?1225371076
i am not too bothered about the pvcs at the moment. i still do get frightned by them at times but not as much as i was 3 months ago when i was first diagnosed with them, i just get really angry now when i get alot of them!!
About a week ago i had a stomach virus which left me dehydrated and i was having tons of pvcs. my resting rate which is usually 55bpm went to 100bpm for about 24 hrs!!
I have been told that my svt is probably AVNRT, i am not ready for an ablation yet, i would love to be able to take meds to help with the svt. my doc prescribed me a low dose b.blocker but i also like you have low bp 90-100/50-60 bpm and my heart rate is usually low unless i'm anxious. Its so good to hear that your ablation has worked for you, i've ready many stories about how the ablation didnt work for many people. how often did you have the svt attacks and for how long? have you ever had to go to hospital for treatment because of svt?
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i did not take any medications. I have hypotension, so taking any kind of beta blocker would have worsened this, and it wasnt worth it to me to risk taking the antiarrhythmics..I do still get pvc's, more frequently than i imagined. Im currently on vacation and got very sick a few nights ago, and ended up in the local hospital to get some fluids since i cant start a line on myself lol.. I had a very high fever which made my heart rate very elevated, so i had them do a baseline ekg which was normal, but i had alot of pvc's and couplets, and never felt a one. Once you calm down and desensatize your body to the pvc's, you wont feel them as much
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97628 tn?1204462033
She said she still gets some. Just about everybody gets them sometimes.
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170935 tn?1225371076
its good to know that you found success after the ablation. i also have SVT and have no idea how to deal with it. before the ablation were you on any meds? Do you have PVCs
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Im SVT free since i had an ablation. This also helped reduce the about of palps i get, but i still get some.. Im fine because of coped. It caught me off guard at first since i didnt find out about SVT until later in life, but i knew more than enough to know i couldnt let it control my life, and it wasnt a dangerous thing. Most people dont have that luxury, but that doesnt mean you cant get much better fairly quickly..
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170935 tn?1225371076
Thanks collegegirl, if the symptoms are like svt then i don't have afib, my pulse isn't irregular and doesn't go upto 150.
You're right, it seems everyday i feel a new symptom and begin diagnosng myself and i become very convinced.

You say you have seen so many people do this, what can we do to stop? infact when i am having an ok day and i read this forum i also feel that there are many others like me.
i have requested for another event monitor but i know it will take a month if not more to receive and then another month to get feedabck from results. in the meantime it doesn't matter how many docs i speak to they will tell me that they're not cardiologists and i should just wait at home and if there is an emergency call for an ambulance. Advice like that doesn't really help people like me, it usually makes me worry more, thinking what is the doctor hiding from me? Things are very different here in England.last month i had an svt attack and went to the hospital for treatment, i was told to follow up with my doc in the morning. i spoke to my doc and he just sat there and listened to my ordeal. He was not able to offer me any advice at all apart from "its not life threatening!". I asked him if i could start a beta blocker he said yes but he wanted me to see the cardiologist regarding which beta blocker and what dose. i'm still waiting for the appointment to see my cardiologist and its been over a month!! Sorry for the long post but for me and probably alot of others it is the advice we get here from people who have suffered from similar experiences, that gives us some reassurance and lets us sleep at night!! Thanks
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The only thing you can do to stop, is accept.. You have to accept the fact that you have svt and pvc's..You have to accept that they arent going to kill you.. Truely accept it.. Accept the fact that doctors are not hiding information from you ( very illegal and one of the first things you learn about in medical ethics classes).. I find that the people who have the most problems with accepting things are the people who are the most controlling in nature.. The heart is one thing we cannot control, and this can be scary, because it is so important. I know seeing peoples stories can make you feel better, but are they REALLY helping you?

It seems most patients use other patients stories as an excuse to try and find even more things wrong with them.. I think that exchanging of experiences should be done strictly during the time when you have already accepted what you have, what you DONT have, and that you personally are not going to die from this, but if it helps YOU, by all means, do what feels right to you! For some people it just takes ALOT of time, alot of living and seeing day after day that you're stll alive, and FINALLY getting fed up with all that life you've wasted and will never get back..Behavioral therapy, and sometimes medication can help drastically, and you have nothing to lose.. The day will come when you are ok, and have dealt with this, and it will seem silly.. The only question is how long it will take you to get to that day, and how much you are willing to lose waiting to get there.
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