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Penis - burning sensation mainly after ejaculation

Hoping someone can assist me on my issue here, at its becoming a bigger concern. I am a 27 year old male.

I had unprotected sex with a female around the beginning of June and shortly after I noticed a mild burning sensation when I  ejaculated. I knew this was likely to be some kind of STD as a result, (I had been diagnosed and treated for non-specific urethritus 2 years earlier) so proceeding to get an appointment with my GP.
He prescribed a 10 day course of Doxycycline 100mg capsules which I took as prescribed. I returned to the doctors as my symptoms persisted. I gave a urine sample (which was tested for such infections) and also the penis tip swab test which all came back
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Kidney stones you will find all the symptoms to you problem
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Hey guys, I had that same problem and thought it was STD. After getting very frustrated by the doctors not being able to diagnose the problem, I finally diagnosed it myself. It was a yeast infection that my partner had and was not treated properly. She finally took a yeast treatment that had a capsule to take orally and also applied the cream to the vaginal area. Then I took a urinary track infection treatment table for a few day. Problem never came back even after 5 years. Trust me, It is a yeast infection but you both have to take treatment if you are still sexually active together or else it continues to be passed back and forth among you guys.
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no, i had the same problem and my kid was perfect
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Hey guys, I had that same problem and thought it was STD. After getting very frustrated by the doctors not being able to diagnose the problem, I finally diagnosed it myself. It was a yeast infection that my partner had and was not treated properly. She finally took a yeast treatment that had a capsule to take orally and also applied the cream to the vaginal area. Then I took a urinary track infection treatment table for a few day. Problem never came back even after 5 years. Trust me, It is a yeast infection but you both have to take treatment if you are still sexually active together or else it continues to be passed back and forth among you guys.
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15339406 tn?1439936129
my whole life i thought im the only one having this burning sensation i was scared but thanks to you and all the members letting me know that im not the only one LoL..! i have a solution for it. works for me all the time just drink 2 or 3 glass of water or milk it will work 100%
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A related discussion, it burns was started.
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Here is a link to a food grade diatomaceous earth product.


The difference between food and feed grade is FDA allowed arsenic levels. Food grade DE comes from 4 out of the 600+ DE mines in the United States. I had four beers tonight, jerked off as an experiment, and for the first time in years, no burning (yeast loves beer/sugar/carbs as a food source and that is what causes the burning). I wish I could reach out to all you guys who suffer from this. My penis feels great!
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Okay folks, if your penis is burning and it is not sex related it is probably caused from internal yeast. I had this problem for years and I had no idea how to get rid of the yeast. Recently I found out I had pin worms in my intestines, so I came across Diatomaceous Earth as a method for getting rid of those. In addition to a million other benefits of Diatomaceous earth, DE expels yeast from your body.

The burning sensation that had plagued me for years had gone away within four days. Take a teaspoon or more of DE a day and your penis, but your general health will increase exponentially. Make sure the DE you consume is FOOD GRADE and not feed or other grades. This is very important because the DE used in pools contains a form of silica that is very cancerous. Food Grade DE contains a negligent amount of the cancerous silica and contains a form of silica that is extremely good for you. Do your research, but food grade diatomaceous earth will cure the burning penis.

You are welcome.
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whatever you call it: If this Burning feeling occurs after you have just been with your lady and that she has got pregnant straight after: could it be possible that the baby could suffer because the sperm being contaminated could trigger of a Malformation: I'm not one of these Guys who likes to shake his Percy all that often and leave it alone for many weeks but when I do I find that my Sperm shoots out and when standing upright My sperm shoots out where it shoots about six feet away from my Body: I'm not a young man no more but my wife is only 27 and she would like to have a Baby I'd hate for us to have a Malformed Baby: And as for alcohol I drink Two to three pints every four to five months: If alcohol is the main factor for my sperm to be burning that at least I can stop the Alcohol straight away
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Anybody figure out what's causing the burning sensation inside the penis????
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I almost had it gone and it burst again some monthes ago, I think the cause was drinking too much beer / vodka redbull.

I can tell that Ciprofloxacin antibiotics did not helped me, and Doxycycline is the one that helped.
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I'm having a very similar issue,

I'm 31, It all started when I had sex with my girlefriend when whe was in period (almost one year ago). My tests cultures are always negative.

I'm having this issue for almost one year for now: I got some antibiotics from my doctor which helped, but I always get a small burnning sensation which come and go. (antibiotics helped a lot! but it did not disapeared completely)...

Now I'm changing the eurologist.
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my story - (and it's interesting reading all the comments on here, it really does help reading about things) - I'm a 50 yo heterosexual male, that has now developed the main same symptom talked about - ie: burning sensation after cumming - I have always been fit & healthy (and extremely sexually active)- and have been in a monogamous sexual relationship for the last 27 years -  before that ( meeting the woman who is now my wife) my sexual history was that of a "****"- I had contracted and been treated for, many a venereal disease :) so I know alittle about all the STD's I've caught :) - the most common ones :)  -  Anyways,  2 months ago this main symptom turned up (the burning/ejaculation thingey etc. + an incessant need to pee (ridiculously small amounts)  during the day), a couple of  months or so before this all started to happen for me, my wife had gone through a time of inter-period bleeding - (which is still on-going)  (and sometimes bled during & after intercourse intercourse)  so I thought I better go and get it all checked out.....  Doc said classic symptoms of an STD/STI  (Chlamydia or GC  :) )...or maybe a UTI....or maybe even Prostitus (sp?) problems..(problems with prostrate gland etc..)).....all tests, fortunately (I guess ! - though I would really have liked a definitive cause found so that it can be treated ,though I do realise it's a process of elimination)  came back negative, and likewise for wifey. It now seems wifey is going through menopause... and that all kinds of things can happen around, and be caused , by it !?!  
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I got the same feeling some times. Common thing that causes is peeing before ejaculation. You need to wait, you can pee afterwards, but not before. It's like some urine falls into canals that are meant for semmen only or smth. Imagine, you open up that canal when there is urine in your mainstream canal so it goes where it shouldnt be and it makes unpleasurable. Someone here said that ejaculating helps it would explain as he was cleaning those ducts while ejaculating. But if you pee afterwards, the canal is shut and nothing happens.      

Some people think that is common causes are beer, coffee and spicy foods and dehydratation, but those makes you dehydrate through peeing which happens more often and you don't track when you should ejaculate..
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Holy ****!! 3 years later and I'm doing exactly as you say. Sitting on the throne and waiting for it to pass. I've been married for 4 years now and when I get tipsy and bang my awesome wife, I get that burning feeling. Glad to know I'm not alone. Peace and goodnight.
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My friend had the same problem he wanted me to ask if  it would happen because he does crystal meth daily
It must have some kind of waste that comes out in the urine, he'll I read somwhere that users can recycle there own urine causing them to have more of the drug again.
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Guy I get this and I've been tested for STIs like 7-8 times since it started when I was 18 or 19. Its not an STI. Good on you for being a fearmonger though
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Guy I get this and I've been tested for STIs like 7-8 times since it started when I was 18 or 19. Its not an STI. Good on you for being a fearmonger though.
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Hello gents thanks for the great info. I've suffered from this for a few years now, gets much worse when I drink energy drinks and fap too much (4ish times a day). I find drinking milk helps alot, probably due to pH.
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People suffering from penile burning, urethral burning, urge to pee, frequent urination, painful ejaculation, pain after or during sexual intercourse ;
If your problem is not because of prostate or bladder infection then the only other natural explanation is that you have a hypertonic pelvic floor or a very tight pelvic floor. I had all these symptoms, including erectile dysfunction and low libido. Try reverse kegels and other relaxation  techniques. It is best to see a physio or a pelvic floor therapist to discuss how you can relax your pf and also prevent your body from tightening up your floor or inducing pressure during masturbation, sexual intercourse or while defacating. People who need more information can email me; ***@****
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The cause is DEHYDRATION! Make sure you have drunken sufficient water before ejaculation and avoid alcohol/coffee. If it still happens, just drink a lot of water asap
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I believe I have a solution which could help a great deal of you. I have dealt with this issue for many years of my life, and have tried different things trying to prevent it.

If you are having the issue where you have pain/discomfort/urge to pee after ejaculation, trust me when I say I know you probably want to punch yourself in the head repeatedly to try and make the pain go elsewhere. As a guy, this can be unbearable especially if it happens when you have a one-night stand or something. Holy ****.

Anyways, here's my take. What appears to be happening is that upon ejaculation, not all of the semen is making it out of your urethra. What causes this - I don't know. It could be many, many different things. But this causes inflammation and discomfort in your wang, and directly causes all of the symptoms.

Adopt this new habit after ejaculating: massage your urethra from the base of your manhood to the tip of your johnson. Visualize that you are trying to empty a toothpaste container of all its contents. You need to work the urethra so that you effectively squeeze all of the semen out that didn't make it. Don't be aggressive, it's not necessary. You will quickly see that this exercise results in plenty of ejaculate coming out. I usually spend 30-60 seconds doing this every time after I ejaculate.

This could change your life. It did for me. Since I started getting this routine down-pat, I have not once had a flare-up of the original issue. Sometimes, you will squeeze out a lot of ejaculate that just didn't make it. I seriously shot out a second mini-load 20 seconds after the first, just by massaging it out. It was alarming, but it confirmed that my hypothesis had to be right.

Anyways, if your issue is the same as mine and what seems like so many dudes have, try this out. Don't give up if it doesn't work the first time. You have get the technique down right so that you are always cleaning your urethra out after ejaculating. I almost wish I could put up a video because I know how devastating this issue is... but sorry bros, you're gonna have to figure it out for yourself.
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Hey, had this problem as long as I can remember and just now decided to do something about it. I can definitively say that dehydration and spicy food is the problem. About 20 mins ago, I experienced this pain. I just recently (about 3 hours ago) had Mexican food and a large amount of soda. Also, earlier today, my girl complained that my lips and mouth were dry. I just consumed three large glasses of water, and the pain is slowly easing away. My opinion is that what is inside of your urethra is a kind of globby pre-*** (I'm sorry, I don't know another word for it). Whenever I tried to urinate, a thick clear substance would come out. Also, a side note, I ejaculated and didn't have an orgasm (but had a really intense shuddering) and it has been the worst [burning] pain of all. I don't know if the two are related or not.
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7819085 tn?1394475223
Hey brah,
with the burning etc in bladder as well sounds like a UTI mines all in the shaft of the penis & hurts like hell burning pain during orgasm & ejaculation.

good luck
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
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