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Pounding heart beat everytime I try to fall asleep/ Am I sick or just crazy???????

Hello*** I was wondering if anyone could provide me a little information and possibly some relief to the problem I am experiencing right now.  Every night for the past week or so, when I try to fall asleep, my heart rate accelerates tremendously and pounds like crazy.  Normally I never have any trouble falling asleep so this is becoming somewhat of an annoyance because I actually FEEL sleepy but because my heart beats so fast and so hard it keeps me awake.  I can feel it throughtout my body and it lasts for hours. I try so hard to fall asleep that I have come up with little tricks to kind of "pych myself out".  Like I try rolling over in different positions trying to offset the rhythm so hopefully when it starts again it will be normal. I try to clear my mind totally.  After a while I will doze off, (without me knowing but I'm not complaining) but I'll wake like 45 min later only to realize that my heart is still beating as hard as ever.  If I get really annoyed I'll try to stand up, walk around or go for a drink of water.  But nothing helps.  And I'm so sleepy. As soon as I settle back in it starts again. I have had anxiety issues in the past but I think what made it worse for me is that at first I didn't know what it was.  Then once I became more aware of what an actual "anxiety attack" was it just kind of went away on its own.  And I do admit I was dealing with a whole lot at the time.  But now, on the contrary, there has been no extreme changes in my life or anything I would say I am really stressed or worried over; @ night all I pretty much want to do is sleep and I can't.  It's coming to the point now that I am almost expecting my "nightly episodes", like I'm looking for it to start.  And this is an obsession (an unhealthy one at that) that I don't care to have!  The way my heart beats it feels like to me that it is pumping way too much blood throughout my body for too long of a time,  my heart might burst, or I may die in my sleep.  Its poisoning my thoughts and I wish I knew what to do to make it stop.  I'm afraid. Please help.
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I feel all of your pains. I've been experiencing this rapid heart beat that prevent me from sleeping twice in my life. I am 29 now.
I understand this is very depressing and you are extremely scared. At some point, you feel that your world has ended as nothing can help to cure this.
If you feel these, I would like to this you that it's not that bad as you think.
Firstly, this is all because of what and how you think. I believe most of the ppl will think of difficulties in getting sleep all day and this is what making you more depressed. What you can do to OVERCOME this is that the way you think. STOP thinking of getting hard to sleep at night. STOP to be scared of this. STOP to be depressed by this thing.
I can assure you this will really help in overcoming this stupid thing.
Be BRAVE and THINK about your family. They need you and you can't be depressing the wholr life because of this.
This is NOT a disease and that's why doctor can't find out.
For my case, sport helps a lot. I play football so that I sweat a lot and feel refreshed.
CONTROL yourself from thinking about this all day. THINK positively.
Again, you have to really tell yourself that this is not a disease and it won't be with you the whole life.
You CAN and SHOULD overcome it. STOP being depressing and find some activities that makes you feel relieved. Eg sports.
I am writing this at 1am as I am experincing this stupid rapid heart beat that makes me depressed for the 2nd time in my whole life. Anyway, I am facing it very positively and this shall not affecting my life or my very bright future.
Lastly, I would like to STRESS this again, this is NO big deal. NO world ends. NO depressing. In life, you will meet more challenging difficulties and this is just a very minor stupid slepping problem that should not affecting us much and long.
I hope this helps some of you. Sorry for my poor english.

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You got your idea across very nicely, and your attitude is both great and correct!
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Somebody gave me Youtube links for breathing excercies that might help this situation. They do not seem to work for me, but may for some of you out there.

For other's in my situation, I would recommend to stay away from sleeping pills!
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592969 tn?1248325405
I have this sometimes also.  My doctors told me it was an adrenal problem and my uncles also have it.  My uncles have been given Atenolol (beta blocker) to take at nighttime.  You may ask your doctor if you should have some kind of medicine to help.  With me, I go through periods of this and then I'm okay for awhile again.  I do not take anything, but it really makes me tired sometimes takes a couple of days to rest up.  Once my heart did this for 48 hours, talk about exhausting.  Doctors told me nothing to worry about and that it would not shorten my lifespan.  
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Thank you encephalomalcia you have helped to clear some of the anxiety i had about my heart beating abnormally hard
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I also have had similar problems , I couldn't sleep at all , my heart started to beat strongly when I tried to sleep. So strong that I felt myself moving from the beats. At first I began to panic because whenever I felt it I tought it was an earthquake and began panicking. It all started with an earthquake , from then I began panicking expecting a bigger earthquake to come and was scared and began to try to predict it by watching seismographs. After a while , I started having panick attacks , so hard that I felt I would pass out , couldn't stay in one place and couldn't control my breathing. After a while I started to feel hearth pain , in left back , shoulder , left hand , started to feel numb in hands and the pain kept continuing. I felt "stabs" , small intensity burns , numbs , tingles in hands , legs , head , I could feel the veins like when you do an anesthesia , with tingles.  I started reading everything on the internet and began to feel more scared and panicked , but I could recognize based on what I have read the simpthoms of panick attacks and tried to control them by calming down and changing the subject of what I was currently doing and focusing on something else.I couldn't and I still can't go to the medic because of personal resons , i started tooking some magnesium tablets , one a day , then i read something about hipocalcemia and i told my mother to buy some calcium tablets for me , i started taking those once a day , but the hearth pain and panic attacks kept continuing , especially when i tried to go to sleep. Then i started taking aspenter , a blood circulatory pill. I started to feel better , my "stabs" and pain have been reduced , i could sleep feeling relief , but i could still feel that something is wrong. And when i stopped taking that pill i began to feel the pain again. I become scared and after a while i become resented with the fact that i may die.
After two months since it started , I kept feeling worse , I felt numb , couldn't sleep , I gasped air more and more often , I took another similar pill like aspenter and in one night I started feeling worse , my eyes became red , both of them , I began feeling the anesthesia feeling through my veins , with random stings. I couldn't sleep at all even though I tried more than once. I felt like I was 100 year old ( I am 25 years old ) , it became hard to move , I had precise head aches, random pain in my chest , back , hands , shoulder and increased in number when I took a longer breath. I became scared. I started searching the internet , then I found this post , I calmed myself and I felt better. Then i searched hyperventilation , and found a website , in my language , that explained every sympthom I had because of over breathing. It said that if you intake more oxygen , the co2 capacity of your blood is reduced , resulting in hipoxia because co2 can't be released efficiently. I read in that page that breathing inhale 7 seconds and exhale 11 seconds is a one time control of breathing. Also it said that if you have more gas in your lungs when breathing , the oxygen intake is reduced , feeling the need to gasp air more and more and it is like a vicious cycle. I started to control my breathing , I felt an immediate change in my blood vessels and feeling in my body. I felt small stings in my blood vessels but i could feel that is good. After that I could sleep well , I stopped feeling hearth pain , I felt more alive, I could move much better and I feel much better. I also take a magnesium tablet at breakfast and I'm gonna take calcium with magnesium tablet also. Be careful how much you eat and what you eat. I also began drinking more water. Water is important.
Anxiety is reduced and panic attacks are also reduced. I have felt the change in one day , from worst to good , from controlling my breathing when I feel that my focus is on breathing. ( DON'T use breathing in bags to control your breathing , it increases hypoxia )
I think that coldness also was a variable in my hearthbeats.I hope I helped with something. Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best.
Thank you for making me feel good when I needed , and thank you for this website.
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I had a similar problem. It was helpful for me to read everyone's responses, so I would also like to add my own experience.

I am 28 years old and I started getting palpitations when laying down at night several months ago. My heart was beating so forcibly I could feel the pulsation in my chest, abdomen, and throat. There was no comfortable to lie down without feeling my heart pounding against my chest wall. I couldn't fall asleep until 3-4 am every night. When I checked my pulse, I felt PVCs. My resting heart rate was in the 130s. I experienced anxiety induced palpitations in the past. I was so sure my symptoms were caused by anxiety. However, it didn't make sense to me -  I've never had such strong somatic symptoms with anxiety. I tried everything to relax - meditation, reading, staying hydrated, and nothing was working. I was worried this is how my life was going to be from now on, with these palpitations that were out of my control.

I saw my doctor and did some basic blood work. It turns out my TSH was <0.050 and my T4 levels were off the charts, which is consistent with hyperthyroidism. After further testing, I was diagnosed with Graves disease. My cardiac symptoms have resolved now that I am taking a beta blocker and methimazole.

While anxiety is a common cause for palpitations, it is important to see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical issues. As disappointed as I am to find out about my new diagnosis, I was so relieved that there was a reason for my symptoms. It wasn't just in my head.
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Do you have it during the day as well?

Have they done a cta and echo?

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Hi all! I've finally found a solution to my insomnia and what triggers it.
Just to point out, I've never ever had sleep problems or anxiety feelings in my entire life. I was always that kid on the block that could sleep whenever and wherever (loud noise and light have never disturbed me falling asleep). Only recently when I've changed university due to a combination of lack of interest and no help from the professors, I've gone through a lot of terrible exams where I constantly was failing.
After I've changed university to something I rather preferred, the exams went absolutely brilliantly. But then suddenly during the exam-period I begin to suffer from anxiety and it releases adrenaline through my body constantly even when I need to go to sleep (my heart was beating too loud and fast, I could hear it through my pillow). I went to my cardiologist to get EKG and heart-monitor just like all of you guys did, and started eating more magnesium and potassium (even though I'm a fit guy, always running and going to the gym). My EKG and heart-monitor came back just fine, and my doctor prescribed me bromazepam due to my inability to fall asleep. It helped me but I didn't want to be dependent on these drugs so I researched on the internet and found a video about Acupressure.
After been doing one Acupressure (massaging my self on different points in my body) it helped me fall asleep in 5 minutes (I'm not joking guys!!). This has to do with all the stress and nerves being stimulated at the body and they need to ''manually'' be switched off.
Here are some Youtube videos about the techniques that have helped me fall asleep:
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1547516 tn?1294107274
After I had my youngest child, I started experiencing a pounding heart at night when I laid down to go to sleep.  I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse.
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This happens to me also and quite frequently. Measured my heart rate after being slightly alarmed at it a few nights ago and found that it was higher than even a target rate for cardio exercises. I am very frightened that I'm going to just have a heart attack in my sleep. I am over weight and I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant, I'm concerned that if I ask a doctor they will just tell me to lose weight but that they won't actually help me sleep better...
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If you know your doctor is going to tell you to lose weight you should really start on that journey. It will help lower your blood pressure and stabilize your heart rate. Eating healthy and at the correct times of day (not just before bed, no snacking at midnight etc.) will also help your circadian rhythm allowing deeper and more restful sleep. You should also try a broad spectrum mineral capsule this too will help with sleep.  Rapid heart beats, ectopic beats, palpitations and PACs are a side effect of something else going on in the body (stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, poor diet).. Lifestyle changes will help eliminate these issues.
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I read this thread 2 moths back when I was having the same problem. Heart pounding in my chest during night time which in the least was very distracting. Thankfully I found the reason for this. It was night time hypoglycemia. Seems like my blood glucose levels seemed to drop near the 10:30 mark which is when I usually go to sleep. So my suggestion, try cosuming plentiful of carbs before going to sleep. Also if this does work, you should probably get yourself a diabetic profile done.
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Hi everybody

My husband has the same problem since 2 months.  He gets desperate each night. Before it didnt take him more than 5 minutes to fall asleep and like a stone.
Now his heart doenst let him in peace!! He feels it the whole night!!
Acupuntur is helping him a bit. Specially during the day because he also feels his heart then.
He also found some exercises -Autogenes Training- those exercises are also really good. They help him to get relax.
Tv before going to bed is terrible.
Read something, or have some quite sex, yesterday that helped!!!  or a bit talking in the darkness also.
I think I give him some support . Find somebody to share your problem.
Wish you all of you good luck!!
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You are definitely not alone. I think we are all part of a silent secret club.

4 months ago, I went to bed and didn't sleep well that night. It was no big deal. I had bouts of insomnia before, I work very hard, I have an obsessive mind, I am detailed oriented and hyper at times. Never really stopped me however. It would come and go about twice a year lasting no longer than say a week.  I am also a nervous person. So I have the groundwork for insomnia and anxiety but I never really had problems with either.

I am over 40 now, and for the first time ever I am experiencing anxiety because for the last 4 months I have not slept well. Sleep used to be my favorite time. Now I dread nighttime. And I do my best not to feel this way.

The symptoms are, I could be falling asleep on the couch, in fact I could fall asleep and sleep on the couch for an hour or two but the moment I go to bed, my heart starts pounding, and this warmth travels up my chest to my neck, beads of sweat show up at my hairline. And at it worst I start getting tremors and even teeth clattering. So part of this is anxiety yes. But read on.

My heart starts pounding even sometimes during the day when I am at my calmest. My sternum is so sore, like it's been punched. Sometimes I even get tingling hot/cold in my hands and feet.

I have been checked for heart problems with EKG, EchoCardiogram and Holter monitor. It came back all clear.

My Gastro doc is not buying gerd, or spasms in the esophagus doing this. He said, nah when I described it.

My GP is throwing random medications at me. She is seeing high blood pressure because I CANT SLEEP. So she put me on blood pressure med which made things so much worse for me. I had to stop. She put me also on trazadone which creates as much trouble as it fixes. I would not recommend it.

So at this point I don't even know what doc to go to next and I am starting to believe that maybe I am having panic attacks except about what?? I have no children, I simplified my work responsibilities, I exercise, I eat only organic and well balanced small meals. I don't have any problems in my life worth mentioning. I am actually a lot calmer, cooler, and centered I have ever been. So I should not be getting this problem still but it keeps coming back.

I get sometimes a two week break with no problems and sometimes I have the problem EVERY night.

Exhausted, in tears, bewildered and very sad. I have always been a very healthy person I don't understand what's going on. I feel helpless, and hopeless. I try to be cool about it, but at the end of the day this is very hard to accept.

It never occurred to me that this could be a spinal problem. And here was a hint, a very good massage or routine visit to the Chiropractor would actually make it better for a few days. So you folks might be onto something here.

Thanks for the tip!
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I am exactly in the same boat as you are. Writing this comment at 5:40am on a saturday been awake since 2am. I will definitely try massage. Hope it helps. Thanks!
I have read all the comments as I had the exact same thing happen to me.  Mine started after I had been ill with some kind of bad virus.  I&#39;ve been able to get some sleep.  Just thought I would share what worked and maybe it will help someone.  First I don&#39;t try to go to bed very late.  It seems to be worse if I try to delay going to bed even though it stresses me to think about it.  Then I try to relax and pray or breathe and count.  If after awhile I don&#39;t fall  asleep, I take a Gaba Calm that I got at the Health Food store.  I get the losenges that your dissolve in your mouth.  Then I continue to to try to breathe/count.  Sometimes just this works.  After awhile if this doesn&#39;t work, I will take an OTC sleep aid (Diphenhydramine HCl).  This eventually gets me to sleep.  Hope it helps.
how are you feeling now?
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Hello everyone! I m having thensame problem! Everytime i m in the transition to fall asleep my heart start racing, and drags me out of sleep. It all started like 2 years ago when i almost fainted with a joint( i normally dont smoke). One week after this episode it happened fornthe first time. I just was not able to fall asleep, the day after got a benzo. All worked fine.. didnt have it till 3weeks ago. I had really bad episodes and was in panic. Doctor prescribed me benzo for 3 weeks. I now finished it, and its my second night i cant sleep. I m going tomorrow to the doctor again... i m quite scared this can be permanent. Does anyone knows about this? Any sugestions?
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They They say you find what your looking for when you stop looking for it. This has happened to me a couple of times before it&#39;s actually happening to me right now. And honestly most of the time it&#39;s better to ignore it. By that I mean just stop trying to go to sleep, watch videos on your phone until you can&#39;t take anymore and you fall asleep on your own without knowing it. Well at least that&#39;s how I did it. The angrier you get, the harder you try, it&#39;s just comes back anyways. I know how frustrating that is but just try what I did it&#39;s worked for me already. If that doesn&#39;t work and nothing else works go see a doctor or take some sleeping pills even though I personally don&#39;t like taking sleeping pills. Good luck yo.
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A pounding heart is often caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

When you sleep your blood vessles relax and your blood pressure naturally drops drops. However if you also have a low blood volume, your heart has to beat harder and faster to ensure enough blood oxygen is supplied to your organs.

It is often accompanied by feeling thirsty, this is because you may be dehydrated and as a result have a low blood volume. To increase your blood volume, drink a few glasses of water. After allowing time for the water to enter your blood stream approx 30-60 minutes you should be able to sleep easily.

Other things that may help include always consuming the recommended amount of water each day, wearing compression socks, taking any missing prescribed medication, and raising your feet in bed.

As always if symptoms persist or are sever consult your doctor.
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Do not eat any meat, carbs or possibly anything at least 3 hours before going to bed. If it starts, eat a WHOLE apple and maybe a little water. Works for me everytime...
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I have this same problem Plus other symptoms and conditions. Has anyone checked their vitamin levels? I have an on-going Low B12 issue. I&#39;ve had this problem since middle school, but it wasn&#39;t diagnosed until I was 17-18 years old (I&#39;m 25 now). I just got my blood work done 3 weeks ago and this time I also have low vit D. My heart palpitations, which are more noticeable when I lay down to rest (night or day), started at the same time as my other symptoms.  
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Idk how to edit the post, but all my apostrophes turned into symbols.
hi HDbrite
did you find out what cause the heart pounding all day/night?
and can you sleep?

19572756 tn?1480261893
hi there, i am jeffrey, i am having this problem since i took my hypertension pills. i couldnt sleep because i can hear my heart pounding. it is pounding at the back of my head as well. i think its already been 4 months now since i lost my ability to sleep soundly. it is really hard and all of the comments here are the ones that i have been experiencing right now. i will go tru all the comments to help me sleep. i had an episode when i didnt sleep for 3 days and i went to the hospital, they gave me lexotan and i slept really soundly after that. i really dont want to rely on pills and medication for me to sleep but that is the only thing that makes me sleep now. but i will try to do all the things you guys have been suggesting and i really hope that i can do this without the pills. i am glad that other people experience this so i can see where i can go from here. thank you guys so much for sharing this. i will keep you posted on my progress.
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Im having the same problem right now. Its 1am and i have popped up 3 times already. Its really scaring me. I dont knw wat to do
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Sounds like sleep anxiety,  you obsess that much about heart pounding and not sleeping that you don't sleep because of your heart racing.

I suffer from it myself, you can't force yourself to sleep,  you associate bed with heart racing and not sleeping,  so guess what - You don't sleep because of your heart racing!

When I don't think about, not thinking about not sleeping and heart racing,  I sleep!
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hi everyone am 30 yrs..am having this issue of pounding heart every night it drives me crazy.. is making me to be having negative thought like is like am goin to die..have gone for ECG and echodiagram..last month and my heart is very much owk no heart disease.. I was happy to see d result buh this issue of nt sleeping in the night will be forcing my self to sleep and will be having bad thought ..pls I need some help is making me unhappy.. tnx
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Hello, I know you posted this quite sometime ago but I have started experiencing this at night and your description fits me to a tee.  Heart pounding, sinking feeling...did you every figure out what was causing it?  Thank you!
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Same story here. Go to toilet, **** as much as you can and empty your stomach. It really helps.
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Well I did all possible blood tests and two ultrasound tests. Hearing that my heart has a normal shape and that all the valves are properly working really helped the situation. The first 48Hour holter monitor shows nothing out of the ordinary (I didn't really feel this during that period) now the cardiologist offered a week long holter - if that is not enough they are able to extend it.

My experience so far tells me that you need to think about some of the bad habits and do whatever you need to do to change them (fix bad sleeping habits, bad eating habits, eat breakfast, go for walks, jogs, bike rides, and take breaks from the computer screens).
Wow I can&#39;t believe these many people have the same problem I am having. It&#39;s not an everyday occurrence it only happens once in a while. Had test done and everything and was told I was having anxiety attacks and my heart beat was fast so the doctor prescribed propanalol to slow my heart down some. It worked for the most part. Was also prescribed Xanax but I never took them. I don&#39;t wanna feel all doppy lol. But I commented on this post because for some odd reason when this happens I go on the toilet and have to take a number 2 and after I&#39;m done I feel better and my heart slows down. I don&#39;t know if this is some kind of placebo effect or maybe there is more to it. I would get these episodes so bad that I would get really cold and start shivering uncontrollable and can&#39;t stop. I even called the ambulance a few times cause I was so scared. My resting heart beats per minute were around 125 to 130. That is pretty high for a resting heart. Everytime I have my blood pressure taken they say it&#39;s almost text book good usually around 120 over 60. I don&#39;t know what causes this and the doctors aren&#39;t either. They are stumped and can only figure out I have anxiety. Well I hope everyone feels better. If this happens you can always try to go outside and breath in the air. Take deep breaths and try to calm yourself down.
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I have experience the same thing. The worst thing is i cant sleep for 7 nights. Im totally lost and confuse
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I also have this issue and my mom thinks I just have really good hearing. Sometimes when I&#39;m in my resting state my whole body moves along with my heartbeat.I&#39;ve been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I think that&#39;s the main reason why I have this. Doctor said he didn&#39;t hear anything out of the norm but being me, I&#39;m getting really angry about it and I want it to go away. I can&#39;t take it anymore
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Many thanks for your comments, I exactly took your advice (having shower at 7pm, no any electrical or electronica equipment after shower, books only) after two nights stay-up with pounding heart beat. at first book night , I still had one or two times pounding heart beat during sleep. but it was so great that I didn't stay up nearly whole night ! then, I added some massage, and try to practice a little bit Tachi, it looks better and better. next step, I will add day exercise in!
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