12182312 tn?1427683956

low blood pressure

Hi guys. I know this is a hypertension board, but I figured i would post. I went for a physical today and my bp was 112/70. Is that too low. My doctor didn't say anything...
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You are young; that is a fine blood pressure.   Don't worry.
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12182312 tn?1427683956
Hi, and thank you. I do suffer from dizziness a lot. I don't know if it's related. I'm gonna get it rechecked tomorrow, and will post..
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I'm not a medical professional. I just posted my own questions yesterday. I can say from all that I've learned about blood pressure about the past year though that 112 / 70 is not too low and some might even say it's ideal to have those numbers. You can always ask your doctor for more information but as I understand, unless your numbers go  below 80 / 50 or you're fainting your blood pressure is not too low.

Good luck!

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