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Marijuana caused arrhythmia

I've smoked marijuna only in two occasions. On both occasions my start started beating EXTREMELEY!! fast, it this arrhythmia lasted two hours, I thought I was going to die. Do you think this could be that I am allergic to marijuana? Is this normal? What should I do if this happens a third time? I was with my friend and I just sat down during the two hours, do you think I should have gone to a hospital?
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264156 tn?1206986994
Maybe you shouldn't let there be a third time. Your body is telling you to stay away from it. Listen.
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i agree with sugarpea.. If this was so scary why would you want to relive the experience?  While no one can confirm exactly what you experienced, i definatly wouldnt be trying to induce another episode by smoking pot again... If your are particularly concerned, it might be worth making an appointment with your PCP and discussing what you felt.
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177337 tn?1310059899
My very first episode of PAT was triggered from smoking pot.  (I was a senior in high school).  Let me tell you, I never touched it again.  Nor any other drug for that matter.  Let this be a lesson to you, your heart doesn't like it...stay away from it!!!
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My heart also used to race when I smoked pot.  I stopped and my heart still races.  Right this moment I could go find me the biggest bong on the planet and put as much stuff to smoke in it and maybe, just maybe, I'd feel a bit better.  I don't think you should smoke again.  Definitely though don't take other drugs, E does very bad things to the heart and they think it causes altzheimers as well in much younger people who used to get it.  Ketamine is for horses not for humans - even though the side effects are less bad, but really JUST SAY NO!!!!  I did drugs - mainly pot - and really I never did see the benefits.  Was not worth the time,money or effort.  My brother did loads of drugs but thankfully now he seldom takes anything and he has also said it was just a big waste of money.  Luckily we are not addictive personalities (although gambling could be a dodgy recessive gene with us so we are careful) but really just give it a miss.  It's really not worth it especially if its giving you a tachy.  Obviously your body is trying to tell you something.
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Sagreba, if marijuana makes your heart race and you don't like it, stop doing it. This is a pretty easy call. Never mind the stuff about it being a versatile medicinal herb. If it screws up your heart, I'd wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
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Only smoke it if you like it. I smoke cannabis sometimes, because mostly I have good experiences. But bad experiences happen!
Cannabis is not dangerous in the traditional sense, noone has EVER died as a direct cause of Cannabis. More people die of peanuts every week, than die from smoking marijuana in years. But do what you like best, some bodies don't like weed.
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I had the same issue years ago in college.  Scared the heck out of me and that was the last time I did that.  
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sometimes when your high you "Think" it is racing but it really isnt if you do smoke again and think its racing go to your parents or friend asked them is your heart/pulses beating fast

when i thought my heart was racing while i was high i went to my parents and just asked them to feel my heart and they said it was perfectly fine/normal

sometimes when your high you just over think it 1 sec i think my heart is beating fast then slow then 1 sec i think its not beating then 1 sec i think its normal

*i have SVT*
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My heart did the same thing when I smoked pot for the first time. For me it was because I got WAY TO HIGH for my first time. I don't know if its the same thing but maybe try just one little puff, then wait a while and see how you feel. If it is more bad then good, don't do it again. And don't go running or do strenuous activity while under the influence, your heart will act differently than normal. You don't have to be a smart *** to support decriminalization of cannabis.
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Did anyone confirm the heart rate?  My trials with weed appeared to cause extremely fast heart rate... my wife(who had not been smoking) was unable to tell a difference from my usual rate.  To me, though, I was going to die.  It was all mental, and I become very paranoid when I smoke pot.  While I don't agree with smoking pot, now that I am older, I'm not going to crucify the plant.  More often then not, it's probably a mental reaction due to preexisting anxieties.  That's been my experience.
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It really does cause issues for some people. My normal resting rate was 55-65. First time trying cannabis was an edible. Felt good at first but then the racing heart. Was alone and ended up calling an ambulance. Heart rate was 140. I have now been having sporadic racing heart, skipped beat issues over the last 6 months since. Waiting for holter monitor to see if heart arythmia developed. My rate seems to stay at 90-100 range now and up to 140 or higher during my "attacks". Cannabis can cause heart rythm abnormalities in some people and regular use can put strain on the heart. All genetics I suppose...
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weed is safe for you.  it has never killed a single soul on this earth.  PLEASE do NOT listen to Lisa or Wisconsin above, they obviously are much too prude to ever try it and actually realize that it is a MEDICINE, not a  DRUG.  I have PVCs daily and arrythmia and i still smoke marijuana everyday.  Never once have I had a bad effect.  At first it might take some time to get used to (I used to get very paranoid and anxious the first few times smoking, everyone does, its normal)  your heart WILL speed up, marijuana does that to your heart.  its no worse than when exercising speeds up your heart.  YOU WILL NOT DIE FROM MARIJUANA!
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I'm sorry, but weed CAN trigger an arrhythmia. It did so for me.

When I smoked weed once, my heart went 180bpm. ER came and my heart was going that fast for a good thirty minutes, and then went down to 140 or so for ages, eventually going back to normal. They said it was PSVT.

I'm so sick and tired of people defending weed, look, just cos it didn't make your heart do whacky stuff doesn't mean it won't happen to other people. I'm not saying weed will kill anyone or that it's terrible to do it, but it can make your body do some strange things and you guys need to at least come to terms with that.

I never touched weed again, but 2 months after that episode I had another PSVT attack and it's been happening every since. Clearly the weed triggered it or activated my reentry problem. I'm having an ablation in a couple of weeks.

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Same here
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sian333 might be right, same thing happened to me , i drank some cannabis tea, waited one hour, nothing happened, so i smoked some, then next thing i know, i started to get out of my mind, and had a panic attack (aka anxiety attack) from hell, whole body was shaking, i could feel my heart burning, and was 200bpm, my normal is 60-70bpm, on top of that, i had a shortness of breath, and thought i was gonna DIE. well called ambulance, gave me IV, and stayed overnight in hospital, in the morning when i got discharged, i could still feel the effects of marijuana, couldn't even walk.

Anyway, my point it, in theory i think marijuana might cause heart arrhythmia, because to this day, once in a while, i feel my heart skip beats, and i never had that before. so just beaware, dont smoke too much, and if your body doesn't like it, DONT DO IT.
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The same thing happens to me when I smoke a lot of weed. It only seems to happen with certain strains of marijuana. It beats so fast my skin and my eyes will literally turn a shade of red and you can hear my heart smacking my chest from across the room. It's happened to me 4 times. All I can say is drink plenty of water, POP a squat and chill. Most of the damage that is caused is from your blood thickening from dehydration. Thick blood causes abnormal heart beats. It may also be caused by paranoia which is a normal side effect of smoking marijuana. If you chill out and drink plenty of water you should be fine within 20 minutes or so. Another reason still is sort of like sleep apnea. Sometimes when you smoke too much marijuana you will forget to breath for long periods of time, the lack of oxygen will induce a rapid heart beat. And too much at once may clog up your air sacks with resin. But still, the more it happens, the more damage it may cause to your heart. So next time just chill out and wait for it to pass. Your not going to die as long as your conscious and regulating yourself accordingly.
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I'm sorry, I meant conscious of its side effects and are using it at a comfortable level. The fact is that marijuana does speed your heart up. In fact it speeds your whole metabolism up. So it would make sense that you can achieve a rapid heart beat. I've found that meditating to regulate it seems to help. But I'm never discomforted with it either. Even though I do now seem to have a heart murmur. But that's ok. I know plenty of people with them who have lived into their 90s even.
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967168 tn?1477584489
why do people who smoke weed; drink alcohol or caffeine or do any other type of thing that makes their heart skip beats complain? really...if it does it once; that's your body's way of saying STOP! instead of continuing to do that same thing and expect a different result?

different people have different triggers; if you find something that triggers an arrhythmia in you..then STOP...or it may have lasting effects and may really do something to your heart after continued use.

btw; I never said it would kill anyone - obviously it has side effects or so many people wouldn't post asking WTH just happened to me [scour the forums you'll see the posts]

Soda wont KILL you but it sure can make your life miserable from the carbonation and caffeine has been shown to trigger arrhythmia's :P
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two things

Marijuana can/does in many people cause your heart to race. In some individuals, heart rate can increase to the 120-125 range. This is not cause for immediate alarm or concern. it feels uncomfortable and you might feel fidgety because we don't experience that sort of heart rate unless we're jogging, swimming, etc and it thus we notice it more. That being said, if your heart feels very uncomfortable, it might be exacerbating/encouraging a slight arrythmia. Most people get them from time to time and the increased heart rate and other factors may encourage it.

My second contribution. I recommend to anyone to seek out and read the current public health research conducted on marijuana. Recently, UCLA published a study of over 65,000 americans. They found that regular marijuana smokers had no increased incidence/prevelence of pulmonary disease (emphysema, bronchitis, COPD, etc) or other illnesses. Moreover, they found that marijuana smokers were statistically LESS likely to develop lung cancer. Research is now being studied into THC's possible anti-carcinogenic effects.

Keep in mind beginning to smoke marijuana before around age 20 (and especially for ages 13-17) can increase risk of schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Prolonged and frequent use can also be associated with decreased short term memory. However, the risk is only statistically significant when after smoking very frequently over many years.

I'm not advocating nor discouraging marijuana use. Though I think before we label something bad or harmful or repugnant, or define our sense of ethics based on very political (and outdated) legislation, we should review all the facts at our disposal.

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I have AFIB, an arrhythmic heart condition. I have been cardioverted (shocked to return my heart to normal rhythm) for the condition 3 times. It's non-fatal and hereditary...both my parents have the condition. I had not smoked prior to being diagnosed with the condition. I started medicating with cannabis a few years later. Over the course of several years I encountered two panic attack like experiences. I spoke to my cardiologist about it. I told him that I medicated heavily, 4 to 6 doses per day. He told me that he didn't believe that marijuana interfered with the electrical function of the heart (a reference to regular rhythm not rate, a fast heart is not synonymous with an arrhythmic heart). Since then I have learned much about cannabis since I also did not want to repeat the elevated heart rate experience. The first issue is, for most people this fast heart rate is brought on by over dosing. I read several posts of people who had the panic attack their first try of the herb. Those folks may never know or care but, perhaps they could try a lesser dose and likely be o.k. Some strains can be very potent as the horticultural expertise these days is advanced. In addition, the elevated heart rate can be further avoided if one chooses an Indica strain instead of a Sativa strain. Sativas' effects have a more cerebral impact while Indicas' have a more body impact. I actually prefer Sativas' over Indicas but avoid them now since they are more likely to produce an elevated heart rate than the Indicas. Until I was able to obtain my medicine from a dispensary, I was not as able to find consistency of potency and overdosing was always lurking behind every dose of “black market” medicine. If I were unable to medicate with cannabis, my life would be quite miserable as I have three qualifying medical conditions which have no other effective alternative medication. I'm open minded to those of you who despise “weed” and it's “users.” Just try not to be so abrasive. It's a big complicated world with a lot of variables to consider. I realize there are people who can ruin their lives by overdosing on “pot” and who would be better off never partaking. Those people aren't everyone. I'm a good Father and a hard worker. I get up and go to work every weekday at 5:30 in the morning, and I enjoy receiving praise from my boss for a job well done. My work ethic has not taken a dive because I medicate with cannabis. For those who want to partake for pleasure only and have no medical condition, there's no reason one can't agree that the “in moderation” approach, as a form of relaxation (just like with alcohol) is a balanced approach. I wish I could partake for pleasure however, my dose levels simply allow me to feel balanced and normal, and less distracted by pain. If I feel “high” I overdosed. I don't desire that feeling. Think about all the variables of consuming alcohol. Cannabis has many more. Thanks for reading...spread the word!
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1569985 tn?1328247482
I feel like I stumbled into the Twilight Zone -- sounds like an instruction manual for using drugs and getting high, i.e., "the first few times . . . might happen and it's normal . . ." If something is causing you difficulties -  DON'T DO IT!!!  This is not about politics, this is about protecting your health and may be an age thing.  At some point in your life, you realize it is finite and why cause yourself any kind of harm for a high?  This isn't rocket science.  Clearly the pot isn't working for you -- what are you doing on a message board for people who want to improve their health????  btw I liked the joke about the spoon in the coffee.
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This is all very interesting.
Last I knew pot was illegal. No one should encourage anyone to break the law-at all.

That said, I know there are a lot of people that use it for severe pain. I do think doctors should be allowed to prescibe it for that--after all- a lot of legal drugs damage the brain as well.

I also think people should not be cruel and put people down that do use drugs. Its a horrible evil that owns them, and although we can see that the drug use effects their brains, they can not. Its really not a laughing matter, especially if you love someone that was destroyed by something they thought they could control--be it drugs or alcohol. None of us are any better than anyone else on here. One may feel proud because they never used drugs, but how about alcohol--whats the risks with that? I read alcohol can cause pancritis or other issues--if you drink it thinking your risks are low, but then get pancritis should we laugh at you? How about sex--unless you only have sex with one person you are increasing your chances of stds -should those of who only ever had one partner laugh when you get an std or bugs or whatever?

In case you are  wondering--I have never smoked pot or done drugs or alcohol or anything else--but I felt like the tone was not kind at all.
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1569985 tn?1328247482
Not sure if you are referring to my post or not.  I am not feeling superior or judgemental and I did not intend to be unkind.  If someone is doing something that is clearly not in their best interest and you know it -- telling them is kind of like pulling a child out of traffic.  Would it be kinder to condone a practice that is clearly hurting them?  Any offense was not intentional.  I realize some people are not hearing what's being said because they are fogged.

I have had issues with alcohol myself and other addictions in my family.  One just about sank us financially.  Pain comes in many forms.  If you care about someone, you hope they grow up and stop hurting themselves as well as those around them.

We all have quirks, some have addictions.  As Dr. Phil says, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge."  If you believe that it's okay to continue to use a drug that is clearly hurting you, you're not headed in a good direction.

People are free to live their lives as they choose.  Pointing out that perhaps, they are harming themselves should be construed as a kindness.  I have no illusions of superiority.  I am here to learn, improve my health, maybe help someone else, and perhaps, save my own life.  I cannot condone the use of recreational drugs, particularly in someone with health issues, but that's just my opinion, no one has to agree with it.   Pot for medicinal purposes is a whole different subject.  
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1124887 tn?1313754891
Guys, this post is 4 years old. :p

We are respectful on this community, and I think it's one of the best. However, people need to take the consequences of their actions. I know, one cup of coffee = more PACs. If I can't live with that I can't drink coffee. Smoking in general will increase cardiac risk. Accept it or quit smoking. Marijuana causes rapid heart rate, and often arrhythmias, some even malignant. A fairly good reason to quit.
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For anyone who is curious, buy a pulse ox and see what your HR really is!

Look - yes it does cause fast heart rate and arrhythmia in some people. Just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean you go out and tell people it's safe for them and not to listen to warnings. You can pick up a pulse ox unit online or in the pharmacy for $40 or less that will tell you you pulse for certain, if you are a person who is concerned.

It is a myth that most people just 'feel' they have a racing heart or are just anxious. Studies show it raises the heart rate. How much it raises it varies by person, THC level, medical conditions, and a myriad of other factors that we don't even know yet. Buy a pulse ox and you'll see. Mine went up to 180 once....lasted about an hour and then dropped off sharply. That's when I did too much. I was trying to use it for migraines. I don't anymore. It is not worth the risk for me, I tried smaller amounts, and still had massive increases. I even tried to develop a tolerance....didn't work.

Does that mean I will tell other people it will always do the same to them? Of course not. I'm tired of people who end up saying this plant is totally safe. It does have some side effects for some people. Maybe in the push to have it legalized, they are just being ignorant, and there is no need to be. All drugs, natural or not, have potential side effects. Look at caffeine. Legalization isn't going to be stopped by the fact that it has a few side effects for some people, so stop denying that it can cause heart issues!
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Actually, people have died due to rare cannabis-caused arrhythmia. Funny how people love to regurgitate bogus factoids!

From the case study of a 15-year old killed by cannabis: "Cardiac arrest is a rare and possibly fatal consequence of cannabis use. Public awareness should be raised by extensively promoting all potential complications associated with its use."

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I have actually had an experience in which cannabis severely raised my heart rate. I had to go to the ER, as every muscle in my body was spasming uncontrollably. This lasted for 5 hours, and for the majority of the time my heart rate was considered dangerously high. Only drug in my system was THC
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