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drug induced cardiomyopathy

I was wondering if a person in thier 30's is taking 17 perscriptions for mental problems. Could this produce cardiomyopathy. I would think since he was in the hops with 2 surgeries that something like this would have shown up. But my son died in his sleep June 21st 2009. Medical examiner ruled his death as morbidly obese and cardiomyopathy. Here is list of perscribed meds the Dr's had him on over the last 1 1/2
1. Alprazolam (xanax)                            antianxiety
2. Zolpidem    (ambient)                         hypnotic
3. Amitriptyline                                      antidepressant
4. Atenolol    (Tenormin)                        side effect control
5. Clonidine   (Catapress)                       Anti ADD  antianxiety
6. Depakote   (Divalproex)                     Mood stabilizer
7. Diazepam  (Valuim)                           antianxiety
8. Fluoxetine (Prozac)                            antidepressant antipanic
9. Gabapentin (Neurontin)                     Mood stabilizer
10. Levothyroxin                                     Potentiates antidepressants
11. Lexapro                                             antidepressant
12. Metoprolol                                         side effect control
13. Oxazepam                                          antianxiety
14. perphenazine                                     Antipsychotic
15. Risperidone                                       Antipsychotic
16. Seroquel                                            Antipsychotic
17. Trihexyphenidyl                               Side effect control
Diphenoxylate/ Atropine  

He was on most of these the whole time some were changed each month like prozac and the seroquel.
I just feel like He did not die just because he was obese. He started to decline after being put on all these meds. I thought he was only on a few til they called me and said he died. then I found out he was on 17 perscriptions a month for the most part. I am appalled they would just say it was cause he was fat. If that was the case most of the obese people in the world today would die at a young age too.
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I am a nurse. Just glancing at the list I see serious drug interactions. He was on 2 beta blockers the atenolol and metoprolol they lower the heart significantly. You do not give two beta blockers together. Heart rate is also lowered by the other drugs such as Xanax, ambien. Cardiomyopathy is an enlarged heart the heart is a muscle and the harder a muscle works the bigger the muscle gets. It has to work harder the lower your heart beat gets and probably enlarged significantly overtime and caused his death. Also with the obesity you have apnea spells especially in a deep sleep with so much medication and what is apnea spells bradycardia low heart rate. I am very sorry for your loss. I am on this site my sons father just died of sudden death of cardiomyopathy hypertrophy and I know it was secondary to drugs.
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Hello Gwen,  My son now 36 had cardiomyopathy since age 27 due to Clozapine med. We live in Britain and the MHRA medicines and health regulatory agency told me Clozapine can cause cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and obesity.  My son also is obese since going on this medication. He was rushed to hosp 9 yrs ago unable to walk or talk eyes rolling upwards and salivating heavily.  No dr admit to anything, his social worker disappeared. 3 solicitors would not take on the case. it is all wrong. system corrupt.  I am still angry1 he did not need to be on that med as they said he was mentallly fine so it must have been a guinea pig trial!! i am sorry bout your son. hope you got answers since 09  ANNE H
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I am finally on that path. Looking for wrongful death lawyers. I feel like if I can go in that direction it would be the best. Malpractice will be more of a slap on the had. I think someone should take a stand and make Dr's who do not honor thier oath responsible. Malpractice is more on the lines of what I would consider a few perscriptions and poor judgement or not checking all the interactions of the meds. Or perscribing and not realizing they are contributing to something like drug diversion or addiction.The amt. of my son's perscriptions are way passed that. I have looked on line under everything I can to see if this happens. Most of what I find is accidental over doses of perscribed meds or a combination of four or five meds given and courts considered it a contributing cause only when the found toxic levels in the patients blood. I have yet to find anything of this magnitude without toxic levels or anyone having sudden death due to organ inlargement. I do nt think my son is the only person this has happened to I just think most may have had sudden death with a few meds and family did not feel like it was enough to substaniate anything to pursue it. With me tho there is no doubt from you guys responses and everyone else who has seen the list my son was on they all say the same thing. Besides there are other things involved. Like changing meds everymonth from one type to another. Changing which Dr was going to perscribe which med. Ever since I did the spread sheet I show so much more. Several times they both wrote the same perscription med. It is totally insane and they need to honor thier oath or deal with thier lack of Dr responsibility.So if I can go this way I will. These 2 Dr's do not need to Dr any more. they need to make stricter guidelins on who can become a pyschiatrist. You all do knlow that you do not have to have much of anything to go into the field of psychiatry. The one Dr is not even certified which means I do not guess he took much of anything for special courses. Anyone in here who wants to check out the creadientials of thier Dr needs to go to The texas Medical Board site and check it will bring up all there creadentials plus anything they have been repremanded for. The one Dr was on limited lisence he had to have another lisenced person in the office at all time for 5 years and he broke that last year and got in trouble again. You can also go on the medicare medicade site and check liscense and Provider Identification Number. You can also check thier for facilities if they are lisenced.

So dreamgirl if you know anything about who your daughter sees I would check them out also I know spying is not great but I did after the fact if I had know I could do it before I would have. If you know where she gets her scripts filled you can set up an account. I knew my sons email and when I went in to Walgreens I did not know his user name or password but just clicked on lost it. they emailed it to his email and I just went in and got it. If there is anything you can do to check and see what perscriptions and how amny are being written I would look. This is for anyone who thinks thier grown child has something going on with to much meds and health, mental status, etc is declining do it while they are alive it may help.I also did not know why the pharmacy filled so many meds every month or why Humana paid. If I had known I would have gone to the pharmacy with all the med info sheets and thrown it at them going do you not see this????? they would have atleast looked at it especially when I could have told them my son was barley functuning.Even if they called the police it would have been brought out in public and maybe someone could have helped my son. Most everything I read on Cardiomyopathy says if med is stopped the heart does return to somewhat normal.
Yes I also agree with you that my son no longer has to struggle but it is very hard when I read on twitter his going to church and trying to do one small thing a day to make the world better or maybe it is time he started thinking about having a family . with the Dr's medicating him and trusting them to make him feel better thinking he would have a more normal life while the whole time he just kept feeling worse and worse I am sorry. They tortured him in the last 11/2 of his life mentally physically and  helped wipe out his dreams!!!!
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I am crying right now,because My daughter is on the same path,and the system is just not able to give our loved ones the kind of help they truly need.The mental health system has taken some real cuts in$$$$ from the gov't and our children are suffering. to try to zero in on one person and watch them and keep trying to find out best meds is just not going to happen. I do not think you mentioned your son's age, but I am going to say something that sounds terrible and I will only say it because I am a Christian, but he is in a place of peace for himself, watching my daughter struggle through this life is very  painful, I just try to be ther for her, when she let's me, the ones they are the closest to are the ones they are the worse to, who else would put up with their behaviour. When My daughter goes, I will feel such extreme sorrow,balling like a baby right now, but at least I know she does not have to wake up evryday of her life in fear that someone is trying to harm her.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I would show this list to a malpractice attorney.
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I got the finale autopsy report.I sent off to see if I could get medical records to see what his weight was before he started on all these meds. His weight at time of death was 386 lbs. I have pictures from 2 years prior and know he put on alot more wieght. I feel like increse in wieght from the meds did not help. Seems like everything they did with my son just help stack the deck against him. I would like to know why they did not do any kind of test and find that his heart liver and spleen were all enlarged way before he died aren't they suppose to check this kind of thing when they have them on meds like this from what I can find on norm wieght His organs were 2 to 3  times the normal size if not a bit more. Normal spleen aprox 150g. His spleen270 g. Normal liver 1400 to 1500 g in adult man. His liver 4,610g   sections reveals mod fatty change but no increase in lobularity or fibrosis. Noraml heart the size of the persons fist 280 to 340 g or a bit more acording to wieght and size of person.
Cardiovascular shows heart markedly enlarged weight 1040g norm conf coronary vessels contain mild to mod hypertensive thickening of muscular wall but no atherosclerotic deposits.

Cardiomyopathy Cardiomegaly 1040g with hypertrophic and dilated ventricles
'Hypertensive change of coronary arteries and myocardium

Morbid obesity BMI 50

Hepatosplenomegaly with fatty change of live

Based on anatomic findings & investigation  it is thier conclusion my son died as a result of complications of morbid obesity including cardiomyopathy ( cardiomegaly) Several perscriptions were found in his blood at the time of his death all at or below theraputic levels and these probably did not contribut to his death.  Manner of death Natural  

I am so appalled by this. When you are looking at one or two medicications as a possible contributing factor  of sudden death I can see why they would say probabale but gees when you see all the kinds in his system and that he was on them for 1 1/2 years how do they not consider that a pretty likely possibility to be contributing factor in his death. SHOOT I just don't know who determines something like this no wonder Dr's get by with **** no one knows who to find out I still feel like all those meds and the increased weight they put on him combine it all and yes no wonder he died. They checked for cocaine pot alcohol and he was clean none detected my son died from there lack of care testing or concern over his weioght and ALL THOSE CNS depressant pills I do not care what anyone says I know they helped put him in the ground.

drug screen blood femoral

1. +valproic acid           Just this list shows levels for 9 meds and 6 meds less than
2. +acetaminophen                                  quantitation???? and they say several ?????
present less then limit of quantitation
quantitation confirimed present

Alkaline drug screen:
  Blood femoral

3.  amitriptyline 0.26 MG/L
4. Nortriptyline 0.08 MG/L
5.  Citalopram 0.11 MG/L
6. hydrocodone 0.08 MG/L
7. +norfluoxetine 0.26 MG/L
8. +fluoxetine 0.12 MG/L

+ benzodiazepanes ( unconfirmed)
9. Alprazolam 0.011 MG/L

These four they did not get levels on ???
10. +Diazepam
11. +nordiazepam  requires quantitation
12. +temazepam present requires no quantitation
13. +Trihexylphenidyl less than limit of quantitation

Alcohols: blood, vitreous none detected
cannabinoids none detected
cocaine none detected
cocaine and cocaine metabolites none detected

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367994 tn?1304953593
It is almost criminal to prescribe all of those medications!  Your son's body chemistry would be in a turmoil that could cause arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats and cardiac arrest)by the drug cocktail prescribed.  To illustrate, excessive alcohol, street drugs, etc.  can cause irreversable heart cell damage (cardiomyopathy) and that would be a lot less potent than the all prescribed drugs you have listed.  
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It was my son who died. He was seeing only the 2 Dr's. One was what I guess would be primary outside Dr. the other was a Dr from a mental health clinic. I do believe they both knew each other was perscribing I think I will copy and paste his med sheet from Just May 2009 for you too see who perscribed what. I will tell you over the last seven months of my sons life both Dr's had perscribed the same meds whichWalgreens did not flag nor did the insurance. Also the Dr;s would switch off on who perscribed what meds to him. also they hopped back and forth on some meds Like one month prozac the next month Seroquil. I do not know how they can get by with thier perscribing practices like this. I am having them investigated by the Medical board so hopefull they have toned down what they perscribe to there other patients before they kill them. Here is May list I have 1 1/2 yrs I pulled from Walgreens. I just got back from MHMR since I seem to be in a depressed state. I over heard a lady say she was in the hosp and they said she has inlarged heart and the MHMR needs to call them and discuss her meds. I just sat there with tears streaming down my face it just came over me like a heat.

Patient Info: Jeramy White
(210) 415-4220 Date of Birth: 04/16/1977 Gender: Male
Allergy Conditions: NO KNOWN ALLERGIES

Health Conditions: ANXIETY

Prescription Number Medication RPh Prescriber Insurance Plan
Claim Ref# Date of Service Quantity Price Note
0820052-03140 CHANTIX 0.5MG TABLETS GFM STOLLER, JERRY CASH/ 5/5/2009 11 $33.89     
NDC: 00069046856 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 11 $33.89
A0095251095431 5/5/2009 30 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $58.89  
NDC: 00093007401 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 30 $1.10
A0095262859121 5/6/2009 120 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $77.99  
NDC: 00591320201 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 120 $1.10
A9095267859291 5/6/2009 60 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $142.89  
NDC: 00781223310 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $1.10
A5095261282081 5/6/2009 60 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $166.89  
NDC: 00378047301 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $1.10
A2095267887441 5/6/2009 30 $0.75 Your insurance saved
you $11.24  
NDC: 00378265010 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 30 $0.75
A6095267898451 5/6/2009 60 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $37.59  
NDC: 00781282201 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $1.10
A2095269401461 5/6/2009 30 $3.20 Your insurance saved
you $112.79  
NDC: 00456202001 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 30 $3.20
A5095264532591 5/6/2009 30 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $11.89  
NDC: 00527134210 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 30 $1.10
A2095269424811 5/6/2009 90 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $15.39  
NDC: 00603624021 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 90 $1.10
A8095269435261 5/6/2009 60 $0.76 Your insurance saved
you $14.23  
NDC: 00378015210 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $0.76
A1095278688171 5/7/2009 60 $3.20 Your insurance saved
you $82.79  
NDC: 00186108805 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $3.20
A9095287575121 5/8/2009 150 $1.10 Your insurance saved
you $136.89  
NDC: 00781104701 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 150 $1.10
A1095277564001 5/7/2009 30 $0.80 Your insurance saved
you $16.69  
NDC: 00378041501 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 30 $0.80
0820925-03140 CHANTIX 1MG TABLETS MRB STOLLER, JERRY CASH/ 5/10/2009 60 $155.39     
NDC: 00069046956 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 60 $155.39
00039298457301 5/13/2009 180 $0.00 Your insurance saved
you $76.99  
NDC: 00228203910 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 180 $0.00
00039305999001 5/13/2009 120 $0.00 Your insurance saved
you $29.99  
NDC: 00378047705 Total Fillings: 1 Subtotal: 120 $0.00
Total Scripts: 17 Total: $206.79
Using generics saved you a total of $0.00
Using more generics could have saved you a total of $0.00
Your insurance saved you a total of $993.14

In June they had 21 perscriptions they filled but son did not pick them up as he died on the 21st. But they had added Respiridone and Gabapentin I will copy and paste list of all meds he got with there classifications. anyone who has seen this is as shocked as I am that one person had all these perscribed to them

1. Alprazolam (xanax)                            antianxiety
2. Zolpidem    (ambient)                         hypnotic
3. Amitriptyline                                      antidepressant
4. Atenolol    (Tenormin)                        side effect control
5. Clonidine   (Catapress)                       Anti ADD  antianxiety
6. Depakote   (Divalproex)                     Mood stabilizer
7. Diazepam  (Valuim)                           antianxiety
8. Fluoxetine (Prozac)                            antidepressant antipanic
9. Gabapentin (Neurontin)                     Mood stabilizer
10. Levothyroxin                                     Potentiates antidepressants
11. Lexapro                                             antidepressant
12. Metoprolol                                         side effect control
13. Oxazepam                                          antianxiety
14. perphenazine                                     Antipsychotic
15. Risperidone                                       Antipsychotic
16. Seroquel                                            Antipsychotic
17. Trihexyphenidyl                               Side effect control

1.Pantoprazole  anxiety, arthralgia, asthenia, back pain, bronchitis, chest pain, constipation, cough increased, dizziness, dyspepsia, dyspnea, flu syndrome, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal disorder, hyperlipemia, hypertonia, infection, liver function tests abnormal, migraine, nausea, neck pain, pain, pharyngitis, rectal disorder, rhinitis, SGPT increased, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infection, urinary frequency, urinary tract infection, and vomiting.
     2. Omeprazole  Nervous System/Psychiatric
      Psychic disturbances including depression, agitation, aggression, hallucinations, confusion,       insomnia, nervousness, tremors, apathy, somnolence, anxiety, dream abnormalities; vertigo; paresthesia; and hemifacial dysesthesia
      3.Diphenoxylate/ Atropine  Since the chemical structure of diphenoxylate hydrochloride is similar to that of meperidine hydrochloride, the concurrent use of this product with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors may, in theory, precipitate hypertensive crisis.
Diphenoxylate hydrochloride may potentiate the action of barbiturates, tranquilizers, and alcohol. Therefore, the patient should be closely observed when any of these are used concomitantly
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367994 tn?1304953593
Cardiomyopathy can be the result of medication, and obecity would also put stress on cardiovascular system.  And as CubbieBlue states the combination of the drugs would also contribute, and in my opinion a deadly outcome...  Did one doctor prescribe all those medications, or was your brother seeing many doctors without any communication among the doctors?  

The tox report doesn't show toxicity, but the cardiomyopathy is probably cardiac arrest with  the underlying cause being arrhythmia caused by an enlarged heart and heart muscle damage.  
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Oh by the way he lived on his own til 30 then had to go to boarding homes as he qualified for disability. He was diagnosised as anixety disorder bipolar and mild agoraphobic so not sure why he had so many antipsychotic meds. He really managed ok for alot of years I do think he was depressed alot cause of his weight he was kinda lazy. And it was hard for him to get girl friends and have a family which he had always wanted but no one wants to hook up with someone who is not so motivated. so in my book I am not sure why he had most of those meds.
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A toxocology was done. I have not picked up the info as yet but when I called they said there were no toxic levels in his system. They had found an empty hydrocodone bottle next to his bed and thought he may have committed suicide but I am sure his room mates just took the pills. Yes I am not sure how all these were filled and not flagged. The list is what I pulled frome Walgreens. I do not think they were doing there job. On May 6th he had 17 perscriptions filled. then on May 28 he had nine of them refilled. What gets me is on May 6th he had 120 hydrocodone for 5mg. On may 28th he got 180 hydrocodone 10mg. then got it refilled on June 20th. In all he ad 1610 pills perscribed in May and 22 day span on refills. He got 120 hydrocodone5mg  and 300 hydrocodone 10mg in a 45 day span. I can pull 6 of the meds off the DEA Controlled substance list and since he was on so many same classifications I am sure alot more are in there but not list by name.I am trying to do something about this as these are considered polypharmacutical perscribing DR's out there killing people.I do believe he got drug induce cardiomyopathy
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That is an obscene amount of medication. While I don't know if any one of those can cause cardiomyopathy, it may be possible that a combination of any of the above could cause this. I would be more concerned his death was due to an overdose of the sleeping/anti-anxiety medication.
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