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Tingling after Swine Flu Vaccine

i have been tingling all overy body, it jumps around from limb to limb, iam 23 weeks pregnant and really worried.
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Hi.  For 3 days I felt great.  This morning I am back to tingling in my hands/feet/arms/legs.  At least I know what to expect this time. Ugh.  
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I am 7 days post vaccination.  he said give it 1-2 more weeks.  i started the b12 last night.  see how it goes.    
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I am a 47 yrs old female.got my swine flu shot 3 weeks back and started with the tingling in my foot within an hour.still experiencing off and on burning in my feet,sometimes very chilly and continuing to tingle in my feet.muscle twitches and needles too.
Geeta,are you from India? I am from South India and would like to get in touch if  you are.not many people have reported these symptoms in our country.none of the neurologists are aware of such a reaction.it was really useful going thru all the posts and it makes the anxiety little lesser.

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I think most have recovered as far as we could....left with some problems but have got used to them....we were all bad at one time and if you read all the posts  you can see some  did  completely ..others not as muchI am so sorry you have the need to visit here and hope you are feeling easier
I am better than at the beginning but left with a few problems
Yours could well disappear as they seem to be side effects that appear at the start and then go
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I am a 32 year old female. I have taken a H1N1 flu shot on March 10th and has developed numbness in complete right side body from face till feet. It had gradullay subsided in 3 days. But I still have symptoms like numbness, tingling, needles, muscle twitches and vibrations at various parts of the body.

Let me knw if you all have recovered.

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I noticed your post and was wondering if you have fully recovered.  I received my annual flu vaccine two weeks ago and am still having on and off tingling sensations and pins and needles.  It is just scary.  No Doctor can tell me what it is.
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I forgot to mention - I have been through many tests as well -

Don't forget it really good news when they can't find anything and your tests are normal - although it doesn't provide alot of comfort for the present 'can't ignore' all consuming symptoms - it seems like it is the same as all of us - vaccine adverse reaction :(

It really ***** and takes so long to heal but you will in time - that's what everyone tells us.
I can definitely see a difference, but when those symptoms flare up from being minimal - yucky and scary - I know how you feel about being desperate to know when this hell on earth will end - we all are :)
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Hi MoS,

We are not really posting here anymore - we are over on Tigling after Swine Flu vacc - Chapter 2 - check out all the posts there - many former posters are recovered and moving on with life, many of us still have symptoms and are coping as best as possible.

I am 5 months post vacc today - still have many of the symptoms you have but they are much less severe and in general they wax and wane - mostly I have a few neuro symptoms and buzzy legs and feet with numb bottoms of feet, muscle twitches and a few other things...

I have gotten much better over the course of the last month and I think you will see 'marked' improvements within the next 2 months...

There is also a post about '6 months post vacc' where you could post you symptoms too -
but why don't you come over to Ch. 2 where ther is much ongoing discussion.

Hang in there!

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Are you still experiencing your symptoms of tingling? I am nearly 4 months post vaccine and I am still experiencing a myriad of symptoms, one of the many being the numbness and tingling that you mention. I also get a strange dizziness, internal vibrating throughout my body and brain. I'm desparate to know how much longer this will last. I've been to emergency rooms and many doctors including 2 different neuros. None of my doctors can find anything in my blood work, MRIs, xrays, CT scans, EMG nerve test, etc. I got the vaccine Jan 13, 2010. Are you still having symptoms??
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Sorry to hear you are experiencing a reaction to the vaccination - pretty sure that's what is happening.

Toothpaste? I think not.

This is an older forum and we have moved on to newer chapters - I believe we are on ch.2 - please join us there - you will get lots of feedback and responses from people who have had the same reaction and are tingling (and so much more:)

Read through the over 500 posts on ch. 2 - see you there!

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I got the H1N1 shot and the flu shot at the same time but in different arms on January 11th sometime in the afternoon and later around 5:00pm I started feeling the tingling and a kind of burning sensation in my jaw, cheeks and ears. I called the nurse advice line and she suggested I go to the ER so I did. I went to the ER and they did some test that they said came out normal and also gave me anxiety medicine.
So I went home and the tingling continued on and off so I thought maybe it is due to a recent root canal and crown I just had done where the crown was put on way too high and my bite was off. I thought maybe this could cause the tingling since I am a clincher. I went to my dentist and she said the tingling was due to my toothpaste (Sensodyne Pro Namel) and the chemicals in it. So, I then changed my toothpaste and my jaw continues to tingle. I am now getting even more concerned so I look up to see if anyone else had tingling as a result of the H1N1 shot and that is how I found myself here. I am happy to have found your posts and I will be happier when I see that someone has been helped. I would really like to know if there is anyone out there who has had the tingling and it went away. If so, was it due to time or something else? It has now been over two months and I am still experiencing the tingling.
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I got the H1N1 shot and the flu shot at the same time but in different arms on January 11th sometime in the afternoon and later around 5:00pm I started feeling the tingling and a kind of burning sensation in my jaw, cheeks and ears. I called the nurse advice line and she suggested I go to the ER so I did. I went to the ER and they did some test that they said came out normal and also gave me anxiety medicine.
So I went home and the tingling continued on and off so I thought maybe it is due to a recent root canal and crown I just had done where the crown was put on way too high and my bite was off. I thought maybe this could cause the tingling since I am a clincher. I went to my dentist and she said the tingling was due to my toothpaste (Sensodyne Pro Namel) and the chemicals in it. So, I then changed my toothpaste and my jaw continues to tingle. I am now getting even more concerned so I look up to see if anyone else had tingling as a result of the H1N1 shot and that is how I found myself here. I am happy to have found your posts and I will be happier when I see that someone has been helped. I would really like to know if there is anyone out there who has had the tingling and it went away. If so, was it due to time or something else? It has now been over two months and I am still experiencing the tingling.
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I got my shot on this past Friday and woke up with both hands tingling. What should I do?  I also feel like someone punched my in my right arm (not the arm the I received the shot) ---- I am so scared. I sort of felt like this on Friday after the shot, but not as severe... I was telling myself that I phyched myself up due to all my internet browsing --- but now it can't be ignored.  I am in tears!!!!!  I don't want this to be GBS.  
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Paulla: everyone is posting on Tingling - Chapter 2 or Tingling - Path to Recovery.
I'm sure you've had a reaction to the vaccines. Please join us on one of the other forum questions.
We couldn't tell you what effects Xanax would have as we are not doctors...you would need to ask your doctor or pharmacist.
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I got the H1N1 nasal spray vaccine and the regular flu shot at the same time.
After 6 hours my right feet my heal started to ache. It is a mild pain and goes away and comes back. No tingling, no numb. Pain does not move. Can it be realted to the two vaciines or not, It has been 13 hours now.
By the way I suffer from panic disorder and worry continuesly, in order to relax and slepp can I get Xanax , would it effect with the vaccine? I forgot to ask the doc.
Please help,
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Hi everyone!, I received the h1n1 vaccine on Jan 7 around 1pm, after coming home 30 min later my right feet was numb I shook it off and it was gone but like 3 or 4 hrs later I felt palpitations on my left thigh (I got the shot on the left arm) so I thought ok I guess is normal I’m not feeling any kind of pain in my arm so I guess my thigh was doing all the work. On my 2nd day I woke up with a horrible pain on my right leg I got out of bed and it went away, I didn’t have any palpitation feeling on my thigh anymore,  but on the second day the tingling sensation had  started; feet, toes, lips mouth. So I decided to hit the internet yesterday and after reading some post here I realize I was not alone with this. Of course I was freaked out about GBS, and still am a bit, but I guess anxiety is playing a big part in this. I’m always worrying about stupid little things on my everyday life and off course is making it worst, so today was my 3rd day with the tingles on my feet. Toes and lips and again woke up with pain in my leg, tonight I had a muscle relaxer which my doc had prescribe me and I will give it a few days to c how I do, if not I will head to the doc’s office by the end of the week. So happy a lot of people here are doing better and I will keep posting on my progress with this and beautyaround me; I am now feeling the same way I should had follow my gut feeling and not take the vaccine, but I did it because I have asthma now I know I’m not even doing the seasonal shot anymore, I believe the h1n1 vaccine was rushed and was not tested properly before getting it out there, I wish you well and please keep updating on how u are doing.
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I received h1n1 vaccine and had severe jabbing pain in my thighs day after, kept getting pain for couple of days that felt like sharp needles deep within muscles. I waited, and it got better after 5 days but then on 8th day after shot I started to get muscle spasms all over arms and legs. I was so scared, I was all over the internet researching, thought I had that GBS, freaked and called my doctor immediately. I was told that my  symptoms were not likely to be GBS because I had reflexes and had no problems with acitivity or weakness. He thought it could be possible that it was related to a reaction from shot, but really couldn't give a clear answer. I received a vit B12 shot and have been taking some at home. My symptoms are better after almost 3 weeks now, (I think... scared to say that because I know it could come back).
I am so glad I found this board, I have been sooo depressed and scared about this. It's a little reassuring to know that I am not the only one on one hand, but also scary to think how many side effects this vaccine has. I have always been an advocate of getting flu shots, and trying to boost my immune system to prevent disease, but now I feel that I made a terrible mistake with this vaccine. I would not reccomend it to anybody. I have become very paranoid and disturbed, and maybe it's my paranoia speaking but I believe that there are toxins in the vaccine. Maybe because of the timely demand for the flu, appropriate studies were not done accurately or possibly some of these companies were reporting semi-false info just to get vaccine out in hurry or for other motives..who knows.  What I do know is that nerves do take a long time to heal, so I hope that is why this is taking so long to go away...I hope. Good luck to everyone. I will keep you posted.
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Surfnsand247: We hope you are doing well. You started this forum and we would love to hear how you are. Can you imagine we are starting our third forum on this subject? Incredible. If you are able to join us again...please go to Tingling - The Path to Recovery. Take Care.
Chapter 1, 2 and Recovery Gang
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Your last lines are the best recipe I have ever read! Everything you have written coincides with my personal experience - I feel fine now and I had the shot on November the 9th, so it took me almost two months to recover. In any case this is the old forum: discussions go on in the second chapter, look out for it! It's a very big group! Bye.
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I'm 49 and I too started developing tingling in my right leg and then my left hand 3 days after the H1N1 shot.  It's been 12 days now and when I called my doctor he said the same thing that I've read here that GB devlops rapidly without prolonged tingling, and  he had a patient with it in 1976 that was in a wheel chair two days after the symptoms started, so to relax, if it's been going on a few days and I can walk even if there's some pain, I don't have GB.  I notice a little stiffness in my leg when I climb stairs. My doctor is also a close personal friend and he said he's  had about a dozen people with tingling and muscle twitches from the H1N1 shot and some have gone on for  several weeks, but most resolve themself in three months or sooner.  I know anxiety can be a factor, because after driving in a snowstorm yesterday my ankle ached like I had arthritis and my calf started twitching and my right arm tingled and when I laid down I couldn't sleep.  I'm just going to wait it out find a good book and sit by the fireplace and try not to let anxiety take over.
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Hi! Glad to hear your neuro checks are all right. Did you notice we're not posting on this question anymore....we've actually had to go to a Chapter 2 and looks like we're headed, unfortunately, for a Chapter 3!!!

So go to Tingling after Swine Flu Vaccine Chapter 2 to read about the continuation of our stories and recoveries. Thanks!
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Well after a spinal tap (thankfully negative) and lots of neuro checks it is still not determined what my diagnosis is..My neurologist said I do have peripheral neuropathy and so the next step is to do an EMG.  The tingling in my feet persists and I am just so upset I even got this  vaccine. Hoping everything will be ok!
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Ana2662: we are not posting on this forum question anymore, please go to "Tingling after Swine Flu Vaccine Chapter 2". I will respond to you there. Thanks.
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It is so great to find this forum....I have been feeling most of the symptons mentioned here, it has been 26 days since my first symptons appeared, and like everyone I have been visiting the neurologist, cardiologist, done all the test and I everything (thanks God) is ok.  I was so happy to find you guys, I have been through hell with all the symptons, tingling on my back, some fatigue, anxiety, cold hand/feet, sweeting, I am taking tranquilizer and that is helping me, there are days and times where the symptons dissapear and then out of nowhere they como back, I am so frustrated but I keep saying I will get throught, and now that I found you guys, it is so great to know you are not alone and we are not crazy...I get my anxiety after so many days not getting better, I don't just think is in my head, before the vaccine I have perfectly normal, doing lots of sport, and now I don't want to move to far from my house, I just want us to unite and pray for the full recovery of all of us......
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