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Recent Hospital Stay with "Incidental Findings"

I was recently in the hospital for chest pain with high blood pressure 198/102 on (7/20).  After having a chest CT, the results are below.  The hospitalist called them "incidental findings" and stated I needed to see my primary care asap.  I'm very concerned and hope someone can at least lend a little advice.

CT angiography of chest with injection of Optiray, shows bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.  There is no large confluent mass seen but the number of lymph nodes are slightly increased diffusely throughout the mediastinum.  There is calcified plaque in the aorta with noncalcified plaque also seen throughout the aorta, particularly along the decending aorta.  No dissection is identified.  No aneurysm is seen.  Heart size is normal.  Central pulmonary arteries are well-opacified.

Lung window show diffuse septal thickening with pleural and subpleural thickening noted.  There is no consolidation or dominant lung mass seen. No pleural effusion is seen.  There is bronchial wall thickening throughout the lungs.  There is atelectasis in the lung bases with mild scarring in the lingual.

Note:  I do have an echo and stress test scheduled for Wednesday due to my stay, the plaque in my aorta and 2 abnormal ekg's stating "left atrial enlargement", ST deviation and moderate t-wave abnormality, consider lateral ischemia.

Any help translating would be greatly appreciated.

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I remember when i was 23 yrs old i was sick with something minor, can't remember what. In any case i went to the er. They did a chest xray and the doctor said he saw a shadow or something that did not belong there. He said to go home and come back the next day. He was going to consult another doctor. I went home and didn't sleep all nite. I was worried sick. I had a new baby. I went back and the second doctor said everything was fine!!
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I have nothing new to add, but I wanted to comment about your frustration that the hospitalist and cardiologist wouldn't discuss anything but cardio issues with you.   That is the trend now.  No more holistic medicine, no more seeing that person as a WHOLE human being.   Medicine is completely specialized now, and we're treated as if we are just a particular body part.  

It's positively dehumanizing...but that's the way doctors are these days.  I am sure you will get answers.    Keep us posted.

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Thank you so much for your attempt and for your supportive words.  Yes, it is hard to stay positive while waiting to get appointments.  The entire process is just enough to make you want to scream to start with.

Again, thank you and please enjoy your week.

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Hi there. Hope your coping ok. It seems to be very complex, and not being a doctor it would be wrong to be saying things out of context to you. There are a few cardiology issues as is apparent from the tests.The heart size is normal, thats good.Pulmonary arteries ok and no aneurism. all positive.
There seems to be a number of issues to be addressed with the lungs. there are increased lymph nodes, which need investigation. There is no mass, which is a good sign. I can imagine your up the wall with worry. Thats understandable. The Cardiologist sits on the fence, thats not helping. All you can do is stay positive and please god things wont be too bad. We all jump to conclusions the minute we hear things, and the reality is that we dont know anything much about medical issues. Its a bit like looking up things n google. you always tend to think the worst. Anyway i am not much help, but hope it goes well for you.
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Thank you for your reply.  It is very hard not to be concerned, I'm not going to worry myself silly, so I do thank you for the reminder to "not worry".  I think the worse part for me is the Hospitalist and Cardiologist at the hospital would only discuss cardiology issues with me, instead of even trying to waylay any fears regarding the "incidental" findings.  Just stated to see my primary care asap.  Truly frustrating.

My hope is someone with a little medical knowledge will respond with a couple answers.

Again, thank you so much for your reply.  It is appreciated that you took the time.  Have a lovely week.
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Incidental findings are things that are discovered unintentionally.   You have a test for one thing, and something else unexpected can also show up.

You went in for the high bp and chest pain, but the CT scan is showing something going on with your lymph nodes.   The cardiac findings (ST deviation, plaque, etc) are probably not related.

There are a zillion reasons for your lymph nodes to be swollen and/or increased in number; usually it means you're recovering from an infection of some kind.  I wouldn't even try to venture a guess...but try not to worry.

I hope the echo and stress test go well; Good luck!

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