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galicky smell on type 2 diabetic with heart disease

I noticed a strong garlicy smell on my husband.  He is a type 2 diabetic and has had 2 heart attacks, one resulting in 2 stints.  This smell came on suddenly last night and filled the entire house.  It's not a sweet smell and he said he did not eat garlic.  In fact he didn't each much at all yesterday.  It almost smelled a bit like garlic and alcohol.  He does not drink.
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1137980 tn?1281285446
Hi altho this site is a heart site Medhelp has a wonderful diabetes site that is super active and personally i don't believe what you are posting is heart related.  When someone has Type II Diabetes any change in the body odor that comes up suddenly is a red flag for sure and you need to contact his doc as soon as you can.  It may be an indicator of something else that is going on within his body and his apocrine levels are changing and it could be due to some sort of bacteria in his system or some sort of infection that you may not even be aware of at this point that is rearing its ugly head.  With diabetes the smell of alcohol on the breath in certain situations does pop up and again it is not a sign of anything good.  Contact his doc asap and the stenting no doubt has nothing to do w. what you two are experiencing and the heart attacks should not figure into it either.  Good luck to you both.
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thank you very much.  I am new to this site and have not completely understood how things work.  I originally posted this message in the diabetes section but it showed up in the juvenille area.  So I will try again and definitelly call his doc asap.

Thank you for your time.
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